Kel Mitchell's Ex Wife Cheating, Pregnant By Multiple Men, Messy Divorce, Kel Trying To End His Life

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I had gotten a you know a girl pregnant this is my ex-wife she was pregnant at the time so all this was going on at the same time and so this frustration and the reason I'm explaining this to you is because I want people to understand uh the mindset of you know what might happen to young actors and the things that they're going through you know we see it all the time with uh the suicide raid and uh with actors and what goes on and I was friends with a lot of the actors that are not here anymore and so just the process of the things that you deal with right so so I'm you know button heads with this producer says this thing at the same time uh my ex-wife is pregnant we're dating at this time and uh also too uh as I'm going through all of this at the same time and dealing with this whole process um I'm upset about it I call my pops and I'm just like when that happened with the producer I'm upset and he was just like hey yo you know did he disrespect you as a man how do you feel the man I am today I should have told my dad yeah come on out cuz he had he said yo I want to come out be there with you but I said no it's all good I handle it it's all good and what I did was I just said you know what all right I'm going to just do my job and I'm going to do the best of what I can do but as far as everybody else you know what I mean it's just me right now and I'm just going to make this show happen the way that I do and it because of that point it was a thing of I ended up going from here to here being a kid and then now being in ad de my mom was my manager at that time and with my mom being my manager at the time I didn't want to tell her I got to go pregnant you see what I'm saying so if it was someone that was a manager and I could have just told him hand yeah but I couldn't tell him at that time so it was like oh shoot I can't I can't tell him this you know what I mean and so I'm dealing with that because you know I'm dealing with that the whole time she's you know belly starting the show we trying to hide it right you know type of thing she just eating a little more than what she should yeah right and right and we and I'm having this frustration you know with this writer as well too uh and that's going on and then I remember she end up she was just like yo I want to have an abortion right and dealing with that too as well with no one knowing no one knowing so no one knowing we're doing that and I'm still hey welcome to Good Burg home the good you know doing all these shows making people laugh and all these different things because I've been on you know uh Good Morning America all these different you know uh interviews and shows and uh telling people about uh suicidal thoughts and emotions that you might go through and I never really pointed pinpointed who the person was or who it is you know or the things that were going on and this is what is going on so I'm sharing it with you and so uh within that process of going on with that um it's emotional roller coaster that was going on at that point and so that happens and then what I end up doing uh right after that you know uh ended up getting pregnant again you know throughout that process even after we had the abortion um and then ended up getting married right as well and so while that's going on um with Nickelodeon I'm sort of like about to be on my way out I became this um I wanna I don't want to say um where I what's the word it's more of like one lady one lady ended up saying it like this what she call me the Tupac a Nickelodeon you know so one of the people that we work with I wouldn't say that but this was what said about me and so uh because of the point where I just was kind of like hey man this is going to be my show now I'm G do it this way right and I didn't agree and I didn't tell anybody what that you know producer had said to me at that time and what was going on you know and what was said and even what I was going through personally within my life what I was going through I wasn't sharing that with anybody and that's a lot of a problem when you isolate that um and within that process you can go through a lot you know what I mean and uh holding all that frustration inside right but I still was able to uh have an outlet through show you know through the show and doing that process um and I remember mystery man had came along with was this movie called mystery man I did with Ben Stiller uh Janine Garo and so to me it was like well I'm on my way out in Nickelodeon it's all good you know what I mean and a lot of people talk about um you know Keenan and I as far as like the split between the Keenan and Kel Show this is where it started and I think that uh even Keenan didn't really know either what was going on uh because I didn't share uh what was going on with me uh in the head writer of of the show when that happened and uh and what was going on and I didn't trust anybody at that moment either yeah yeah you you you speak um about these thoughts that you were having um and I think it was around what 2004 yeah that you said you that you was at your lowest and you contemplated taking your own life yeah yeah uh you didn't talk you didn't have a therapist you didn't have any body that you felt comfortable enough with to go sit down and have a conversation with even if it's not a therapist maybe a pastor maybe a closest friend you held that you bottled that up inside and dealt with it on your own so this is what I mean about the um understanding the timeline okay so because that's a big speed up you know what I mean so the start of that from where the suicide is where I was just talking about M so there was a start of that which was like I said 999998 you know what I mean around that time and so when that was going on I was processing me not sharing what was happening and holding all of that um and dealing with that that's what led to that part okay so in the beginning of that with me holding all those that information um then uh mystery man came along you know that show and I remember I'm I'm out the Nickelodeon I'm like I'm all good and I remember uh the headwriter uh who's dashing that's who I was talking about who was wrote on the show um at that time uh he was also doing a uh a movie I believe it was U Liar Liar with a man not Li liar it was um oh man I'm trying to remember the name of it it wasn't Li liar uh but it was a mandab bind was supposed to was in the movie yeah and it was about a kid the lies and all stuff like that um but they wanted me to actually be in that movie at first you know and I was like yo we should put Keenan in it that would be dope to Pik and we both do that cuz we had a three- piture deal at Paramount when we were doing that but they decided that uh you know they didn't want they didn't do the other movies we just did good burger and but but I was doing mystery man so they were like yo you should be on that and I was like oh yeah but let's pin and they were like Noah I think this is just be with you and I'm like no but I I feel like you know we got the show let's do it and also to the writer is the same writer I had fallen out with you know what I mean that's in the room and so I'm just like all right you know what I mean I don't want to do that and I remember I left out of the room uh and you know all these producers excited about doing this movie and I remember I left out of that room that situation and then I saw uh Kenan and then I saw Nick and they were like yeah we heard about that meeting they just started laughing right and for me uh I was just I felt like yo yeah I was in there fighting for you you know what I mean and that kind of hurt at that moment thing about me was that I didn't relationship is very important and you need need to let know people know how you feel at that time I there was really wasn't doing that right there was a trus thing you know what I mean I had already been through death you know within my family in Chicago and all these things were going on at this point uh both of my uncles was murdered uh I had a friend that was murdered that we talked about all this happened around the same time and so there wasn't any uh no I wasn't seeing any therapist or anything of that nature I was just working constantly with working on the show um um and within doing that and then at that time too I ended up uh marrying uh my ex-wife you know uh because we had another baby we had the baby right we had the abortion but then we had a baby and uh she ended up telling me that the baby that was aborted wasn't mine and So within that process uh you are immediately married within a lie already yeah you know what I'm saying so the so the marriage was never same after that was it no it was this is this is at the beginning you know what I'm saying it's right at the beginning and So within that process she probably should have kept that to herself well you know I'm glad she didn't and So within that process with that being known it was like yo and now I'm on TV all this I'm still on TV all this and I don't have time to really process that and she almost you know with even in being you know the pregnancy uh she almost died within the pregnancy so that was a hard time too and I remember the uh some of the writers coming to the Set uh to the hospital and they were like bringing presents and I'm thinking like oh yeah cool thank you and then they were like yo when can you be back on set and it was just like you see what I'm dealing with yeah we see what I'm dealing with but you know no no shout out to you know no no shade to them they were just they were doing what they were told as far as a job to see if K can get be back on set um and I was the one that you know ended up getting someone pregnant you know around that time but uh I'm just setting up so you understand was really going on when we get to 2004 you know what I mean in that in that process so uh now knowing that this you know the kid isn't you know is mine and then now uh leaving the show you know on Nickelodeon and then I had mystery man this Big Show and I'm thinking like oh yeah that's going to be it you know what I mean and learning within that process too where it was like hey well no I don't want to renew on all that Keenan and Kel I'm good you know what I'm saying and I already know what's going on as far as what's happening within this realm of what's going on with the show behind the scenes and what's going on with me and uh I was just like yo I'm ready to leave anyway and then mystery man didn't do as well as we thought it was you know what I mean as we thought it was going to do uh within that process and then just navigating uh through that now being a father and here's the thing about it is that the reason I didn't have anybody relate to because I was the first one out of the entire cast to be married to have a house uh you know have kids and Keenan Nick none of them could relate to that they were still being kids and also too there was this process of I I got it all together I I already know what I'm doing you know what I mean and that's what I was doing you know what I mean to me it was like I got it I got it I can handle this I can handle this no you couldn't you you you can't handle this within the Starbuck because you're really going through something that is really deep and you need to let people know and let people know how you feel and let people know what's on your heart what really going on but I kept it in and was like I can handle this yeah you mentioned um a lot of some of the Kids actors and actresses that you around um life had gotten so much so overbearing that they couldn't didn't feel they could go on yeah you see you mentioned Amanda bin and you see her in conservative ship and you see her dealing with her issues how difficult is that for you knowing what you went through yeah yeah and seeing her go through something very similar um it's deep I mean um when I was at the um sudden hotel in Canada where I was going to end my life at that moment uh on the other side of a balcony um Amanda was there Amanda was shooting a show a movie where she played a played a guy that that that movie um and Keenan was in town too as well we hadn't talked in a while he was doing snakes on the plane okay uh and no one knew that I was going through uh with my ex you know we had very toxic relationship you know what I mean as you can imagine from the start of it all it's hard to reveal something after a lie if it was founded on a lie it's going to fall eventually yeah exactly exactly and it went from bad to worse you know with the things that were being revealed you know um and it was a lot you know it was other times uh she had gotten pregnant other things and it just got to a point she had gotten pregnant again all together yeah and it wasn't you no it was me a come on K it wasn't me it wasn't and you stuck around yeah I stuck around I stuck around but here's the thing here's the thing uh these were things that were being revealed you know she telling you this how do you find how do you find this out I want to know how you found this out you read a letter you got through the phone okay all right so how that one went um there was a thing where um we weren't um having sex anymore and we weren't doing anything anymore just because no you weren't having sex clearly she was yeah it's just just because of we knew I knew what was going on right and uh I was like yo what is even happening you're not coming home you're not doing all these different things and y'all man you not coming home your yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but then this was you know back then we praying for now just all good but this is what the process of what I was going through right and so now as this is going on um there was a a Time get some more soda I need something stronger than soda you telling me this right here go ahead brother I mean you had one you aborted that but that wasn't yours she told you you didn't know you have one of your own and she Yeah well yeah there was a there was a situation uh where there was a guy you know and um I had a feeling you know what I mean that she was you know talking to somebody it was one of her friends that used to come over right and you know I was working a lot you know what I mean so one of one of those situations and so uh I was dropping off the kids you know and you know didn't go to work and you know how I go and so one day I decided where I was like you I'm going to take the car and just kind of like go searching where she might be cuz she don't be come home and so uh I got in the whip went driving around saw her whip L different you know and uh I saw it and I said the hotel I was like yo okay this a car at the hotel I go to the lobby you know what I mean to go walk into the lobby uh turns out dude just come walking down the lobby about to go to the car you know my car and then she was driving you know what I mean I'm like oh okay what's up take me upstairs take me let's go to the elevator let's go together you know what I mean and he's like okay cool you know what I mean we go up I'm not we don't need to fight let's go yeah cuz I already know what it is right so we go up of course he's surprised oh you know within the room and uh you know we walk in you know I walk in there and I'm just like hey okay so this is what this is what's going on okay cool you know what I mean all right and this is what you're doing okay so and I walk out cuz I'm like I'm not about to fight over someone that he already made a decision made your decision you already we been through it up did she like come out let me let me explain yeah yeah what did that explain off without explanation explain uh I'll go to the car uh after I went to the car then there was this I was like yo I need to go back and uh I went back cuz now I was like well I felt disrespected so now I need to go do something so then I'm going back up there cops came everybody came up at that point and I remember this cop told me uh he said hey yo um I seen this this type of woman this this situation you need to get out of this situation you know what I mean need to get out of this situation like you know like a goofy still stayed around you know what I mean we said we was trying to make it work for the kids you know what I mean trying to make it work for the kids uh but it just wasn't working out you know what I mean trying to make it work and she ended up getting pregnant by another guy now how that situation happened was that I was at the hospital um she had a Sickle Cell tra so she ended up um uh you know I'm thinking it's that mhm we go in there and the doctor comes in and says yeah so you lost the baby and I was just like hey yo what you lost lost the baby and I'm like oh I know that's not mine and so I lost the baby and it just and I'm like okay so she was pregnant at that time and this was just like what was going on you know what I mean with within the relationship but then it's also doing movies doing TV shows doing all these things as this is going on not really telling anybody anything I wasn't telling my parents telling my family uh what was going on you know so now uh all these situations are happening and uh I get to the point where I'm at you know 2004 up there and the thing about it is is that uh I would drink you know to get out of you know emotional all this this mind because it was just kind of like um you know making people laugh and doing all these things but then also this is going on too as well you know what I mean and so I got to the point where I'm about to do this uh and the reason I did that was because I went to Canada to do this movie and we had already the relationship was just toxic at that point so now I'm I'm here and I get a phone call and she's this this guy you know that she wants to be with and I was just like okay yeah yeah y need to be together you know what I mean like let's do this but then I'm also dealing with the embarrassment of all of this situation what's going on I don't want people to know what I'm going through all this situation and I just felt like at that point it needs to be a reset button just because I looked at my parents and how beautiful their relationship was and how this relationship was not being that at all and how what I thought marriage would be wasn't that at all and then even just the navigation of this industry as well and what was going on and I just wanted to hit off button at that point and I felt like that was the the answer I tell people um you know I heard something tell me hey yo G get into a room lock the door um and get off this balcony I know that was God now but at that time I you know I said it was a person but I know it was God that told me to do that and I did that and went and did work and then from that uh changing my life around where it's to the point where now like really living life for me and understanding that yeah kale even though I'm listening to you talk and it's a very traumatic experience and I'm sorry that you had to experience that but it seems to me no matter how chaotic it was in your personal life it was the acting that kept you going well I would say this because even with the process of me and Keenan uh he kind of just um and I don't think he knows if we did have a conversation about this but he didn't know anything of this either he didn't know all these things were going on in my life until recently when I was able to talk to him about it and uh the thing about it is is that on that side of work when it was a thing of you know uh my talent being stolen by you know this this writer uh this this yelling by this writer all these different things uh the process of that and work and all how that was um and navigating that he was also managed by the same company that the writer was in and so with in that it was just like oh y'all all together so I couldn't trust anybody and where I was from you know uh with having people uh you know died within my life that were in Chicago I'm going through turmoil in a toxic relationship and then I'm also having problems within the workplace as well that was a a gumbo of just like yo you know what I mean of what was going on and that's when I talk about like with Robin Williams when I was saying like you know smiling through everything and Mak other people never know might at that time and Keenan was going through his owness as and things that he was going through but we both weren't sharing right and this is what I talk about uh with relationship and letting people know what's on your heart and letting people know what you might be dealing with because if you don't let people know they don't know and you just deal with that that that's a great place for the devil to just play with you you know what I mean within that process uh and I had to really understand that you know what I mean and so uh even with Amanda I understood you know what she was going through everybody has their own Journey uh of what they're going through in life everybody's journey is different and this is this is my journey and process of it this first wife situation is unbelievable I read that she you obviously it was a rough divorce but she claimed that she went to jail for an hour's debt that you acquired the judge denied that lanss were placed on your bank accounts and your assets uh why would she go to such it's hard for you to speak to someone why someone would do something but in your best guess estimation okay why do you felt that she went to the length that she was willing to go to to try to destroy the person how can I explain this so as we talked about the spiritual side of things there was a uh a deep um things that she's going through within her life you know that I know she needs help with okay and there's a thing that things that are being revealed now even throughout her process of Life uh but things that I've already known you know what I mean and it was I wanted her to get help uh throughout her entire process um but she didn't not want to do that you know she didn't want to do that and so um when the divorce happened you think like you know co-parenting people do it mhm uh relationships people do this um it works when there is a person um where both people yeah are taking the emotions out of it and that's what it is in this situation that's what it wasn't what it was it was a thing of she said hey I'm I'm going to make your life a living hell I don't want you you need to stay that was the thing and after even through the process of everything that we had gone through and she wanted you to stay yeah because the thing of it is that the guy she was seeing at the time um she didn't want to be with him at that at that time you know uh but she had she was pregnant by him and I'm like this is who you need to be with let's let's make that make that clear and he wanted to be with her you know and her family knew that they were together too which was another thing for my loyal side of things where was like yo and so um within that process they wanted me to all stay you know what I mean they wanted me to stay within that and I'm just like no let's just co-parent we could do that right she took me through it as far as like okay no that's not what I want to do um within that process uh she went so far as to change the kids names uh she aen me from my children and so the thing of it is that I talk to fathers a lot about this process because um yeah we have baby fathers and that don't want to be there but I definitely want to be in my children's life right my two oldest children uh lric and theore right and the thing about it within that process where when that was taken away to a thing where I'm going to court right and I'm fighting to see my children meaning that let's finish this divorce she didn't want the divorce to end so in her mind it's just like oh no this is I'm gonna make this go on as long as possible and also I'm Gonna Make You continue to pay this and that and you know now jobs ain't it is but I'm hustling my butt off to try to pay and I'm paying and doing all those different things but I'm going to court and she not showing up and she's changing the kids names and I'm trying to go find out where they're at you know what I mean and I'm I can't go I'm trying to go to the house and like yo what's going on and she called her cops cuz I want to see the kids and go he tried to break in her dude's going along with it and I'm just like okay so I'm not going to do that no more let's do this the the legal way right and now you go into court and the house was already in forclosure already it was already upside down because I was allowing her another thing I was doing was allowing her to deal with all the money so I just would just use you know do the Creative side of things and I would work here's the money everything started being revealed to me after the divorce where it's like oh money here there where the money was going why we were ended up being where there was no money anymore uh my name being signed on different things my name forged on different things everything was being revealed uh to a point where it was very shocking and now I'm trying to rebuild my career as well while this is going on uh the house process was that now uh the house needed to be sold the house was in my name always still in my name she her credit debt was crazy uh already um she had a uh a past that I didn't know about that was a criminal past already that I didn't know about so it was just like all these things were being revealed and I'm not doing this because I didn't know you was going to ask that question so I'm not doing this to bash her because I feel like um we need to pray for her you know what I mean and I I still continue to pray for her and I have two beautiful children that came out of she brought the kids into it yeah you know what I Tik Tok I mean they were talking about you didn't pay and you they were homeless and you were dead I mean when your kids I mean obviously an adult doing that but when the kids your flesh and blood and you doing all you can yeah that had to hurt kale well you're talking about years of a processing yes it definitely did hurt you know what I mean and now you understand um the hurt I was going through why I was just like man I don't I don't want to live the drinking all those different things and my process to find myself within the Lord and then going into the court it's nothing like um and I call it faithful fathers because there's nothing like to be there and then not show up all these attorney fees that I had to pay she's not there she changed the kid name to the father's name the baby that was born through all that process um she tried to put that baby's name my name on that baby's name so she take your biological kid name away but take the kid that's not yeah well that these things happen in in different orders that happened first and then this happened um and throughout that process of me going to court what ended up ended up happening was the truth ended up being revealed anyway through all of this it was a consistency of love and the consistency of me showing up for my kids and letting them know I'm going to fight for them and I continuously fought for them uh within Court continuously fighting uh even though she would end up going to jail all these different things even in that process what she did was uh she ended up forging the name of the judge forging the name of she did some house uh things that were really really wrong uh she did Real Estate fraud to try to keep the house all these different things and so now social media is out M and the thing is is that for years I was dealing with this for years in and out of court and all the shenanigans that were going on and fin to see my kids and all these different things um and getting breakthroughs by through it all then um I get on television I get on um Dancing with the Stars and all these different things and uh she's like I'm going to to the media I'm going to the media I'm going to the media and that's what literally happened whereas that now I'm going to spread lies and all these different things and spread all these different lies and one thing that I did know is that you don't argue crazy and the thing also too is that when you're going against a monster not calling her a monster but someone that's doing Monster type of tactics you got to make sure you don't become a monster throughout the process yeah you know understand I'm saying so I was like and I also want to be the father to my children and not embarrass them and the thing is is that I have so much information that I could be like oh yeah let me turn on the camera and say these different things about you and what the process of what you're going through but that's not what you should do right the thing is is that I want to love my children and let them know the consistency of their father's love and that I'm fighting for them and throughout the whole entire process and I even did a the video to let them know that that I was F fighting for them years ago that had already been and so when all this drama started and all those things started people started digging and the thing about it is that people find the truth you know what I mean and they saw the court process and the thing about it is is that people started to see like well all these allegations Kel hasn't been in jail he hasn't never been jail with ir fraud he hasn't been in jail with Y support the thing about it is that I overpaid her you know what I mean I was paying out of my own pocket and also paying child support and being garnished at the same time all these different things but I never wanted to um embarrass her you even though she was trying to embarrass me because I was thinking about my children want to join Club sh Shay become an official member by hitting that subscribe 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Channel: Club Shay Shay
Views: 192,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Club Shay Shay, Club Shay Shay youtube, Shannon Sharpe podcast, Sharpe podcast, Shannon podcast, Club Shay Shay Shannon Sharpe, Club Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay podcast, Shay Shay, Shannon Sharpe Club, Sports, Shannon Sharpe, Music, Movies, Comedian, Rapper, Actor, Kel Mitchell, Tye Tribbett, Nickelodeon, Chicago, ex wife, cheating, pregnant, pregnancy, custody battle, TikTok, daughter, trauma, suicide, Robin Williams, Canada, God, church, divorce, hell, custody, public scrutiny, fatherhood, YouTube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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