Kazuichi Souda Tiktoks

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[Music] not seeing anyone right now guys are jerks guy no right guys are the worst the world from devastation to unite all peoples within our nation to denounce the evils of truth and love to extend our reach to the stars above my name is kazooie chee soda all righty then let's think about this based on what miss Sonia thinks miss Sonia we can't think of any other reason the killer isn't one of us but that's not the case huh I mean it's wishful thinking that's our Miss Sonia you have such an amazingly high intellect did you said so earlier what did you say why do you always side with Hajime you had a crush on him or something you're so annoying I hope you like a timepiece I go straight through VIP I never play for my dreams my why right wipe it down right right right wipe it if you let go anytime [Music] so uncomfortable being the sponsor and I think I just realized I would say anything to come off a little more interesting pass no I am not acting with you right now [Music] I'm telling you the truth I can I can do I do i I do I do I can I [Music] Kazu eg soda kazoo eg soda kazooie chicas Luigi kazoo Ichi soda kazoo Ichi soda kazoo each [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like this do we mix [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got big what it's like to be roommates with a soda Kinney Len Lennon Len Lennon where are you [Music] I like the view you do yes you're my best view [Music] [Music] I took my house tonight I have made my mind up should I keep it I eat like a big mouse pedestal secret [Laughter] so I've come to talk to you today about how tanki common re from my hero academia and kazooie G soda from day in rabaa goodbye despair are the same person not only do these two lovable dorks have the same zodiac sign they also happen to have the same exact birthday both dinky and kazooie G are characterized by their obsession with women in the show and you may say that every show has to have that kind of character but the show already does Minetta and territory are both characters in the show that do the exact same thing dinky and Koz wait you just get away with it because they are better-looking and now I say this part with all the love in my heart both of them are dumbasses sure they excel well in certain areas but otherwise they're normally characterized as not having a cool what the hell is going on but their closeness for what's going on is what makes them both the comic relief and make some such lovable characters I could go on longer about how these two are the same but tick tock only gives me 60 seconds so thanks for coming right a dog
Channel: Sailor Moonie!
Views: 31,304
Rating: 4.9575496 out of 5
Id: ITfd2leWboQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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