Kept Husbands (1931) PRE-CODE HOLLYWOOD

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[Music] so [Applause] i've never seen anything like it talk about your heroism he went down in that blazing pit not once mind you but three times he carried them all out one after another not really why he doesn't know what fear is probably too dumb to know what it is well well there's no sense there's no feeling there's nothing dumb about him i wish i had more men like it i hope you rewarded him also say you wouldn't believe this i presented him with a check for a thousand dollars and he wouldn't take it what must be interesting to meet a man like that yeah you're going to i've asked him over here yes tonight for heaven's sake but we're going to the opera right after dinner that's all right he's only coming for dinner a workman for dinner yes why not i thought what ghastly joke is this but henrietta he's a hero in overall what will our guest say call him up at once and tell him he's not to come over he isn't a common workman he's a steel boss hey mother perfectly all right he's a steel bar his name is dick broughton i don't care what his name is brenton brunton his name sounds familiar he's a fine chap i've had my eye on him for a long while don't talk to me overall well it'll be a thrill having a working man for dinner yeah well you've had one for a good many years me well that's all i was when i started but this invitation it sounds like cruelty dinner with all our slunkies around might prove very embarrassing to slim jim the rail bender gosh i never thought of that it'd be lots of fun watching him scoop mashed potatoes on his knife oh i won't be as bad as that i know those strong silent men well i'll put the radio on while he's inhaling his soup now what are you going to do break the big news to cali vape well i guess i'll go up and change for dinner yes by all means and finley's laid out a nice new pair of overalls for you oh hello charlie listen you're going to have the lap of your life tonight father's invited a big he-man from the mill for dinner all right dot i'll come over and bring my dinner pail now don't fail to get over here on time will you charlie you bet that as soon as the whistle blows i'll throw down my tools and rush right over all right charlie goodbye what's the opera tonight well i think there's signieil tropital el trovitar good i'm glad i ducked it i hear enough anvil choruses out at the foundry doc i know you'll enjoy the opera tonight why she's not going past the alleys dorothy would you mind passing the olives do the doctors think they can cure it cure what you're hearing i've asked you 18 times to pass the olives pardon me [Applause] i said the alex excuse me say that get a load of that think narrower looking for a toothpick [Applause] thank you ladies and gentlemen a grievous social error has been made here tonight a guest has been brought here under false pretenses let me introduce to you the real dick bronton all-american houseback the man who beat yale i brought to say i had no idea half back i thought you said he was a steel boss boy i'll never forget that forward pass as long as i live well i'll be uh something her brother you certainly will well i'm glad that's out you've had me guessing all night so coffee this is a surprise one or two lumps well bronton have you changed your mind about that check no sir thanks just the same are you talking over with your mother yes sir and she agrees with me you see mr parker i didn't do that for money i did it because well anybody do it you understand don't you yes i think i do that dollars is a lot of money mr button yeah oh don't be silly go ahead and take it why do you want me to would you if i wanted you to no both down nine yards to go well at the very least i'll see that you get the carnegie medal oh no please don't do anything like that how does it feel to be a hero you'll never know don't fear now please leave mr button alone i want to talk to him why didn't you tell us you were dick brunson the all-american half-back why should i right now i'm simply your father's steel boss but i can't understand why you kept it dark be all american i mean make things easier for you i know but easy things aren't much good but aside from that it will get you in with the right crowd you can't run around with the right crowd on 45 a week mr and mrs host good evening everybody say good evening everybody pansy darling are you ready to go henrietta yes yeah good evening luella and we walk upstairs while we get our wraps yes shirley so ellen will you have uh what you better go and sit in the car yes dear and bundle pansy up good because i don't want my little bitsy baby to catch cold yes there [Applause] yes dear yes dear yes dear what a spectacle well he's no more than a kept husband it's a tragedy the welland post should have been the greatest architect in america but he married lucy she wouldn't let him work she killed all his ambition it's her fault not his oh you don't have to go yet dad and i aren't going out i know but it's late for me i have to get home and go to bed you see i have to be at the planet six six eh i never go to bed until six i'll have hopkins take you home in the car good night mrs parker i've had a wonderful time have a good time you've been mighty kindness parker i'll remember this evening for a long time so will i i hope you'll forgive me for exposing your uh pass that's all right i wish you'd think it over you know about getting in with the right crowd honestly i can't afford to well that wouldn't make any difference anyhow i spend my spare time studying see i want to get somewhere it's more to life than just gold footballs really and there's more to life than grinding away at books every night well i don't like to i'm human you don't mean it i wouldn't have suspected that i enjoy a good time as much as anyone but i'm working now so i can have fun when i get older and can't enjoy it well maybe you're right well broughton if you're ready we'll yes sir good night miss parker good night thank you too you've been very kind not at all well good night mr parker good night my boy well well did you notice how he balanced those peas on his knife oh don't rub it in how about your thousand dollar check ah that boy has something he's one man in a thousand thousand he's one in a million and as far as your dog is concerned he's the one man in the world i mean i mean i'm going to marry him what are you crazy you just said i am okay dot you're not serious dad i was never more serious in my life the minute i saw him i didn't give two hoops if he goggled his soup in the key of a minor all i knew was that boy was made for me and what's more i'm gonna have him i'll look here doc aren't you just a little bit hasty i can't get him too quick to suit me see here dot now listen don't you fool yourself now i'm a pretty good judge of men i tell you this boy has real character and he'll never propose to you now see here dad listen there isn't a man in this world a woman can't win if she really wants to land it i don't believe that all right all i ask is four weeks four weeks four weeks when do you think your wayward son will stagger in i can't tell you i was getting late oh rich folks like the parkers have suffered till all hours yeah what's caviar to the few is applesauce to the gander you should have told him to take that thousand bucks oh no healing why should i why i wouldn't want dick to take anything he didn't earn penny saved a dollar if it had all that sugar maybe you could ease up on my board bill i have no hurry for the money huey well that's just as well cause i ain't got any hey would you mind honking the horn a couple of times sure [Applause] well mother i told you we'd be riding around the rolls-royce one day did you have a nice time i certainly did hey hyde pockets did you bring home the bacon no i told him he could keep his check i figured that all in did you give mrs parker my love sure what'd she say i'll take vanilla well now that that's all settled maybe you better hit the hay i claim early to rise and early to bed and you live all your life until you're dead and tell me dick what kind of people are they oh you'd get a great kick out of the mother the father's a pretty good scout don't do that mother you're gonna ruin your teeth oh they were ruined long ago how about mrs parker she's got one of those trick english accents the only trouble is it slips out of gear all the time and she gets all balled up between her bosses and her bases well that's no crime is she nice she almost froze me when i first came in looked at me as though she expected i'd be wearing overalls oh you only imagined that how about the daughter not for mine just plain spoiled oh well now maybe that isn't her fault too much money isn't good for anybody still some of them make very good wives well i can never imagine her as a wife imagine dot parker bending over a wash tub well maybe she wouldn't be afraid to bend over one if she had to oh don't be silly say she's about as useful as as a little silky kitten it's what they should have called her kitten [Applause] hello mr barber hello dick look over these what are they the mississippi bridge plans something that will revolutionize the industry that is if you can sell the idea you don't seem very confident i know it's the greatest engineering achievement in years parker's willing to bet his role on it but i'll take a real salesman to make others see it as we do well let's get started all right can uh you get them finished by one o'clock yes sir fine we're awfully busy i know i can depend on you [Applause] hey how long have you been working here [Applause] well there she is again shouldn't be more regular if she punched the clock keep that old man parker's daughter sure what's he here for well if you don't know you're the only one that don't she's here to grab dick brunson yeah yeah pretty soft for brunton that girl's independently rich she's got nothing on him he's independently poor gee i wish some doubt would all hurt though with nuts about me sorry busy how are you fine how are you well i'm kind of tied up mr barber gave me a rush job oh that can wait no it's very important but i've got something even more important honestly god i can't [Music] it's your lunch hour isn't it but i promised mr barber oh he can steal you for an hour no hello mr bob hello miss parker do you mind if i take nick away for an hour why no not at all those plans can wait carefully yes certainly for mr barbara that's all right my boy that's all right thank you mr barber [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh no oh but this is my tree you can't sign here you're not a member that's yours paul thank you [Applause] they always work gee that's a king trick you gotta show me how to do that dig know what day it is today yeah wednesday december 20th it was exactly four weeks ago today i met you that's right four weeks what are you smiling at just thought of something just think four weeks and it seems as if i'd known you ages that's just the way it seems to me too but i have known you a long time i've seen many games you've played but when you beat yale i even cut your picture out of the paper and put it over my dresses oh you're kidding am i there see well was that was published about five years ago i guess you believe me now december 20th [Applause] five more days for christmas i better get busy i suppose you did your christmas shopping early i've only got one more thing to get been expecting to get it for four weeks you better not put it off any longer that depends on you on me well if there's anything i can do what is it a proposal of what may i have it you mean you want me i want you you're only kidding all right just propose to me and see whether i am or not god i can't do anything like that you mean i'm nothing but a you mean you won't propose to me [Applause] i would if i could but very well i'll propose to you jake will you marry me no doubt i can't i haven't anything to offer a girl like you you're all i want i know what you're thinking but don't let that stand in your way don't you love me enough to forget it oh i wish i could forget oh if you really love me you'll try won't you please try come on big say yes no [Applause] jake do you mean that yes oh damn so happy put that on no i can't do that oh but look someday you'll afford to buy me one go on dickie please mrs barham crystal champagne said i must drag you're impossible send her a christmas card and her husband is a victim of the stock market early you're sarcasm that completes the list doesn't it yes ma'am now that you feel about aunt julia thanks for reminding me dorothea now let's see what is useful in a boarding house a long reach money's useful in a boarding house mother if i send julia money she'll only spend it send on junior a nice warm shawl miss bragg that will be all yes frag christmas gets more appalling every year craig's so stupid i'm sure she's omitted someone she has now what do you want for christmas oh i selected my christmas present oh you have have you yeah what is it not what who help you foolishness what do you want for christmas a husband i have no sense of humor wait a minute so what's happened has it mm-hmm give a woman four weeks what are you talking about mother i'm going to marry dick brunton dick bronton the working man yes but he's a steel guard oh uh are you going to do nothing and your dog has gone crazy oh it's all your fault inviting him here to dinner [Music] i can hardly believe it i never thought he'd propose to you he didn't i propose to him well i'll be [Applause] oh dad it's all right with you isn't it can't i have him but just think that he couldn't keep you in shoes you're accustomed to all this you'll never be able to give it up well i don't intend to you'll have to he only earns 45 a week but you're going to raise his salary dad i want him more than anything in the world won't you please let me have him now you know that i'd do anything to make you happy gee you're a peach dad he's a good man and you promote him won't you i'll have to if you're going to marry him and don't forget i can't get along and i spend less than 50 000 a year 50 000 why i couldn't possibly pay him that it would disrupt my whole organization oh dad now don't worry i'll give him a little raise and salary and i'll make up the difference out of my own pocket oh thanks dad but look here doc now you be careful a man has to be made of strong stuff not to let money spoil it don't let it spoil dick money spoiled dick oh don't be silly could never spoil dick well i'll have to be going now where you going i promise think i'd go right over and tell him what you said bye i'm an awful hurry ah that's you huey i guess so can dick come home with you two's company three's a crowd what are you talking about won't be long now coming events cast their shadows behind oh going up and get ready for dinner i guess if you know what i know you'd believe in santa claus [Applause] mother i've got a surprise for you a surprise what is it i'm going to be married dick oh that's wonderful [Applause] who is she you just wait she'll be in a minute you'll see her i just knew something like this was going to happen i know you're going to love her mother oh i'll fix up the spare bedroom spare bedroom yes you can have it until you move into a home of your own oh dick this is lovely imagine getting a daughter for a christmas present i wonder who that is must be santa claus a christmas present for you mother mother this is dorothy dorothy parker [Applause] you dear dear child isn't she sweet she certainly is well i don't know what i've done to deserve the two best women in the world who told him he deserves us [Laughter] [Applause] oh dick i'm terribly happy everything's all right and you don't know how glad i am kitten kitten yeah that's my pet name for you well isn't that funny you know dad used to call me that when i was a kid let's sit down want to get caught up oh no dick i think we better be going all right [Applause] dear i want you to have this i wore it when i was young and my mother before me it's supposed to bring good fortune to the bride why was a lovely old ring i worried all the time mrs brenton i can't tell you how much i appreciate this i hope it brings you all happiness in the world i don't want to rush mother but we've got a million things to do no that's all right i understand dick's a wonderful boy but all men are peculiar you just handling right and you'll be very happy oh i understand [Applause] i'll be home early mother good night mr president good night [Applause] goodbye [Applause] isn't that a beautiful car i don't give it much last year's model [Applause] well huey what do you think i think he's a sap if he marries a ding like her you'd never catch me doing that dog gonna fight slave for a million bucks a week just to have some canary spend it on brassy ears she's a nice girl what's one man's meat is another guy's poison i've heard of marriages made in heaven but not in the parker steel plant well they're so devoted i think it'll work out all right don't kid yourself i claim oil and water don't mix east is west and west is east when greek meets creek [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were the loveliest fried well when you came down that island just took my breath away will you forgive me for kidnapping your son of course i know he's in good hands dick you have the most wonderful girl in the world see that you take good care of her i will mother and don't you go shutting yourself in your room every night like you did with me you know dick was always terribly ambitious yes i know oh i won't let him work too hard oh well i guess i better run along you're in a hurry to get down to the boat i'll say good goodbye well i'm going out to the car will you come along with me come on mother dear goodbye dick god bless you both bye mother say dick well you have it yes sir well i hope you're a good sailor because my yacht isn't quite as large as the leviathan now i have a good time lots of work for you when you come back i'll be ready for one thing more dick you know girls are peculiar and you have to handle it very carefully well dorothy and i i think we understand each other mr parker yes i know but when little things crop up as they will in the best of families well you give in a bit and the woman will give in a whole lot i think just some spending money for your honeymoon what well haven't you made some mistake that's all right i want you both to remember your honeymoon as long as you live but but i can't now you turn down my check once for saving some lives i want this one to remind you that i'm entrusting you with the most precious life in the world well thank you mr parker [Applause] [Applause] come in hello jake isn't this funny that door can expose our room oh please come in so i can really believe it still seems like a dream oh you're nothing but a kid and you're nothing but a kitten it's been a strenuous day getting married and running off to the yacht so i think i'll retire good night husband see you in the morning good night [Applause] [Applause] kitten you sleep [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you look marvelous in it and this madame bruton i have shown to no one else for no one else could wear it as you can is that the kind of a woman you think i am oh not that you are but that you should look on occasion what's that friend [Applause] but i didn't order a coat but i knew you will after you saw this oh it's magnificent it was smuggled out of russia a few skins at a time don't hit me prince we're almost broke but when your husband sees you in this he will not sing of the expense i'll try it on but i won't take it oh it's beautiful it is it's just somebody what's the bad news prince oh only two hundred thousand francs [Applause] good heavens i can't afford that afford ten thousand dollars for a quote like this my dad really you frighten me when you it in fact but put that way it does seem sort of [Applause] [Applause] do you really like it i think it's perfectly stunning i do oh dick come here i want to show you something where's luella why why he's downstairs i think he'll be up in a moment andre [Applause] oh oh my pansies died oh oh my baby what happened to my beautiful baby oh my darling baby oh listen darling i can explain it i thought at least you could take care of my dog to earn your living you're not fit for anything you're not a man you're just what everybody calls you now please let me explain get out of my sight you you were all right what do you think i give him his allowance for look at my darling just look at her can't the poor sap do anything to earn his money just look at my darling just look at her oh you don't understand what i've been through just wait until i get him alone i'm off the side this had to happen dick i'll see you again later good night then mother's little baby girl get hurted by the nasty mean old man but jake how do you like the coat no don't try and change the subject disgusting wasn't it i'm through with her that's all right you know what i mean kept husband there if you apply that to yourself it's an insult to me well that's what i am until we get home you're making me angry [Applause] oh please don't be angry with me doc well if you promise not to say things like that anymore i've got to get back to work but look we haven't been to dorville neath monte carlo our barrett's and that's the best part of our honeymoon road work can keep how about keeping my self-respect oh why can't we stay over here longer why a few more months won't do any harm well what are you thinking about well it's cold 200 000 frank that ten thousand dollars well it's worth it well where's the money coming from oh don't be so dense all you have to do is cable father well i've cabled him three times already and he hasn't turned us down once well i'm not gonna keep on hitting him for more not if i ask you oh please don't ask me you know i've got to get back to work i've got to start earning a living but there's no rush now your father's been wonderful but i'm not going to impose on him any longer but we've got to go back oh god what's the matter you know very well your old work can wait but it isn't right we've got to go back first we're going to douville nice monte carlo and beerus no we're not going to doville nice monte carlo and beerus we're going [Applause] home [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well how do you like it well it's fine but let's face it sorry for people who like this sort of thing but we won't stay here long so what do you mean tomorrow you and i go looking for a little apartment say that's right i've forgotten all about that we do need a little place in town hey what are you driving at don't you know where we are we're home home our home yes i've been saving it for a surprise [Applause] jolly times and happy moments [Applause] they're both too happy for work huey isn't it wonderful to think they've fitted every spot in europe england france germany italy switzerland everywhere yeah well i don't want to discourage you but a rolling stone gathers no more dick has a wonderful wife i'm so glad didn't they ask you over to the house this is their first night in their new home and they want to be alone and quiet [Music] well mr parker i'm ready to go back on the job that's great i'm glad to hear it we've got a fine office for your son and we're going to keep your mighty busy that's great where we've got to be going i'm going to say good night dude you see i think you would not ought to be alone oh by the way where is that i want to say good night well i don't know oh well never mind i'll see you again later tell me how did the boyfriend behave did he sleep in his overalls what do you care what he slept in can't you do anything besides not people i listen doc you think you're kidding me but you're only kidding yourself about jake oh you're crazy oh this marriage can't last i've never seen one that could and you know it's true but dick and i are different i know but he just doesn't belong with this crowd don't worry about him he will before i get through with him are you going to have a tough time making a tea hound out of that uh what do you call him oh yes steel boss but what's the matter if you don't stop rising dick oh i'm sorry won't you forgive me yes but it won't happen again it won't i promise cross my heart right and listen just to prove that we're still good friends how about little kiss yes one challenge [Applause] oh [Applause] aren't you forgetting your friends they're all going home if that's the case i guess i'd better go along good night doc good night charlie good night dick sorry dick how about some good night good night come again [Applause] [Applause] well what have you got to say for yourself wasn't it just well party you know what i mean no what you're necking with base oh dick don't be silly i've known charlie all my life that doesn't make any difference you don't mean to tell me you're jealous you just bet i am i don't care very much for mr bates now look charlie's all right now don't go worrying about that listen doc don't ever let it happen again well of course i won't if you feel that way about it come on now let's go and inspect the house huh wait a minute we can't stay here why not it isn't right it's too much your father's been too kind to us decide i could never support this place on my salary is that all that's bothering you yes and that's why we're going into a smaller place oh jake oh i'll be so disappointed why i planned everything i know dear but now look dick what would everybody say if we left this house ah dick you do this for your little kittens won't you [Applause] well i'd do anything in the world for you [Applause] hello huey how's everything the factors sufficient under the day is the evil thereafter what do you mean that son of yours is getting pretty high hat well a friend in need is a friend indeed why what has dick done ain't what he's done it's what he ain't done he won't even get me that job as boss butler why i do more work around there now than he does he don't do nothing he's the joke of the joint oh no huey i'm sorry well he won't i have this baby any longer i'm through with him we are known by the company we do not [Applause] keep [Applause] good morning miss bell [Applause] good morning any calls yes mr parker's been trying to get you all morning said he'd call after lunch and mrs breton called said she'd call back oh fine [Applause] hello oh yeah just a moment please this is bretton on the wire mr brenton thank you [Applause] hello kitten i just wanted to remind you dear i'll meet you at the recital at 2 30 and don't forget we do it the ritz at five oh yes and rose clayton's giving us that big dinner party at the club tonight [Applause] all right goodbye sweetheart any orders mr breton do it the silent 230 the ritz at five [Applause] oh never mind about that [Applause] well nick well i've got big news for you from that song looking for you all morning well i'm sorry i didn't feel very well and that's all right you still think uh barber's idea about that bridge is practical i know it is now you know it's against all theories of engineering yes but this bridge won't be built on theories it'll be built on brains and imagination and concrete and steel why look at this now when barbara planned to put those steel guards that's all right that's far enough i just want to know if you were still sold on the idea more than ever fine that's just the way i feel and what i want to tell you is this i've made up my mind to take the biggest gamble of my life i am going to win this contract with that bridge you'll never make it you know what you're up against don't you a bunch of old fogies who can't see anything new or original yeah the thing i need most is a man who knows this idea from every angle a man who will set him a fire with his own enthusiasm a man who gets whatever he goes after no matter how tough the opposition you mean barber no he's an inventor i want a salesman the man i've picked out to put this thing over is you me yes if you can sell a hard-boiled egg like me you can certainly sell those saint louis you bet i can of course you can all you need to do is put that old fighting football spirit into it you can't pay don't you worry i won't fail why son it's the chance of a lifetime i know it is i'll catch the next train i'll take it easy time enough for that tonight what we'll do we'll spend this afternoon going over this thing from a to z so there won't be any chance of a slip up oh boy just wait till i tell doc won't you be proud to know that you gave me this big job how long will i be away about two weeks great i'll take her with me fine now come on we'll go over the office and go through this thing thoroughly all right that's fine mary by the way did mr bronson call and say be detained no no madam oh my gosh i forgot to call you yes you didn't come to the recital you didn't show up at the wrist and here it is nearly eight o'clock and you know very well with you at that party oh but wade gee your father's a grand old scholar he's given me the biggest job in the history of the company you can tell me all about it later no i can't we're leaving for st louis tonight what sure you and i have you gone out of your head of course i have now come on and get your things packed [Applause] have you forgotten the clayton for giving a dinner in our honor at the club tonight oh dickens with the dinner we're shoving off for st louis [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh kitten what's the matter matters well if all the crazy stunts going to saint louis i'll give father a piece of my mind but getting us the chance of a lifetime it'll be a great trip for you in a nice change for two weeks two weeks at the top of the season what a chance oh i'll be like a second honeymoon well i've decided you're not to go that's all there is to it hey what are you doing i'll tell dad a thing or two riverside six eight two six oh give me that oh no i'm going to saint louis and you're going with me with a book full of engagements i guess not well then it looks as if i'll have to go alone oh and you'd leave me all alone for two weeks i can't help it business is business and you think more of business than you do about me now you know it isn't that at all oh don't let squirrel about it i don't want to quarrel either dear you do love your little kittens don't you and you won't go away and leave your little kittens all alone for two weeks will you oh i do love you doc but i've got to go well don't you want to oh now be reasonable be reasonable huh go to saint louis don't let me keep you i'll find someone who'll be glad to take me out [Applause] no [Applause] [Applause] aren't you going to say goodbye dot [Applause] goodbye [Applause] [Applause] then go to that noise dick you don't mean to tell me you left her crying [Applause] dick i'm ashamed of you can't you see it wasn't my fault oh wasn't it she made her plans and you rushed in without warning and upset them but mine were more important oh yes to you but her plans might have been just as important to her oh i never thought of that now you go on ride home and smooth it over but i can't i haven't time you've got to find time you can't leave her like this well there's no telling what might happen a high-spirited girl like her what could i do take her in your arms and ask her to forgive you and give up the trip you won't have to give up anything but be fair to her don't ask her to give up anything either but what if she insists just take her in your arms the right way and she won't insist i'll bet you'll find her all packed up and waiting for you to ask her [Applause] oh you look lovely in that gown madam i've been saving it for a special occasion hello it's mr baker oh let me talk to him hello charlie i'll phone dorothy right away mother carlton 8831. now you'll be nice to her [Applause] but what am i going to see you i'll see you over at the party tonight what's the matter wine's busy i know what i'll do i'll run home and catch her before she leaves now don't you worry [Applause] is mrs brunton upstairs no sir she just left [Applause] hello give me lakewood 6522 please [Applause] hello is this the lakeview country club well mrs brunt will be there shortly with the clayton party i wonder if you'd have her call her home yes mr burton as soon as she comes in thank you say when all right when [Applause] thank you you're welcome [Applause] give us a little toast knowing a new one no i don't pardon me a moment [Applause] uh i didn't want any intruders coming in well well the all 10 20 30 stuff eh surely why not well here's to you here's to both of us let it go [Applause] how about some more fun now give me lakewood 6522 yes hello is this the lakeview country club well this is mr brunton speaking mrs brunton is there with a clayton party i wonder if you'd call her to the phone i'm sorry sir the clayton party has been called off called off well is mrs brunton there no sir she just left with mr bates [Applause] the sound of the gun denoted exactly 2 a.m eastern standard time and marks the conclusion of our program good night pleasant dreams [Applause] [Music] is that right two o'clock oh the evening is still early really charlie i'd better be trotting along you know i'm terribly disappointed in you yes well we'll certainly have to fix that i thought you had lots more finesse i suppose your big he-man taught you all the fine points of the game oh never mind about him get my thing i'm bored stiff i thought sure you'd give me a thrill don't worry darling you're gonna get your thrill don't place a rough charlie you're a cute little kitten [Applause] kitten why you're a little hellcat ah the perils of the big city isn't any working girls safe not with this fiend in human form unhand me jack dalton think of my reputation please just think of mine why if i let you go to be fatal to my reputation wait wait if you come one step nearer i'll plunge this dagger in my heart all right clown if you water but don't forget the villain still pursues her no honestly charlie you slay me your technique is rotten yes well you ain't seen nothing yet wait what am i supposed to do now scream i know how loud can you scream not loud enough will the marines never come huh what's that it's a united states cavalry boys there you are doc you win but stay a while don't rush off i'd love to charlie but i've got to be up first thing in the morning yes what's the big idea i'm going to grab the first train for saint louis i'll get your wraps for you [Applause] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Applause] well i dig i thought you go to saint louis [Applause] where have you been you know rose and bob clayton yeah at the party remember must have been some party oh it was oh it was an awful brawl lots to drink barrel why because those parties usually don't break up until they've cleaned out the last bottle of booze and it's pretty late yes i know but you see um oh rose passed out and bob asked me to take care of her anything serious oh no just a bad head but oh she's all right now that's good [Applause] oh dick [Applause] jake let me explain you don't have to you're with bates and i can guess the rest but jake i want to tell you the truth don't bother don't you love me anymore why don't you ask yourself the same question but you know i do i don't know anything of the kind why i just told you yes you've told me a lot of things but i don't believe you oh jake uh expect me to believe a liar and a cheat you just say that to me well that's what you are you didn't give me a chance to tell you you've had your chance you've told me enough i can account for everything oh i don't doubt that all your friends weren't drunk and put in jail well i know all about you and charlie bates that's just it you don't know a thing about it well i can guess i'm well acquainted with the rotten habits of that crowd you trot around with the rotten cloudy well i know that you don't mind trotting around with them oh don't i well i only did it to please you you accept the friendship and hospitality then you turn around and call them a rotten bunch of pasty-faced loose-lipped wasters parasites parasites well that's good that sounds fine coming from you while you're in the same class as llewellyn post on your won't admit it oh i'll admit it i'm nothing but a kept husband since you put it that way that's just what you are that's just what i was what are you going to do quit i'm through with you and i'm through with all this through chiseling your father out of all that money i don't earn just to be your lap dog oh is that so well you can keep all that stuff there's only one thing i'll keep that's my self-respect all right i won't give you back this engagement ring because i paid for it myself but you'll give this back to your mother here goodbye mr brunton my lawyers will call you up in a few days don't hold me up for too much alimony you don't look so snappy this morning mrs fronten [Applause] i didn't sleep a wink all night worried about dick ah he's all right he takes after you great oaks from little acorns grow i know everything's all right but still i say i ain't gonna raise my room rent just because i'm a boss butler are you you better hurry i never hurry i claim haste makes waste holy [Applause] good morning sparta mr brunton downstairs no sir she hasn't come down yet today my daughter in yes sir but you can't see her why can't i she's been ill she hasn't slept well that's just too [Applause] bad [Applause] [Applause] there look at that [Applause] oh dad i'm terribly sorry you ought to be no little good it'll do you but what do you mean you almost ruined the biggest deal a parker steel corporation ever had yes and you ruined one of the finest boys i ever saw i did not i tell you you did you rotted his soul you killed his manhood and ambition why when he walked into the office with this i thought i was looking at the ghost why what is he i don't know what he's done and i hate to think what he might do i try to pep him up and make him take that singley job but i'm afraid oh i'm afraid too you had an infernal nerve letting your pink keys interfere with that boy's career we're right of you to say that to me when it's all your fault my fault yes oh it's no good arguing with you you men always stick together well you can get rid of this house i never want to live in it again you'd better get rid of some of your foolishness and you've got to find that boy and find them quick and what's more you're going back to him i won't go back i won't go back i won't i won't i won't i won't i won't i wonder what i won't go back [Applause] well you said goodbye but he said he couldn't go to st louis and put that deal over the way he was feeling mother i'd give anything to see him just for a minute i'm afraid dear from what you've told me it's too late i didn't mean that no it's just that you said it's too late oh mother i've been just rotten no you haven't dear you've just been human [Applause] but why did i say oh why didn't i cut my tongue off well you didn't mean it should have known you didn't mean it oh can you blame him who stands for being called up listen dark all husbands are kept some of them are kept with money but most of them with love devotion and sacrifice why it's every woman's mission in life keeping her husband mother [Applause] couldn't you find him mr hand ready no didn't he phone in no what can't be cured must be endured and you look unready no i couldn't find him anywhere didn't every speak easy in town by george i wonder say i think i know where i can find him call my chauffeur and tell him to bring my car at once yes sir connecticut wrapper with ass affinity filler beggars can't be choosers boy i'm glad you didn't change your mind i knew you wouldn't fail me all about don't you worry a minute i'll put this deal over but that resignation goes the minute i get it we'll talk about that when you get back bye goodnight and boy bring in a table yes sir come right up post oh dick what are you doing here aren't you glad to see me i can't say that i'm no liar oh i don't blame you i did lie to you but i know g i couldn't let you go away without explaining it to you oh jake you must believe me oh i do believe you oh thanks oh and listen jake i'm gonna get rid of the house well that's not enough we're not gonna be kept by your father's money any longer oh no never jake we're going to live on your salary but wait a minute do you do me a favor what is it let's start all over again you proposed to me will you be my wife doc yes but this time i'm going to keep you in a different way you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 118,711
Rating: 4.7961073 out of 5
Keywords: CLASSIC, MOVIE, Pre-Code Hollywood (Film Genre), Joel McCrea, classic movie, classic movies, Kept Husbands (1931), filmstruck, FREE, Clara Kimball Young, Dorothy Mackaill, #classicmovies, MOVIES
Id: 6MiRhq_42O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2013
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