Kenworth W990 vs W900 The battle of 2019

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so I think I'm about to show a lot of you the videos that you've been waiting for maybe some of you it's the video you've been dreading either way we've got the undisputed champion over here is this a new contender let's dive in and find out [Music] those of you that are subscribed to the channel know that I love a w900 this one well seeing the color it almost brings a tear to my eye you also know that I like new technology and this w 990 definitely fits the bill so what is the point to this video as I said we've got the defending champion over here and is this a new contender maybe so with that being said let's get in let's figure out what we've got with these two trucks go from there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so guys in this when you look at these two trucks especially with them nose to nose like this there's a lot that's the same but also a lot that's very different so what I want to do is I want to take the next few minutes and let's dive in and look at some of these things let's see what these siblings have in common and what they have that's not in Thomas could be interesting so guys over here we've got five hundred and sixty-five horsepower and eighteen hundred and fifty foot-pounds of torque over here we've got five hundred and sixty five horsepower and eighteen hundred and fifty foot pounds of torque the same Cummins x-15 both these trucks with both of these having the same engine in them makes you wonder about the transmission this one's got an 18 in it this one's got a 13 in this comparison I'm not gonna look at that you can get the 13 in that you can get a 10 in that get the 18 in that you can get a 10 in that also you can get the same transmission in either one of these trucks you can get the same engines in either one of these trucks one of the other things that we'll talk about in this is wheels tires things of that nature these are actually both running 24 and a half inch low pros now there's some subtle differences between these trucks but that's just in the way that the trucks are Specht obviously slotted wheels wheels with holes drum brake disc brake both of them are running thirteen two front suspension and axles this one's on a five inch drop this one's on a three and a half inch drop once again there's not much in between these even inspect to spec these are very similar trucks stays interesting doesn't so when it comes to the chassis overall both these trucks are 10 and 3/4 3/8 frames they're the same out back there's some slight differences this truck the w900 is running an Ag 400 L which is the for bag suspension in the back also this one's got 336 rear-end gears so over here on the W 990 we've got the Ag 400 suspension there's no L on them this one's the 8 bag suspension onus between these two reason being is you can get either suspension on either truck you can also get the 380 L suspension on these trucks [Music] when you look at a lot less stuff between these trucks Terry very close I've got a hundred gallon and a hundred and fifty gallon fuel tanks on this one I've got a hundred and ten gallon and a hundred and fifty gallon fuel tank on that one there's nothing between them there are so many things on these two trucks that are the same that I'm not even really sure how much of it's worth talking about if you look from here down you can make these trucks identical I makes things a tough call the reason why I'm covering a lot of this is so many people out there are quick to say one does this or doesn't do that or one's a piece of junk or one's this and that and the other they're the same from here down so whenever you're talking frame drive line suspension any of those things these two trucks are one in the same on the flip side of that you open up the door these trucks are very very different let's work on these parts here starting with the sleeper of the w900 this is the vit interior so this is your top-of-the-line interior the W 990 has the top-of-the-line interior for that truck also so we're making an apples-to-apples comparison on things that are very different that being said the button tuck the way this looks feels everything like that it's classy it looks nice it feels nice it's quiet it's I'm in here there's the shop just outside there's impact wrenches going I'm in here I I'm not hearing a thing it's just a great cab on top of that there's enough room on this floor with this be in the studio sleeper that I could get down and probably if I stuck my feet in the corner I could do push-ups or sit-ups or whatever I wanted to here there is a ton of floor space in this truck it's really just a great setup when you look at things like the control panel over here you've got your refrigerator control you've got your light controls you've control the volume of the speakers back here in the back the only bad thing I ever have to say in this cabin is it it looks a little bit dated these cupholders I remember being in my dad's conversion van in the the mid 80s the the switches and everything like that they just they don't have that modern feel now what I will say in all their defenses is every single one of them has a quality feel I flipped that switch to turn that light on and it's a snap there's nothing weak about it it's a nice solid feeling switch switch it's meant to last as we go forward a little bit the storage space in this thing is phenomenal on this side over here I've got a cabinet over here above that we've got a shelf where you can stuff stuff in on top of that there's the TV stand but the only thing that I've got to say that I don't like about this TV stand I've heard a lot of guys complain about it not exactly easy to mount a modern flat-screen television I know a lot of guys have a lot of giant flat-screen TVs and their studio sleepers and they look great just takes a little more effort to get it in there I guess is what I would say to the left of that we've got this giant wardrobe cabinet there's a matching one over on this side and really I mean just to show you how big these things are I think I can fit in here once again the storage space in this thing is just absolutely amazing the only complaint that I'm gonna have about this is the fact that in some ways it once again feels a little bit dated when you look at the handles and how the door is open this is a very solid and secure latch on here it's a plastic hinge style latch that goes on that I mean it puts tension on everything that's what makes I mean that's some of the quality that's built into this there's no squeaks there's no rattles there's no nothing like that because it's got tension on it it's held together and to me it's that kind of quality that just puts the kenworth on the w900 a step above everyone else I just love the 86 in studio sleeper this is just a phenomenal place to spend some time if you have to but this is a head-to-head competition so let's go next door let's check out see what the W 990 has to offer is the new kid on the block [Music] that brings us over to the W 990 now this interior is very different and you'll have to pardon any crinkling that you hear the mattress cover still on this in this it's a very different interior it's set up very differently now one of the things is you notice I am sitting down on the bed because if I stand up here I'm closer to the camera there is much less distance between the back of the seat and the Sofer of the bed in this case it's the bed back here this is the 76 inch sleeper that's in this truck so there's ten less inches of sleeper room one of the things that I love in this interior is really how Kenworth has used the space there's not a ton of open floor space I do have this whole area is open floor space but there's not a ton of it I can't get down and do push-ups setups etc so that's that is one point there now one thing that before I get too comfortable there that when I put my hand up here like this really the inside is about the same height this has the bed there's no sofa once again that's a preference choice this has a ton of really nice storage up on top above the bed so we've got these cabinets up here it's got one of the things that I have to say about all the cabinets here is it's got a much different latch to it the other thing with these cabinets that are in here I mean we've got this wardrobe cabinet over here that if I jump up on this counter I can probably squeeze my butt in there too but the way these are set up is there's actually a rubber weather stripping strip on these so when you close it it's got that solid feel the same way as the door does when you close it but it's all one-hand operation and to me that's really a nice thing and it's a nice setup the way that that's done now another advantage that this truck being a much later design truck I feel is the TV mount this is meant for flat-screen television Kenworth says a 27 inch I'm on a number of the t6 ATT 880 forms there's a number of guys that say it's tight but you can get a 32 inch TV here the way that they've been able to use the storage space in this truck has been just really effective it's one of those things where they took a smaller area and made it more usable so when it comes to storage space the w900 honestly has more of it but the way it's put together with these types of latches and the way it's used and the way it's designed I've gotta say I like the W 990 setup do you need more do you want a little bit more modern that's up to you on top of that all the lighting in here is LED lighting and it's super nice it's all just takes a short little touch that light can come on there's a map light over here I mean an after I just looked at it I'm almost blind now I mean there's good lighting in here that I really like the other thing is is the overhead light there's three LEDs around here to make sure that there's even light throughout the cabin I'm running studio lights up front to illuminate the whole truck but you can still see you when these things turn on which to me is just I mean it really is a testament to how bright these things are something else in this sleeper that I think really gives the nod to some modern technology this table the passenger seat will turn around and now you've got an actual adjustable seat to work at a table whether you just want to watch TV whether you want to pull the bracket out so you can watch TV whether you're trying to work on a computer whether you're playing video games whatever you're gonna do you've got the ability now to do it on a table and in a comfortable chair rather than trying to figure out how to work the couch to me it just shows that a lot of lessons have been learned over the years and they figured out what it's gonna work the best in so many situations the nice thing about this table turning away like this is that this does open up and makes this whole area feel bigger when the tables folded back it feels like there's a lot of room in here [Music] and I really think with the differences in these two cabs that there is no better way to talk about them let me do it while driving first thing that needs to happen though this is a w900 right that's better there's not much crossover here now some of the things that I look at are these traditional Kenworth mirrors they're set further forward they give me really good visibility and as I was pulling out of the dealership back there it makes it so I can see down the road a little bit further safety easy use all that's what we are all looking for everyday right and in this this truck just has a great feel I've got that king of the road feel as cars are coming the other direction towards me I mean you could just kind of see them tremble with fear as they see this giant mass of chrome come at them it's a pretty good feeling and I think it's one of the feelings that we all enjoy whenever we get behind the wheel here Kenworth has always been known for having quiet well sealed cabs I mean if this was a day cab there's that old adage of you you open the window just a hair in order to make sure it's easier to close the door it's quiet in here for really when you consider what we've got going on and the wind and everything like that it is quiet in here now on the flip side of that I roll the windows down other than the wind it's always kind of fun to lay into it a little bit and you hear the turbo doing its best to suck in the entire atmosphere this roads not smooth but the truck really does a phenomenal job of smoothing it out so now the part that this trucks been waiting for I mean we've got five hundred and sixty-five horsepower here this wants to get out on the freeway and stretch some legs so do I as I look at the gauges in that I mean Kenneth has stuck with the gauges like this for this long for a reason it works I can see pretty much every gauge with just a slight move of my head to get around the wheel in that all my switches right here super easy reach the nav plus system is shared between this truck and the W 990 once again easy reach I can see it radios right there whatever I want is right here it's a great setup and I can see why Kenworth is stuck with this for so long I mean it's just great as they get rolling down the road especially in this red paint I am king of the road right now yes I know a lot of you guys are gonna give me garbage I'm running bobtail it doesn't matter I feel like I am king of the road it's just great I love it I absolutely love her on top of that this truck has just this a little bit of a raw feeling to it I'm hearing the a little bit of wind to rush past and it lets me know that I'm I'm moving on down the road I hear the engine turning over I I feel connected with this truck there's like I said there's just this little bit of this raw feeling with this truck it's quiet in here otherwise you guys wouldn't be able to hear me but it just it all feels very connected very very raw very I mean I'm in the moment I am part of this truck we are part of a team that's to me what just makes this an amazing truck the more time I spend behind the wheel of a w900 whether it's a day cab whether it's a studio like this I understand why it's still such a sought after truck this truck is just it's an extension of you you become a team with this truck and I can see why it's such a personal thing for everyone with this drive it is just that your partners so guys now we're in the 990 and as I sit here and look around it's familiar but very different the nav plus screen is the same the gauges are the same font and same style and everything like that the layouts different the switches are all very familiar there are different switches but they're very familiar-looking it's all within easy reach even though this cab is much wider everything has been able to stay within easy reach I've got the plushness of in here the other thing though is that I feel more open I feel more I know I've got more space in here and it's not just the Headroom because the w-9 hundreds cab stops right up here I don't know if you guys can see that but the w900 cab stops right up here and boy I can I can stand up here in between the seats I mean I'm you guys know I'm not a big guy but the w900 still is squeezed for me to get between the seats and this as soon as I put the arm up I can do like flop back there there's a lot more room in here I'm good with that I really like that so let's get it out on the road and see what we all think as I go through the parking lot one of the things that I found interesting right off the bat here is that you don't feel like you know where the front end of this truck is as much there is a little bit of downturn to the nose on this it's not nearly as much as like a 680 or an 880 or anything like that but you definitely notice that that downturns there so as we go down the road here you realize that this is a very different truck it feels different it acts different but it's familiar the controls in a lot of cases are in different places the Jake on this is up here the steering wheels different it's all very familiar but like I said it's it's very very different as we start to hit some of these rougher patches in the road this thing rides amazing once again I know I'm gonna get garbage for running bobtail with this but it really does just soak up the bumps there's no jumping around it just rolls over stuff and you didn't you just feel it roll over stuff and I mean I've even got the dump valve down on the seat because I like to ride low and it's it's all there now something else that I've noticed is this has the collision mitigation system on it so it's telling me that the car in front of me is five seconds ahead of me it's that a little bit of technology that's just helpful out on the road as I cruise down the road I feel definitely in command and once again there's this giant chrome wall headed at traffic that you can see people people respect it once again it's that cool feeling the other thing is as I Drive here now granted like I said I'm sitting low the hood seems shorter on this truck and one of these videos I'll have to sit down and measure to see what the length there is I believe these trucks are the same wheelbase and everything but there's some more whips up at the front and I don't know if that's what makes it seem shorter but there's definitely something that makes it feel a little bit shorter for us this truck really a it's quiet I just win it when you go straight from the w900 into this truck there's a huge difference between the two in this it is just that much more quiet the other thing with this truck too is the visibility is outstanding out this windshield I mean I I really do feel like I'm I mean it's tough to explain the w900 has great visibility but this you just feel like you see so much more it's not a greenhouse like an AMC Pacer but I feel like anything that I want to be able to see I can see that there's just that much more visibility out of this truck as we get out on the freeway here I mean I really just this feels right there's still just a lack of wind noise which I find absolutely amazing this truck is I mean as I look down it's easy to speed in this truck it's just that quiet I can hear the engine running but there is no wind noise and and I that's just something that's I guess tough for me to get past when you realize how much air we've got to move out of the way I know I talked a little bit about the - before and one of the things that I just noticed - that's when I was in the w900 I three or four times changing the temperature in it a little bit hotter a little bit cooler a little bit hotter a little bit cooler this I said it for like 74 degrees or whatever and I haven't touched it since I left this automatic climate control system just it takes care of it for me I just said it done I haven't touched it I don't even thought about it it's that type of little added touch that's in this w 990 that to me is a just this is the type of stuff that makes all day in the saddle easier being comfortable because of the lack of wind noise and the fact that it's a little bit quieter and the fact that the cabins a little bit bigger in this truck now mind you they're both manual transmissions I don't feel quite as connected to this truck it doesn't have that rah feel that the w900 ducks no in many ways I feel that's that that's a drawback feeling that connection feeling that closeness it's one of the things that's made the w900 is so great for so long but in the same sense in this i still feel a part of this trunk I mean there's I I definitely know what's going on the road feel with this truck is amazing and I know exactly what all three axles are doing but in the same sense it's there's a little bit of that raw feeling that's lost it feels good it drives amazing just flying down the freeway to another thing once again this is the same way as the w900 as I dry as I come to the close of our drive here and I'm kind of sad this truck feels really good out on the road but it feels different it's not that raw connective you're still very much the king of the road this that a little more comfortable while doing it [Music] so guys now we're to the end of the video and it's the time that really everyone's been waiting for it it's time to tally up the points and pick a winner right is it the undisputed champion here the new contender in town before we get to that I've got to ask you to subscribe make sure you hit that notification bell we're planning on coming out with more content like this I would love for you guys to come along on the ride on top of that do me a favor put something in the comments whether you like this video whether there's something you'd like to see it's your comments or what made it possible for me to get this truck here and this truck here so I could film them both and make this comparison your comments also mean a ton to me I love the fact that we get to interact on all this it's one of my favorite parts as always leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this if you didn't well I'll only cry for a little while as it said so we started tallying up the points here who's the winner q these trucks are very similar and yet different if you're looking for that old-school feeling zip there's no other truck out there that touches this it's all there is to it if you're looking for new conveniences if you're looking for new design it's got a little bit of classic to it that's it there's no winner here other than you you've now got two different options if you want to choose the king of the road for your business it's really all it comes down to what works for you I've got my choice taken both come on [Music]
Channel: Kenworth of Richfield
Views: 328,329
Rating: 4.6735668 out of 5
Keywords: kenworth, kenworth trucks, W900, W900l, w9, paccar, cummins, sleeper, studio sleeper, w990, kenworth w900, kenworth w990, kenworth w990 interior, kenworth w900l, kenworth w990 test drive, kenworth w990 review, kenworth w900 review, w900 vs w990, w990 kenworth, w990 kenworth interior, w990 kenworth review 2020, w990 kenworth 2019, w900 kenworth, w900 studio sleeper, w900l kenworth, w9 studio sleeper, W9 comparison, w990 review, w9 review, w900 review, w9 vs w990
Id: vZyXAppm7Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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