kefalonia pt 1 Cornwall adventures and Beyond

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[Music] thank you [Music] hello hi welcome to cobal adventures and Beyond so where are we today we're in California so we just went into the fishmongers yeah get some sprouts for the uh turtles I'm just about to pay for it and she said no no it's fine oh great idea Market yeah get some answers from sprouts for the turtles and yeah they might give them for you free yeah amazing the other day in there so we thought the same idea it's it's great light of fish straight from the fisherman they'll weigh it for you and you buy it straight from the fisherman yeah yeah and there's quite a few along here as well isn't that yeah so yeah and this is where quite often you'll find turtles loitering for fish foreign [Music] so you've got honey cookies yeah yeah lemon cookie almond orange cinnamon vanilla and chocolate and then these are called sweets beautiful breakfast gippings and you've got all the bread [Music] I'm gonna go with your breadsticks no more bread yeah normal bread and then patisserie [Music] right yeah [Music] yeah so we definitely recommend come here oh it's amazing look you've got uh Fresh Sandwiches [Music] it's a chicken pie corn flour yeah you're not gonna go hungry here there are you [Music] over here sweets and you can even buy your beers and it's amazing isn't it wonderful yes lovely [Music] [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music] we are off today are we in the car in the rental car which we're very excited about okay yay so where are we going that's the place so driving all the way out to pescado on the west coast we're on the west coast along the coast Road rather going through the middle yeah um so it's absolutely gorgeous to see agostolic from this side yep um yeah it's a beautiful little road actually it is yes I know it's really bizarre yeah it's what early June so it's not really peak season but that water is so it's like a Mill Pond out there yes we're not in Lanzarote yet okay that's next month yeah but yeah look at that it's just stunning it is gorgeous so then we're going to get to foscado and we're going to make our way back so after viscardo where we're going to whatever takes us we're just gonna hunt out some beaches stop off for some lunch yes and yeah we'll take you along and uh we'll let you know any interesting information that we have along the way and look at that view absolutely gorgeous so we'll see you guys in a bit windmills through the clouds eerie definitely getting higher a lot of landslide isn't there yeah oh my God there's loads especially if you're going to come along on your own scooter you need to be careful I just pretty easy to fly doesn't it you want to get those rocks look at this so the nose beasts Joseph and it is a bit nippy up here down the bottom this is lots of rocks yeah I haven't seen any goats yet well we saw one didn't we probably over the garage down well goodbye anymore oh okay so here we are one of the most famous beaches here in Cafe absolutely stunning as you can see it's gorgeous water is so clear and actually a little chilly but not too bad am I going to swim no probably not I might so Georgie's in the water a lot look at this foreign [Music] it is absolutely stunning is it cold yes but I think it's still warmer then it's definitely warm in the corner Waters at the moment oh it's beautiful I need the little ones they're the little tiny ones yeah I'm putting this down just going some other two knife knocks going so Mitra speech is just left there stunning it is stunning we do recommend Beach shoes because it's very heavily yeah very pebbly or yeah Beach shoes if you're going to get in the water yeah flip-flops if you're not but yeah yeah absolutely gorgeous again the water is swimmable it's not too cold and um success is really easy as you can see down there and you can't actually see but there is a there is a car park down there through several cars there's plenty of parking um I wouldn't say there's a lot of space to get in out of the Sun so we bought an umbrella with us which was quite helpful wasn't it yeah yeah yeah but yeah lovely have your hair definitely yes make it on your list yep so we're just heading off up the hill now to go and get some lunch yeah and then off to Asos right yeah so we've just stopped for some lunch it's called Alexander's is that right yeah it's a cute little place what oh wow it's all in Greek yeah look at the prices oh wow cheerful that is really cheap look at those lemons well let's have a look and see shall we yeah okay Ian so uh our half liter wine has arrived yeah it's uh very unusual it is oh sorry you're pour it in there yeah sorry you have yeah with you thank you I thought it was just for drinking out no you have to share these things yes this is lunch today grilled chicken yummy yummy what did you know feel oh yes we filled with onions filled with onions that's very nice Bon Appetit two little kitties they're only about six months old maybe we can have a snooze yeah yeah stunning so we've just stopped and had a look at the murtoff beach where we've just been from that Viewpoint oh my God it's gorgeous gold isn't it yeah it is stunning oh it's amazing up here because you're so high up in the mountains the views are just you couldn't get them unless you had a drone gorgeous we are going to our sauce which is such a pretty little village I'll get a picture soon yep it's about 17 minutes from my trust Beach motos Beach sorry um so not too far so yeah I can't wait really excited to see that again we've just literally got in the car and back out again look at this stunning View it's gorgeous it is let's get there I can't a couple of things my months in advance maybe sometimes weeks it's not onwards [Music] absolutely [Music] isn't it gorgeous Ian so we just can walk up this way and see what's up here aren't we because it looks like there's some kind of Fortress or something from the end there oh is that can you see oh yes I see kind of a quick peek and see what we can see wow do you know what the water truly is the color that you're seeing there is no filters at all that is what it looks like that's what makes it so breathtaking look at that oh it's amazing how pretty this is our sauce yeah absolutely standing in it isn't it beautiful there it is still above us look and we've got a guy you did have the option to Walk This Way all along the road so you can choose this is slightly shorter apparently but I would imagine be more of an incline but we'll see look at the water down there gorgeous big cave foreign nearly there oh my the bar's here oh my goodness so after lots of hot walking uphill we found this I'm not quite sure what it's all about it's a nice find all the same very pissed off there's no one up here surprise it is a warm one he's even got his T-shirt off yeah thanks and we've just done what we said we'd never do and I say we you I dragged him up here oh um without water wow look at that so this is the path we'll bring you here in the footpath okay yeah so this is the way out oh look at that view you can see why this is here what a position stunning right too hot to explore anymore it's gorgeous isn't it fire back for a nice cold drink yeah and a swim yes more of the Fortress to see okay keep going down thank you thank you we are here okay amazing view I can't pronounce that tonight it is stunning so we were over here a second ago and walked up north towards the castle we're parked over there and then stop for a drink too long foreign okay so we've just had a fantastic drink down in Nassau's it's beautiful down there definitely highly recommend that one as well I think for me this is the Highlight it's gorgeous it's just so unique and different to what we're used to um so now we're going to go off to fuscado and see what it's like there neither of us have been there before so it's uh it's gonna be a new one on us so we'll see you there in a moment Billy Goats yeah having a snooze in the road oh a little bells on pretty good so we just stopped at the fuel station filling up I love the fact they do it for you here it's awesome we need that in the UK foreign can't feed fish ice cream you can feed fish ice cream they're loving it how beautiful is this so this is viscardo isn't it absolutely stunning do you think they'll eat that cherry oh yes look at that look at it he's actually feeding the fish ice cream crazy you're gonna give them a uh a dairy ice cream head yeah ice cream man yeah or a dairy intolerance still really hot it's lovely and we're just chilling out here for a minute and then we're gonna decide where to go for a little drink oh it's just like it is just like the YouTube videos all right what are you off to nice hatian s [Music] good evening foreign thank you program s look Roman Cemetery oh wow look at that wow that's unbelievable we literally thought we'd just come and walk up the top behind all restaurants and this is what we found cool we're gonna have a look oh yeah to run this entry anything else so far I know it's Roman Cemetery did they discover it by accident in 1993 quite a while it works for public utilities that's amazing to find some of that they were as extravagant in depth as they were in life balance of it look at those spoon works it's not being back in Pompeii you don't stand on it oh and it might costs can you go up there wow do you recommend they've just casts of what the original looked like or nothing right look at this nice view from here I wonder how much this has changed since they were here it's more over the road yeah hey massive these would have obviously for been for people of wealth because they wouldn't have or bigger people they weren't big people Ian I don't know if you can hear that that's the wind in the trees we noticed that there is a little walk to take you to a Venetian lighthouse so that's where we're going now it's a proper Trail so far it's been easy to navigate it's not far it's about 12 minute walk oh the mission Lighthouse right normal Lighthouse left 20 meters 50 meters yeah so let's go see the Venetian first it's just here but there she is the Venetian lighthouse sadly can't get into it but you can see it from here you just come down the path onto this I'd say Beach but it's not really a beach but this space here but wow what a view look at that this place is Paradise stunning just said to Ian there's three little letters to describe kefalonia in a in one word wow absolutely stunning we've got all this sandstone Limestone thank you pardon or the Limestone Rock so it gives it all that lovely white glow and that helps with the turquoise colors in the water unbelievable I thought Cornwall was beautiful but wow it's going for a dip well four slippery one you've just come across this so Cato's back that way it's an early Christian 6th century I can't even pronounce it properly yeah there you go how cool is that so yeah if you just follow the trail around you'll see all the little Flags um catalonian flags on the rocks to guide you around you can't get lost um it's all very well laid out for you and then it's a circular goes back into foscado so perfect awesome little place [Music] foreign [Music] you look a bit overdressed for the day wow I don't like it you know you think you're gonna get cold in there do you want to pick a biscuit with you are you gonna see if there's any fishies first go on then g off you go this wall she's being a girl [Music] show me what you made [Music] her at that cage [Music] in place
Channel: Cornwall adventures and beyond
Views: 5,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JdMQ3V0BHo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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