'Kayaktivists' take Chevron protest out onto the bay by Richmond

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at the scene. Their name has not been released? No arrests have been made. No more pollution. That is a message from a unique protest in the Bay climate activists took over part of the East Bay demanding changes at the Chevron refinery. NBC Bay Area's Christie Smith explains what demonstrators want from the global based company in the East Bay. After hours on. The Bay near the Richmond-san Rafael Bridge, the so-called Kayaktivists returned to the shore in Richmond this afternoon. This was a peaceful protest out on the water. The kayakers had signs that read pollute no more act now clean air, water and soil for all. It's a global day of action to call out injustices perpetrated. By the Chevron Corporation. Alfredo Angulo is with the rich City Res. What we're saying is, hey, Chevron, you know, the people of Richmond deserve a healthy, safe future, and so do your workers, you know? And so we need to make sure that the refinery is transitioning to sustainable, renewable practices. The group is dedicated to climate justice. We had a all of our folks go out to the wharf, to temporarily block one of the ships to let them know that you know, we are the people of Richmond, are tired, and we are a force to be reckoned with. The activists claim low income communities of color are negatively impacted by Chevron, and hope their signs and colorful kayaks will. Send a message. What's unique about this protest is it's leading with joy and love. You know, there's a lot of like, anger that can be felt towards Chevron and towards the fossil fuel industry. But Rich City Res is very dedicated to making sure that the number one mission is leading with joy. We reached out to Chevron. In a statement. The company says it respects the rights of individuals to peacefully expre
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 1,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richmond, Chevron, Bay Area news
Id: 9RzU8vN2Vro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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