Kenny Noye (1996)

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[Music] and I can't please please can help you where this is the actual recording of someone who has just witnessed the stabbing of a young man within an hour of his call the victim was pronounced dead prompting a worldwide manhunt this is the story of that manhunt it's a story not only of murder but of stolen gold and the notorious killing of a policeman a manhunt that would lead the police to come face-to-face with a past they had wanted to forget [Music] the Swami roundabout in Kent where the m25 and m20 meet is one of Europe's busiest roundabouts monitored here at Kent Police his traffic center thousands of cars pass through it every day on Sunday the 19th of May 1996 the roundabout was the scene of a crime that sent shockwaves through the country [Music] John Saunders is a lorry driver on that Sunday he was finishing his milk farm rounds in Kent he was driving along the a20 towards the Swami roundabout come around every day seven days a week every week for about two years oh I knew the road pretty much like the vacuum and even down to the the sequencing of the traffic lights on the Jewish at the same time seventeen-year-old Danielle and 21 year-old Steven were heading for the same roundabout it was Stephens idea to buy bagels in London [Applause] Danielle had only recently passed her driving test approaching the swanly roundabout she was attempting her first motorway outing in Stephens red rascal van came down to the junction first it was hungry oh yeah was he good I knew that it's the first set I came to was on green I could pretty much rely on getting around the whole lot without stopping at the very point John Saunders was approaching the traffic lights according to Danielle she was forced to brake sharply as a Land Rover Discovery cut in front of them the driver of the discovery gets out as did the passenger of the van now you know what's going on here they walk around to meet each other between the two vehicles and they seem to having some sort of discussion house I get a little nearer it breaks into a fight [Music] well if I use the size of my vehicle time to try and scare them into reality who doubt them normally might come to the sex absolutely not [Music] so I pulled up just clear at the junction dialed 999 on the mobile phone I was watching it in the mirror I could see they were still fighting punching kicking as I'm speaking to the police on the phone I see the older of the two gentlemen punch the young man and to punch him in the chest [Music] they spoke aluminum to slip to the floor he's winded him they'll demand then strode purposefully back to his vehicle II got him and drove off John Saunders got out of his lorry to see if there was anything he could do and found that others too had stopped to offer help Danielle was hysterical she was screaming Steve don't go don't leave me Steve be sure about the only coherent thing I could make she was absolutely hysterical he was face was his complexion was almost deathly white his eyes were rolled he wasn't moving seen anything he was just very ill but Steven was not ill he was dying the punch to the chest was made with a knife not a fist Steven had been fatally stabbed through the heart and through the liver another witness who had seen the fight tried to follow the Land Rover Discovery as it took off up the flip road to the m25 he called 999 from his car firm have you got the index of the Range Rover and the person in the red pan do they require an ambulance you know once this witness lost sight of the Land Rover Discovery the car disappeared into the Sunday afternoon traffic never to be seen again the story electrified Britain just yard from the m25 motorway a murder hunt is underway after what appears to have been an horrific attack of so-called road rage the driver of this red Bedford van was the victim stabbed in the chest by another motorist who stopped his Land Rover Discovery alongside on this motorway slip road police are searching the area for clues to the attacker they also study videotapes from dozens of surveillance cameras along the motorway the tearful 17 year old Daniel moved the nation with her appeals for the killer of her fiance her face is hidden as she is under witness protection vehicle Vincente explaining on the road around the vehicle the crime scene confronting the police was recorded on this police video where there was no forensic evidence the blood soaking the road was Stephens not the killer's there was no weapon no DNA nothing to identify the killer but the crime had been committed in broad daylight there were hundreds of people than their cars passing through Swami roundabouts 29 had given witness statements and the police were able to build up an e-fit of the killer no one doubted the case would soon be solved the job of solving this crime would fall to detective Superintendent Nick bitters it's probably one of those that you would have salt on the face of it 20 past 1:00 on a Sunday busiest roundabouts in the world the m25 quite a few witnesses that perhaps it would have been fairly straightforward to trace the the driver of the vehicle but it was turning out to be far from straightforward the camera on the Swan the intersection was not set up to record and on the day of the murder was not even working and despite the hundreds of calls there was no good lead on the real identity of the killer from the e-fit and of the many witnesses no one had taken the full number plate of the Land Rover Discovery initial police optimism of a quick arrest vanished as surely as the killer himself I think it was a case of Everybody Somebody nobody everybody felt somebody may have got the registration number of the vehicle but nobody did the police didn't even know the color of the car different witnesses describing it as a maroon one a green one a blue a black one but of course the way the sunlight probably hits there these metallic vehicles they do look different the only thing we could be sure of reasonably sure of it was an owl registered Land Rover Discovery from the start the police were under pressure from both the press and the public to get results Ian Edmondson and Gary Jones were journalists at the news of the world the police were I think very frustrated because they thought that they would have the name of the killer and would be able to catch that person very very quickly that someone would get the number place that they'd recognize the car and all this information would flood in the task facing the police was daunting there were 17,000 l reg Landrover discoveries in the National Police computer any one of which could have been the killer's but which one it was like looking for a needle in a haystack but what seemed an overwhelming task brought an early breakthrough one of the first local addresses they came across was that of an Anthony Francis of Britain Road and yet Anthony Francis was nowhere to be found after checking dozens of vehicles and taking thousands of statements detectives have appealed for help in tracing one particular vehicle and its owner a Land Rover Discovery star flew right registration which is l 794 JTA the vehicle has been traced to this address in Bexley 10 miles from the murder scene its registered owner and Anthony Francis described it in his 20s or early 30s and stockily built vanished several weeks ago there was one person who would never forget the name Anthony Francis ex Flying Squad officer Anthony bright well the Ken police made it known that they were looking for a man called Tony Francis in connection with the Land Rover that was at the scene of the murder of buyer Cameron I was absolutely totally shocked that this name was mentioned amazed in fact because I immediately recognized this as an alias of Kenneth Lloyd was the Anthony Francis the police were looking for really just another name for a face from the past kenny noi a man whose wealth and criminal history had occupied the headlines of the 1980s the possibility seemed beyond belief ken annoy was the stuff of legend his parents had moved from the gritty dockland areas of Southeast London to more suburban Bexley and it was here that Kenneth Lloyd grew up he spent a year stretch at borstal for receiving stolen cars but sharp business deals in property and gold soon changed his fortunes and he built Hollywood cottage in Kent Hollywood cottage was not a cottage but a mansion in 11 acres of land extreme wealth extremely visible wealth he moved in the same social circles as as certain members of the camp place he he dined with certain members of the Kent place but he with his connections to Britain's top criminals that made his name in the 1980s when he was put on trial for killing a policeman and handling the gold from the biggest bullion theft ever seen in Britain but was no really the same person as the Antony Frances the police were looking for old mortgage documents in the name of Anthony Frances obtained by Kent police soon confirmed Frances was indeed an alias for Noy there were clear prints on the documents that matched the prints stored in the National police records another piece to the jigsaw fell into place when the police found out that Kenneth Lloyd had gone missing vehicles disappeared he's disappeared didn't take too much to work out that he was very high then on our priority visit or interview there was one other piece of evidence that fell into place by tracing the positions of the calls made on Kenneth Noyes mobile phone on the day of the murder the police were able to plot his journey know I have been at the right place at the right time from the moment Noyes name entered the frame the challenge for the police was to cubed out of the press well I got a call from an old contact of my new to I'd speak to him barrack room stories and had done for years and he called me one afternoon it was late in the week and he said it very nervous and he told me he didn't want to speak on the telephone and we arranged to meet that night in a pub near Greenwich and over a few drinks he said you'll never guess who who killed Stephen Cameron and I said well yeah and he said Kelly noise and I thought I've just remembered my my jaw hitting the ground thinking it's incredible that someone like Kenny noid could get caught up in all that the garden is the world ringing me up asking me to confirm whether or not we were seeking to interview Kenny now in relation to the m25 I told him quite clearly it was not my policy to discuss any individual that we may seek in relation to this or any other murder inquiry at the stage we were at he was shocked and surprised that we had this information and you could almost hear his the brain whirring with the sound that oh my god this throws our investigation completely out of sync what are we gonna do now and his first reaction to me was well you can't possibly print it Canyon my first reaction was well we can possibly prints it because we are going to do so within 36 hours there it was on a National Sunday newspaper the fact that came police were looking for Kenny Noah together with a photograph of Kenny not not very helpful I was livid absolutely livid the police investigation would never be the same again the Kenny Noi had a past to conjure with a pass to mesmerize both press and public and it starts with the biggest bullion heist of the century the bullion thieves forced their way into the top security death row beneath the Heathrow flight path just after six o'clock this morning there were at least six of them three armed with revolvers and automatic pistols it was 1983 the robbers had escaped with three tons of gold worth 26 million pounds Ronnie Knight who was himself later questioned about the raid was a club owner in Soho at the time the robbery was the talk of the town people used to come in the club and that's what I used to talk about what about bad listen to that no I never fear that and things like that get it from anyone you know so it was it was one of the biggest things in you know everyone talks about it first on the scene at the Heathrow Trading Estate was flying squad officer Tony bright well the chairs were thrown all over the place handcuffs were found ropes were found there was a throne of petrol in the air one could tell immediately that they'd been an armed robbery and a violent armed robbery at that [Music] the Brinks map security guards had just started their work shift they had consignments in the vaults of currency diamonds and precious metals waiting to be shipped all over the world [Music] the guards were hit at speed they were disorientated shocked here with three armed men with Mars faces automatic weapons shouting continually shouting one guard was hit on the back of the head with a gun cloth bags were pulled over the guards heads and petrol was poured over them [Music] and then the armed robbers forced two of the guards to the votes [Music] in the votes the robbers forced the guards through the security gates and eventually through to the safes themselves but then they hit a problem one of the guards have forgotten the combination number he was shaking so much when he was asked to open the sage safes he had had a total mental block and couldn't recall the combination under that that he had locked away somewhere unable to get into the saves it was almost an afterthought that they noticed the boxes lying on the floor they had come across two thousand six hundred and seventy kilos of gold worth twenty-six million three hundred and seventy thousand pounds when you're bumping up the box and you'll find all gold bars it work Jesus you coulda said we gotta get rid of it are we gonna get out of it the gold was in the form of pure gold bars stamped with special markings it would be immediately recognizable the gold had to be melted down and then it had to be got rid of and for this they needed someone who knew the business [Applause] nor was obviously a wheeler-dealer at that time a guy that was involved in fencing lorry loads stolen Laurie knows fence includes placing goods organizing the disposal of goods very well-connected very cunning but our serious background player or not police first became suspicious of Kenneth Noi after he arrived in Jersey with 50,000 pounds in 50 pound notes he walked into a bank without an appointment and asked to buy a hundred thousand pounds worth of gold no was soon put under surveillance and aerial photos were taken of Kenneth noise house the grounds had old underground war bunkers and large stores could they hold the Brinks mat cold watching movements outside Hollywood cottage detectives began to suspect that the visits of a man called Brian Reader involved a handover of the gold a fateful decision was then taken that would tear the investigation apart Neil Murphy was one of two officers picked to go undercover into the grounds of Hollywood cottage at night to find out of a handover of a gold was taking place we were ready for a very boring evening shift and within minutes auspey in there in fact the other two lad suddenly gone home yet within minutes of being there Brian really turned up so there was action time Neil Murphy and his colleague John Fordham were trained in SAS rural surveillance techniques we got into the position that we were a before which was a position quite close to about the corner of the house so we could see two sides of the house to see the cars and so a place we'd be aiming for to stay that stay the night and watch watch what happened but Neil Murphy and John boredom never got to stay the night for barely had they got into position that things started to go wrong [Music] we've gone into probably good 150 yards or so when the dopes came and surprised us and the dogs were around us barking and jumping up yes not biting us but Manor Manor real noise I thought personally that all waste not time here and no and Reid is going to come out to investigate no it seemed obvious three that would happen so I gave John a bit of a nod of course you're talking back it's very dark I gave John and not tell them that I'm gonna leave here and I assumed that he was coming with me lined up on the wall just I was climbing up I looked back and could see torch lights and could hear people talking back where I had last seen John and I was the first time I was a little bit concerned [Music] after jumping down outside the grounds Neil Murphy made his way around to the front of Hollywood cottage when I approached the front of the property I looked across into the ground because I heard voices and there was obviously something happening just inside the property underground [Music] but then after a minute or so we heard or I heard someone shout I'll blow your head off and I realized then why thought was a stick could well it'd be a shotgun I read you adapt to the patrol that I've heard them say it will blow your head off of course flight spotted within there within minutes [Music] John Fordham had been stabbed 10 times hora just scared I was situated in the control room at Scotland Yard monitoring events everyone is full of great expectancy that night we really thought we were on the verge of cracking a big case and finding out where the gold was coming from but then all of a sudden all hell broke loose and it quickly became apparent even in the control room some several tens of miles away that the evening had turned into a total disaster after Kenneth gnaw and Brian Rita were arrested Neil Murphy got in the ambulance with his friend and colleague John Porter on the journey was horrific John's just was moving up and down his bare chest that was moving up and down and I was please don't remember being really chapped up thinking at least he's breathing I remember saying well at least he's alive he's breathing that's going very well and he said to me nose no they said that's the oxygen and giving them glowing eyes lungs [Music] detective constable John Fordham father of three died that night one side it was a place of his over whoever done that is in trouble absolutely Travel who sure you know you can't do these things they're there to look after that's not that's the girl with him and they say in the police search at Hollywood cottage eleven gold bars were found but the gold had already been melted and all markings gone no one could say whether it was Brinks matte gold or not the police operation had been a failure not only did we lose a loyal and particularly well-liked police officer but also following his death the investigation collapsed and the chances of us ever recovering the gold bullion which was so desperately sought to recover dissipated that night it was a total disaster and it was not only a disaster for the police but the events of that evening would make Kenneth noise a marked man for life [Music] late this afternoon Kenneth Noi his wife when I was first arrested after the stabbing of Detective Constable Fordham's he was brought to Darfur police station it was here that Antony brightwell came face to face with Kenny noise for the first time as soon as I walked in the interview room and saw Noi he came towards me to shake my hand which I immediately recognized as the handshake of a freemason and I formed the opinion that here was a man that was showing out to me from in hope that I was a fellow Mason that would help him yeah I could tell from his mannerisms that he was a man that was used to being manipulative used to getting his own way who was looking for angles and for help continually continually throughout the interview he was looking at ways where he could help himself in a situation where he was beyond help basically but the act of killing a police officer would leave no room for compromise McKenney a police officer the most serious offense that I know is a former police officer no going back from Illinois no deal broking no way out he's only that [Music] John Matthew Noyes defense counsel was one of the country's leading barristers at the time he had his work cut out for him somebody attacks a police officer with a knife from stabs him 11 times to death and an unarmed police officer and I think that if you're gesturing there's few facts together the general perception is well how can it be any justification for that Kenneth Noyes justification was self-defense and in court he gave his version of what happened that night no I was in his kitchen and went out got from his car outside a torch and also grabbed because it was in the car because he'd been cleaning the battery terminals with it was a kitchen knife in the car as well he went into the wood quite open and flashing his thoughts and calling out who's there and in the light of a torch at night in the wood noise suddenly confronted face to face with a man in the flat Jack isn't about the copper helmet no of course said the whole thing was so frightening I thought I was being killed I didn't think I had a chance of living I was fighting for my life I was in a total panic and I was just this man was on top of me and I was stabbing away with this knife in a frenzy John Matthew persuaded the judge to allow the jury to experience Hollywood cottage at night for themselves this evening under heavy guard no himself came here to view the house and grounds along with the judge and jury he went down and it was a dark blustery night with a little bit of moon and we went into that wood and I'd tell you it was really quite scary even then and I think that probably created a good deal of effect upon the jury it took the jury of seven men and five women 12 and a half hours to reach their verdict of not guilty when the verdict was announced boy and reader shouted to the jury god bless you all Kenneth Loy added that's what I am NOT GUILTY the man in the street was absolutely amazed and and and felt he was a travesty but of course the man in the street hadn't hadn't had any of the evidence the jury ruined it for the position and they chose to believe that you know police officer acted lawfully in the grounds or property receives ten stab wounds and that's okay that's what that's lawful the jury room let him off with it well I would have said it was self-defense because what was the man doing in he's cut me was he a burly then I was a policeman people were saying to me what an amazing result and and I would say well you know it wasn't really it was it was always on the cards and and I think it was the right result Kenneth's noise not guilty verdict would only enhance his reputation for Houdini like powers in the eyes of the tabloid press but his luck was about to run out in a separate trial he was found guilty of handling the Brinks Matt gold Kenneth no was sent down for 14 years but even this long sentence was not enough for Sam who would never forget the conviction they thought had got away peace officers have a phrase but they will come again and what we mean by that is if someone gets away with it at court we're pleased officers feel they were guilty on know they were guilty and they walk away with it we expect that they will reoffending picked it next time so justice in the end usually works out whatever happened to Kenny then after that I don't think anything I don't think they got in it anything don't matter what you leave he got caught nicking a bit of fish at this shop you know made it bad for him only two years after Noi was released from jail Stephen Cameron was killed no one could believe that no would risk putting himself in police sights once more and in such dramatic fashion the story went into the stratosphere Kenny Noi famous multi-millionaire criminal involved in one of the most high-profile murders was an incredible sensational story which everybody wanted a piece of the action off police had wanted to nail Kenny now for anything for years to come simply because he was a very high-profile criminal they hated him because he killed a colleague the idea that he could have been in wrapped up in something like this at first was extraordinary and then they became incredibly excited at the prospect of hunting this man down the story that the police were looking for Kenny Noi begged an important question how did the information get out I knew there were people within the police organization that were prepared whether it was for money or not I don't know but were prepared to divulge information about Kenneth Noi a police killer and there's still police officers who have prepared to be a national newspaper information that didn't help me when that was published apart from any leaks to the papers superintendents nick bitters was haunted by kenny noise old reputation [Music] he has a reputation whereby because of his wealth that he can influence and corrupt police offices from now on nick biddies would run his investigation on a strictly need-to-know basis you've got to be extremely careful because of this reputation he's got of who knows about it who's involved whether you tell somebody whether you tell this person whether need to know him don't need to know don't tell me once the story was out sightings of Kenny Noi were being reported to the police from all over the world there have been sightings of Noy in Lanzarote where it's claims you've been living in a luxury villa he's also said to have been to Northern Cyprus and the speculation that no plans to have surgery to change his appearance and buy a ranch in Brazil all sorts of places it couldn't possibly be in all of these places the people well-meaning or otherwise I've got no reason to believe that they were anything other than genuine calls ringing in and saying I think I've seen someone who looks like that man you're looking for the tabloid press was having a field day it got to a point where you know Kenny know he was being spotted on the moon almost there was it was getting ludicrous I mean the idea that Kenny know I was coming in at the country having a few beers with his mate and then hopping back on a plane back to wherever he was it just it was ludicrous we had reported sightings or reports that Kenny noise best friend's daughter's gonna get married a certain location Kenny will not miss that wedding for the world he'll be there we have reported sightings all reports that he was at or going to an old friend's funeral he wouldn't miss that funeral for the world he'll be there we actually went to more weddings and funerals than do gorillas and that's with all the repeats as well kenny noi was as elusive as ever Kent police had to check out leaves in ten different countries but he didn't go to Brazil or Eastern Europe or France he went to Spain long known for its Costa del crime but Spain had its dangers for the man on the run cuz your mug sent earlier your photos sent back over because naturally thank the gun to Spain or they might know you've gone this bone so they send them a short overview and everyone's looking for your name plus you win the papers here and yeah everyone knows you're in it so when the toys go over there they plan to bump into you if you use these places where everybody else uses [Music] the police got a tip that Kirino had pledged not to a busy tourist area but to the more remote southwest coast of Spain it was one more lead to follow up [Music] John jesu SEC was one of the two officers who were picked to check it out he was under strict orders to keep the operation to himself nobody knew apart from them the SI overtime mr. good is that we were in actual fact going out there I mean we weren't even allowed to tell our families where we're going I just couldn't afford to let anyone outside of the small amount of officers perhaps no more than five know what we were doing because if it got out and was reported upon it would have blown the lid off this and we just could not afford to do it sending two officers to a foreign country without going through the official routes with no backup to trace the known police killer was a huge gamble he calls me a lot of heartache to think that I'm sending two officers out there with absolute minimum backup and I'm asking in to try and find Kenny snow it don't get when John Thornton was killed he had the backup of a full team and he was stabbed to death every day we have to report back to NIC bitters what we're doing where we're going who was seeing and also he was ringing us at all times during the day you know morning noon and night just checking up on us phone goes I think it was about half past 7:00 in the morning that's routine really and it was one of them ringing me up and he said governor we've just seen it's him that was a Eureka moment because now two years down the line I knew where the man was that I believe killed Steven camera so Kent police new weatherman had gone but how could they bring him back to get Kenneth no arrested in Spain they had to show they had enough grounds to charge him with murder [Music] for this they would need an eyewitness who could identify Kenneth Noi as the man who had killed Stephen Cameron I was plating they knocked her stained and I couldn't come here and stuff LT would hurt me the crucial eyewitness to the killing of Stephen Cameron with his fiance Daniel cable superintendent bidis was about to embark on a new and daring plan to get Danielle to identify Stephens killer in his bolt hole in Spain after two years pursuing Kenneth noise Nick bitters had him in his sights and now he wanted to bring him home for this he needed the prime witness Daniel cable to go out to Spain to come face-to-face with the killer of her fiance the man who would be responsible for Danielle with Ken's ID officer he has requested not to be identified in order to protect his family I thought well this is gonna be a nightmare when you're taking out a member to public and the critical witness to serious offense you really have got to be careful with her welfare as well as your own if we went out there and our cover got blown we'd be hung out to dry anything did go wrong even Danielle wasn't told where she was going secretly once again was paramount I picked up on that Friday she thought she was going to the north the mix of England and few hours later she finds herself in Spain Daniel Cable was taken to the area near bhavati to identify Kenneth gnaw in a public place would be fraught with dangers there's so many things that can go wrong at any given moment of the day or night because we'd have to get close enough to the suspect to give the witness an opportunity of seeing whether she could recognize him and the nearer we got the more danger was of being discovered and our cover being blown when the time came it was in a very public place that Danielle had to attempt her identification keeping up the surveillance on Kenneth Noi Kent police officers thought he had gone into a busy fish restaurant with his family and friends it was now or never immediately you came into the light you won't fall view of all the customers were sittin at the tables at the front restaurant and there were no vacant table so we couldn't even sit down and try and blend in and then give Daniel a chance to look around with her blonde hair daniel was already attracting attention there'd be no second chances if Daniel failed to pick the suspect out the police officers would be going home then we had to walk to the left into the bar and we can't go any further you know arse Daniel to go and stand at the open window and view the whole restaurant from a position the Spanish officer went leopar silent we know I remained near side they told Daniel not to stay in the window for too long before joined one side of the arc and try not to draw attention to the fact that she was looking just glass as a matter of fact it was on her second glance the daniell recognized the man sitting at the end of the table [Music] she started getting physically distress and I knew that she'd identified Kenneth 9 I thought someone is going to look up in the moment and say why were those people hanging around that window what did you see that blonde girl I was very concerned that we ought to get out of there as quick as possible but not draw attention of fact that we flee in the restaurant the adrenaline was pumping at all times my fear was that Danielle was going to be seen to be distressed and that would draw attention from one or two tables [Music] we were on our own and we didn't know where anybody from that table was getting up to follow us out to that car park because we don't look round anymore we don't give the game away we just wanted to get out the killer of Stephen Cameron had finally been identified as Kenneth Noi the very next day Superintendent bidders had his arrest warrant and Kenneth know was arrested by the Spanish police and taken to Cadiz police station there he gave a false passport with a false name alan edward green tonight Kenneth Moya's being held in the southern Spanish city of Cadiz after being arrested in connection with Stephen Cameron's murder Nick bitters have been waiting for this moment since May 1996 10:00 police have been in liaison with the crown publication service during the past few weeks and with the assistance of Interpol this arrest has been effective I mean you know super and gentle bidders basically turned over the press I mean you know he got he got his revenge as it were by pulling off what was a coup to analyse of finally get his man despite what he would say you know the the press getting in his way despite you know is the police informants giving wrong information to have had all this mess all this publicity's have been pilloried in the press to finally to have nailed his man on his own terms and to get Ken annoy I mean yeah let's not forget the Kenny noise was his ultimate prey Noah was eventually taken back to England under armed guard to Darfur police station [Music] notoriously camera-shy he was caught here on this Kent Police camera Kenneth now arrived at the Old Bailey with a police escort this morning one year later under heavy armed guard Kenneth noise to trial at the Old Bailey for the murder of Stephen Cameron in the witness box no denied that he picked the fight in anger at Daniel's driving instead he said he was the victim not the perpetrator of rage he said he thought Stephen Cameron was someone he knew and got out of his car only to be confronted by a man and a fury he said he got out his knife to fend off Cameron but exhausted by a fight he could not win and fearing that his own knife will be used against him in desperation he ended up stabbing him his plea once again was self-defense he had a major problem there didn't he because here was somebody who no twice had killed with a knife and both times his defense was self-defense and of course everybody knew about them please murder and therefore he was up against it the jury took a day to return their verdict eleven to one guilty because she's been unlucky I mean he's had two things and he's had two fights and they both died you can't be another locally than that when I heard the verdict I'm basing gut reaction was yes thank you justice has now been served delight ecstatic I got a phone call while I was at work on the phone I think within seconds of the verdict and I was absolutely ecstatic but the constant press attention in the previous two years and the suspicion that no had already been tried and convicted in the tabloid press still make some uneasy I think there must be the gravest suspicion is - well annoy could ever had a totally fair trial as a result of the publicity I don't honestly think that too many people would remember the name of Stephen Cameron and they will Kenneth knowing Stephen came from the family pretty unremarkable family really ordinary life it is lack of funding and this criminal already set on a path of criminality just comes along wipes him out and leaves him for dead in the gutter that boy deserves better than that and I'd like for you to remember the name Stephen camera rather than case [Music] [Music]
Channel: Culture Of England
Views: 352,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenny, Noye, Stephen, Cameron
Id: Ck9ZQ8r2Dkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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