Kenny Redd: Inside the American Pimp Documentary

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[Music] my name is Kenny Riot we are in Washington DC the nation capital the House of Representatives [Music] everything is white over here you see the building over there see I need to try to get up in there I'll representing the Pippen all over the nation you know what I'm saying because I did it from the state capital to the nation capital to the pineapple to the Big Apple you know what I'm saying so I come to see if I can come over here and put a few words up in there you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying let's see if I can go catch me a nice pretty young [ __ ] somebody that might like this I mean you know what I'm saying hold on let me see what [ __ ] that is okay this is the [ __ ] here right now you know what I'm saying hey [ __ ] what's happening yeah yeah [ __ ] I told you I told you you can get it I told you you're gonna be able to get don't even worry about it I already know what you're trying to say good yeah yeah it's the only thing you do [ __ ] just go to work handle my business get my money don't give me no problem everything gonna be all right
Channel: GameMotivatedWavy
Views: 1,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenny red, american pimp, gorgeous dre, rosebudd american pimp, pimp, master of the game, pimpin, rip kenny red, soft white underbelly, kenny red american pimp, kenny red funeral
Id: ZMik2peEJOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 5sec (65 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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