Kenny Rogers Died 3 Years Ago, Now His Wife Breaks Her Silence

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Kenny Rogers the iconic country singer had a  colorful romantic history that included five   marriages throughout his life but it was  his widow Wanda Rogers who recently made   Headlines by finding love again just three  years after Kenny's passing join us as facts   verse presents Kenny Rogers died three  years ago now his wife breaks her silence Kenny rogers's Five Wives Kenny Rogers The  celebrated country music legend had a tumultuous   love life marrying five women throughout his 81  years each marriage had its own story and outcome   ultimately shaping the course of rogers's personal  life his first wife Janice Gordon entered his life   during their high school years the young couple  fell in love and tied the knot in 1958 when Rogers   was just 19 but the marriage was short-lived  lasting only two years before they divorced in   1960. despite the separation they had one child  together a daughter named Carol Lynn following   his divorce from Janice Kenny Rogers embarked on a  second marriage with Gene Rogers the two exchanged   vows in the same year as his divorce hoping for  a fresh start unfortunately that Union faced   difficulties and they divorced in 1963. they  didn't have any children together and in 1964   Kenny found love again he married Margot Anderson  his third wife their marriage endured for 12 years   making it his longest lasting relationship Margot  an actress and Dancer brought joy into rogers's   life and they welcomed a son named Kenny Jr  but the strain of Rogers is demanding career   eventually took its toll on their relationship  leading to their divorce in 1976. Kenny's fourth   wife was Marianne Gordon an actress he met  after his divorce from Margo Anderson they   tied the knot in 1977 and enjoyed nearly two  decades of marital bliss together they had a   son named Christopher Cody but as Rogers entered  his midlife their relationship faced challenges   and they ultimately divorced in 1993. Marianne  attributed their separation to rogers's midlife   crisis Kenny's final and most enduring marriage  was to Wanda Miller they crossed paths in the   1990s and despite a significant age difference  love blossomed they exchanged vows in 1997 and   remained happily married until rogers's passing  in 20 2020 Wanda who became a prominent figure in   public due to their relationship stood by rogers's  side until the end they were blessed with twin   Sons Justin and Jordan born in 2004 who became the  youngest members of rogers's family rogers's path   crossed with Wanda Millers at a restaurant called  preacher in Atlanta Georgia it was a blind date   and Miller then 26 years old worked as a hostess  at The Establishment coincidentally on that day   Miller had been discussing her desire to find her  special someone with a co-worker the co-worker   assured her that her Knight would soon arrive  unbeknownst to Miller fate had a surprise in   store for her as Rogers dined at the restaurant  he caught sight of Miller and was instantly   captivated after his meal he called the restaurant  to ask about her and left his number when Miller   arrived at work the next day her co-workers  informed her about the call but she initially   dismissed it as a joke but finally realizing the  truth she called Rogers back although she never   expected their connection would evolve into a  romantic relationship foreign getting to know   Kenny's Widow despite their initial connection  Rogers and Miller faced challenges along the way   one significant obstacle was their age difference  as Rogers was 28 years older than Miller this age   Gap initially concerned Miller's parents in fact  they called Rogers when they learned about the   relationship expressing disapproval Rogers  understanding their concerns assured them he   would always be honest with Miller and with  them eventually Rogers and Miller's parents   formed a close Bond and became best friends after  five years of dating Rogers and Miller exchanged   vows in 1997. throughout their journey together  Miller stood by rogers's side supporting him in   both his personal and professional Endeavors as  a widow Miller often reminisces about her life   with Rogers Through social media on the one-year  anniversary of his death in March she shared a   series of poignant photos on Instagram the images  included Rogers with their sons as toddlers Miller   and her Sons standing by rogers's casket and a  heartfelt picture of Miller and Rogers together   in the caption Miller expressed her eternal love  for Rogers quoting his belief that one is never   truly gone as long as they're remembered born  August 21st 1938 in Houston Kenny Rogers became   one of the best-selling music artists of all time  his discography boasts numerous chart-topping hits   including Lucille love or something like it lady  and the iconic duet Islands in the Stream with   Dolly Parton Kenny's contributions to the country  music genre earned him a well-deserved place in   the Country Music Hall of Fame and his star  shines brightly on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Wanda has been grieving for years in interviews  Wanda Rogers has opened up about her life since   Kenny's passing she's discussed a profound  impact of his loss on their family and has   shared how she's been navigating through grief  while preserving his memory Wanda finally   remembers the Simplicity and joy of Saturdays  in the Rogers household Kenny would take their   twin Sons Justin and Jordan on a special outing  they called Super Saturday these outings would   begin with a McDonald's breakfast followed  by a trip to the car wash and culminate in   a visit to Chuck E cheese these down-to-earth  moments far away from the glitz and glamor of   the stage are the ones the family misses the most  Wanda has also expressed the immense void created   by Kenny's absence she Longs for his love support  and touch every aspect of their life together is   missed and she wishes for one last conversation  to ensure his well-being her grief Journey has   been challenging over the past three years but  she's been determined to keep Kenny's memory   and Legacy alive one of Kenny's closest Friends  Lionel Richie has been a pillar of support for   Wanda during this difficult time Lionel who lived  with Kenny for years in La has been a source of   comfort and guidance he regularly checks in with  Wanda offering advice on staying positive during   Dark Days Wanda describes Lionel as a true brother  to Kenny with a genuine concern for her and their   son's well-being Wanda Treasures the last day  she spent with Kenny at home watching movies   and indulging in his favorite dish vanilla ice  cream with chocolate sauce she finds solace in   knowing that their final hours together were  filled with love and Simple Pleasures Wanda   often revisits the journal entries she made  that day as they now hold the essence of their   time together Justin and Jordan now 19 years old  frequently share memories and stories of their   father keeping his Spirit Alive within the family  they also communicate with him through prayer and   find solace in unexpected moments when Kenny  his music plays in various places they visit   despite the feelings of Happiness they find in  their lives Wanda admits to feeling a sense of   guilt knowing Kenny won't be physically present  for important Milestones like their High School   graduation Wanda firmly believes that Kenny is  watching over their family even in his absence she   shares a heartwarming anecdote about the presence  of little red birds that seem to appear whenever   they talk about Kenny these red birds often  land on their balcony and serve as a comforting   reminder of his enduring Spirit Wanda recalls  the advice Lionel Richie gave her assuring that   signs from Kenny may not come immediately  but eventually will manifest themselves Wanda has finally moved on despite facing illness  for several years Kenny had contemplated what he   wanted for his family after passing he expressed  to Wanda who was 56 at the time he wanted her to   find love again and be happy now three years  later she has indeed found love once more and   she believes it aligns with both her and Kenny's  desire to demonstrate to their twin sons that it's   okay to move forward in life while embracing  her new relationship she remains committed to   preserving Kenny's memory and Legacy now it's time  to hear from you did you know Kenny Rogers was   married five times and his widow just remarried  let us know in the comments section below
Channel: Facts Verse
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Keywords: Kenny Rogers Died 3 Years Ago Now His Wife Breaks Her Silence, Kenny Rogers Died 3 Years Ago, marriage of Kenny Rogers and Wanda Rogers, Kenny Rogers and Wanda Rogers, Wanda and Kenny Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Wanda Rogers, wife of Kenny Rogers, Facts verse, Facts verse presents, Wanda Rogers facts, Wanda Rogers behind the scenes, Wanda Rogers life, Wanda Rogers today, facts about Kenny Rogers
Id: r9yS_EEl4C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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