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hi it's me Jim for uber survival and today I just want to do a quick take on all the stuff I take with me on a kayaking trip so time to go for 3-4 days so we bring some pretty good gear with us and some of its cheap some of its not I got a really good first aid kit keep that in waterproof bag I keep a little fire starter kit with me and it's nothing fancy little Vaseline tin you could pick them up from Walmart for like a buck I got some cotton balls in here and a lighter and on windy days or a little bit damp days when you can't quite get a fire going I just take a cotton ball dip it in here light it with a lighter boat you got a little fire starter to help you and we have used this almost every time on camping trip so that's what first aid kit in my pleasure start our elbows in one real quick I don't bring a big towel with me I go to the dollar store and for like four bucks you can get six of these little terry cloth towels put them in a dry bag that way if I'm fishing or something want to wipe my hands off I got a I just got an individual towel and a bunch of huge one and I just throw this behind the seat of my car yet lay preserver don't forget your PFD make sure you bring all that stuff waterproof shoes I do bring a little luxury item with me little camping ports bought these at Menards quite a long time ago and it's just nice you know even on our date trips if we want to cook some hot dogs over a fire stuff like that we don't have to worry about cut steaks and stuff I think there's like there's five of them all together so it doesn't weigh much so I take that with me I take two stoves I try to split that up between you know if my wife goes with me she takes some of the load from going with some friends you know we just split them up I got just a little cheap Amazon six dollar burner that will burn here you guys can see it I got a cup of coffee pot I'm gonna stainless cup my silverware I do have a bunch of the plastics works and all that stuff but at the dollar store you can buy your butter knife for spoons fork works dull breeze I just drilled a hole in it put a quick clip in it because I like good utensils when I'm eating and we do eat well on our trips little spoon we spot inside it's got two bowls two lids some seasonings a little scrub brush to keep stuff clean the stove this is my main stove this is the Bible II - okay there's pluses and minuses with it don't expect just to chuck this full of wood get it goin real quick it takes a little while for it to build up some coals at the bottom and before it really you know picks up its pace where it can actually start charging stuff and if you do want to charge your stuff with it even after you cook make sure that you put a pot of water on top of the stove don't just sit there and throw sticks in it thinking it's going to charge it barely keeps up with the fan that really kind of turns it into a rocket stove kinda so makes you put a pot of water on it and it will charge your phone and that battery at the same time but you got to have something on top of it the downfall to this is my coffee pot goes right inside it smothers developer so to fix that a couple piece of screen clock to set on top of it but my collar on and if I wanted to but usually we make all our me know and I'll talk about the meals later but we got two stoves doing early morning everyone wants a cup of coffee so this is just quicker than the bio late to school and it also comes with a nice light and another thing you can do is you can take this off of here you take this off turn the slave now show yourself you can charge since it's got a battery in it you can take it inside your tent and you can charge your phone up inside there too this seems like every time though everyone wants to charge all their phones up so you know it works really good I mean I would it's like a hundred twenty-nine bucks I would buy it again in a heartbeat I mean because you always have power available so let's see what do I got I keep another little tarp inside here kayak cooler we'll talk about that a little bit got a waterproof bag let me move the camera I'll show you my tent setup oh wait a second one other thing right here I bought two of these little support in your chairs and these things like I said they feel rocky they're indestructible I mean they're I would buy them again in a heartbeat I mean they are they are tough I didn't think they wouldn't be when I first put it together but even when you sink them in the dirt around the campfire these things that made it a few trips and I'm I'm impressed with all right let me move the camera I'm trying to talk real fast and get everything done real quick so I apologize but let me show you my tent and then we'll show you my rest of the kayak gear and how I load everything up alright this is what I got inside my tent I got a little hiking tour it's just a little blow up air mattress and man is it nice it's not a very expensive one but it is nice I got a little Fuma sleeping blanket it's for like 40 degrees it's extra large I do not like mummy bags if I can zoom in here I do not like mummy bags where you're just all bound up I'm not a big fan of it I do keep a little roll of black electrical tape just in case you break one of the rods that hold the tent up it's just nice to tape it together so far I haven't broken one but just an emergency I do also I bring this if I can get it up you're right Sol escape baby and I want to say these are late 40 bucks super light but on a real cold night when you're freezing inside the tent because you know you take your trips all of a sudden the storm brews in and you have no idea you know what's coming or you're halfway and your trip and there's no turning back put that inside the sleeping blanket guaranteed you will stay warm all right let me show you my clothing and how I pack up the kayak all right closer with me I got a long-sleeve shirt a t-shirt two pairs underwear everyone's got a pair of socks they're not wall they're just the brownies from domes para pajamas cool evening sure is nice to have a pair of pajamas to sleep and keeps a little warm got a hoodie two pair of these where do you call them these zip off turn into shorts they're on a percent nylon I think these are cool creep from domes and this is a pair of Columbia ones both work bunch of domes or half the cost all right let me move this stuff we'll go through this bag up front they keep with me about two of those bags one for the white sky and one for mine they are a Chinook technical outdoor this is great that way you know we'll throw in like beef jerky trail mix in here so where your kayak and down this down the river you know you got something to munch on along the way but everyone carries a Luci light and these things are amazing solar-powered I just need to hook it up front almost everyone I know has got one our campsites are pretty much lit up at night I'm 8 years old it's pretty much like daylight out there a pair of frog togs rain suits just pouch the best ones I found more just a smart water from Walmart that's like what is it 50.7 fluid ounces so they just put in a great I just reuse them the grabber pop-up field hat and net when the bugs are really bad this year the bugs really haven't been that bad be honest with this been so much heat that we just just haven't bothered us too much I get a pair of a can of gloves you can buy him at Walmart for like 20 bucks but you get a blister kayak and it sure is nice to have these gloves plus when you're messing with the wooden stuff so drinkin carries yeah got a dry box in here every 100 black boxes I keep my headlamp in here my wallets east of my truck odds and ends Leatherman some paracord some toilet paper paper towels everything out of here bug spray suntan lotion we keep in here I do keep a little folding saw with me this isn't a very expensive one but you're gonna need it for campfires at night and also like on the small streams a for kayaking and a tree felled over that's not too big will cut it out of the way with this so that the next kayakers don't have to fight with it because I didn't get tipped over one time this year from a tree and now the nickname be tipper well actually three times this year I guess that's why they call me Dipper all right let me bag everything out and I'll show you how I pack my echo and we'll talk about that Creek cooler real quick too because that is uh pluses and minuses to that to that got me in trouble we cured it but it could be worse for you guys if you're by yourself or some salt all right let me wrap all this up another thing I take with me also which I forgot is this Katainen water purifier it's the hand pump one that's pretty expensive a hundred and some dollars but well worth it to have on a stream to get fresh water so the way I packed this is contractors big you can get everything in here there is water please I have left a couple times only two trips did I have all my gear in here another thing about this guy back to here is there's like a big piece of butter 3-inch foam right here going across the back of this is not waterproof but it doesn't if this kayak fills with water this is only gonna have like a quarter of the water in it so I can get away with this I tell you what which is cheap in the woods I can find I got a pink barrel camper somewhat tent first thing is I could shove it all the way up trying to keep the bag centered as much as you can sleep your blanket next here's my hook set oh you know what forget free - they don't wait neither we'll talk about how much the stuff weighs in the end real quick - here's my chair water fire my Sol City if you want to use can spend all the money by individual dry bag one thing about the dry bags this is the vital life - stove I do got that waterproof bag because anything electrical don't chance it this does not work and I'm screwed for the heat so everything else will dry and these bags when they stay rolling down three times rolling down three times don't roll them down twice I had something in here oh it's my first aid kit and I've never rolled I never took the air out of it never roll it down three times and went down twice and flip the kayak and that thing was full of water so what everything's right now whatever trust me he'll fit don't worry the other proof it like spirits are in there and my signature now the trick to that is where the app got some of these paper clips you just roll it down roll down right many times you can possibly get pull the excess up keep it tight I got five of these all right that is in waterproof okay let me real quick I'll sit the chair there talk about the kayak cooler and the food and this video will be done we do the bring some pretty good food with us all right let me move the camera and the Italian cooler set up or a bear with me oh that's other Bank of my clothes and I will put you know all my non-perishable foods you know we take peanut butter the little tuna fish packets and stuff like that everything will go in here and I just shove that up front push it up as far as I can be on my foot peg so and that's what goes up front we almost thought we'd go quick the bag up front with everything in it that I weighed that I brought with me that's count from the beef jerky trail mix all that stuff I think that was 20 pounds and that's what the two water jugs filled this was some of the non-perishable food and my clothes I want to say it was like eight to ten pounds so that's like 30 pounds up front and this all this gear weighed in at 28 pounds so 30 28 we're pretty close kayaks go to 300 I don't weigh quite two hundred so I had a few palms left over a spare so alright let me move the camera real quick and we'll talk about the creek cooler sorry all right just watch some of my footage you guys would have told me that my knees were all black from the garage floor I'm doing it inside the garage I wanted to do it outside we've had some severe thunderstorms lately and it's thunder and lightning it hasn't rained yet so I don't know if you guys are here you're not on the video but the creeks cooler highly recommend it this one's a hundred fifty bucks all its thirty twelve ounce beverages plus twenty pounds of ice so and it's great the problem was and this is where whoever buys one of these could get in trouble this is an eight foot leash it's just some old strap from one of my bolt cutters and I sold the ends of it up put a couple of quick clamps in it and what happened was it's really nice to have the length to put the cooler in and then slide the kayak and you know it's out of the way it's tough but if we were on the manage three river with Darryl and Kyle and I'm going and the river was pushing us the current was pushing us and there was a log jam right there there's a bunch of logs and I was I was going away from it with the kayak but what happened was the kayak cooler swung over and jammed in the logs and there I was fast-moving river stuck could not get to the kayak cooler okay I was not in a very safe situation where I could turn around and cut it with a knife or anything like that I was pretty much screwed but again he come around he grabbed the kayak cooler yanked about a logjam I got oh we got to calm water short leash up to four foot and even at four foot as you're going through some of the terms you know the kayak goes through here we'll the currents taking that kayak cooler off to the side so I want to make something I might make like just a one foot leash up I'll keep the extra one to get it in the water and stuff but then take two people and we can we can shorten this up because if you got this and you're by yourself you could actually be a big trouble so our food bank let me talk about that I'm not a big fan so everything we made we made like breakfast --is you made scrambled eggs peppers you know cheese whatever you want to put in your meal and we vacuum seal now when you vacuum seal your eggs make sure if you've got on the bottom of the bags like three inches make sure you got four or five more inches extra up top because when you put it in the pot because that's why I bought the biolink two stool is to boil it expands and it takes like 12 minutes to cook so I was thinking you know the bottom light would it's gonna work instead of the cans of gas because I think we'd go through it real quick cuz if I'm cooking for two people so our main meals we had like eggs for breakfast dinners who made oval meals we took sausage and potatoes everything that you want to put in hobo meal double wrapped in tinfoil vacuum seal that everything I had in the freezer it froze it so it stayed cooler in the state frozen when they come over longer but you guys break meat you want but I mean that's the advantage to have it as cooler as you can bring some real nice food and that's why I bought the cooler was because if you went to buy mountain house I mean you're looking at $6 a package to $8 a package well if you have three meals a day for two people you know that's 48 96 bucks real quick get it up so in the long run this will save me money instead of buying the mountain house meals so alright I hope you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to click Subscribe because outside that garage door is a brand new ascent 10 and that is a hybrid it's a kayak canoe I took it off the other day and I'm not ready to take it to a river yet it's kind of a tipsy but it's a 10 foot and it holds 400 pounds so that opens up a lot more camping gear what you can carry so I'm gonna do a video on that might not be for a while yet but I'm gonna do one so click subscribe thanks for watching appreciate it guys
Channel: yooper survival
Views: 102,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak, camping, camping food, creek cooler, safety
Id: u0_FQ34Wt4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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