Keith Urban Once Pretended His Mic Malfunctioned When He Forgot Lyrics On Stage

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- Have a seat. - Thank you. - Oh, my gosh. - We're very excited. - What a wild audience. - They're crazy. We're crazy daytime people. What are you feeding them? - We have raves at 3 pm. - It's nice to see you again. - It's nice to see you as well. I found this interesting because I know that you've coached on a show and you've also judged on a show, but you actually also did competitions growing up. - Yeah. - And we have footage of this. - No. Oh, no, - Yes, we do. - Oh, great. (audience cheers) - There we go. Yeah, we are! - Look at that guy. - Look at that sexy little number. I love that shirt. - Wow. - So what was that? Where were you? Do you remember? - That was in Australia on this thing called New Faces. - Okay. - I think I was 15 or something. I said I was 16 to get on the show but I think I was 15. - Okay. So, liar right off the bat. Okay. - I lied, yeah. Exactly. - It's like an actor. - You're usually lying to sneak into clubs. I was lying to sneak into talent singing competitions. - I love that though. I just think it's cool. I didn't know that about you. And then you've been helping people, like kind of guiding them through competitions. So I think that's really cool. - Thank you. - Yeah. - Well, I know what it's like to be crucified in front of a lot of people. So I try not to do that to anybody. - No, constructive criticism, always helpful. - Constructive is good, yes. - Were your parents supportive on that? I know a lot of people... Like when I told my mom I wanted to sing, she was like "Oh, so do a lot of people" You know what I'm saying? - You know, somebody said criticism is a sandwich best served between two layers of praise. - Oh. - That's a good way to do it. - I like to sandwich. - Because it's like "I like blah, blah, blum... This is what you could work on. But this part is really good as well." Instead of like that's a nice combination I think to feel motivated. - Oh, wow. That's good. I'm gonna steal that if you're okay with that? - Have it, yes. - Yeah, and then I'm gonna say it was mine. So wait, you're on the road again. And everybody is so excited to get back out on the road. I know, especially a lot of Nashvillians. A lot of musicians live there and have been out of work forever. So everybody's so excited. - I'm road crew, too. - Road crew. That's what I mean. Everybody has been out of work. And so it's called the Speed of Now World Tour. And where are some of your favorite play? Where are you excited to play? - You're so good at this, Kelly. I'm so glad you have a show. - Oh, I like talking. - And you do this so well. - Thank you. - It's really good. (audience cheers) - I like talking. - It's great. You were born to do it. - Oh, I was born to talk. I actually got in trouble for it in high school. So, neener neener, joke's on you! But everyone's excited to get back out there and I know a lot of people have been hurting financially. Just excited, but also artistically, it's fun to get out there and be in front of the crowd. Cause now, we have a crowd back here when I'm performing and it's different. (audience cheers) It's like a different vibe than how we've had to have done it for the last two years. - Yeah, well I mean, for me it's crucial to have the crowd is 50 percent of the whole experience. Otherwise, it's just one long soundcheck. - Yeah. - It's not even a gig. It's just like, "Where's the people?" So I feel like I've been in rehearsal for a year and I'm ready to actually play some shows. - Are there any places you really love playing? Like, any places in the US. that you're like... There are always pockets that I love. Like that are like really good audiences for me. - Honestly, so many places are consistent now. - Oh, good. - There was times when it was like this area was really good and we still gotta work down here and everything, but now, everything's starting to get just wild and reckless. - I like your shoulders. Okay. - But you know what I mean? That's how I want the crowd to be. - They're getting groovy. I like it. - Loose and loose. - You know what, though? It's kind of a stupid question cause everybody at this point is so dying for like live music. Everyone's going to be having a good time. - Yeah, yeah. - That's so cool. Have you ever had any mishaps on stage? Like where something... I've had a few. - What did you have happen? - No, we're good. - Just give me one. - I shared one and it made like headline news everywhere. And I was like, "I don't know if I wanted everyone to know that." - Right. - I was at Staples. One time and well, I got food poisoning and well... - No, you threw up on stage? - Something happened before the encore. My personal encore of a meal happened. - Wow, on stage? - Uh, no, no, no. I ran backstage and was very like pro about it and then was not. But it's interesting because if you think about it the stage is built in an arena. There's thousands of people cheering me on while this is all happening. - Yeah, yeah. - While I'm having my own personal bridesmaids moment. - What was the song right before that moment? Cause obviously you can feel this coming on. This is gonna go pear shaped here real quick. - Oh, no. Here's the best part. I don't even remember. It was probably like "Since You've Been Gone" or whatever. Something like that, it was probably like that, but it was like right when I had to come back on. I was about to go on stage and sing "The Greatest Showman", We did a re-imagined thing and it was "Never Enough." And it's like very intense and the sun is passed away and I'm trying to get in the mood while secretly I'm like "Don't happen again, please." - Right, yeah. - Yeah. Has that ever happened to you? - Not to that degree. - Oh, stop. You let me go through all that and you gave me nothing! - No, I haven't had anything like that happen. - No? - No. I split my pants on stage. - Oh, I've done that too. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And that's when you wish the guitar was more so in the back butt. - Mine was at a video shoot. I split my pants at "Since You've Been Gone" video, actually. - Wow. You gotta stop singing that song. - I know. This song is not good for me. - Well, do you forget lyrics or anything? Do you ever forget where you're at in the show? - I'm pretty good with lyrics. One time I forgot the words to the song and I'm singing along and I'm just singing and in my head I'm thinking, "What's the next verse?" I'm like, "Oh, I don't know it. I don't know it." And it came. And I was like (mumbles indistinctively), and I'm wriggling this mic. (mic sounds) - Wait, did you pretend that there was a malfunction? - Yeah. - You are so smart. (audience applause) I'm stealing this as well. - There's a bit more to the story. So, I apparently did it so well that one of the road crew ran out and replaced the mic immediately. But by then I knew what the lyrics were so it was all good. - Oh, my God. Oh man, I forget lyrics all the time. - Because this thing to the audience is a giveaway, right? - I do it, though. I'm like "Jesus, help me" And then I own it. I'm like, I wrote it, I don't remember it. I don't know what's happening. I'm like making a list of things to do in my head. I don't know what's happening. You've made music with many people from Taylor Swift to Pink, who I love. - Yeah, I love her. - Oh, my God. I love it. So who's been you're most memorable moment? Not necessarily your favorite but like, the circumstance was kind of crazy or something. - Gosh. All of them. I mean, I did a thing with Post Malone for this Elvis tribute that we did. - I saw that. - And it was great. - Oh, my God I love that. Was Blake on that? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that. Yeah. - And I just love him so much. It was great to get to play with him. - Yeah, and it was interesting to see all of... I would've never guessed all of y'all on a stage. It was like a really cool moment. I thought that was really well done. - Yeah, thank you. - Yeah. That's so cool to get to play with a bunch of people. Is there anybody that you really wanna play with that you've never played with? - Oh, tons of people. We should sing a song. - Fine. (audience cheers) I love singing. I love singing with you. - Just give me your number and I won't call for a long time. - Okay, you won't call for a long time. No, but John Meyer said that you paid him for an amp in a weird way. And I found out the way and I want you to tell people because it's awesome. - Yeah. It was an amplifier that I was gonna buy from him. It's really expensive. Anyway, long story short. I had to figure out how to get the money to him. He sent me the amp and so I had a check written out. I put it in this crazy sort of briefcase. - So Mission Impossible. - With the chain and the whole things on the wrist and paid somebody like stand in line at his meet and greet with this thing and wait til I get up there and present him with this. And then just walked off. - I didn't know that part. I thought you just gave it to him. You had someone come in and like- - I had someone. Yeah, it would never happen now. - Oh, my gosh. You're so funny. You're all about the end game with a joke. That is like a serious follow through. That's amazing. You also performed recently with H.E.R at the Tina Turner tribute. - I did, yeah. - Which I think is amazing because it was last minute, right? - Very last minute. Like the day before. They called me and said "Can you fill in for Bryan Adams?" And I was like "Oh my gosh. This is a tall order." Cause Bryan's an amazing singer, H.E.R is a great singer. - And so are you. - I wouldn't have minded a little more rehearsal time but you just go for it. - But that's why I think that you playing in clubs, growing up I think that you're that guy that they know they can call to be like he is so good at just adapting. I think that's why. They can't call anybody and do that. - Well, I was happy to get the call. I love Bryan and always wanted to play a song with H.E.R as well. - She's so good. - She's really good. - Love her. It turned out to be really cool. Had you ever met Tina Turner? Or did you get to meet her that night? - I've never met Tina, no. She wasn't there, unfortunately. - Oh, wow. Okay, okay. - But I'm a huge fan of hers. - Who isn't? Yeah, did you see Tina? - Oh, yeah. - Good Lord. I was like, "That was really good." I tend to not watch things like that. - Why is that? - Do you watch things like that? I don't watch a lot of things like documentaries with artists. I don't know, sometimes I feel like it's too close to home. Some of the stuff. And I'm just like, "I've already lived that." I don't wanna watch that. - Right, yeah. - Do you do that? - I love watching documentaries. - I love documentaries. I just mean specifically about musicians and their lives. - No, I love them. - Yeah? - Yeah. I do. - I've seen a few but it's really hard. I've never seen the Whitney one. I can't go near it. - Right. - I feel like it's just too sad. - That is a sad one. - Yeah, exactly. Somebody told me that. And I was like, "I can't go there." - Yeah. But Tina's got a good ending, so it's good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 97,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keith Urban, Kelly Clarkson, performance, John Mayer, road crew, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, God Whispered Your Name, Blue Ain’t Your Color, Somebody Like You, The Fighter, Parallel Line, John Cougar John Deere John 3:16, Superman, We Were, Tumbleweed, Cop Car
Id: 8xj82JkfjEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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