Keanu Reeves @ The Graham Norton Show | Jan 2011 | Part 2

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they said to me because it was a chance for lots of people to learn how to pole dance and they said just before I went on stage hosting this thing they said oh by the way please don't make it dirty I'm like well I'm a comedian for a kickoff and this is pole dancing so when I tried for ages and ages and then they brought out this professional pole dancer who was just in a g-string and she did this thing where she was upside down on the pole with her legs at at least 180 degrees and then kind of rolled her body down like that and I said afters I thought that was tremendous I'd have liked it more if she hadn't have winked at me I got told off they were like are you cheapened it now and then there's a punishment for that they made me do it I was pretty bad the pole doesn't normally been does it not well not to begin with we heard you were good at it though weren't you why not really no I mean I was terrified doing it and also the part one that I'd learned you know in proper pole dancing clubs and then I arrived on set and the pole was a light and really hot and you can't pole dance on a knee landing hot if you know what I mean yes so that made it doubly challenging and also I wanted to have as many clothes on as possible so not like a jumper and about a klava as I put my clothes on but now Keanu at your mom my mother your mother yeah she was English wasn't she yeah and she was a costume designer yeah she was yeah but we've got a bit she apparently oh my gosh I know she designed what dolly is wearing on this I love this show this but this hope it was in your house oh yeah I wore that for Halloween you're not joking are you know Jodie is famously I mean how did you there was some room right where did you go wearing that do you like did you go door-to-door to give tricking treating well I wasn't like 14 it's linear I was 16 I do I got on public transportation well the thing was I didn't have the shoes so I had that whole thing either ears I had the bowtie I had the top I didn't have the cuff link and then it was the stockings that I didn't shave my legs and I was wearing these really ratty sneakers and then I was on the streetcar going to this fete a Halloween party at the performing arts high school that I went to did you have this with you I was wearing it it was winter I was there I was little bit you'd have to have this video so people knew just how cool your costume wall I know as well man yeah okay no no no come on I want a full attention you have that's um where did you guys find this it's mine trade it for your motorbike I fell off that you were 16 when you did that yeah cuz we can if you try to imagine what Kiana looked like at 16 oh no I'm doing this yes we are we are but where does you look exactly the same now you do this is Kiana age I think sixteen seventeen somebody doing a commercial for coca-cola coca-cola it's a beat it was a really big deal actually for me it's one of my first jobs and it was a big deal here you are okay enjoy the finish line yummy - fine to me I'm proud of you really proud god Canadian gristle that was the Canadian commercial and that was one of the first experiences where I actually had the director you know we have to drink the drink and they keep saying no not like that you know you're there for an hour and it's like you're on a desert island you're dying first see the wine no and then it kept going and going until finally it went to anyway because it's something because I I thought it must not be America because I watch that a few times oh you lose the race I think like where's the ad bit like drinkin Carlin you too could lose this Marcus if if Marcus had made a commercial age 16 he would not look the same now no you look very different yes I was a big fat goth he didn't put me on a bike buckled now I was because I was huge when I was a teenager really really overweight and I kind of reached that critical weight where you have to become a goth this is like a weight you reach where you have to become a god to explain to yourself why people are staring at you you know they're just staring at me because I'm a goth but actually staring at me cuz I look like a Zeppelin in eyeliner didn't look very happy or nice no no not certainly not coca-cola nice but like your friends who knew you back there must be so surprised to see do you have turned your life into a success anyhow I've blossomed well awesome yes yeah no I think so well I you'll go wild I mean yeah and I was yeah I was I was expelled from a lot of schools cuz was it some of the things you did they were quite cruel the thing was it in college oh yeah yeah no I did yeah no will I ask for a little while I learnt Business Studies and just cuz I didn't know what else to do and so because if you're like quite thick in the UK you go into banking so like if they don't do anything they just move money from one place to another and then the money gets bigger it's the same way posh people treat their children you send it away it gets bigger and it comes back so so yeah I did this Business Studies course and I really hated it we had to learn to type and all this stuff so what I did is I wrapped my hand in paper and then soaked it in red ink and put it in the shredder I like build my sleeve down then it was someone called I think she was called Miss Edison it was teaching us and I just screamed miss Addison miss Briggs a great it looked amazing shredder like continues to pull under the red so Piper was being pulled out of place this and she passed out I never got my business studies qualification damn it curses yeah I know you're so useful and I know that later in the year you're bringing back your I have never seen Star Wars yes absolutely yet it was so much fun they're repeating at the moment are they yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's a show where I get people to tell me about ordinary things that they haven't done because do you know this game I have never know it's a thing where so if you sit around you have to think of something that everyone's done right so so you have a good one yeah I have never eaten a McDonald's hamburger so that's pretty sorry for ya yeah the other half were like yeah that's growl as he lived yeah how did he have got so fat as a teenager happy I have earlier talking to you I said where I have never seen a Godfather movie what none of them good god man no have you better I've never I've never seen Star Wars actually but I've also I've never probably what dropping that in I wouldn't never seen Star Wars I don't know what do you do on Easter day in the afternoon I'm wondering myself not but I've also never I don't think I've ever really properly cooked a meal either you've never cooked him you've never cooked a meal not a proper I've done some soup and I'm really good at baked potatoes actually cooking a meal I don't know it sort of panics me that it all has to be ready at the right time and will it poison people have come round and and my dad is so worried about it for the baby because a guest presumably I have to cook for the baby at some point do something about solids later on breastfeeding food reverently lungta got me and cookery lessons for Christmas oh that's a good dad isn't it yeah that's an excellent gift to hungry dad do you one that comes to the top of your head something that everyone's tired and you've never done you put I got everything cuz mm-hmm you've travelled through time yeah it's not an ordinary thing I mean I always wanted to go into outer space though me always wanted UK if you came on my radio for show we would organise that for you that's the kind of money we have yeah yeah down Medill send Reeves up into space yeah well I mentioned this game to the audience before the show so has anyone thought of a good I have never something that will kind of make the audience gasp with this belief that they've never done it anybody very easy handy oh there are some hands going up there's a what have you never done and at 80 big things sorry I've never had baked beans you never eat a baked bean little delicious we don't know you've never tasted on a chemical source who else who else oh man here what have you never done I've never eaten B truth are you Irish as well yeah on a you Irish she's Irish for uses if it's not a potato what it was it I've never been on an aeroplane Keano casually asking to go into space you know it's cheaper than the bus now okay it's a pound goblin eat bee truth who else old lady right is back you're miles awake this better be good good I'm got a few steps to go I've never read or watched Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings I've never seen any Matrix movies it was a nice one doesn't involve a guest on the show go I've never done any yawning that's pretty good we said with a whirring degree of pride I bet kyon have you ever learned anything but you haven't yes of course have you yes have you yes I don't believe you my shirts yeah when I started yet yeah what have you done I have never kissed Keanu Reeves Hey you never will I mean apart congratulations you sign up witness 14th series yeah so was that 14 years it's been going yeah not 14 years of me doing it but 14 years has been on oh boy yeah but are you done for eight years or seven years that's it says yeah sure Wow so basic silent with this it's about it's it's dead people they cut them up and they find out crimes from the dead people how pipes well summed up yeah perfect what do you do on the show cut them up ah the thing is what I feel is because you're an actor and you're on set but they're people who died in the show yeah they're actors yeah so then you have the actor being the dead person naked yeah so yeah I'm like pretty serious like Boy Morrison this week you know he played a bit proper then he got killed so he's now lying on a trolley with no top on and sometimes no bottoms on as well yes the bangs are daring they are on the day and do you someone's forget they're there do you kind of put your coffee on them and things and um well yes cuz they they literally some of them fall asleep as well snore through our autopsies then one of the actors didn't know that the other actor was going to take all his clothes off and he turned around it was confronted with all of the other actor and literally left about two feet in the air imagine how real pathologists were like that but also not to be too and delicate but if you leave a man any man yeah lying around for a long enough in a cold room you know it doesn't make any difference it three circumstances something will stir eventually you look down and see a sheet shifting well it's some people's ambition to come on the show so I guess actually and play a dead book don't see that you
Channel: Laray Dives
Views: 2,167,235
Rating: 4.7682767 out of 5
Keywords: keanu reeves, The Graham Norton Show, january, 2011, jan, henry's crime, ronin 47, part 2, graham norton, Marcus Brigstocke, Emilia Fox, actor, film, movie, show, tv
Id: hf5g2UEEgT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2011
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