Kayleigh McEnany: Joe Biden is in trouble

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kaylee mcinerney joins me now welcome back kaylee thank you stewart the president's losing support will it hurt the big spending plan oh it certainly will i think you're already starting to see a very vocal joe mansion flex his muscles a little bit i think he feels probably emboldened amid a 42 approval rating is what president joe biden has in quinnipiac which is a far left leaning pole it doesn't always do many favors for republicans that same poll showing 65 percent disapprove of afghanistan 52 of the economy each and every issue he's in trouble and as he gets in trouble you'll have joe manchin and others kirsten cinema flexing their muscles now one senator senator rich from idaho he's demanding to know who's really in charge at the white house listen to this katie roll tape please this is a a puppeteer act if you would and we need to know who's in charge and who's making these decisions somebody in the white house has authority to press the button and stop the president cut off the president's uh speaking ability and sound who is that person kaylee you were the white house communications team you're on that team during president trump's presidency who is writing biden scripts yeah so the speech writers are writing his scripts but i'll say this you know that white house communications association they control when his mic is cut so there is a lot made of the fact that his mic was cut early this is a kind of a third party organization but get this stuart they take directions from the staff in the white house so our rule when i was in the white house was you do not cut off the president of the united states until he says he is done speaking until he has clearly come to an end i wonder what the rule is in the biden white house doesn't seem to be the same because he's cut off often the bars go up a lot of times as he's still taking questions well the the real question here is that the president's cognitive ability it seems like his handlers are protecting him because if he goes out there and ad-libs and responds to questions he may say something that's really off-script and something which you should not say so it's the president's cognitive ability i keep returning to this because i think questions should be asked they should be asked and you have a white house that in my view is in full cover-up mode on that very issue you have anthony blink and the secretary of state yesterday having the audacity to say biden speaks very clearly and very deliberately we all know that's not true and he said anyone who tries to push him in a certain direction likely wouldn't keep their job but we know jinsaki told david axelrod you know hey i don't like when the president takes freewheeling q a we know that's not where his strong suit is so she still has her job there's just full-blown cover-up mode here i do think there are people pulling his strings and we all know joe biden does not speak very clearly and very deliberately would you like to go back to the white house and be president biden's press secretary stuart you always have the hardest questions um although that was a very easy one never in my lifetime when i beat joe biden's press secretary uh that seems like a pretty hard job especially when you don't get access to the president president trump i can tell you that's one thing he always did i had first-hand access to him oval office walk in privileges i knew exactly where he stood at any given moment got it thanks very much kailey always good and by the way we will be watching you on outnumbered that is at 12 noon eastern on fox news kaylee thank you very much indeed
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 1,089,372
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Keywords: kayleigh mcenany, varney & co fox business, varney and co, varney and co 9/15/21, stuart varney, mcenany fox news, kayleigh mcenany best lines, kayleigh mcenany fox news, gen milley, joe biden, president biden, white house, biden approval rating, biden rating sinks, president joe biden, milley, mark milley, fox news, kayleigh mcenany biden
Id: jfv5qJ1dzho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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