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[Music] this delicious goodat platter is a perfect week night dinner all for entertaining in just one part hey hey friends a chefa here so this is one of those recipes that actually comes together very easy all you need to do is just to prep up everything whatever you need the goat meat the vegetables once everything is put together it goes in one pot in about an hour and a half your dinner is on the table so let's go get started with this delicious dinner so this is actually a two-part recipe even though it's going to end up in one pot I have about 2 and 1/2 lbs of goat meat here I'm going to open these packets I get this from my local supermarket going to put on some gloves here to work with the raw meat very important so once the pockets are opened all I need to do is just to cut the bigger ch chunks into two pieces or three I want nice and big chunks you can leave them whole actually if you want to are perfect for me I'm going to transfer this into this bowl so the first thing we need to do is to marinate this goat meat briefly so to do that I have some spices here teaspoon of cumin a half a teaspoon of turmeric I'm going to use a half of each spice this is a teaspoon of coriander pinch of dried thyme paprika and then I'm going to use some chili powder here I'm going to use a little bit of garlic some [Music] ginger I have one lemon here that I'm going to cut squeeze the juice in here and then about a tablespoon or so of vegetable oil a pink some salt some black pepper and then all I need to do mix this and then I'll set this aside to marinate for about half an hour or so in the meanwhile I will wash my cutting board and then prep the vegetables that will go with this dish just massage it nice I will set this aside to marinate so on a new cutting board I have four potatoes here these are rusted potatoes I will need to peel this cut them into chunks and then set them aside so our potatoes are all done here I will set them aside have three Peppers here all I need is just a half of each then all I need to do is just remove the seeds and the white membrane all I need to do is just cut them into rough strips here I don't have to worry about the size this is a rustic dish set this aside I'll take one large onion here peel this and then just roughly slice it just like so the next item here that I have is one green chili this is optional I'll cut it in half and then I'll set it aside I have one small red onion so what I need to do with this I need to make some petals so I'll take this just peel this I'll take the co here then all I need to do with this one is just to break it into these petals here this is actually optional but it just makes the dish look uh nice so looks like a lot of onions for the dish so they have together with the rest of the peppers I'll put them aside for a future use so our small prep is all done here so all we need to do is just wait for the goat meat to finish marinating so our goat meat has been marinating for about half an hour I'm going to hit a here a medium sized pan add some vegetable oil about 2 tbspoon once the oil is all hot we are going to add the goat into the pan and start Browning so after about 5 minutes or so of sizzling here the meat has nicely browned on one side so we want to come in and turn it to give the other side the same effect this is a very important stage when you are cooking Browning your meat leave it alone to Brown the other [Music] side once the goat meat is all brown I'll come in and add the rest of our ginger [Music] garlic at this point I will also add the rest of the spices our coriander in no particular order chili powder the turmeric paprika Thyme and our cumin give all this a good stir let the good absorb all this at this stage I'll add in the onions I will put a lead on this cook for about 5 minutes to soften the [Music] onions our onions have nicely caramelized the good has assumed a very deep brown [Music] color I'll heat this with some tomato paste about a teaspoon splashing about a tablespoon or so of woria sauce and then remember we never seasoned these salt and pepper I'm going to add about a cup also of beef broth this is starbo this is just to help the goat sometimes sends to be tough so you want to make sure that it's almost cooked before you introduce the potatoes and the vegetables so I'm going to cover this lower the heat and cook it on medium low about 20 25 [Music] minutes the goodat has been bubbling here for about 20 minutes or so give this a stir so all the broth has been absorbed time to introduce the [Music] vegetables so we'll come in with the potatoes the peppers and I'm also going to add a hiping of cilantro season this with some salt and pepper give this stir the goat is almost cooked now all we need to do is just to cook the vegetables the potatoes I will occasionally come back give everything a star to prevent any sticking at the bottom of the [Music] pan [Music] so this dish has been cooking here for some time now about 30 minutes or so on very low heat we need to check the potatoes potatoes are cooked through we came in and added the onion petals in the middle of cooking and this dish is done all I need to do give it a hipping of cilantro turn off the heat ready to [Music] serve just finish it with some [Music] cilantro going to have to dig in to this platter the potatoes are nicely cooked look at that good pulls away very very easily going to give it a bite m come back for some of the potatoes M look at that so friends all I can say this is one of those recipes the name perfectly fits the dish just set it on a platter put it on the table on a week night or when you are entertaining and you got yourself a perfect dish that you your family or your friends will definitely enjoy I hope you can be able to try right one of these days and I'm sure you will enjoy it just remember to subscribe to my channel I hope to see you in the next one thank you for watching this one I'm going to go sit down and enjoy more of this dish
Channel: Chef D Wainaina
Views: 37,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenyan goat platter, goat platter recipe, goat dry fry with potatoes, goat dry fry recipe, goat stew recipe, one pot cooking, one pot dishes, goat recipes, Chef D Wainaina, Chef Wainaina, Kenyan dishes, Kenyan recipes, meat and potatoes recipes, goat platter recipe 2022, Mbuzi dry fried recipe
Id: w4NPyDOTS94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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