Kenneth Frampton Endowed Lecture: Eduardo Souto de Moura

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welcome everybody so that's a nice lecture is going to be similar cast in English and Portuguese with these performance and it's this is a special night for us at the the Kenneth Frampton endowed lecture is one of the highlights I think it is the highlight of our academic calendar and it's it's really truly amazing that you will be the the speaker tonight so in a in a sense we are celebrating two figures tonight Kenneth and Eduardo to kind of global figures on the one side of course a historian theorist critic and on the other side a designer but I think most importantly both our Arctic sand both teachers and both are absurdly good at what they do if you if you ask people to name a historian that in your opinion in a student's sense holds the dignity of the field most people will probably answer quite quickly Kenneth Frampton I think if you ask which designer is holding the dignity of the field a lot of people will say it were at the saw tomorrow so I think it's it's sort of an astonishing combination again just to remember the mean the meaning of the occasion why it is that we that we celebrate Kenneth who's been teaching here I think exactly 40 years since 1972 the idea of this lecture is not simply to to to to honor Kenneth but I think it even more especially to honor his thought and his future thoughts his way of thinking and the fact that thinking is never static its keeps going so the trick of the lecture is as it were to accelerate the movement of the thought to treat 40 years as a good start on a project and to think where where would our thinking go together and also to as it were its it meant also as a kind of call for responsibility that is to say the same there will be 98 years from now the 100th Kenneth Frampton and dad lecture and the question is what would be or should be that lecture thinking about and I would like to think that 98 years from now people pay attention to the fact that the second lecture was was by Eduardo while I was here at the at the invitation of of Kenneth and myself and the idea of the series is is to invite architects who think and you would think that's easy it's not so easy actually what it means for the this question an architect who who thinks of course the work of of Kenneth and Eduardo intersected at many levels and one can understand that relationship very very easily and sometimes even Eduardo speaks in a way that that reminds us of Cain I there was one moment I think you say something like what is being discussed today is the actual survival of architecture so it's not simply to to make a good work or to write a good essay as a historian but actually to do so in such a way that architecture itself could survive which raises the question then what is architecture what is it that you want to survive so it becomes immediately and ethical project having said this I think it will be a huge mistake to imagine that Kenneth has the words and that Eduardo has all of the drawings because any of you who know Ken and we all do there are always drawings with Ken a lot of them and the drawings keep returning and I thought about again and again and I think the same is also true of Eduardo is too easily forgotten that he also works with words Eduardo was trained first in sculpture and then in architecture and I think when you look at the work it's very easy to to remember or you see that the work remembers that he starts with sculpture more or less famously he's working with a virus Cesar but while still at school he's at school at the same time that Kenneth arrives here to teach 1972 from 1974 to 79 he's working in Caesars office and he starts his own office in 1980 and not by accident he starts to teach in 1981 so the beginning of his own office at the beginning of his life as a teacher they are together and I would insist on this I think he speaks always very very beautifully as a teacher just to give you a couple of small sentences that there was one moment where Eduardo says architecture lives to be transformed and therein lies its true calling which was his way of saying that the responsibilities of architecture is to the people that will live in it will occupy it and in occupying it will change it but so eloquently phrased as architecture lives to be transformed and another one I think so beautiful for students is that he describes his work as a designer he describes the project as the management of doubts and that when you begin you have an empty piece of paper in this pure panic so I think when one of the great designers describes to their students that when they begin it's in a state of panic full of doubt and the process of designing is a reduction of doubts not a removal of doubts but just a reduction down to a small number this is of course exactly connects directly to the experience of the of the young architect and Eduardo is of course always a young architect in the same way I think Kenneth always a young historian the work of of Eduardo as an architect as with so many others begins with houses that was as were so many architects the scale of the domestic is the scale at which the thinking is launched but the projects get larger and larger and and and become substantial in their sort of social engagement with the Braga stadium I think 2003 the tower burger tower 2007 the Paulo Reagan Museum I think 2009 arrives this kind of avalanche of very very large very significant work not large I mean in the terms of the size although they are getting bigger but they are larger in their claim on our imagination and they become very impossible to ignore I personally feel I could be so wrong but I feel that it that too often people when they think of it what does work gets positioned in the so-called Porto school of Tavarez the professor a Caesar as the mentor and then at Werder himself as the student and now the master on his own but it seems to me this is just the kind of work that we do from the outside trying to understand something that we love it's not necessarily good work Porto of course is an amazing place Porto Porto is itself an astonishing piece of architecture what I was impossible to believe it doesn't make sense that a city can be this complex in its geography and and and its confusion of what is landscape and what is building so of course if you are working in Porto this is an astonishing thing Caesar of course an unbelievable mentor and entire a great professor but I think very foolish to imagine that that Sodom aurorus works um somehow flows directly from Porto from Caesar and from Harbor in fact I think precisely the point here is it's the differences and the unique qualities of the work that are super important and that's why it's only when you have the architect with you in the room that you can understand that so I'm just trying to explain a little bit why Kenneth and I were absolutely thrilled when I duardo agreed to speak tonight to deliver the the Kenneth Frampton lecture of this year and it's a real pleasure to welcome him into this room as I saying before the Kenneth Frampton lecture is is is just a kind of high point for the school where we try to grab hold of the central subject of architecture itself not by accident the supporters of this lecture are themselves a great group of leaders in the architectural field and when so many great Arctic's joined together to celebrate the name of a great historian I think this was a tremendous vote of confidence in the capacity of thought in architecture to survive and in this moment where we celebrate thinking but thinking precisely aimed at the future it's something special to have Eduardo here so this is just words of welcome to good evening I got talking Portuguese language is not enough to to think in English that will be translated thank you very much for Columbia School and the mark and my friend and it's Raptor it was very kind invitation it's a pleasure for me to be here so we start in Portuguese anyway 20 years ago I built in stone and glass in a detail where the glass extended to the ceiling the question of today from not a part of the video we will edit wet blood and after I changed the detail and I began to cover part of the window with stone utility to the fateful glance this type of architecture is done in plan thank you part is a narrow street where the windows and doors transform via marketed to the fate like it's an architecture done in black and white was it people may get these house that have been negative a preventive Francia that boo evidently is influenced they are bless decision in your plastic ISM just do their president of will sell after the Revolution thank you until the moon - Stella Sevilla Fiat if for the other question Tunisia where all over the world people were living but they feel ill fully at the bottom of it after the fury of post-modernism I thought they thought the cause to be the Moline where they I had thought for this and mentor the language I was using was Mies van der Rohe family as possible to the Israel it's my position as post modernist ellipsis comes to innovation it was needed to build country you know era format means Avenue busy a course wonderful it was I wasn't interested in the form but Mies told me that I was working on the form the paranoia the hepatic America clad Arab soaked with the pyramids were at facility a derivative the use of stone wasn't necessarily romantic it was just cheaper to build instead of using concrete which comes to tokens logo same to town so I now building started building in volumes in concrete yes their mother's rooted basket is crystal port this is one of the last houses that I did in Porto Lulu modulation two volumes two gardens which was absolutely shifted at the center don't suppose I'd rather where'd the entrance lies will tell here that we think we matter the topography is quite inclined in the path to see now con sex yet without Jewish position in the final area you could actually have two floors one deceased my garage a worksheet where you have a garage and a tool the policy this level for the machines and the equipment room in that area Cathy because the partition TLC that knows very well the emotional in order to not isolate completely the plot of the patios within the house I opened an exterior window the vision now has no pedal the freeship more question if you open at me it was always very difficult for me to just create openings within a concrete wall felt that almost pursued others but is because the thickness of the wall was missing miss good there's a place where I literally yeah I'll do that whatever to be there even if I was able to adjust the length and the proportion to the heights the death was always missing so I as a response began to do corner windows even local seek physician Ellis its lucky I still cannot do windows or doors I don't think some sort of emotion that does not have an actual larger depth material will do Trezevant along fast I'd rather get it a lot of competitive battle where the shift of the volumes occurred the entrance there which is also noted by the marble piece conveyed wish to be hood the Picasa which comes from the exterior into the interior of the house the professor's gather and it protects the stair deeper faster and we don't hear that it's the last fans it's a decrease of a world that were before it became an economic crisis professionally so there was still enough money and workmanship to have that level of detail in this masala and you come into the living room yep a little further and - Bella and the area of the fireplace is actually the area that exists in the staircase of the marble piece easily was emotional if the bathroom at the federal exterior walls are high because the metro station is nearby and creates a lot of noise and this is one of the the patios the outside gardens you can wear such cool purple was Irish colors what happened and because of that excuse I was actually able to use lui bargain a Paragons scale upon this reading is East Martina at the end of this garden there's poo coma for Vienna Gracia fountain that I copied from in Greece depressed but no sir claustrophobic you know sleeve it is well that Haley though everybody available and in order for this area not to be claustrophobic and be isolated from reality I've created an opening like you've met yet well there's much failure they're pretty for the other foot we have the metro station in one of the ugliest areas in Porto periphery well the fool says that if they do that a one of the functions of architectures to turn the world into a better place glasses available suitcase too pretty for the inital with this window I believe the torus looks and made the class additional or extra tutor in the middle of the house there's a corridor that structures the layout of the rooms if you have a photos of the magic oval and opens to a more calmer garden will lead to a Jewish peg but compete wet I introduced a mirror an exterior mirror to continue good fashion which the those who don't speak a canvas possibility of evasion which if you're laying in bed you can actually see the reflection of the garden predation that was to get into a kiss realization the problem with corner windows is that the returned who tend to do mr. aluminum said that you know the amazed welcome to me that these corners had the same continuity rule Emma quantization a material difference Paraiba data problem is when there are different materials such as stone in wood the app was getting sad you for there put a mouse and there yes we're details complicated details are necessary so we have window treatments as well as lighting delicate that main value delivered audio continued our possession the bathroom the mirror continues the landscape the outside landscape in the image and the marble also continues along another mirror to reach their fate Molina and all of this is done in line bloomin are they'd rather suit visa from being delayed these are the details for the service entrance my lovely establish credibility were meeting together and the lamp against a mirror which creates two lamps if the shadow that part of the top elliptically polarized to you this lock system was so beautiful that I decided to expose it wonk message please him to volley to say it so the crisis in Portugal began and I started working outside of the country there's no man in commended Mikasa back to Barcelona fitfully it was money that was love yet this is a house close to between Barcelona and France that is always better where there are a lot of villages that use stone you can't let me at them with the fellow with a very tight with a lot of very strict regulations an ascetical Street ambassador it's necessary to actually build in stone you did put a cleaver and have inclined roof systems is an elephant acacia and vertical windows that would be better so I built with stone personality that would have been relationship deep scalability the windows have 2 centimeters less than their height so their vertical and that has a false structure with an actual roof good political reason which I learned with bikini and Switzerland area where it beautiful with a false roof well if you object people the objective here course to be an avowal area to build along with the village and to mimic some of the proportions mmm Mikasa fin de semana it's a weekend house watch but where there are quite a few Gardens no peace appear in the upper level there's a garage Mikasa thought she's whoever and the guest house that's isolated yes and people can go down via staircase these volumes are tangent one to another but because it we ended it the the remaining space are patios unveiled event repeating else there's a pyrenees wind that is quite strong the thief summer gonna be a picnic yeah there is a technical gallery or an equipment corridor the pleasure square to the value and then eleven lilius bedrooms and washing arms a corridor that gives structure to the house the key cover that and in a patio that provides light like a light well okay putting the sound of those questions like which is the continuation of two of the bathrooms what the fetus the children's room the daughter's room follow the fetus the living room for the daughters of spice that mean living know what kitchen and the parents bedroom evidence it that it loves yes the angles open and creeks lodges in patios the laissez-faire there were some glimpse black that fit there's no sake moving the piece is all stone made with 20th century stone and the guest house as it might be as much other with the curtain another corner window have totally maybe self available hmm well Lulu sees it my total inhibition to open windows kind of like Lucy Caesar Lulu's largest base that it means there are Lotus to shelter from the wind the strong wind presumably that the graffiti planning for the earth this period the possibility of the glass windows to recess into the walls old Ferrell book all that mess with my ladder have fireplace you Jeff Ellis effective and the open windows the corridor Ksenia on the screen of available the kitchen the follow the living room required in the daughter's bedroom in their study area afraid too this was a contest what he did to Velva this was a competition done with another belt belgium architect coop coop yeah kill my daughter it's a crematorium norms we Ted of today's dear faith to blue in a few that it'll be able psyche done adjacent to in a cemetery done by Italian architect sake of else get a corporate event planner it's completely plain mush call up together to meet that it's Pratibha there's a school this is an athletic school adjacent to the site but this is the parking area Jason to this school kills Ruby who's that that my pursuit vehicle my daughter that I decided to use to serve the crematorium yeah they it personally feel the idea was to use the building efficient and have to put up with my thought that had a way of accessing it from the parking area it was this Pasillas 4:08 and then people can take that route if you've ever seen this and release the ashes and return to the parking area bill the key which the memento we have here our king the school the fish taste rather placebo and the main road cuckoo methodical attempt yet the crematorium Russian Court others forever and lower than the road in father douche okay sure I should lose the insurance service of the baskets with a service entrance separate and the public entrance is and then the return the course of the liable the construction of a lake the best compliment that has focused it was really I'm scared I believe that the crematorium is one of the least topologies that we have to invent as peoples years the with the Sanskrit Dutch typology such as housing offices but they may they accrue them is what put him in a limit for exchange but they have a permanent typology the Dharma realm with the project thinks about that you know I'm a maker inventory I'm something that you have to invent it's not a church mamak obsidian or a cafeteria where people gather them others Vegas disease there's one of the rules that exists I saw was Stanton also having hope that I have their big seed should not mean it's in that other the poison that they Esther then I wanted this lake sure babe laudatory donut Orion think with Eagle a just a knows what's best website its where usually a certain action happens I keep that my absence of that no obsessed with so we also need to name things Oscar and then the return he's a lot of leaves to my custody if that for you and isolated from those there's a cafeteria but applicable about you the ramp that goes to it and there's patio what Kenneth want to do you mark a small fountain North way oh boy the other bus elegant elope together entrance to the larger ceremony Hall in the smaller ceremony home you'll recoup first cyber key and then the users a public go through that way and exit out the other room because if they'd rather those and then there's a service entrance my cat caskets and the machines yeah but the material mean an administrative area also with a patio access through the fish you a the building a wall wealth from Watson to medical with them it's about 400 meters long there's people dealt with of aitikaf that was my data and this is cast concrete with would be within my dark and what better everybody gather and then a prefabricated piece proficient at manoa precipice which closer is also applicable to zip w8 compared to later because it's impossible to do straight concrete with 400 meters there's no vampa go down the rail you see the first thing I'll mark was that clear colatina you see that this is something to do it also Caesars pull and call each other in that way you come into the foyer attempt of sound for this bathroom is perceived oh my gracious it's very tempting to do these mystifying places spaces that are similar to churches stuff ye those ever my Vader's close s that's taken because my bells gonna get severe for this using this type of wood or this type of technique no one in Belgium knew how to do it which is the quiz of the most powerful but this thing that you know one can't do it those who put out as every time if we're not to outfit makes with the workman's the workmanship the the workers went to Portugal and saw how it was done fellow good end the large hall solid give the corridor that leads to the smaller hall the president rather every guitar for the my school to do at the entrance so we needed a sculpture the king school to be over there we see a portuguese sculptor working you know here s who ignores polycon threat as so as do all true city model and so in the return where you don't want to run into people from differ ceremony is Easter but gonna belong that genell wa there is a long window went to buy sure so thankful that variable to frame the crisper source itemized any malice and hopefully it will cheer up people as they leave oops invested in this my possession that was offering this beautiful landscape in Belgium no for fulfill integral to me tear of a shaky go it was not easy to integrate the cemetery psyche cemetery Jamie Nick don't thank nor later food we cook say so a faithful field the flute which does not release smoke because the process is different they might as well momentum of that it's more like a wife to a funerary monuments as we have it in Portugal as well that waitress with me a published rather it's a very linear building which with the road and the fire beds well and pedestrian walkways now we'll see what comes reflected it takes for the cool weather you provide this lucky in areas where there are curves you take advantage of having joints you be able to get a develop say there we can see the exit window submit that looks like in the cemetery mister mental no matter value at this moment there's no work that it was not up Portugal Spain or in even in Europe and I'm constantly doing competitions for towers stem I thought machine he'll do it close receiving this is a two towers in China thank you let's go to now the blue is of Zakir which is being coordinated with authorities Ozaki there's no master neither there's a road they I don't like water he opened a level and another lake bogging of water yes though the bed is this house they must blow and then this urban layout has a few bridges well that's negative thank you folks for zero Motoko who was one of the rules is that you report hours but they have to be complete and meaningful without the coach to read over the st. Pierre the careers here so it's difficult for me to create or design in a vacuum so I need to have references don't imagine they possess the holes so I imagined the other towers the other projects thank you so much and those are my towers oh my yeah and another one that's an octagonal know what the same but I she that was fussy while I was at the store I was not able to produce a tower for China that was just like all the other towers on film do shakopee there's a movie by Jacques Tati Thank You shade on my gesture to the edges where he arrives to a travelling agency you back up that much Fabius Lima the neurologist at India they think posters and at the travel agency there's posters in the background u5 they feel totally white and has five of the same towers humid she may not look with a lean but one sesame New York Berlin so different locations boom instant they stood out and poke the kid to the she Meza things I try to research a bit the arc Chinese architecture yo Tina travel in Macau Antigua corn after two years and a Sheila but I'll develop a season I had worked in Macau which was a previous colony of Portugal with a disposition is and I know whether I will see that we walk about we called these Gardens this Chinese gardens were choose the Octagon and and also circles the others guilty these discos cross myself as Trudy esta su glad there's no hospital yesterday a Indiana looking for temples I found that one is circle circular the other one is octagon tagging oh and the other one is Indian subsidy for the Ummah still glad one circular oh my no one I thought you there together who's that at this do that and the Indian wants before the texture of its facade he afraid that Austria which is done with triangles GL on the effort that restores studying the region worms throwing the towers a Masonic death on the system was they reveal Buddhist and an area where monks and warriors exist the position normal para Porcellian that was young fish that it was that Lester manator the normal position to pray in this area is in this way Batista so to rats but monks meditate or pray inverted it also be in Bucharest or so I decided to invert the towers now but I believe it did not for fun most wants to deliver dystocia yeah oops I went to local centrality ah relieved but one of the problems that I found in towers is between the nucleus or the core of the tower and the open area the elevator develop technical area in order for it to work the top had to be wide you see on the ladder yet not they lose no folder so if it's not why there's no lights coming down the disease to say best about you so there's always this video which gives light to both sides the Maya area in a participle York a central area hospital myself in the larger areas at the top would more like coming through where people want no prevail presenting a novgorod consume shields freedom purposes so concept in the first project or nine degrees and then the second seven degrees the chinese asked me to do with my teachers gathered but i was a foreshadow in the first I had the elevators and the stairs parallel to the facade is the fastest epic route and now in this face they requested that the elevators are vertical lucuma fast for parish to another which forces me to cut the actual structure of the tower if to to the some designation compared to the fish added the structure are two rings one near the facade you're the pair to the real petrol to official and the other one close to the interior facade Santiago Cooper what piece there are triangles that occupy four floors I stood on a periphery here we see the structure in the periphery II fact to those in of inertia of a thick ash Carter who still to native to that piece what piece we fade to that of political peril look who sit through the fact that the elevators cut through the structure to study each individual section and see what the impact was how it was impacting the structure poor weather toast methanol see who concealed cool interior the tower starts with a circle and another circle in the interior the economy beats and ends in an ellipse that means passing a platform and with the floor space the ground space walk Poland will work with the octagonal is the same thing the twelfth day lips so this is the ellipse nobody got touchscreen mic or pop boy the fish yet not yet your birthday okay there and I walked up in this is the octagonal below another competition in Milan on this you elevate a 5k city life the first the best heed the comfortable image still without lip skin with the stability problems is love that key he said in her deeds yes the stove's know about self and these towers within a Plaza an orderly in a garden the most wonderful in the second phase the neural circuit it reminds not much but it was created in the second phase they asked for more normal architects to participate video pizzettes man automation they wanted put more normal projects who only possess cooking now to them do you only tower that I had a fake thing gonna need to yield me Mia was this one made in granite and aluminium what if let's see other plumies very wants my mieze it was my breath so much cool to their way to college we have a plaza in a sculpture the position by the fish as Cherokees possess to take the Marisol if we should ever see I did a project that was all in concrete and the module overlapped with the proposed doors pause so I propose two towers together for what book linked at the top my smashes gostoso him lower than the Jason towers no said that I would for a very strong interior core and the pillars in the structure in the facade loose caps Jewish gathers because I looking except a shadow in the corners there were stairs because the living areas had to be lowered to add nozawa nachi very key so who's ever the figure the baddest about them they stop at the edge of a Chicago so in this area because it alternates it would be closed otherwise well ok s close we see implemented wolf at I located the towers in this area I am the kingmakers universe there my prefer Ricardo's with them and we could see here how the prefabricated concrete system works longshadow do that they did not like the concrete into that the rich want everything in glass if you did the rest and that it also had to have balconies concourse Vinay Kumar talked yesterday minute in the competition I won one at the tower isn't what though he Walter free dragon what he did to wish but no so I'm doing one of the towers and the other one is in Spanish architect that's a betrayal is arataura in vitro in time create with a new share the city but that flexing young one but tell me that so I in order to do this in the study in glass I created you you shaped glass like channel glass there's Toretto the Metallica the structure is all in metal rather the entrance to be able to choose a new where we see the u-shaped glass channels you can be thinner more pet house in the last floor which is a penthouse you I will tell this is a Buell's tower you cookus of the stoves are expensive imported the towers frame has a portico at the end of the street and bus water no Musti that every four year in Barcelona in a periphery area city thank out of the other friends we're the highway that goes to France and we'll see that Dermot our face here it's a dormitory town with no center pass river where that was the site the available site is no parking there's a utility Park and the open the open mud yes pizzette feel calm which created but not that I did this project with another office in Barcelona that Havas you still carry for the express logistics you're out this is the garden that they want to do give me a faculty no addict Olivia my view was to continue this green pathway the a beautiful album was first on my part Iike create the two tall buildings as a portal Korea no oppressor and an open plaza coconut that I defend myself from the sound of gravity on their commanders almost found it like a car arriving town a vo mother betta socio-economic at uma meat that you cannot tell so the two towers are social housing and a small modest hotel a they afraid for the earth well which gives us or not for insulin tips - - - Lucy the physical pedestrian most logical answer this very one creates one brand a path this area is quite warm the climb was quite warm and so the idea was to lift and cantilever part of the building to create shade nice to do that fit superior still Mason cincuenta in boshy kappa a big sink you have to totally be this way a pro professional tada you know Cassandra so the structure here is on the facade it starts with a 50 centimeter depth and end with a 25 centimeter and then you have a central nucleus what comes to fashion is to turn officially got ship we met as I said ok a trip I like to do the structure along the facade because it creates discipline and and it doesn't provide you the answer to the facade evident cake is Nick she got out of the taxi and Alice presenting a Veneto but if Isaiah blends of evil you gleba Kadosh move so here I really had to create Windows because I did not have the opportunity to do large glass panes because of the climate the problem looks tell that to get to the procedure tomorrow fire in general Leah station with a dirty can the deal for setting an agenda and although I like the work of Caesar and Lenny where they do create Windows I still looked at venturi text to give me strength to prove to create Windows people save me lives in episodic and they spent months designing facades Fuji lack of status some kind of go away from the idea of making windows and become more like girls factor analysis Daniel yeah no that case to to the fauna are seeing sheesh the predicted over the the reason why the windows skip are not aligned is because the structure needs to be in diagonal in order to not sway going to the or do you take Montana my Hegel at the promenade when comes to be imperative smelling to do out you know cause it was when the vehicle tell about English guitar to Caesar himself and in the interior I tried to create specific prototypical details that could be repeated so and this was something that I also did in Caesars office where we would create a universal detail that was used the porter ones things that appear the part that was left over the patio the door when it's adjacent to the about the kaupapa to the wall away from the wall or takes up the entire corridor Danella in the windows look at the sun's material is either I'm at the elevator for the woman in the corner the meaty materializes and we use a metal piece instead I did that people the only faecalis alterus that my first oppressor we attempted to unify the height of the cantilever to unify the plaza supported you yeah plastic knowledge lodges the door in the the plaza novice is this typical scanners internal system I see that abstract that mysterious certain areas there are staircases in order for it not to be an abstract city so there are some memories what we stay a mosteiro dos or twelve see that patch panel assault well how much does supported my house this is a monastery in the south of Portugal and it's at a short distance from Morocco system of Salinas will Tiffany's use there's some you know steps thank you if that's Alina Celine's salt marshes and the monastery is right here to see that that's much Gladys finish respects and others go close to we the lighter areas are the areas that I built yes taro is still the new areas that I built is the most a little skewer to her more possible the fact if I didn't have no energy do because you because I stayed this monastery survived the Lisbon earthquake and that's because it's made of stone it's was able to receive the oscillation without completely collapsing the pores no cycles are no Vince I convinced with Emily fabrica Farina then in the 19th and 20th century or was converted into a flour factory Inc available says an analyst do it even with State Academy cameras we could see the window openings from the old monastery that are quite small Janelle is the father and the windows for the factory might they don't but you will need to master stress Palmeiras your post at the interior patio is quite beautiful with three palm trees and a well apart Ella throughout the summer state from an end of the Clausura yes the journalist know is that acceptance in a fabrica you tell us which Tamara Karsavina there's a lateral door and it's a sort of a feminine entrance and the arced openings with views to the salt marshes esta aqui no matter who you know at first we don't stay to my paces rather what that design is rather do my motive Atari the Rosetta man comes to read my bad see that the issue here was not to build an isolated monastery or an object it was really to build it into the urban city into the cityscape to react eat so I built here called Gloria keep here but really gave us see that they fit did so I built a road and linked it to the city the Moodle 2 facial seems namaste no promoting cancer social even the outside wall to the monastery became the residences adjacent to the salt marshes mother Lydia technique just gathers talking what for them because I blush Salinas so there's an equipment gallery or corridor in the back and the apartments to the with a view to the the salt marshes well number of the gas - kill people you know at associate proper associate ever the number of houses that I proposed not sufficient to be rented token basically answer comparable to the American Street English peas so I convinced the client to actually buy more land and then I created additional units SS Gaza shot I'm afraid he possessed a much it's cheap Lynette I'm a supporter of sopra minerva the the project's is very disciplined it only has openings to the front and it has one only door and the detail is repeated solid which was the living area in two bedrooms there was a key saute my friends you can see here the world I miss my partner to deepen the same door repeated the kick myself very crazy event I know career continued a rope yourself here we ran into a saw crisis where the bank is not wanting to continue the actual operation but the Chevy must be so she can come up on stage you're selfish piece this is what we saw before the stair access thank you boo bulya assalam bash is quite busy man what party ma Janelle here I proposed the bedrooms at the top and the living room at the bottom but they they annoy daddy - guys this particular possession a minute ago they would need the key what fresh Alaskan sativa if a zero marginal at all from Makassar that my decor was a llama so the idea was to open the house to the patio area there was a keel of the fish when we get needs to put I see that we can see here the accesses to the town the scallops of trash mother Samantha these years are transformed into yo the Alfonso the kids Culebra Mukesh where were feeling and there's an area here that is evokes a certain a certain Moroccan style bath you found it the patio the two bedrooms and the living area female dispatcher sheriff says that they see my personnel use client's ischial village girls come to the vet but by that the patios at first were closed and then the clients requested that it would be more open external assembly mirrors epigrams creativity little bit the issue was always the same we are paying we have the right to see much because in your faith gather stories in video the ethnicity and give massages transformers boom tap degrees we have if not a match for mm-hmm although I've ten buildings full in glass this area because of the climate that was not possible and so the landscape becomes even more desirable which bad fun on the believers near standoffish babies the bedrooms were demolished this year I took no vacation if they pled to the fabrica this is the actual factory plan blemish causes could cost to leave these are the houses that I built I feel fat you foolish pieces the patio with the two floor you know what I do is gather the favicon and I was able to salvage two of the houses from the factory they will see to perceive all over vo Clouston i was able to use the cloisters treatment and then two pools may be able to esther's an emotionalless Kathina is that fabrica esther friends statement nouveau that was from Sylvia prefers elevator self it's evident that neither the openings the window openings for the monastery or the factory were actually useful for the unit's Intel because of the super reporter killed cop Susannah professor Casas he severe cerebellar Secunia Sylvia so I had to overlay the windows that I needed and see which ones coincide he had done with fearsome Elijah make up that tequila Carol McCauley abscissa yokai skill so the project is a collage between what is legal and also what is needed mr. Medina that Kamath pizzette from either a Chicago slump as Salinas part of his letter J that illegal Sam I see that so at this point it was fairly laid out the area along the salt marshes and the orange grove houses it's that over South ankles to the other Z okay with but this if sabaki analogy and then there was a discussion where the patio it was requested that that area was closed were covered well south of a service to the believe markets but we expose evidence before models so instead of doing facades I decided you know working in elevation and section I started to actually do models so the abscissa mocha refers to the other machine to the other studio so the indecision wasn't just exterior was exterior and interior a little fit that schools they had other competitor to the Psalter the walls were made with stone and earth that was completely floating or Decepticons treatise periods with the cash papazilla get as periods you skipped so we started to building vertically in order to start linking the existing walls the bush that's like 30 mins and then the flooring plates the first bigger celebrity actors in absinthe's even channels every next move and then there was another problem where I had to create 220 windows and these walls he employed observable a little Matata he with fish you beautiful too and the engineers suggested that we create a new building because it was going to be impossible to have that many openings in this type of wall it's that the FZ para todos a novella Barcelona it's so much faster so I visited John novels project in Barcelona where the windows are the ones that provide the structure to the building though about much like the physical therapy analysis was not very much work so the area the the the existing wall really the area surrounding the window is actually the stronger part of the facade Cobre Moses period to do that italicum I'm Adam talika we covered the wall with the metal mesh with a wood with a wood mold and then a metal structure and then you have the negative space and the texture is the following no say with the perceive that cannot live on its own the newest potatoes hotel and the to concrete sandwiches it was they say if it's suitable gothic really shell yes does the boy will see the shadow of modernism now so but I did want to leave the the memory of the window which believe that I'm data you know flex evasion so the walls were an earth inflexible who's read the repeal of Vesperia to knock stab at the wife be to the school 20 that would I decided to straighten the the walls because I didn't like the picturesque aspect of the crooked Levite at 5:08 with you rebellion with this activity to the centromere for me it's the same to work in a old building or in a historic building or a new building because the it is always the same there's almost but it's fernanda late average some of the walls were straightened as they keep letting after about that not mistake we were pre-med pizzette this team of workers had already worked on another monastery that I did previously hopeless was lemaise was stabbed man there's no thought of italic it come to that that the Cooper was also used the same system of projected concrete and reinforced to to make silver chef experience to be still make no meat revival so the big problem was if I left the walls as they were how do you keep water from coming in stairway the push to the other stuff on quantity of sherry and the key and another issue was that that area they wanted him to to shift down 6th Ave there's the proof subtle but crisp only if I like the proportion of the patio you don't wish to the other which we took at least I was complimenting enough so the studio studio the archaeologists of the project said that I was completely wrong about the proportion of the patio he managed design of the Zilker would say would be a fair thing you never thinking and sent me this drawing of an old plant was telling me that the monastery pay a patio should be this way instead of that okay that the cooks kibriya from the side a key ut the truth is that I found the foundations in these locations when they're tough to defeat Academy so this picture actually educates the I agree the the project and I built them which goes three the measurement Eric malls antiques but no specific aim of that so but I built it in the same fashion as the historic building so you cannot tell which is which a few zeros possibly a favorite they had beautiful Slayers not as an Ellis spike was happy good so I created the same mistakes I used stone and the earth and then I created the openings with the reinforced concrete in our cars reduce the attenti stanford imagine le diga in the personal in some cases I could not resist the temptation of putting an old-style window in the new wall diminished cast shadow with massive shell in this named the area's closed Cyrus closed Bravo's igreja the the cabo practical men two cement so we were cooperate at the church and at the time the banks was there was a crisis in the back of the banks stop the construction there were two very chic was for some scenario a model ain't cut them they did not stop the construction the bank's just had less money so I finished the the actual actual vault as if it was almost cardboard there's no reason you know we have gone over the gate I didn't make a mistake is this because when there's less money you have to build it that way the shadows the closed patios in Estonia - you missed a dose divert concede so recouped the deficit ooh didn't force world Kedavra could see a gears others a supercell she DMV event I believe that the monastery is has met what I've wanted to do and I had a teacher at a Buddha who told me that salvaging certain historic landmarks don't require require also for people to live in them the Intel a premade we need one of subjects after Xia Jiang is proper so in the beginning when you're not sure what you're doing you just draw establish tell assemble boys and kids even quite upset that you feel a phenom dip Yokosuka the mystique a mu when you mouse over it this is a boys installation where he lives with the coyote and in the end he's able to domesticate the coyote yep it's a stop to the boosted java class together some father I wish to lead a team to you material so I believe at this moment the monastery was almost finished and at this point I just needed to pick the the paint color she's the only real Swiss well gee I suppose that's a cow I brought to a friend al Jia T who suggested that I use just lime problem x cleared Sydney arrow of emergency and Athena say no can perceive a fuzzy and we've been to that an outcome the clients however said that they had no money at least that's what they said and so it would be very difficult to do an artisanal type of paint the external Spooner occurs you stay to be a favicon over the majors has been do this someone to practice something to smooth out plastic so the issue was that the old color which was read in both the monastery and the factory and that the new paints the more plastic paints are too opaque cochlea that Kalpa that HT faith thanks for your tau a better that I wasn't eager let's go eat so this is the look the lime period that I wanted where you could see that has a transparent aspect to it secretly the plastic animal teeth remover no the shadow here and the plastic paint was kind of a dumb and deaf paint that you could not get that texture Toph is Marcel spirit are you promised technique so I did a few experiments in the office with one of my technicians yet they were Morel for the set of my experience and I tried it with yellow to see if it was more transparent well it was a disaster the footpath called that idea comes with no hope so I decided to use more like the color of the sand it's sad if you got a stir and this was the color that was selected give us all these officials journalists approve it then gemellus Antigua's so we see an exercise there where some of the old part of the window was used because there's not replay because than that some of the houses are three floors what to value my mezzanine way to be in a thousand it though a room bedroom and a mezzanine he approve it event problem Ars Technica strats unite and i try to reuse some traditional techniques burst onto my dad came together a career yet not able to crab which is quite expensive because it's romantic and it's ecological welcome synaptic amazon would kill me khaki we're at the provide succeed that's the air conditioning unit so it comes from below I mean the mezzanine it was a feat now in the final image Belsnickel cochlea caribou suited as no see that method for their partner who were and what I believe I wanted which was for the project to be integrated into the into the city and I mean the thermal she makes the little people it integrates into the automotive signs the road signs he not warships guilty event that but no II have a debuff of it and in some areas you had to invent something where there was nothing that was my Catholic evolution is recalled that house the Chinese Tibet - perhaps our part of the fabric and we recuperated part of the factory the upstairs of the vish cameras on a kid post caps Norfolk area also in the interior we're creating some gardens and trellis to provide shade so the cars don't heat up it was like it was yesterday fellas it's our plush quarters you can see here how the old monastery windows did not serve the purpose of the new apartments to deco etiquette they shall go by jebel is the fabric and I can say that in this time of crisis that the architecture is eclectic because I did leave some of the factory windows they call will be able the Navajo care of the shadow the shadow Buddhist what they stood a cost absorb it that obscene and while we left the walls as they were with that savings we were able to create also the pools that the procedure before Jenna was educated but was a repair difficulty mentally and here's a fountain that we had to do in concrete because there was no money to do it in stone that to stable their spare regret check of all the time of large stone pieces has ended but this is a bit of playing a signal is this our scarce food servers mechanized others that could see that this is the parking area with noted by the tea and with the equipment in the back with a grill whoops evilly focus of the gloves come up scheana pay to the answers evoking the cloister area say that by passing over his chair but not was able to personality get a personal this is the new part about massaging from skipper Adam this is a thoroughfare prospectors of it the ocean that was read that was to debunk over a regular open windows into the rectangular to the open patio into the rectangular windows esto algo silver blue sea down the food chiana they can will he go throw a few that I believe the color of the paint now works well in connection to the rest of the city yes garlic you see I keep with her from I think that but yet magic indeed well right a little bit and the the stair that existed there became a ramp which is more continuous because the bush busy Paschal what to gather a Jewish quarter that those are the houses with two floors with the bedrooms and the living area he they might have about the final image the female state of who did he was the city and the monastery welcome fee cake off scape walkabout plus an Ellis the boys did fate to stores less water since I became obsessed with Windows after the 220 windows in the monastery and the barcelona project for can immerse Tarantino a levy they're gonna be able to me that because in the monastery I didn't have the alibi that I used before as not having the depth for the windows if they went to when the mill they were cheap perfume to do but was in which the less than maybe an hour looking the other fish social network well so when my friend Chipperfield asked me to do the Venice Biennale I did windows will propose trespassers contrast Paredes difference so I proposed three walls with three different expressions was an elephant become fertile at the end now she kill vertical window Palladian Janelle I kept them alive the world without no place to go sleek it when the thing for the enemy to self cially think of a shared out to the - Casa Vega developer cacao and a rectangular window in the style of brunette out that's when we have to lower the ceiling and social housing you take the vertical window and you rotate it yeah possible movie middle which is part of the movement the older version Ella now is each there is Passover completely in the last window which does not exist which is an actual complete open space that there's an Aleph thing of a equipped from the others would make volume anyway so these windows have to do with the thickness of the wall which they become smaller okay if they Stella self but a last Moodle I located this installation parallel to this wall you get the South Pacific expose yourself newsroom talk you'd push sex butter jelly fish basement we need to do see that so you can see the actual the other exhibitions through the space I was on tour and then you continue on to Caesars Lea's if you put in a book with you although if you haven't sent even it's bullshitting a doors doors that cochlear for Kevin and Alice I selected this site because it's a bit isolated and that also had the two towers which I would like the project to focus on so this model is tentative Logan Logan Logan dicus will make a vehicle myself that existing edge condition gave me inspiration were indicated where I should be foolish develop spookily the my stepdaughter these three windows focus on these towers because air VOCs they used on top they take village an hour so whoever wants to see is entirely and Caeser have to see through the windows take a poop so I asked my shadow Nika this is the proportion it's not their lowest yes to get to that wet that what party Whitfield and so this is the idea of a glass wall in the a glass window and a door window a imagine ecology but she originally proposed design he imagined Oh miss weather hope plus work Elsa Lakeshore Drive which is the image for amusement arrow which is which is amusement eros proposal for his own house and lecture die no cerebral I don't know if it was for him vivia I think because he lived like this for Guadalupe we this little bar with the painting of queries yeah I mean you're gonna move it up like about a potato miss you staying at the questionnaire and migrates out to conclude and I believe the future of architecture do that and I believe the future of architecture depends on this on this issue Jacob is deportability notify Bolivia why did miss have this apartment they never lived there Viviana my cousin Tia and lived in an old house an antique Antonella Chabot and had closed windows a lot of loose did not like light nothing can be ever seen casa and there's not have light fixtures and may that be vertical to Medina and that who accesses library he uses a flashlight thank you the first question that's it that it babe yeah yeah it's great so we're ready for questions now no question so it's amazing to me that somebody just said in this room that the future of architecture depends on the future of the window and there are no Christians so you are in agreement with this not the window do we not linked with the wall the windows go off and the material in the end believe though is the three proportions Osito ceiling is from this side someone consequences the window is where all of the decisions you make about the project kind of come together and although architects lie because that's the only way they can produce architecture doing that could lead to the angle but the reality was I still believe in the triangle of materials system of construction and the actual language because we said beauty is in the truth which is a phrase of st. Augustine Misaki did pigment you for you miss but if there is a architect that is a liar is nice which makes every corner a lie a false corner made it every corner but he's great because it was a friend gives me this this book and a thanks to this evaluation service with a fashion I was this years old me that could start a physician there was a voltage any air freshener yo dis likkle was bhisma senior cadet nationality emanated 0 morning but victory at the time had refound the the window rediscovered the window and he spoke about a way of framing the window but they almost presented school season didn't ask about that the way they went to dip in the Westerbeck yeah was reestablish possessive more heated simplistic level isabella i feel i've had a lot of projects with Caesar and who I enjoy to work with tremendously and we have this this common problem kill fascism Jewish outs it gets the professing things your physical Maya where he actually creates openings and I believe that other architects also create openings but I think that he he's the Mata ink wash myself as me not the one that makes the best openings Paris because if it's free comminuted eyes you know from so voluminous myself so much that I was cool don't crap where the the buildings are usually white volumes and it's really the openings are the windows to give that the its character so now you thought you found the depth and in the windows of the menagerie have you found a new way of applying also lights in your buildings and how did you treat light in the previous project that now has changed because you're you found the depth in the windows again I've got a shorter version Eilat resolution malucia Petrosyan comic ten shadow uh terminators 3-0 whoosh be introduces project if you need a proper son as an hour quand resist una casa instead up from without limits facet kalamata air filter which the three terminals coexist Emma's positives advice so when I when I do panes of glass i altered the proportions you know the length to a lot more light in or less with the monastery because of the depth of the opening that's in itself the death works as a filter between the lights from exterior to interior and Italo Calvino butakov in Zurich Saku Vindhyas here the material is that so that 20th century the material of the actual wall was being dematerialized so the depth was becoming quite thin so the wall thickness has decreased and it's constantly decreasing what you start yeah you know stuff needs nothing yesterday as it was never out but a so I don't know what it's like in the US but in Europe because of the economic crisis the the material keeps becoming less and less so the this thickness of the wall is becoming less and less brief yeah it could push my friends occasionally the danger that one has is that it's like in France you fall in a coup of fundamentalism Nathalie Lussier yeah yeah dekappa dekap everything in in France has to do with energy the patellas legacy booze ethicist blues with feces Janelle the Vita Sochi on that is nice no made from it so to respect energy and energy rule regulations the window size can't be more than a meter by a meter in social housing fast connected to that a Frances Asia mu into DP for mood and the perceiver which makes architecture in France very similar or repetitive Korea what that said true stratum Celeste is the supposition it was a coarse mesh receiver specimen so an architect in order to be more frustrated to be more noticed with their building uses colors that are more chromatic more vivid no no say quite quite sort of tall stocky I don't know what the future is going to be like otherwise I wouldn't be here look you'll say a kid because al Assad he knows knowledgable about it let's talk about that Nishida in Africa they were satirical spoken tomorrow for the except of it they're not spot for yet it issues in Angola Moscow Knesset we save Suleiman what the platoons couldn't tell already see the errors that are made in there that looks about this in the past can't continue to to occur because of this economic crisis things continue to worsen but you can't build with in places like Angola Africa where with glass that does not have any thermal value can I ask a question I can't believe we're talking about Windows when I see the projects that you've done as towers and I think about the problem around the world where star architects are asked to make towers that are just iconic objects with no sense of urbanism no sense of urban space I just think you're complicit with this problem and I think you I mean I see is a sakis plan as a kind of anti urban plan a series of objects that are on a kind of frame this is a big problem in China and I think one of the things that architects could do today is try to offer other examples instead of being just complicit with this iconic object tower making what do you think you'll start this no no pork rhythms of like journalist put pork I watch problemas mayor's initiative the preview courtesy of Oviedo ejecta for my mission tip the the the depreciate want problemas your bench exalt veering into west st they had the tonic annoyed never feed the total years theaters would be that fuzzy ish to eat your pizza cutter my the window problem is my problem maybe they have to kill maybe the design of a scenario oversight for 0 pizzette on one side but serious a that make this movie rest experience of the ship to the rest Dominator has massive sanatorium evil the matter of fact CT remote or mice tectonic confesses to trash it from solemn embrace salvation you can't possibly do tend to do proven duplication it was the proper when is a sound at all the stores yokas come kuru contrary mature and focuses in severe the best key between factors poly Ya Ya gosh continents a textile report machinery I was Satan or Satan that does it a yes won't know I am you prove way I must severe said she that devastate faith is in form of the leaps on my rival it's gonna matter what the puzzle city a shadow so he believes that the urban problem so he accepts the project such as the project in in China he accepts to to build a project just as he did the project in Milan where he does believe it's a coward counter nature or counterintuitive and it works almost like a zoo where you stroll through and then you're gonna go see the Hadid project and then the lip skin project and so he does agree that it's a kind of against a natural like or less intuitive way but also it's he's not in charge of the urban fabric of of the the project so whether the tower takes on a different shape whether it's an octagonal or a circular really what he has to do what they accept him in a way then he articulates really the facade and that's what he is truly interested in in developing you know care prepare for co-leader the internal thank you by sector Sanada we do a platter stance together as wave Sam hoopties we were cementing the quad spins area dadada a problem Oklahoma's Otis is Nevada I could not rest on that I could not work that is exactly the commander he despises he could take you know by all parties so there's a lot of figures so he's given you know very specific rules regulations areas proportions to the core money price for a budget for materials and then on top of that he still meets with partner architects such as Sasaki and then it goes further and to the board's review and so if someone is not happy with something things have to be shifted and adjusted just say no what's that I have no work in Portugal no I said before I said no a lot a lot of times but now I have to close my office and I like to know this atmosphere they talk a lot I know that else oxides about how to build in in China and so in Africa and I cannot stay at home and say oh people of my office say go home and I stayed seeing landscape and they say I'm honest it's easy to be honest where to put the hands when I propose an alternative plan okay but it was the first axis was they out there say yes or no no well I just think it's cocaine but I think it's important to I think it's important to to try this question for me about the tower when you use the body and the surface that they asked to decide and it's larger and in the hands of the window there is no light and to introduce this courtyard in the tower I think it's a good a good thing for a tower I want to try like a model if they if they ask me to make it sweeter okay it's the paradise but it's not in season yeah so that that sort also said that you forgot to translate is that he was not in charge of the urban planning and that he didn't have any option there he only had the option to design this tower and he thought that by designing this tower at least he can decide something while as if he refused to design the tower he he doesn't have a role well I just two things interested me one is that when you look back over your work you can see quite different influences of course there is his influence of me and which are by no means the same and and it's very extraordinary seems to me that one understands why Mies was a big inspiration because of this issue about truth and also about building and this question of the way you know he says somewhere in architecture begins when two two picks of bricks are putting carefully together I mean I can see how this would have appeal to you but but I always think there's been a tension in the work between the Mediterranean masonry tradition on the one hand and the tendency of lease to dematerialize on the other it seems to me that in your early work and even now that's still present and so that's that's one comment the other comment is that certain conditions I mean conditions with the client the intention of the client for example is definitive in a way you the architect can only do so much if the client now doesn't really have a desire that's close to what they do to a quality the quality of life the architect can't we transcendent I think it it seems to me that you know once you start to work with a certain kind of abstract speculation there's not too much you can do I mean her deeds tower is a zacky's tower leave us in scour I mean it each of these variations point out the same thing that the situation is by definition very empty it's simply about money and nothing else basically yeah money and spectacle that's all it's about under those conditions a navigate can't really produce spiritual work of high quality like for example the monastery is a totally other situation I mean a different landscape a different history a different client different different everything I mean not the claim could not be more removed from Milano right from the Sierra I think the Clancy's all times the same as the banks but they're else they're all seeing Mellon they are the banks generally aliance yeah the big companies but the monastry wasn't the client was different right the different client curry Ansel Adams middle school in Scotty f8 oldc there was a real estate development company as well with the because it ya see that as a triage story to contemplate to cozy with the monastery the the project he felt like he was at home he was dealing with a set of aspects like the city the landscape his historic preservation and also contemporary architecture but it's finished if there's no more of that type of work in Portugal the monastery is my type it's the the what I love to do because its history materials netscape design city urban questions the athletic language cross the factory the monastery the vertical windows and it's not to be i am a crack is dead it's the real conditions they obliged to do an eclectic design now in this moment the church in plaster so but but I can not only to do what I love sometimes I have to make something different or to try like that the other one of course I never design a station I have made a competition I decide that they're gonna vote I never saw a football game I made the stereo breath now I work in the hospitals I study hospitals because they are the only projects that the Portugal in the future must be do it must do is so I am NOT in conditions - oh I finish with architecture and close my office like my friends all my friends but if I have the possibility they see if these are that invites me to me that our channel I have to try it's on us to try and after I cannot agree perhaps with conditions but before the urbanism what I think is is why I watch China in a country the culture with the political Tekamah critique is the same thing that caught was a made a tower in Berlin for Hitler for instance I think about this there are some lattice Corbusier asking to Mussolini for projects and I think I am working in a country where the the party reduce the culture at one point of view it's not its concern with nature you understand language question me anyway it's a question that under certain conditions with certain clients you just can't win I mean it's even a question whether you can build you know how high how many times the same height can you really create an environment which has any cultural significance I mean I think it's a real problem yeah but for instance I don't show the projects for for rapid I said no no they arrived they paid a lot but for instance I have to pay and I say no I don't think you have to pay me not I don't think so i I don't start not one line it perhaps the the only projects we can discuss the ethical problem it's Italy the tower and China it's got to do with the fact that it doesn't move where the whether it's in a democracy or not when the client is simply about the abstraction of as much money as possible as quickly as possible it's very difficult for an architect to do good work quanto convinced east sassette Marinero they kept these if this this abstraction when there is money it's not so much the question of the political you know whether it's democracy or totalitarian or whatever I mean it's not the issue that bothers me what bothers me is here or in many parts of the world and also not in China you get the message is very clear the client wants to build as fast as possible make as much money as possible and they don't care about the result at all really basically they could care less he just wanted an image that looks a bit like a skyscraper you know this is the same thing in Lafayette situation I think very different I mean it was it was a modest project it wasn't just making as much money as possible Rio is a key deficit so he doesn't agree completely with the idea of the client not wanting you know not caring about the result and just building you know in making the most amount of money because they did hire so sake as the project coordinator and so he feels there's an attempt there at an effort that shows interest in the results of the project that this kind of da2 must follow more fully than today they do want money with but with a little bit of quality say well I see little seed snowsuits birthday well itself well it's the same everywhere China south of in France all of the the details for our housing are completely defined if you go back 30 years I think there was kind of testing of architecture against contemporary conditions in the beginning those conditions are surely different now whether it's China or whether it's the United States or whether it's Africa but the the window and the complexity of the window and the ambiguity of inside and outside figure-ground a kind of I think you mentioned season making the greatest opening something of the stare in the Porto School in the beginning at the corner but it seems to me that one of the beautiful things that you've always done is this kind of liquid tension between inside and outside you know an architect who would hesitate in a kind of post modernist world to the window is the inscription of the subject that the stair and the Domino frame making it specific and less Universal and other it's I just wonder if it's if the distinction between an ethical condition now to build for this client for that client if that question hasn't been there and one of the exquisite things is the kind of architectural izing of it through whether it's a discourse of a window an opening as opposed to the massive global condition of money and banks to myself department s condition contemporaneous on which you acquaintances at rush no you know tabatha was over also tomato project due to see the new portal and contrast saturation with Bank on this mr. main Swati to the app to their creativity and sun-baked either and career in washing and through entry or three or II see as the suggests stomper Africa choice you es en masse performance procedures oval the if no and sauce over the kita to the peevish you ask it was a cadet to test your patellar self-realization not electrically if it was done by architects have the temptation of not dying without trying a few things Lucifer Mondrian a bit of really stir Mondrian Backus painted also realistic and painted cows and trees and then he turned into a more abstract painter to marry without because neither cables here so fuzzy quadruped who do the pin to the phenomena turn was Nina's last and did really and this works in the reverse as well where applica so has a more abstract work unless he became older started to replicate the old style of the Spanish paintings realistic Spanish paintings well next important way is the capacity well he puts it over well he acted to rock strata quality zoom live ammo twelve first part that story welded to discusses so he believes that an architecture is the same the abstract as an abstract painting so if architecture reaches this aspect and then houses at one point may not may be inhabitable let's organize a topic ask whether there's a pivot Africa my streak by combat cosmos Antigua it's not meas that is not going to live at Lakeshore Drive it's Picasso its Picasso that as he got more money bought more antique palaces a suit just one where the living in Canada people home always in people who watch because we Mondrian what's the V my issue and that is why do these artists like Solari clay Mondrian Picasso live in more historic and antique housing or houses without the scalloped ineptitude of security for for how long were houses from the 20th century habitable Paliwal defense worthless a boil an egg una Quinn told Vivian McArthur who then I wrote a pious because I customization the only painter that lived in text and copy tutorials to get to a source this is the active to the much best computer system it's follow here least little caddy a list of prison so fast female does we have strata of American deaf status were fast enough Tommy's ulti man both witnesses misspelled with a magic admin Chicago we will take my port the classic autocracy pomorie him apart that freaking wish is on that so his his shoe here is this composition between abstracts and the real realist so into use me as an example why does in his IBM building whose OMA porta di porta potties so white us in his building is completely closed in there's a giant door okay good architects never you know died with the architecture that they began the good architects lovely well and painters the same way they awakened a figure here at least so so we we link it on this question almost painfully link it on this question because it seems so important when and where the architect thinks and and how they think and I think in the last comments you understand finally exactly why that image of Mies was the flashlight has such such importance and and I I just want to celebrate the fact that that in this case the architect listen to the question why you do this and and took 20 minutes to elaborate the answer and the answer is completely consistent with the word the same way of thinking the same way of operating and in the way what you say back to the room is it's not so simple it's not so simple and in that sense anybody that speaks in this room and says I don't know what the future is otherwise I wouldn't be here for me it's just great and I will live to hear this many many times and I want to thank Ken for inviting Eduardo but also I think it would be nice to have a round of applause for Kenneth Frampton and his name and and and thank you to Eduardo I I didn't mention of course that he won the Pritzker last year because if you win the Pritzker that's all anybody ever says about you but it has to be said Eduardo yeah for a planet with storage amazing electric
Channel: Columbia GSAPP
Views: 12,952
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: columbia, gsapp, new york, architecture, economy, eduardo souto de moura, kenneth frampton, mark wigley, pritzker, portugal, china
Id: 6WVMzVn5Sb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 10sec (7090 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2012
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