Kazakhstan Travel Guide | Traveling From India, Visa, Currency, Sim, Budget, Things To Do in Almaty

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and welcome to [Music] almati Namaste Narendra Modi okay so finally here at the B airp airport as usual is time uh is bar flight time is very very legit the best time fly which is so relaxing and so good you can hear people clapping behind me so first things first I'm flying from B to almati and this apparently happens to be their inaugural flight so you can see some action happening behind me that's because it's their inaugural flight though I may be one of the first persons traveling from this route which goes directly from Bombay to almati fight time here so I'm pretty excited for that more about almati and kazakistan and Central Asia once we get to the destination but for now to cut so let's see Bombay Airport we probably go to the lounge or probably grab something to quickly eat and then we B the [Music] food [Music] so finally immigration is done security is cleared baggage all of it is done and I am heading onwards to my gate but just heading toward the gate anyhow got some coke onwards to Alti [Music] aana has a direct flight from Mumbai to W Marti in kazakistan FL it flies under the carrier fly [Music] aristan [Music] give me know Shan why are you wearing your gloves it's 5° feels likeus feels likeus 5 but it's 5° Sudden Change of temperature from bomb everyone in the bus is just free passport for St you can [Music] exit so this is what the Alti airport looks like exit there are like cafes here multiple cafes currency exchange SIM card few more exchange like currency ones people come to you asking you if you want a cab from them Yandex and if you head out straight then this is the exit towards Al city which I'm just going to do in a bit find I will not be able to buy it from here but we have one more phone but another thing is that is accepted here they don't accept dollars or any other cency so get do to get your sim card you can get your currency exchange um so that's what we're going to do get the currency exchange and then we can go and you can buy your sim card SIM cards PR I'll mention it downen exchange SIM card ler I booked a cap through the Yandex Go app to head to my [Music] Airbnb [Music] [Music] so there wasn't much to make of the city but the thrill of being on new land is unmatched [Music] airbnbs you know that the host sends you instructions on how to access and open your flat 39 I booked this Airbnb much before I was in kazakistan and got a great deal all the prices will be mentioned in the video's [Music] description so finally Airbnb Che I was just insulating with myself with like so many layers of clothes or I will list you know a set of apps that you should definitely download if you're coming to kazakistan or any other country in Central Asia so that it's easier for youer so there are various apps for that I will also list like for example so I'll list all of those information in the description of this video so make sure to check that but so I'm going to grab on some pizza and call it a day good morning from day two isan morning he even went down and got some crons for breakfast good [Music] [Music] morning okay so we're finally checking out of this Airbnb are time here is over because we were Landing last night and we needed a place to stay obviously going to be exploring a little bit more of Alti so let's go so before I head out basically this is the apartment that I was living in buildings single complex and it's got like a place area it's got a um football ground it's got a tennis ground it's got a kids play area it's got a lot of things it's great for families and kids if you're coming Beach benches so that if you want to come in the evenings and sit it's quite cold to be actually coming out and sitting but I saw the locals doing that probably this is normal and that's us we're now booking a cab to go out in almati but uh yeah this is what the air BNB looked like or I'll share the link of this Airbnb in the video description so we booked a C through Yandex again so here we [Music] are [Music] so basically languages everything is written in Russian or kazak Google transl you can scan it from photos to read menus like for example look at this so here it translates like this so usually it's all written [Music] in okay so just like uh any other City or any other country you need to to come and understand the transit system even out here in El Mar so be there are multiple ways of commuting and uh this just some locals said hi so there are multiple ways of commuting even here um first of the bat is obviously Yandex Go app download first up is Yandex Go app download or you can book caps to go to anywhere around but mainly just like if you want to get the experience of a city you want to do something more local then you can travel in their metros or in their buses which is a very local way of traveling and that's amazing to do so as well so the system works how the Metro system works metro card where do where are the stations where does it drop you so I need to understand all of that I'm just going to go and walk to the metro station now saan station the station called is very close to my uh Airbnb So currently walking [Music] [Music] there [Music] the Metro here costs 100 Tangi per person which is just rupes 18 for any station you wish to travel [Music] to this is what but it's also some things are translated like for example Z this is the station we need to be getting to right we're on the first where are we we're at Siran sorry where at Siran and so we have 1 2 3 4 5 and we on the Sixth Station [Music] so almati used to be the capital of kazakistan until 1997 but say aana has been the capital of kazakistan sulan and in fact kazakistan used to be under the Soviet rule until 1991 development so you will see the even the architecture the buildings you see the places that you see they are very very well developed it's a very well connected City and uh also the people seem pretty warm of course language barrier people out here only understand Russian or kazak so having a Google translate handy at all times is very useful but than that and it's a very nice warm feeling when you come herea you'll come to the place and just you know keep looking for things Bas talk about the dev so that's pretty nice grek you know local kazak kak you know you want to see it in action and green Bazar is the place to be loal horse meat apparently a delicacy it's very popular so let's see green Bazar located in the center of town the green Bazar is kazakhstan's most famous Market built in the 1970s with a new concrete extension that replaced the outdoor vegetable market in 2016 Central as clean [Music] Market [Music] how are you good where are you from India Namaste Narendra Modi yes no money they call it's nice mango is nice Okay small small mix mango is Prett nice want here it's really nice this what is this you say chocolate AC chocolate AC throat W oh my God was amazing chocolate throat is like my new favorite I didn't even know this thing existed chocolate Acro guys amazing I love I love you H you these are some of the local vegetables as such fruit uh the big lime mangoes mango Sten pear apple banana dragon fruit oranges Tangerine it's a dried one it's hard I don't know how to describe it exactly it's extremely sour from the fermentation so it's basically soft cheese it's got the same taste but imagine that fermented over and over again and the actual cheese got taste into 10 times of sourness that's the best I can describe it it's nice if had with something else like as an accompaniment if you have it by so I'm not sure if I have it just like like we very honest to take back if you guys are looking at some sers like food related local items then there are shops likeets you can probably buy these kind of things like there's spices there's their local oils uh local herbs that they use uh some of them even have dairy products which obviously won't have a longer shelf life so you can't take them but if you want to try them you can try them local sauces loes so lots of stuff you can see huge ores you can see Granite this is gu this is mango so you can even buy it from here so this Market actually closes by 700 p.m. make sure you come a little before that if you want to see it like in full action you can see it people here like the meat section has started winding up the rest of them are still there so that's that also here's another very cool thing I found a place a shop in here which also sells containers so if you're going to buy like big chunks of meat or maybe you know cut fruits or something you can obviously purchase containers from here or something and you can even carry it in that if you'd like to or purchase these containers separately if you want so you'll be able to understand from these signs so this is horse meat section this is poke because Pig and this entire section is for chicken so basically if you're confused and if you don't know you can obviously ask around but if not then your signs will basically guide you to what section caters to what meat it's amazing right this Market if you will go out through any of these Gates uh is there is a shopping market um so basically all your socks coats shoes that's the kind of stuff that you will be getting here and basically if you are somebody who likes shopping this is a heaven for you and trust me this place is set to put you at your bargaining skills to test so here are some of the things that you can find [Music] here thick than what we usually get in we found a pair of gloves for us B to City Center St we decided to grab something to eat and we found a donor shop which happens to be a local favorite here a donor is a Turkish dish made with meat and veggies all tucked in rolled in a Roy [Music] [Music] [Music] C [Music] hello from yet another day in almati to come buy [Music] some stay [Music] tun so of course I had to make the most of it no better way to start your day with a fresh cup of hot [Music] coffee [Music] to before we uh head out we're going to be converting some dollars into the kazaki Tangi almost simar so you can do that so it's pretty good [Music] uh this is the opera house and a few more things as decor you'll see Christmas trees everywhere just New Year I've come in January that's why this is the almati hotel which is also a very popular one out here and these are what the streets look like how beautiful they are you can stop multiple times for taking pictures and so on so you'll see a string of rest restaurants like these just a bubble restaurant which looks like a nice date place and few more here and cobbled walkways everywhere so it's amazing to just take a [Music] walk [Music] so that I'm going to today is the green Bazar I know but the last time we went it was almost about time for it to shut down that was almost shut down so we couldn't really explore much and see So currently I'm just going to go to that market and uh hopefully as we are much much much more early so we'll get to see it all up and about and there are a few more places on the listro I I've done the same route today as well just the boarding station was different uh but just just bear in mind Metro station then the connecting places are very far like for example Airbnb we walked about 20 25 minutes to get to the station or Station Market city is the Z station St so if you have uh to get to these places using the Metro it's a great experience because you get to experience the local Transit City uh but just bear in mind that you start your days earlier time it's going to involve a lot of walking make sure you're wearing good walking shoes that support you walking around town and otherwise there are also local buses which we haven't yet figured out but we will soon uh but for now it's the metro and walking towards [Music] so back to the clothes Market to grab a few things for the rest of the trip and then quickly drop by Green Bazar [Music] [Music] 2o so [Music] B you can have your coffee while you watch the hustle and musle of this entire Market which is so cool I think and you can watch the people actually you know buying stuff selling stuff you can watch action which I think is really so cool kakes that is pretty famous and this is a chocolate factory which is right outside of green Bazar green so you will see this Factory so I'm going to go and see if we are allowed to go inside this Factory as Sunday here so I'm hoping that uh you close now but I'm going to go inside and check out if the factory is open then we can see some action as to how the chocolates are actually made rakat which means pleasure in kazak is the oldest manufacturer of chocolates dating back to almost 70 years around 3,500 workers work in two factories making chocolates for people suffering from diabetes and also low calorie products like candies cookies and [Music] Waffles okay this honestly feels likeing the Chocolate Factory it's like being inen so if you're somebody also who loves chocolates and you want to take back some home this is a great thing to take back make sure you definitely do come to this chocolate shop the rakat chocolate shop of [Music] it's basically a kazaki version of sneakers it's exactly like Sneakers but really do ni and on my way back home I came across the zenov Cathedral J kids were ice skating and I couldn't help but stop and just watch almati What a Wonder You [Music] Are so kazakistan is very rich in its history and because of that and to your surprise Alti almati city alone there are 60 museums Museum but there are some which I would highly recommend visit today is Museum day for me now I personally love visiting museums because I feel like there is so much to ponder upon think upon just sit by a museum and you know watch the galleries or probably try and learn so much for example History Museum War Museum there's a lot to pick from that museum buff I know that everybody doesn't like going to museums a lot of you find it boring then you can probably skip this part but if not if you're somebody like me who's intrigued in the history of a place and learning a little more and getting the under the skin of a city then probably this is very much for you so what you see behind me is a very interesting structure standing it is one of the oldest and the largest museums not just in Elm Marti not just in Kazakhstan but in all of Central Asia so let's go inside and find out how magnificent this actually is [Music] Wi-Fi available just in case you want to connect Museum floors divided and we headed down to floor number one floor by floor let's understand what the museum has St don't need it around if you don't want to which is so [Music] cool so from flora and FAA that existed in kazakistan a million years ago to some of its animals found even today you'll find exhibits of basically everything that makes kazakistan what it is the architectural wonders and also the progress in the local outfits of men and [Music] [Applause] [Music] women so this section of the museum is dedicated to independent kazakistan which is basically 1991 US country which is why you see this entire area is blue national flag that was born which is this and you know just to show um it independent from the USS [Music] okay so here's a quick fun fact about Alti Al which means the father of uh here the Garden of Eden existed here right here in almati now we don't know whether that's true or not but this is popular belief that the Garden of Eden existed somewhere in the city here and this is where the first Apple was found the very first Apple on Earth so I don't know if that Legend stands true or not but this is [Music] AAL I didn't go inside but I wanted to visit after all it's the second tallest wooden Church in the whole world [Music] [Music] all well that was all for almati a city with so much to offer stay tuned to the second episode where I will be taking you to explore the mighty lakes and canyons of kazakistan [Music]
Channel: Talkin Travel
Views: 173,377
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Keywords: talking travel, talking travel karnataka, talking travel karnataka vlogs, jinal inamdar, jinal inamdar karnataka vlogs, jinal inamdar talkin travel, travel, jinalinamdar, staycation, budgettravel, luxury, talkin travel andaman, talkin travel, talking travel kerala, talking travel odisha, talking travel vietnam, talking travel pondicherry, talking travel similipal, talking travel amritsar, talking travel varanasi, staycation vlog, travel with me, explore, travel vlog, solo trips
Id: Iqqi4WVlSFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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