Kelsey Grammer and His Regret with Ex-Wife Camille

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there's one is there anything you've done in your life that you now look back on and regret that was one of the Twitter clubs oh boy you know there's there's a ton of things actually that I do regret but I can't I can't spend my life apologizing you know there's uh there's there's several things I regret I mean I regret that I didn't spend more time with my my daughter Greer I regret that I didn't you know tell Kate I love her as often as I should but I mean you know but I'm still working on it so it's okay we make we make mistakes in life hopefully you're with people that know how to forgive and so there's an old check off saying says since we are forgiven it's it's foolish if you cannot forgive well I gotta ask you one question and I don't want to dwell on this but I was a big Real Housewives watcher did you ever regret any of those scenes you were in because some of them were very awkward like yeah I went to visit you backstage there was this really awkward oh I don't for you in that scene well thanks and I wondered if that was one of those things you're like you know what I regret the cameras being I was trying to I was I was trying to pretend things were normal for the sake of somehow letting that let her have that moment and it was just ill-advised it was the wrong decision I should have I should have come home from England when I first met Kate and just said let's not met somebody and you know this hasn't been working for a long time and I regret not to I'm not doing that but I thought I could do something nice some parting thing and so yeah it was very painful and uncomfortable it was uncomfortable for Kate it was uncomfortable for all of us you
Channel: Anderson
Views: 267,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anderson cooper, anderson live, anderson, kelsey grammer
Id: BtthEF9lzrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 44sec (104 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2012
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