Kerala FSO Notification 2024 | Kerala Food Safety Officer Recruitment 2024 | Full Details

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hello everyone a very good morning and welcome to adaa 247 adaa 247 so guys this is the food safety officer Kera food safety officer notification okay so let's go ahead and start this session session start so first of all you if you haven't subscribed to agriculture at 247 to agriculture at 247k is Channel fieldes and don't forget to join us on our Instagram and telegram Channel as well that is agriculture 247 to Kerala Public Service Commission food safety officer notification relas the Kerala PSC has released this notification so as um uh now this is a care uh PSC job and uh the students from Kerala uh will be eligible for this uh particular post okay it's super clear but let us see that the students from other states are eligible or not and what what are the criterias for the eligibility so let's go ahead and dive deep into the session now just open the ker PSC website simp Google service so what you need to do is you uh click on the notifications button notification button click the first one that is the extraordinary Gadget date 13 2024 is Click so as soon as you will click on this particular notification here you will find the food safety officer I guess that is 1 2 3 4 fifth the fifth one is the food safety officer here so this notification was actually released on 1st of March 2024 so we are already late in informing you extremely sorry for that so applications are invited from qualified candidates for appointment in the undermentioned post in Kerala government service applications must be submitted online only through the official website of the KPSC or the Kerala Public Service Comm commission after the onetime registration b b PSC sites one time registration similarly you need to do a onetime registration on the Kerala PSC website and as soon as you register it you will be eligible to fill this particular application now the department is the food safety name of the post is food safety officer the scale of pay is 39,380 th000 as we know the uh pay scale of the Kerala food safety officer is really good okay so you are going to earn a handsome amount of salary here okay so number of vacancies anticipatory that means the number of vacancies have not been released number of vacancies releas and I'm keeping this session both in English and Hindi because there will be so many students from Kerala who might not understand Hindi okay so that's why I'm keeping it a bilingual session here okay okay so the rank list of selected candidates published by the Commission in response to this notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year provided that the S list will continue to be enforced till the publication of a new list that means the uh list of the ranked candidates will be valid for a period of one year or till the next notification of fso has been released now KPSC had also released fso notification in the year 2023 and again they have released it in the year 2024 so this is one and only PSC the state PSC which has released food safety officer consecutively for two years now I don't know about any other state or even FSS AI uh had been releasing the fso notifications consecutively for two years okay so uh next the expiry of the years whichever is earlier candidates will be as advised from the S list against the vacancies that may be reported to the commission for the period of currency now can you will be getting this Merit list okay uh so note that 3% of the vacancies will be uh reserved for the PWD candidates method of appointment will be a direct recruitment here so as specified by FSS aai age limit will be 18 to 36 that means only candidates born between 21988 and 111206 in dates candidates birth dat eligible that is 18 to 36 now as usual the relaxation for OBC SC St will be provided qualification will be same as that of FSS aai food safety officer FSS a CFO state food safety officer qualification a degree in food technology Dairy technology biot technology oil technology Agricultural Science now I will emphasize here Agricultural Science that means horiculture agriculture Agricultural Science veterinary science biochemistry microbiology or even master's degree in chemistry or degree in medicine medicine means any kind of degree related to medicine it's not mbbs you mbbs it can be mbbs it can be Pharmacy it can be anything that is related to Medicine okay now or any equivalent qualification admitted in the previous selection okay so they have provided a link here about the equivalent qualifications you can see okay what are the see uh as far as the BC Food technology is concerned it also means btech food technology btech food engineering food science and technology okay uh Agricultural Science includes Horticulture agriculture BC honors Horticulture and MSC agriculture so engineering fishery and other Allied Sciences students are not eligible here please take a note of that okay next so candidates who claim equivalent qualification instead of qualification mentioned in the notification shall also produce the relevant government order to prove the equivalency okay so I mean if uh there is any other equivalent uh degree here you have to produce use the certificates for the sa okay now uhuh probation period now there will every person appointed to this post s from the date on which he joins the duty that means from the joining date be on a probation period of two years probation within a continuous period of 3 years okay break provision method of submitting application candidates must registered as per one time registration with the official website of Kera Public Service Commission before applying for the Post candidates who have registered can apply by logging in so you have to do here the uh I'll just tell you so there is a onetime registration here on the KPS website here one time registration login so you have to do this registration first then only you can lo you can apply for the form just like Madia Pradesh Public Service Commission they also follow the same pattern here and there are other uh State Public Service Commission also who follow the same follows the same pattern now candidates who create new profile should upload their photograph take within a period of 6 months so basically recent photograph so that you might not face any kind of discrepancy here during the exam okay candidates are advised to keep a print out or soft copy of the online application now this complete notification will be available to you on agriculture Ada 247 telegram channel so you can download it from there also Okay then if written omr or online test is conducted as part of the selection candidate shall submit a confirmation for writing examination through their OTR profile okay so whatever the examination mode that will be informed to you prior to uh your exam date okay such candidates alone can generate and download the admission tickets that means the ad admit card you can download the admit card 15 days prior to the date of the test okay now apart from this uh nothing has been mentioned about the exam so last date for the receipt of application is 3rd of April uh wednessday up to 12: midnight that means the application for form filling has been started so if you are eligible for this particular uh uh vacancy here so please please go ahead and fill this form now talking about eligibility here now they haven't mentioned anything about eligibility of the state or some anything else as far as they have only mentioned the qualification okay so see um okay yeah they haven't mentioned about the state or anything so I'll be informing you about this okay let me check the KPSC website let me check their other exam so as per my knowledge for each and every fso exam conducted by any state students from any part of India uh is generally eligible here okay so let me see that if they have any other rules but as per my knowledge each and every student from any state should be eligible here for this particular exam I'll be providing more information regarding this okay so similarly if you are preparing for FSS aai Foundation exam now most probably the syllabus will be almost same to that of FSS so we are starting a new FSS aai Foundation batch I guess on 15th of March let me just uh check the batch here so you can go to a okay or a 247 mobile application select agriculture category here you will find FSS aai uh yeah the batch is starting from 19th of March a new batch of FSS a CFS it's starting on new 19th of March you can go ahead and enroll in this particular batch here to enroll just click on buy now use the code y 291a apply it and you'll get the maximum discount here in mobile application you are going to get some extra discount of 15 4 rupees okay so this uh batch will be almost around 3,400 rupees okay so you can go ahead enroll it the validity will be 12 months here or till your exam will be conducted okay and uh start preparing yourself with agriculture ad 24/7 so uh there is a Google form attached in the link okay in the comments so please fill it if you are interested for a specific batch of Kerala food safety officer or you can also enroll in the FSS AI CFO batch which will prepare you for FSS aai as well as well as Kerala fso exam okay so go ahead guys fill the form and we will meet soon in another session till then take care bye-bye stay safe and don't forget to subscribe to agriculture 24
Channel: Agriculture Adda247
Views: 1,617
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Keywords: kerala fso exam, kerala fso recruitment 2024, kerala fso notification 2024, kerala fso vacancy 2024, kerala fso 2024, kerala fso syllabus, fso kerala psc, fso kerala psc previous question papers, fso kerala psc syllabus, fso kerala psc 2024, kerala psc fso notification 2024, kerala fso, food safety officer kerala psc, kerala food safety officer exam 2024, kerala food safety officer 2024, kerala food safety officer exam, kerala food safety officer, agriculture adda247, fso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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