KB5034441 How to Fix Easy 2024 - Error 0x80070643 Windows Update Error - Security Update Windows

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[Music] hello my friends in this video I show you how to fix the error 0x 80070643 okay uh from Windows update you cannot update uh the latest patch okay of windows so it keeps getting an error and you cannot fix this problem in this video I show you how to fix it's a simple uh solution this error uh occurs because your recovery partition of your main hard drive is destination just as small size and we need to enlarge the size to to fit the update okay so it's a simple uh simple steps how to fix this problem we go into Google Now and we going to download a program called wizard partition to free okay the you're going to select this and you're going to copy and go to Google and type wizard partition to free and you hit enter okay you're going to search for the mini to software okay mini to Partition Wizard free and you're going to click here okay after you click here you're going to see download the the freeware we don't need the paid version we don't we just need the freeware version okay so you're going to click it and you're going to download the freeware I already downloaded here the fre the freeware already downloaded here and already installed okay you're going to install and I'm going to open the mini Partition Wizard okay so I'm going to open here the mini Partition Wizard there's in the bottom right there will be a dialog box you will just close it okay and here you're going to search for your main hard drive you're going to go to my computer and see which your main hard drive the my main hard drive which is the drive that installed Windows is the C hard drive okay so you're going to search here uh for the SE hard drive the SE hard drive is the dis number three okay you're going to search here on the type of the partition you're going to search for recovery partition okay which is very important in the recovery partition in the capacity of the recovery partition the value here will be like uh 5 megabytes okay so we're going to extend this to 2.7 gigabytes okay so how to we do we do that you're going to click here okay you're going to you're going to select you're going to click here to select the recovery partition okay after you selected the recovery partition we're going to click here on the the up up left here you're going to H alter partition change partition you're going to click here on extend partition the this option here okay you're going to click on extend partition in extend partition uh you're going to see an option here how many space do you you wish to occupate okay uh you're goingon to drag this this this blue icon here to to left okay and you see here zero cyes okay so you're going to uh just do a little movement to right you're going to hold and do a little movement to right okay and you're going to see that the partition will be increased inides 2.7 gigb okay in my case I already changed and already updated the partition the recovery partition ition to 2.71 GB here you can see my partition is already 2.71 GB but H in your case if you're if you have just only 5 megabytes you just click here hold and hold to to right and see the the option here 2.71 gigabytes okay and after you set here to 2.71 GB okay you're going to click here in okay after you click in okay it will going to try to increase the size of your recover partition okay if could could not be be made you're going to going to pop up a warning uh with some options like uh you you need to shut down your PC and turn it on again you're going to uh uh going to see a option number a which is to automatically shut down your your computer and turn on again you're going to go to click on the option H start okay H start and you're going to click this option H start it will turn off your windows and then when your windows turn on again it will pop up um uh some writings okay and saying we going we're going to we are working to extend your drive your uh recover driver partition to 2.71 gab you wait for 5 to 6 minutes and you're going to after that the your PC will shut down and turn on again after your computer turn on again it will it will uh it will turn the windows again you log on your windows again after you log on your windows after this work okay you're going to click here on Mini to Partition just to see if your recover partition is 2.71 GB and you're going to click here on your recover partition and you're going to see here on the capacity you're going to see here 2.7 gigb which is the mo more than sufficient to the next update okay so you're going to close the mini tool partition tool okay and you're going to click here on the bottom left on Windows logo and type update okay okay and after you type update you're going to search for updates okay and then you're going to click here H see if there's any more updates you're going to click here and then it will detect the new update and it will begin to install after this installed okay uh your your error will not be appear anymore and they will install the the update Okay so you're going to be free from the errors and your windows will be come back again okay so that's it I hope you enjoy this video if you enjoy it and help it don't forget to give a like okay thanks goodbye people
Channel: John Leaf
Views: 687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Error 0x80070643, 0x80070643, windows update error, windows update error 2024, windows update error retry, update windows problem, error windows update, error windows update 2024, windows update fail, failed to update windows, failed to update 2024, failed to update windows 2024, 0x80070643 fail to update, retry, Fix 0x80070643 Windows Update Error In Windows 11/10, 2024-01 Security Update for Windows 10, KB5034441, Security Update for Windows, KB5034440, KB5034440 windows 11
Id: 5_aFTc_oXJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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