Kay K Talks About Growing Up In Dead End, Fat Pat, HAWK, DJ Screw, Dead End Alliance + More

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[Music] daddy houston it's going down man it's down to use the podcast i am down to houston check it out man we got a very special guest today man uh this man's name has come up on a bunch of episodes man i've been trying to get him here when we talk about you know a whole lot of just the foundation of when the screwed up click thing went from you know making the flows and the freestyles and everything to actually making the album we talk about dea man we got to talk about kk man what's going down what's that what's happening man nice to be with you bro for sure for sure man what's new with you [ __ ] same old [ __ ] every day yeah nothing changed yeah yeah pretty much yeah yeah [ __ ] i wish but you know yeah yeah on the music and everything what's been going on with the music man man we just been chilling man you know what i'm saying we've been chilling with it's like you know like i should such a classic you know what i'm saying to where doing it again it's just different ways to do it man like i was talking around today and it's like i really want to just like grab like we was you know mike d was from third ward poker was from yellowstone key was from herschelwood we were swimming on you know dead in you feel me um and just grab somebody hard from different areas and form the group you know what i'm saying i thought about that and i don't know it's just different ways than i thought about the dudes in the hood you know what i'm saying like you know you know they take the time to do whatever they're going to do with it because really when you when you say day and n it's really like the hood made it dead in it wasn't dead end you know what i'm saying so they embraced it like that so i think it's just it's bigger it's more than just just me and him i mean you know it's whatever whoever in the hood you know whoever said that you know they're part of what we do yeah i mean talk about that though man because the history runs so deep man like talk about just kind of like coming up in the dead here man because you know you hear about the orleans and you know celensky and you know just out that whole area man like yeah man man like like back in the day it was it was like it was it was real crazy like i don't have a friend that didn't go to jail for killing somebody i'm sure at a young age you know what i'm saying but it was a while i was like 380 d was telling me something like that man it was wild in my apartment yeah i'm saying you know now really the gates you know what i'm saying the liens will smoke player you know what i'm saying and you go to the liens back in the day you're gonna you don't catch the stick ones and all them you know type dudes they going to school they mama got a little money they dressing nice they got all the girls over there they they ain't trying no trouble no no drama but you got the pole [ __ ] across the street you know we was young you know we were 13 14 15. what department said was this that was in king's gate it's across the street kingsville okay i'm saying it's cross street i'm really from across the street you know what i'm saying but when i got out of 93 everybody was in darlene's oh man we used to just go over there just to fight somebody yeah as kids that's what you're doing you know we 13 14 we don't have nothing but i'm telling you it's so wide around there to where what we was doing wasn't really just focused on because you got man it's crack central you know what i'm saying like like really like whatever you see in l.a like back in the day with a lot going on [ __ ] jumping on the dope fiend over there [ __ ] chasing the one over there you can't go over here you can't like it had areas that was controlled by two two different people that you just couldn't go in now we couldn't run through that you know what i'm saying now we run through all that do all that you know what i'm saying but you couldn't run through that and this is like what yeah how early in the credit this this one it was popping like 80 i might say about 87 88 you know what i'm saying 86 87 88 it was correct it was on fire yeah it was it was crazy so yeah so yeah 13 years old y'all running around now you know what i'm saying at what point do y'all start getting into like the trouble for real like whether it's hustling or whatever you're getting in the trouble for real at 13 like i remember at 14 [ __ ] my homeboy grandmother died and when his ground see we we're dealing with things like yo you know what i'm saying like my mama got on drugs so that destroyed everything i knew you know what i'm saying how i destroyed it i did you at this time when my mom when i when i started i was probably about 10. you know what i'm saying i was probably in the field i was about 10 how about 10 when i when i realized it or when it started affecting our life you know what i'm saying well you ain't getting no school clothes you're not getting no the lights might be out you might be you know what i'm saying and but i think about it i've been in the neighborhood i never my mama was in the neighborhood moving around doing whatever she do but i never seen them you see him saying just so it was like we was in two different worlds you know what i'm saying but that so that affected a lot of a lot of different situations but to make my homeboy mother was on drugs his grandma was his backbone she died when she died that left him pretty much to himself so all of us started just living in that [ __ ] we stayed now good y'all are kevin you're living in the spring man we stayed now about a good seven months man without paying no rent without doing nothing you know going out you know we might breaking the house during school time bringing [ __ ] back selling [ __ ] or later on you know people just come in crying they will commit so many crimes to one day they the homicide came in that [ __ ] no [ __ ] and that was the end of that you know what i'm saying as i knew it you know what i'm saying on that but but it was situations we had so many when when crackhead it destroyed it really it really did destroy a lot of [ __ ] you know what i'm saying because it destroyed my generation of people and we was all out there just trying to figure it out so we [ __ ] man we're breaking in houses we stealing we're fighting we drink you know we don't have no supervision you know are you hustling any or it's just a bunch of just like my brother i bought like a like a wholesale from my brother for like a hundred dollars that's how my mom my brother would always start [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like he's 15. so when you're 13. yeah and my mom was so [ __ ] crazy that the the the the dealers knew her you know what i'm saying they knew not to [ __ ] they knew not to [ __ ] with us unless she said so they gonna accident they asked and so my brother had got permission down their permission you know something once they do that you know [ __ ] that's like i can do it so i bought it from my brother i started hustling on probably about a good 87. you know what i'm saying about 87. so you were like about 14 right about the time [ __ ] like that i was i was i was i was in middle school so what middle school you going to thomas i went to thomas and jane long we were doing see that's the thing we had moved to bel air you know my mother was doing good but she started that out there and we moved back and i went to thomas when i went to tony's i never i never went i never i never completed another grade you know what i'm saying because i i really like you ain't got no supervision man then it's like it was crazy back so 8th grade pretty much you just done i never made it past the 7. oh [ __ ] i really flunked the six three times but it was for attendance i wasn't going you know what i'm saying it wasn't that i was dumb enough but when i went to juvenile i really learned a lot that's where i grew up at like i wouldn't i don't i'll be literate right now i've seen some of my problems they really literally and i'll be [ __ ] with them but i'd be thinking about if i would have never went to juvenile i'd be literally i couldn't write read write and all that [ __ ] damn so all right so when you when you how what do you start doing like how do you what what gets to uh what leads like you're going to juvenile and all that and like what age do you got to do now i went you and i at 15. okay so between so between 13 and 15 you just i'm just hustling you know i'm hustling i'm going you know back and forth [ __ ] you know what i'm saying because you know my aiming pretty much was popular you know people knew my mama so eventually you know dude started you know he really you should just the dude that was running running this set of apartments you should just give me [ __ ] you know what i'm saying here give me [ __ ] until i bring some money sometime i bring it sometime i don't you know what i'm saying what he taught me one time he gave me something and i ain't paying so i was looking i was hungry as a [ __ ] i'll never forget this [ __ ] i was hungry [ __ ] and i i seen him and he wouldn't give me nothing you know what i'm saying well getting they told me give me this money you know what i'm saying and i was hungry as a [ __ ] and i had no way to get no money if you ain't got no drugs you're not going to get no money you got to figure out like i'm hungry hungry supersedes everything yeah you know what i'm saying and from that day i just really like i don't i don't try to [ __ ] old people like that you know what i'm saying because that's going you're going to need somebody somewhere you know what i'm saying but now from 13 to 15 really i was hustling all night when i come into my crime you know what i'm saying pretty much yeah i don't know it's crazy [ __ ] it's crazy [ __ ] so i mean so what happens what what do you end up going to the juvenile thing for what do they end up catching you doing yeah is it [ __ ] killing somebody no [ __ ] yeah something i regret you know what i'm saying yeah 15 years i spoke on it but yeah it's something something i regret because it's some i mean it was the mentality at the time you know i'm saying it wasn't nothing new but at the same time i after after i then went to juvenile in different situations and you know my brother got killed and i can understand how my mama feel and the hatred she had and to have somebody some people hate me like that you know what i'm saying and they have a right to hate me like that you know what i'm saying but it's something like when you're a kid and they tell you your country's gonna kick in when you get older you don't understand that you know what i'm saying but that's after my brother got killed right before i got out of there you seems i'm talking about like i had a fight a matter of fact i supposed to been at home because i was coming on the furlough but the dude from dallas was [ __ ] with me and me and him had a fight you know i let him get me off my square i really i knew he was trying to you know what i'm saying because he knew i was supposed to leave you know what i'm saying he was trying yeah he just was a whole ass [ __ ] but um you know so that happened so you know i had a nephew you know what i'm saying i put my son my brother had a two-year-old two or three year old son or some [ __ ] like that so it's like you have decisions to make you know what i'm saying yeah that's something that's some crazy [ __ ] man so okay so it was a person was this another like person your age like a kid yeah he was older i was 15. he had to be about 19 or 20. you know i'm saying about 19. and what was crazy i don't i really wasn't i get in the [ __ ] with my partners but i more was my problems in the neighborhood i had surpassed that fighting and shooting and all that [ __ ] because i need to get some money my situation at home is different from your situation you know what i'm saying so my mind was on the money you know what i'm saying so and i had man i bought the gun like maybe about an hour before it happened no [ __ ] seriously so how'd they end up catching uh when i made it home uh it was i hadn't committed a lot of crimes when i was young we did a lot of [ __ ] but this time when i made it home my whole family was on the porch my mama my grandma my aunty everybody was on the porch like you need to turn yourself in you know what i'm saying it was a good decision though that fast before you even made it home the next day i made i went to a room and when i made it home the next morning like my whole family was on the porch so i knew that oh you ain't get away with this you know what i'm saying like everybody know you did it you know what i'm saying so boom you know i turned myself in 15 years old yeah so they sent you to uh west dallas i went to guinness i ended up at guinness you know what i'm saying i did a lot of [ __ ] again it's still the point to where i did so much growing up and [ __ ] at guinness to like when i i didn't been at my low point since i've been out you know [ __ ] and i didn't set up and email them people because like a lot of people don't understand what what sometimes counseling and groups you do you know what i'm saying for you you really that what i learned there taught me how to think [ __ ] out man like if i want to learn tyler think about the end outcome or what i'm gonna do i probably would have been and did a whole bunch of [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but i think about okay you got to weigh out your pros and cons before you do something you know what i'm saying but i mean i learned a lot of [ __ ] there and it's like i don't know i and then i was in the field to where you know i talked to kids and uh you know i used to go they should take me out there i used to go to college like sand markets and [ __ ] and stand up and talk to the whole criminal justice about what i got going on i was very active in that [ __ ] i was just like because it was real to me you know my mama used drugs i did you know my story wasn't fake and i was you know and i really was you know in i went to san antonio i was in the hallway house you know working doing my thing doing something different i really was never gonna leave san antonio until my brother got killed you know what i'm saying my brother got killed i had to come home and face the same situations that i left that i was running from you see what i'm saying because with those type of problems you can't at that age you can't make no sound decision about what you're gonna do i mean your whole family [ __ ] up you see what i'm saying so like i i think people get to misconstrue the misunderstanding about the street [ __ ] a real you know what i'm saying you got a sacrifice for this you see what i'm saying so that's just how it go so that's what i had to do you know what i'm saying yeah yeah so okay so you was in there for how long four years oh yeah so you come back you're 19 years old yeah but okay so talk about because it's like 18 18 19 something like that but talk about even before the end though like growing up you know because dead end you got hulk over there fat petty everybody like who's some of the people over there that you just really kind of growing up with i grew up with a girl with it was two fractions my young mother the people when i hung with my young dudes they was on the the do the stupid [ __ ] but when i hang with my brother in hockney they was on some listening music play talk for money um you know my brother was on some playoff [ __ ] he went on that shoot shooting bang bang [ __ ] so it was there's so much going on man to where like you couldn't focal point like what the [ __ ] you was doing man but if i had to say somebody like you know [ __ ] man was going down man we i mean like what you see nine wasn't there we had swimming pools everywhere we had a whole court on whole court basketball in the liens whole court basketball in the gates whole court basketball and somewhere whole court and that's what moses we're gonna play the people from over there you know it was so many [ __ ] to do we gonna go at we might go at you know eight nine o'clock at night and everybody jump in the pool come out the pool everybody walk over that play basket it was it was fun then [ __ ] man because it was a lot of people but at the same time you know i still hear conjunctions yeah you had grown people killing people too you know like [ __ ] coming up dead you had jamaicans back then you know so it was why why why man it was real real wild man it's real worldwide man i can remember many times man yeah so okay you got how can fat past anybody else that that was like you know dea music you know what i'm saying that you was growing up back with back then because who was it was ranji and all that over there like who else see run them would stay in like they stayed in the houses but when i got out of 93 like 380 like three a.d no in in in pearl hunt they stayed in houses that surrounded the apartments but you gotta realize that was the middle class back in the days around all that was middle class because really in that shadow apartments was nice you know it wasn't no ghetto or nothing but um now they stay like right there you know i'm saying right on the next streets and [ __ ] like that so you get that 93 what's going down bam because i mean it's still going down you know i mean it it it it's good it's going down the correct steel thing but all my friends locked up you know what i'm saying i went as a juvenile they stayed out my two three more years doing all this crave you know so when i get out of 93 you know pioneer got 45 he got 25. he got the you know everybody they probably beat the real years yeah yeah yeah it's either you dealing with the stigma and hulk them which is older you know what i'm saying you're dealing with uh like male 1 by a little black and you know big j and all them they was a little younger than me they might be two years younger than me so i was getting out i was kind of older you know what i'm saying and my brother had just got killed my brother was real known too so you know you're getting a lot of love from different different situations but um my partner picked me up so man they picked they picked i had an apartment like on bail out paid rent paid for six months all that [ __ ] when you got out yeah i had like i had like about four thousand in the bank i had my rent paid for six months they used to give me like 50 a week just to eat you know i'm saying like juvenile they really set you up to be to not go back to what you were doing you know what i'm saying but you nine times 10 we're going to choose that well my homework picked me up man he jamming screw hey i hear something yeah yeah i'm in the back seat this back when they used to take the back of that dumb ass [ __ ] um he in the slab or where ain't just in a regular ass car with a bunch of music but he jamming at three in the morning right but it's so loud it's hurting my ear it's like i ain't smoked i ain't listen i'm fresh out of jail man i'm feeling like fresh fresh so i can't handle the weed i can't handle the music i'm nervous i'm thinking so he get out and put the he put you put you on the square i'm riding with him yeah i'm getting high i'm in the back seat he bumping this damn about 215s in my [ __ ] ear um you know slow gotcha man i'm scared you don't say it like normally when you see a cop or something you know you're going to be like [ __ ] you got little nerves so um man he end up dubbing that [ __ ] for me man so you liked it when you heard it the first time yeah but my ears was hurting up but um he dubbed that [ __ ] man i must and i was out there waiting like in that apartment all i was jammed was three in the morning man my favorite [ __ ] was was when he bring scarface he had the the um the sugar-free beet going i'm sugar-free he had sugar-free beet going he got head mca modded society is getting real quick brother what they had that bumping with the beat bumping with that then once that verse go out he switched to the scarface here comes food i play the game where there's no rules i don't want to cook he go to that while he got all this [ __ ] planned sugar-free and all this [ __ ] going on then he go back to a verse uh um oh oh you'll see it i'm telling my man that was the coldest [ __ ] i ever heard man for real right now to the day i never heard him mention nothing like that you can say three in the morning but it ain't that one you know so you heard a early version of three in the morning the real in the morning you know what i'm saying the first one he ever made now he had to have three turntables to do this [ __ ] that was probably one that [ __ ] man he got some [ __ ] on there man they got some [ __ ] on that man okay so when you get out then what you so what you start doing i mean you start hustling when you get out of like what you're doing yeah yeah yeah i figured out how to get my money after the damn thing bought me a little [ __ ] you know she was going cool um she was going cool i was my pioneer did not man um like real he crippled he ended up getting shot you know what i'm saying one of my best friends like [ __ ] i stayed with him when i was like i should stay with him in this mama you know when i was trying to go to school i might be at his house you know for [ __ ] in a month i ain't going home till y'all kick me out you know i'm saying you got food here you're y'all you got them taking me to school there's some normal [ __ ] going on yeah i like it yeah what's up one night that's it funny i tell mom about this [ __ ] all the time so one one night about two three in the morning daddy kicked me out man yeah they had to kick me out i had to ride the bike i had to ride the bike i had somewhere to go i see my grandma just moved out the hood and i didn't want to go you know what i'm saying but yeah yeah man yeah yeah but yeah yeah so you started hustling and all that man yeah i saw hustling in his eyes okay so everything cool [ __ ] [ __ ] jumping cool that's why you got kicked out cause you're over there hustling oh is this the friend you said the dad kicked you out of now i kicked him out when i was 13. i had my own spot when i got that yeah so at this point here you hustling and this is uh i'm hustling at his spot yeah yeah yeah until my other partner came [ __ ] that up you know what i'm saying then i went back to the but my partners from the like the younger dudes like t-bone and and uh little black lemon [ __ ] they would come over and visit me and try to get me to come back over there pick me up [ __ ] like that but [ __ ] i ended up my mama moved down there so i ended up going back down there so that's and i and my brother's baby mother gave me an apartment oh down there and then when she did that [ __ ] man we got that [ __ ] jumping in he said where was this yeah yeah oh and this is what year like 93 94 98 394 at 93.95 yeah yeah so you're hustling you're getting the lanes and it's this is this when the [ __ ] just really just starts jumping when you get over there [ __ ] i always would jump but yeah well i'm saying for you personally like yeah you really start getting your you know your money yeah yeah yeah you know you know pretty much that's when i caught a stretch and not going to jail put it like that yeah for real had a nice ride yeah that's why that's where everything went down yeah so you're getting money like what you what you doing man like you getting before i mean before dea and i like what you getting cars and all that type it's still a struggle though you know what i'm saying so it's so i get out and these dudes younger they look younger than me but the game didn't change you know what i'm saying it ain't no you know no rock game going on you know what i'm saying socializing um you know knowing this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] want that that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and they hit me onto that you know what i'm saying they hit me on that so [ __ ] we just really just like party man you know so we was just happy to have we had no furniture we went from no furniture to a little furniture to just i mean we gradually me and um me me me black and t-bone we gradually kind of like as kids you know had our first spot you know what i'm saying and everybody just started [ __ ] with us you know what i'm saying sticks start coming and that's my house start coming and then you know they'll come up there and pat you on the back so that make you like [ __ ] that pat on the back made you like keep going the stick had the slab you know what i'm saying okay talk about stick one man cause i hear about him a lot man like he sounded like he was just really real real [ __ ] man a real [ __ ] but you know i don't know stick stick and hopkins is is pretty much i i say they parallel on as far as the way they came up and things but stick did dipping the dabble into hustling you know what i'm saying but he was smart enough to well when when friction came he just you know you know [ __ ] with that you know what i'm saying turned his life over the guard because that's his natural he was going against himself when he was doing the other [ __ ] but he was a good [ __ ] though yeah good [ __ ] yeah good [ __ ] stick was a good [ __ ] he was like when i got back in 93 he you know he was doing what he you know he was doing what he was doing you know he was kind of holding the hood down pretty much especially the leans at that particular time you know what i'm saying so yeah he taught me a lot too and he took us the screw house that's what took me to screw out stick one took you to screw up well i went with house but how gonna never went if he wasn't with stick you know what i'm saying so stick started you know kind of like bullying up he was like the first ones to start butting up with screw and trying to get in the house and you know i'm saying they do [ __ ] like buying shoes and you know you know stick was a flamboyant type of cool dude you know what i'm saying he really like he was the glue to a lot of [ __ ] like then in the hillwood being cool you can you can give a stick a little credit cause he gonna have he don't have people from different hoods coming in there kicking in and feeling safe you know what i'm saying you're gonna see the player side of everybody from different places and stuff that like like nah [ __ ] just want to kill each other but i understand what they they painted you know what i'm saying but right now it's so [ __ ] up man you can't do nothing idea it's a crazy time and it was crazy back then but to be honest with you the life expectancy of a young [ __ ] right now man ain't too i don't think i want to be 20 again yeah and live the life like that yeah yeah cause you can't even be cool get you some money and be left alone somebody gonna try to shoot you rob you get you know what i'm saying i don't know if it's not i don't know it's too much money in the street for it but at the same time that's just how hard it is man it's just crazy man you can't really be cool you really got to be on your you got to be on your p's and q's or you got to be you know this gangster that you have to beat you know what i'm saying you might not want to be that but you know you got to survive yeah yeah damn man so okay so stick one is kind of the man but doesn't he kind of get locked up early though yeah he got locked up in nineteen ninety four nine in front i think about ninety four 94 94 95 some some some up in that area you know what i'm saying he got locked up he ain't do too much time though he did like four years because he wasn't really the one who did the [ __ ] but you know it's straighten them up you know god put put put what what you got to put on you to get your mind right you know if you um if you believe in that aspect of things i believe it you know what i'm saying like it ain't nothing that i would take back that i went through besides on you know taking somebody's life that's it everything else kind of like strengthened me to be who i am you know yeah yeah so all right so y'all go to schoolhouse the first time you go to screw house uh you said you go with hulk or you go with stick one no i went with how i don't know i don't know because sometimes i don't know how now how can i have a car thunderbird um no i think i went with her i can't remember which one but i wouldn't put my my list in with one of them too you know what i'm saying i went back checking on my own but one of them too oh you know sometimes i might go with this stick going over that boom i'm riding with go check on my tape you know what i ain't taping ain't nothing so that's how i used to be you would drop your lips off and then you had to go back and check on you just gotta keep on knocking on the doe action man talk about that when you met screw how was that you know what i'm saying like what's your impression of him like you meet dj school i've been in them okay he wasn't the man okay but see you gotta realize we grew together yeah you see what i'm saying now he was who he was now ain't going for it's like um public publicly you know what i'm saying like screw was just doing his thing i ain't really just know you had to give everybody had to like i'm saying stick talked his way in the house you know what i'm saying like really you have to give him your list through his burglar bars and just keep knocking on the door and checking to see if he got your tape so you just dropped the list off and that was this that's it man and one day you come to that [ __ ] and he got your tape he just happened to hesitate you just that's where the word man comes i'm telling you man this is where man come from when you get that goddamn tape and you don't know what's on it how he did it none of that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so he hauled off you know you put it in and all of a sudden he dropped one he bring it back and do it whatever you do you like that's when you like god you know what i'm saying yeah man that's a beautiful feeling though back then when i came in it was when i got in it it was cool too but they're checking and getting your tape and you all want the tape and i'm gonna go to the apartment something to bump my tape cause it's like when hawk finally got a tape he'd come up there bump his tape yeah his house first yo okay y'all first the tapes went like this for me i heard big jaws with that tape in 9-3 wait three in the morning i heard three in the morning at nine three you said with big george big george my partner that's that's the dude's name i was riding okay okay yeah yeah um then you went through all that probably about nine four without stick head got the tape and he brought it up there he used to you know jamming in the house and [ __ ] then hock finally got him a tape then when he got the tape i wanted i i wanted to figure out how to give me a tape but y'all are not rapping on these tapes these just me the rapping came by like one day i was making my tape pop them smoked up and um me kiki and hawk was there and it was the wee hours of the night so like [ __ ] come on go ahead go here and go we um so we just wrote we wrote it this time he put the beat the five on the beat or whatever so we wrote it yeah i wrote the rep yeah we wrote that rep the one we did there we didn't we didn't freestyle they wanted freestyle everybody wrote that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so it came out a little different so [ __ ] after we wrote that i got the tape you know i'm saying we jammed it or whatever um then one day screw called us and said he had he had he had a concert you know what i'm saying but they wanted us to perform that song at the concert and he called us but it was off of a screw tape you feel him saying so we were playing around so we've seen it though [ __ ] and seeing me talking on me hawking and kiki was together you know what i'm saying so [ __ ] man we went did it was at the bar i think it was at boomerang we did that and seen the response you know what i'm saying then then ron put it in like he had botany boys i like to give them a lot of you know what i'm saying a lot of credit um fighting boys had dropped by the bars and i'm i'm listening to it putting it on [ __ ] that they really made me realize and say man you really can make a tape you know what i'm saying like they made the tape yeah they made that tape that that kind of pioneered some [ __ ] you know i'm saying it put it in my mind matter of fact d on red was the first one to make he made son hit the fade you know what i'm saying that was the connection him and uh run had going on so really if it weren't for botany bars or if it weren't for run you know doing his thing we want to never see it we gonna form a group because he really like yeah you know put it in our mind to be a group or whatever because we was just kicking it we just made a tape you know we ain't on that [ __ ] kiki was on it but me and hawk went on it you know what i'm saying how do you how do y'all meet kiki kiki was hanging with stick you know what i'm saying so stick brought key key to the liens yeah he really brought he brought kiki to the liens and pretty much the screw house i think don't quote me on that you know i'm saying i don't know if he went over but i know he got the [ __ ] with stick heavy and then he got to go on the screw house or they were [ __ ] with each other around the same time stick brought key to the hood you know i'm saying you know young [ __ ] stick don't gravitate to anybody live in any neighborhood whether it's female brother she he gonna try to bring it at you and [ __ ] with you you know what i'm saying gonna bring you around you know what i'm saying that's how i little gator and like little gay then they was in high school you know what i'm saying he'll have him in the hood you know this time i gained it from uh no [ __ ] yeah little [ __ ] had a slab man like a [ __ ] anyone [ __ ] they like one nobody bullshitting back then though like they was in high school with slabs though you know yeah oh what kind of card you having around this time now i i ain't really i ain't really getting no card to about nine folk i got this i got to sell them deuce you know what i'm saying i really was gonna buy a stick car because he had got he had already had this case you know what i'm saying but i seen pat you somebody slammed yeah that was nice um i seen pat in in 380d back to back they was in pat had a red they had their red seven deuce and 380d had a blue one you know what i'm saying and i just wanted to get in that line man you know what i'm saying so it was another [ __ ] selling one i bought it i bought it in paint but before mine came out the shop i bought me and what me and my partner kiwi we ended up buying pets you know what i'm saying about pets then my partner junior got out of jail we bought three haters you know what i'm saying so we had all three of them [ __ ] so what color was yours because i got this green so you had a green one yeah they end up stealing it though i'm sure yeah yeah yeah wow yeah i was green i had that you know at 380d [ __ ] ass man i went to the store in his step side one day man yeah i heard about you just do it nah let's see like we young we we we was riding like you know cadillac sam he jumped out with a little [ __ ] and stepped out that's that's a whole nother some grown man [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and i drove that [ __ ] one day in the rim and then you know i'm saying you know how that [ __ ] man he would hit that corner doing that [ __ ] and i went got me one of them you know what i'm saying i haven't got one little [ __ ] i like i had them too well i had that and then i had i asked about a lot of [ __ ] yeah yeah talk about uh if you had to describe fat pet and hop and then them different you know what i'm saying difference in pat pat was grooving pat was who he was how of course who he was and the beauty of they thing is when they get together bro they just rank on each other and laugh like a [ __ ] man man i wish we were caught this one time man but pat was in their sleep so how tell me come here come here come here so he peeling the cover off this [ __ ] feet this [ __ ] [ __ ] jacked up he's snowing like a [ __ ] so we dying laughing at this [ __ ] man but they had a beautiful relationship because they didn't have to be up under they had the same relationship me and my brother had to be honest with you we didn't have to beat under each other but then when we were around each other there's no little brother big brother [ __ ] going on you know just you know they had a cool relationship but but pat was always away from the hood though he never was really like in the hood like he going he he gone you know i guess that was his escape like the the kojaks and and all them people who had nice families that you know had cars you know he gonna get out at the neighborhood go ride with them you know because he had the tapes you know what i'm saying hulk was in there laughing running hey man i ain't gonna [ __ ] you man but just we lit [ __ ] right that boy how he had a job on the way was he was like in the 12th grade or something you know yeah after school [ __ ] but the minute that [ __ ] step his foot off that bus in the front on mlk he had to take out running all the way to the eyes we're going to chase his [ __ ] ass but we laughing because it's funny because he's going to take our running he'll build [ __ ] so he's laughing and running and running we chasing this [ __ ] all through this [ __ ] man man we had some good times though man i ain't a lot of man we used to chase that [ __ ] ass because he thought he was fast and smooth and quick and all that stuff man that was funny that was i had a lot of fun at times with that dude yeah so he was closest to hawk he was telling me yeah yeah yeah yeah that was more so you gotta help my brother yeah yeah in real life like when i whole time i was locked up he was the one i was gonna call man you know i'm saying like real [ __ ] like if it's mother's day and you know my mama down or something i can tell man go take my mama some flowers just standing there he gonna go do it you know what i'm saying or he gonna be like i'm gonna do it in the morning i'll be there you know what i'm saying so it was that was a real that was real tough real tough make you feel like god damn you know what i'm saying like what else gonna go home anyway [Music] today we came up here like what what what what you know what our life would have been like if you know [ __ ] wouldn't happen this wouldn't happen that wouldn't happen and when y'all locked up this one with a leg it'll be it'll be um richard dead you know what i'm saying because the serb really was going down there like kill you i was already having little minor strokes and [ __ ] okay talk about that man how so do when you get out of jail everybody i mean when you get out of the juvenile thing you know what i'm saying do you get introduced to serb like how early do you introduce sarah went on sarah when i did you know [ __ ] was still drinking farts you know what i'm saying so to be honest with you man i'm trying to think of somebody else but like that what that would prepare the [ __ ] to really just like really get some money when i started selling shirt you know what i'm saying like we used to get cases and cases in cases like the first place that you can pull up in south park like it had a couple of more other dudes but like back in the day when they first got crunky you first got getting drank you gonna come up there and get a full deuce or whatever from from us you know what i'm saying because a lot of young [ __ ] went selling drink they ain't know what drink was so really nice that [ __ ] was one of the first drinks and like what year is this it's like 94. 94. yeah it was like 94. case eight hundred dollars [Music] eight hundred bucks a bar you know what i'm saying like [ __ ] we was damn the wheel man i gotta leave how you even get put on today to be like what [ __ ] i will they brought it up there one day i really ain't like it really 380d put me on a lot of this [ __ ] too because they used to be with that bone form we were putting the boom for him but screw really put us on the solar end in the drink but i think it was kiwi the first one putting me on it you know who was kiwi that's a name i didn't heard before talk about it just [ __ ] from the hood be around you know i'm saying laugh and kick it kick it tight you know be around him how stayed together you know him and um kiki stayed together all them to stay together and [ __ ] yeah yeah he just [ __ ] in the hood man like 3 8 have been around you know we've been around each other yeah yeah so uh okay so you're talking about uh so to serve so you're selling the server so when you start selling it are you just like well i'm just selling it and then you start sipping it or you was already sitting in there i was sipping in there i was sitting there saying it was so cheap you know what i'm saying yeah it was real cheap profit margin still gonna be there yeah then you got the screw the screw screw error you know what i'm saying you gotta bring a paint the screw house you might get that i had you know like i had to take two paints deep you got to have like two paints cause this [ __ ] drinks man i got the hospital man screwed put a a eight and a two liter and man i'm sitting there drinking him but that's one of the times i feel pressured like somebody pressured me to like you know i'm sitting in the car like drink that you know man and man i was [ __ ] up man you said when you went at the hospital yeah i ain't got shot and i had two of them inside now this [ __ ] this [ __ ] didn't put me on man we we bought the paint now man me and screw ahead that pain no more than a good eye on the hand man screw up all that much solar water in the paint and drink it yeah he drank i don't know man he was drinking man i might drink a six or something you know what i'm saying he's drinking he's drinking he was drinking man he was drinking damn so i uh talked about uh when y'all started to actually do the dea thing because solo was saying you were saying you got shot he was telling the story about like the whole thing about uh with the signing and the guy with kiki who want to get child or something like that yeah they had like i don't know what their situation was you know i'm saying to me honest with you because uh at that time kiki wasn't letting his left hand his right hand over left him you know however you go twist it but i don't i don't i mean i don't think he was gonna sign with it but you know at that particular time you gotta understand here a young [ __ ] trying to trying to survive without doing wrong you feel feeling because he had some [ __ ] going on and you know he had his dream going on and that's one thing i can give him credit for he stepped out on his dream you know what i'm saying like if a lot of us was just stepped out on our dream instead of continuing to doing the [ __ ] to substitute the [ __ ] then you probably would have made your talent would have got you what you got so at that particular time that's what he was doing you know what i'm saying trying to venture out because you gotta understand we're young we don't even know what we're doing we don't know [ __ ] we don't know nothing about nothing only thing we know is we're gonna put our own money up and we gonna one day y'all just going to the studio yeah we're going to and we're going to the studio we might get a eight-hour block man and don't make [ __ ] in there listening to music smoking weed um trying to come up with some [ __ ] so when y'all first start going talk about who's the original people that you say okay our vision for d.a right now when we start this thing who are the people it wasn't really ain't had no name or nothing you know what i'm saying whatever okay yeah it was on me hog run um like i say ron got the son hit the fade beat from uh from red and took us to um j2 studio fresh the good dude night fresh he had worked on a ball and jim jg no type projects and [ __ ] um he took us like we did signing the fade we was coming where really kiki came up with the concept or we was [ __ ] around coming from the all-star game with san antonio and we was all riding for deep you know what i'm saying we just [ __ ] around a lot of our music got made when we were just san antonio 97 now or 96. no san antonio san antonio this one jordan water white patent leather uh we was there yeah i don't know if it was 9-6 i got shot no man we been making that we started making it at least nine five something hit the fade was the first song i did though time to face the first song oh [ __ ] at least nine now i'ma back it up deeper than it was by nine five nine nine by nine five man nine five or early nine six because you know time i'm thinking this a lot of [ __ ] didn't have but really time moving fast we did a lot in a small amount of time yeah but i don't know it had to be like i had to be like nine five nine one nine seven that's yeah so unless they went back up there yeah yeah now it might be i might hear my years out but that was the year i remember jordan wearing white paint letters though we a matter of fact we got some pictures from now because because troy was with us yeah so you've been knowing little choice since back then it was i when i when i did what i what i did when i was a youngster i was i was at trust spot he had like like a spotlight it wasn't a spot to where you just do a lot of [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but if you want to go to sleep lay your head i went up there to go to sleep you know what i'm saying there was no drugs spotting no nothing like that i went up there to go to sleep because i had an artist it was like the way i always in the morning you know what i'm saying but now i've been i know troy brother you know see troy brother ran with us he's doing like three life sentences yeah i heard he was yeah yeah he ran with us see that's the that's the difference in the age bracket you see i'm saying you got troy cool that might be my brother age you got two years under him it's his brother and us we doing stupid [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so but then at this time though are you seeing like scarface and all that around that time scarface was down and some matter of fact the the set of apartments that i when they sitting on that cadillac in them apartments them departments that's what that was that what was going on when i went when i was young [ __ ] and i went to jail the scarface movement little troy he was back there doing you know saying he was doing his thing as a matter of fact if i would listen to him before right before i went to jail when i was working on this project i probably want to miss prison altogether because he was trying to teach me the business you know what i'm saying he was trying to he wanted to work the whole project for a certain percentage but i didn't understand percentage or or you know i don't know just the music business and that even made sense today that's how he came back would want to be a baller and ended up going platinum [ __ ] without a movement you know what i'm saying [ __ ] with [ __ ] what he had been doing music forever and he really like always had a different type of music if you go back and listen to people he had after scarface they was more of a rapper rapper rapper they wouldn't know he couldn't see the fat pets and [ __ ] like that he couldn't see that to his start he i think he heard he told me how his son hit the fade and that's when he really like oh that [ __ ] sounds good you know what i'm saying yeah but he tried to teach me you know he tried now but i got matter of fact we had the offensive [ __ ] i was letting him teach me we had an office together off on 16 right by their bennigan's where the bennigan's was we had office and everything i got shot when i got shot that kind of i didn't want to [ __ ] with nobody i wasn't paying no [ __ ] bills you know i mean straight up i mean talk about that whole situation you know what i'm saying like what even led to that whole time man to be honest with you i was on a whole another mission i was on the mission doing some other [ __ ] and i stopped by on rhino and random to to grab me something simple and i ran into mike d running the mic d he uh we got to do a project for esg at solo house you know what i'm saying like right now and i'm like when are you like right now you know what i'm saying this thing in third so that detour of me i got the drink i went to um i went to solo highs so i'm at solo i'm on the phone with dsg to be honest with you when all the commotion jump out but pat you know pat my home my name bone they went to go get some soul wars and different [ __ ] we found the vibe out in there and you know what i'm saying guys knock this song out because he is g in jail so we trying to make sure we do everything you know keep him floating and [ __ ] what we had going and um i'm on the phone with ian this [ __ ] well i seen one other [ __ ] that he must have called that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and he came in that tripping and he hit me you know what i'm saying he just stole life on you ain't saying no hit me because i ended up because he really like he really like i don't know what the [ __ ] he was on to be honest with you i don't know what the [ __ ] he was on or what the [ __ ] they had going on but i went for none of that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so i'm not giving nobody nothing you know i had a you know i made a couple of mistakes with my arrogance and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying i could've gave [ __ ] 300 and missed that you know what i'm saying but i'm like man [ __ ] you i ain't giving you [ __ ] so he thought you owed him money he he did he took us to do something i think we did uh now troy took me to do my dvas and all this [ __ ] he took me to do something that was frivolous he was trying to work him and kiki had some [ __ ] going on and he was trying to work for me a little bit you know what i'm saying through day and he felt like i owed him 300 for some [ __ ] he did and so when i was over there he hit me but i don't even know how he knew i was there but he hit me and we started squabbling whatever however the situation might be he went to the car you know what i'm saying he went to the car got his gun i guess he might d was with me and he ended up i don't know where he ended up but um he came back with gun and [ __ ] so you know what i'm saying i don't i really didn't feel like he was gonna shoot me he ended up shooting me in the leg and he shot me in my stomach you know what i'm saying but i mean i feel like without the rain he probably killed me you know i [ __ ] like you know what i'm saying if you run [ __ ] might bust out two thousands i'm saying but you know i survived it so you say after that he was like man i ain't [ __ ] with none of this [ __ ] my life just spun out really after i came back my san antonio different [ __ ] my life kind of after i got shot my life kind of just spun out of control on um you know trying to make sure i handle this do that you know a lot of [ __ ] like right before i had just gotten under control and to finish the album and doing what we need to do when i got locked up but when i got shot and [ __ ] it was just a lot of [ __ ] going on man you know i'm saying a lot a lot of [ __ ] going on a lot of [ __ ] you know so but at the same time y'all doing this album at this time you got kiki you got pokey you got how and so but fat patty mike d in three two they was doing south side players yeah over there though it was like you know somewhat of a divide kind of they would it was really like um it was really like a little competition pretty much at first you know what i'm saying then we had a concert one night and i mean how [ __ ] this line up but i the hot um pat mike dean on 3-2 went on before us and you know we had never heard breaking concrete um they had um uh 10 keys on the street um they had some [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so we ain't have [ __ ] but um son at the fade we had down in each time you know what i'm saying but them [ __ ] went on before us and just like told that [ __ ] up you know what i'm saying like we looking at them now i'm looking like damn they ready you know because it was a it was a competition up to the end because i remember riding to the [ __ ] place we listening to our [ __ ] and they must have been listening they [ __ ] and we feeling like we finna wreck some [ __ ] and they feel like they but they won that one though but even we eventually um just end up merging [ __ ] together man yeah yeah yeah so who whose decision would it just say all right man let's just go ahead and come together man we man i really i really highly well me and mike d was [ __ ] around pretty much like and me and my deal [ __ ] around pretty much so that's how it came about you know because mike d had the music like they really had the music for south side players he was really the focal point you know what i'm saying the boss man in that situation so um and him and him and the troy [ __ ] around tough so that's how he ended up me and him he ended up being around each other and um and you know different [ __ ] man money situations um different [ __ ] i was kicking it you know what i'm saying we ended up merging it like that but i think that slowed both of us down you know what i'm saying it really [ __ ] up some [ __ ] what you mean it it slowed them down to slow this down because now when you're doing something ain't three people you got to get on you gotta come you gotta yeah you know what i'm saying that sometimes everybody like i'm saying we might be at the studio waiting on somebody named kane you know what i'm saying it was it was no [ __ ] yeah slowed us down then it did then everybody divided that you know what i'm saying like if you listen to our music really like it's a lot of competition in it you're gonna hear kiki and pat predominantly on every hook because when the beat come on they want the hook you know they don't they don't get it and but when you had a smoking thing it was just like it was just dave they was hungry you know what i'm saying that's even that screw house man the two most classic [ __ ] i ever seen at screw house was kiki and duke battling javon and the other girl they used to be on esg project i'm talking man they was going at it on some freestyle [ __ ] back and forth back you got two girls and two bars and they was going back and forth back and forth in that kitchen man some classic [ __ ] like if we had a camera back then that's some classic i'm talking about super classic [ __ ] and the first time i ever heard poke rap classic [ __ ] do you hear him when's the first time he didn't rap i was outside the house but i knew they was trying to get him the mic right and i never had met him never seen none you know what i'm saying so i'm really like you know [ __ ] they were you know what i'm saying like i want to see man and they got to spitting on them i say damn i think was hard in the [ __ ] like right now today i think that more than anything [ __ ] wanna hear a pokey album yeah like that would do the city of uh a grave [ __ ] um he need we need that you know what i'm saying like like it but like i'm saying when you touching [ __ ] like that you probably need to touch it at the right time with the right [ __ ] the right producers we got a lot of good producers out there right now i'm saying a lot of good producers yeah yeah yeah but i think the city will be like they'll get behind that you know you know what i'm saying on what screw you know people dropping out of the screw i think that i think you'll get some angles out of it yeah what's what's the last uh memory you have with screw cause i mean he died while you were uh locked up what's the last memory you had with him before you before you went in and everything he picked me up i'm like right before i got locked up man screws on business 24 7. me screw in and pat me so what y'all talking about what kind of stuff y'all heard going on oh he had some [ __ ] like i was really like trying to stick with it you know she was going crazy like kiki had the jam down situation um pat had the wreck shop situation on the cool you know what i'm saying but he still was doing what he had to do with the d.a and moving around however he was doing he was just keeping people out of the business pretty much um and i had got shot so screwed you know he used to pick me up and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying he used to tell me something [ __ ] he had going on he wasn't moving too fast but you know a [ __ ] that's a rapper that's trying to make it and [ __ ] going oh you trying to move right now you ain't trying to talk about waiting on nothing you know what i'm saying so and on top of that we was never understanding that oh i'm a rap for screw screw was screwed and we was doing [ __ ] somewhere else and it just came together and he supported it when you know what i'm saying you have to bring erect to screw but he wanted part of the process of saying that um oh we gonna form a label he had his own thing going on but one thing he always told me and try to understand that he ain't merging with nobody you know what i'm saying he gonna figure it out it's gonna take him a long time or however you might feel like you ain't really understand his moves you think he's moving slow but he's moving strategically to get what he want and he wanted the way he wanted you know what i'm saying and that's what we was on you know what i'm saying i was trying to stay on close to him because it's like [ __ ] that they was paying for they was offering to look for screw for a magazine and we might pay to get in there like they was paying to get on what that was on like street flavor it was another magazine that was floating back in the day you know i'm saying that you would actually pay for the cup or pay for this but they're gonna give that to him for free like a [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so he was he was he was doing the store he was trying to get that the building up so we went the my last memory he picked me up you know what i'm saying we drunk that [ __ ] um paint um we went up to the shop it wasn't open yet but he was just showing me the the [ __ ] he had going on yeah you know what i'm saying i never seen it open i went to prison but um that's that was the last time i seen it so all right but when you were you said you things kind of start spiraling out you know what i'm saying towards the end like what were you kind of getting into towards the end like what kind of led up to you getting locked up you know i was already getting like followed and [ __ ] like when i got shot the ambulance was there i can hear when i got shot without somebody calling i heard i heard the ambulance coming you know what i'm saying so that what kept me um kind of cool calm and collected you know what i'm saying but um [ __ ] man i don't know bro it was like [ __ ] man a lot of [ __ ] going on man a lot of [ __ ] going on with with street [ __ ] going on like beefs and [ __ ] like beefs and [ __ ] i really had no beef because because like [ __ ] i ain't alive and that in that time in the neighborhood like anybody that kind of like tell you like [ __ ] we gonna come through that [ __ ] don't i don't even hang with my homeboys at that time because they were strictly on the ride round with the k in the car you know what i'm saying but nah i ain't had no beef i had no beef like the [ __ ] shot me was just wet up and stupid you know what i'm saying and you know like he knew what it was it's just to the point to well just like man i had that going on and got shot you know they was following me um you know i had my you know situation with you know who i was dealing with you know what i'm saying so i was losing money doing this [ __ ] was going on with me in the streets already you see what i'm saying and then when i got shot they put a stop to that [ __ ] then you gotta read and then i got shot and went to jail the guy shot me told the police on me and i ended up going to jail from the hospital i left that [ __ ] at first they was just on me they didn't know if it was me you see what i'm saying so he told him it was me you know what i'm saying and different [ __ ] like that he ain't telling he ain't no none of my business but he knew who i was and i went in there on the joint on the jane doe like before before they even the laws even came because he he ended up telling somebody that they asked him that he was talking to them about me so when my partner came up there and told me my grandma mama everybody in that [ __ ] when he came told me i got out that bed and left and we left i still had a tube in my side so i had left and [ __ ] and my mama begged me to come back to the hospital crying and [ __ ] to come back and when i came back they locked my ass up you know saying lock me up i stay locked up by two weeks like so when i got out i got a monitor on my leg and [ __ ] i can't leave what they locking you up for what they i mean what they think i had like a blue one i don't know i had blue one the whole time like three years i was on the run you know what i'm saying blue one some other [ __ ] all right so um i would like but but damn i got a blue one for when i first got out i got caught with me probably about two stones you know what i'm saying i got like two year probation i got nine i got a i got picked up i got a [ __ ] money on my leg a hundred thousand dollar bun that don't warrant what the [ __ ] but they would they was already had their claws in me you know what i'm saying so it was hard for me to to um maneuver i might be able to maneuver for a minute you know what i'm saying then some [ __ ] oh so all right did you have any like when you got when you got locked up you know i'm saying did you have any inclination like cause some people be like man i know i'm gonna get locked up like today but i was under the understanding i was getting followed i was getting all that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but it's like i never had drugs i never really just really had drugs on me i ain't never got common no drugs so all that pulling me over taking me out doing everything you doing you really like missing the whole play [ __ ] with me you see what i'm saying because my [ __ ] was set up by my og so i'm kind of following his line so you got to realize everybody i'm [ __ ] with is old as a [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so you can't they can't see the plate but um [ __ ] all right but they they they was on me they was on me but i i never i lived in there the way you got to get caught i never got caught doing nothing you know what i'm saying ain't never got caught doing nothing you know what i'm saying so that was amazing to me i never um i didn't understand the process and none of that so i but see the colombian i was [ __ ] with was already locked up how are you telling i don't know what he was doing but he was locked up yeah longer than me you know he locked up about a year before i got locked up then i got locked up you know what i'm saying yeah so when they so when they came and get you like where you at like what's going on i was at the hospital man my grad just had my my son and she had called me when i made it to the hospital i got to the hospital i went up there they brought my baby they brought the they they brought him back out and the laws came after that they came right right in there i wanted i want i want their good 10 minutes what i ain't never seen him no more yeah damn so did you find out how they knew he was gonna they were following him somebody probably took them off somebody told the whole situation well you know [ __ ] that somebody had to tell them oh they probably they probably have a phone tap my phone tap i don't know [ __ ] they i don't know man you never know it's so i don't know man and it had to be a little bit more difficult than it did or not now they ain't got to leave their computer to see everything thing man so you get so when you get locked up how many years do they get they gave me 14. i had money i had a money larger case the the uh the columbian i was dealing with right like before i ever met him they was already watching it you know what i'm saying so i had ended up we was doing some [ __ ] where he was trying to go straight to columbia type [ __ ] he was supposed to leave he was going so when we went to when we went to go send the money you know so i went with him and the whole building and the whole place with the police i find a lot down the line because you got to realize he telling me all this you see i'm saying when i run into him he running to play to me he who i [ __ ] with he might this is my boss yeah this this this this who i [ __ ] with that's who i follow this who you know i'm saying this who [ __ ] with me you know i'm saying i'm like a son to him um and so he just he's just running the whole play different [ __ ] man you know what i'm saying kind of got to be with the world he had you know yeah yeah they had been there or something so he was at the hospital when i left but before i can get out of when they took me to jail in the hospital before i can get out of jail he they picked him up they hadn't just pulled him over on some immigration [ __ ] so he had been locked up i stayed that had to be that was 9-6 when i got shot i didn't go to 9-7 so i stayed at about another year or something you know what i'm saying i stayed about a year or something until i had my kid and when i had my son he came damn so you get 14 years you go in there man talk about like how is it in there because i mean you know i mean you run into you running the [ __ ] you know what i'm saying you running in the [ __ ] they've been in there a while you know i'm saying something different you know what i'm saying that i'm like 22 yeah and like like like like i say um you know you still puzzled and baffled by the fact that bro i never got caught doing nothing you know what i'm saying so it's like like like i'm saying when i was when i was a kid i killed somebody to turn myself in like what did you turn yourself in for what am i what what what am i agreeing to that i did it's a lot of [ __ ] somebody else said i did i ain't got no choice you know what i'm saying what am i playing to i got to find something to plead to i didn't do nothing you never caught me doing nothing but what you say i did so if you say you say what i did man and you didn't beat me down to this ballet this is what live you know what i'm saying what what what's your options you know i don't know what i did i ain't never got caught doing nothing like nothing never ain't never gonna cover drugs yeah so you just in there still how long i mean how long did it take you to kind of shake the disbelief of like man you know what i ain't doing nothing i don't know i haven't been locked up when i was 15. i shook that disbelief the day i walked in there yeah you know what i'm saying like when you when you turn yourself in something like that you know you're not coming home the thought of coming home never crossed my mind you know what i'm saying i ain't thinking about home i'm thinking about this workout i'm thinking about that soup just thinking about this coffee think about what coming on tv don't think about that [ __ ] in my room i'm in i'm in tune with what's going on in here i'm not in tune with what's going on in that number outside no more that's a whole different world that [ __ ] don't even really exist you know what i'm saying because it's not my reality i accepted that as soon as i got there you know what i'm saying after i did that first arraignment in six days and they denied that bond and i ain't getting that i just i accepted it then you know what i'm saying damn so but the music's still going y'all still got to put the album we hadn't even dropped yeah what i'm saying yeah i still got to put out much crazy thing like johnny i had the um what's crazy part is i had a rolex set um for johnny i'm gonna do jerry and she i i had like about 10 000 on it or something [ __ ] about 10 12 something like that so i tell that they hog took all the rest of the money to finish finish the album up you know he finished the album up but i was jamming pat [ __ ] at the time while i was going to court i got a cd of his [ __ ] so i was jamming that [ __ ] but we dropped i don't you know my homework finally you know he finally did what it took you know to drop it and this is this is runs you taking over yeah just run g stepping back um to do what you know need to be done yeah yeah so then uh talk about cause i mean when you find out that fat pet dads i mean you ain't you know i was in i was in i was still in the county pat died for uh did he drop his tape before he died he died right now no he died before you before it came out okay actually because he had already died um i don't know who told me man i don't know who told me i don't remember how first conversation i don't remember my first conversation with him because he walked me through that [ __ ] with my brother you know what i'm saying so that [ __ ] kind of hurt me real bad because i couldn't be there for him you know what i'm saying we couldn't you know um you know we couldn't share that or whatever um but man it was like [ __ ] it was a disbelief because it's so so i know i never man you know what i'm saying like if a dude doing something wrong get killed you kind of can understand but when you when you ain't raised like that you get like how getting killed is the most and the most stupidest i don't understand it man like who would want like that's the last thing you would think somebody want to kill a house man for what like what for no what man so yeah at this time i mean you get you locked up fat bad does screw dies talk about when you find out you know saying dj screw that see i see how walked me through that i called out you know what i'm saying right here you told me and he really was hot you know what i'm saying he really was he really was more mad because he said he had saints he said yes anything and and to to the way he feel like the original people that was around screw when he was at the house or whatever wasn't the round screw at the time you know what i'm saying this this this what he relaying to me this is not my me saying this you see him saying and he was just mad because they they they didn't do what it took to to bring him back but they probably couldn't you know what i'm saying but he he honestly felt like if he was there he could have saved him or something like that there because he didn't did it before you know what i'm saying like we wasn't lafayette and um i think it was called corn not cornbread uh what the [ __ ] strawberries yeah everybody here talking about bro you like the third or fourth person to come over here and talk about strawberries yeah he fell out of that [ __ ] and he felt like that was my first time seeing him follow up you know they fell out of this so he knew he had a problem he even tried to stop a couple of times like it's been times where he quit you know what i'm saying he won't know you couldn't smoke in this house you know i'm saying [ __ ] like that like when the laws ran in around about that time and [ __ ] well then he got back into it heavy i guess when i left he was on drinking the paint bringing by two three paints a day [ __ ] hey i couldn't handle it yeah man so you in there okay like i said fat pet dj screw uh oh you could say you got it in 2008. yeah so you came out right after maybe hog dad right yeah let me see because i can't i can't yeah about two years seven eight something like about two years later yeah yeah or two like it has to be about two years later because i had about i had about i had some years left before i went to the drug program and he he died before i went about a year two year and a half close in between two and one and one and two years you know what i'm saying my mama homer told me [ __ ] i'll never forget i was sitting there watching the young wrists in the tv room and he came tell me i didn't believe it i tried to hope not you know what i'm saying because a lot of time people tell me [ __ ] and i call home and it's not true you know what i'm saying but when i called home my mama my mom told me yeah yeah [ __ ] up real bad and that was you say probably like one of the toughest ones that was the toughest besides my brother you know so besides my brother that was kind of hard yeah yeah it was real hard because i was like [ __ ] man at the hog left i really like [ __ ] that's what really made me like i don't really just [ __ ] with too much [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] with too much of this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yeah yeah so you uh talk about man when you come home man like what's on your mind when you like man i'm gonna come home you know what i'm saying nothing oh and you still cause you gotta cause you got 14 you got 14 and you came home and we're like nine or maybe something 11 years yeah um nah i'm not [ __ ] on my mind my kids was on my mind you know what i'm saying my kids without my mind i don't think hustling was on my mind um i just was chilling for a while you know what i'm saying you know i had you know me and my mama got close while i was in there so [ __ ] like it was it was a repeat when i got out in juvenile you get out and you see boom bam poverty like one thing about jail like jail is jail but you don't see poverty you think it is but everything that [ __ ] clean [ __ ] gonna have clean clothes you ain't gonna see a bomb on the corner drunk stank you ain't gonna see none of that [ __ ] you don't see bad footed kids or you know dirty kitchen and you don't see none of that [ __ ] and when you get home and you see all this [ __ ] you're like man you just want to change that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so but my family was real strong on being protective of me not getting in the [ __ ] you know i did my whole life in jail i've been in jail my whole life you know it's the longest i ever been out of jail you know what i'm saying they more protective of me not getting in trouble and their job and everything so you didn't have a job yeah yeah no [ __ ] kk the working man looking like a [ __ ] [ __ ] pull up on the dock knowing [ __ ] like man last thing i want to do is talk about that you know what i'm saying like man i don't want to be in that [ __ ] man i'm at work today it's clear to me that i let it go won't you let it go right now you know yeah so where you at right now today i mean what are you saying man is everything kind of behind you as far as like you're over having to go in you adjust it to life and you know just everything like that man yeah i'll be chilling i'm trying to just i don't know man you know trying to trying to just i'll still be it's like i don't know because i guess could i attack the game from a money standpoint and not a talent standpoint to where that's what i got to do you know what i'm saying to to even get this [ __ ] to roll it but at the same time though i don't feel like it it's dead it's going to come back around because if it's been there this long evidently it's some substance to it you know what i'm saying you just got to tap into that substance and um figure out your niche but i think the whole thing is it's us man you know what i'm saying it's like you can shoot a low ball or you can shoot a hot ball and they keep shooting the low balls you know what i'm saying because it's not a collective thing it ain't nothing genuine you know what i'm saying it's not a collective thing okay cool you got your story okay cool you can't dominate no story because you got your story i got my own story you know what i'm saying he got his own story and if we go by just your story that means that you is the king you know what i'm saying to you we ain't rock like that first thing i told you well we all equal you know what i'm saying and when we understand that [ __ ] we'll get the money like that you know what i'm saying but it's cool that people get their money different ways of however they do it when you talk about propelling this [ __ ] to the to the next level if you don't do it there's no collective on situation whether you like him [ __ ] or not you ain't you always going to shoot a low ball you know what i'm saying you gonna shoot a low ball you gonna shoot on a watered down story um it's just not gonna be it's not gonna be when you get the genuine [ __ ] popping you're gonna get some genuine money popping you know what i'm saying because you won't get a genuine deal power it ain't gonna be no solo deal you know what i'm saying but that's just me with it man i'm more of a i stay mad you know what i'm saying i'm mad at the situation because it's like um you can't it's like you got to think further than you can't never be happy with a situation like i didn't like jay-z music at first but i started respecting his moves and how he never was satisfied with where he was see once you get satisfied with having something i'm gonna [ __ ] how much money there once you get satisfied with that [ __ ] that's it that's your that's your ceiling man you happy that's your ceiling you ain't reaching for nothing else you don't even go around people that's doing something that you can admire everybody that i ever seen do something i seen somebody that i admired that they was doing that and i said i can do it too you say i'm saying but if you don't give props to another [ __ ] behind the [ __ ] is you won't ever be something you see i'm saying but what you is and that's one thing that's why i kind of have a lot of respect and i started listening to his music and listening to his lyrics because even not today he ain't stop pushing the envelope i got money and i want power i want to be able to say you you you you and you um you deserve this you deserve that i can do this they ain't gonna lowball you there they ain't gonna do you see what i'm saying it's just the way what you wanna be you know what i'm saying is i don't know man you just it's just i don't know man just got to be a special thing a special moment and i don't think it came about yet that's why i don't support too much [ __ ] yeah yeah it's wasting time you want to see the unity it got to be unity it ain't going to that's been our problem the whole time if it ain't no unity it's not gonna work man what you got going gonna work cool you know what i'm saying do you you know what i'm saying it's gonna work but on the screen that click level it ain't gonna work it ain't gonna work because it's always a different story with different people a different it's always different you know what i'm saying because you can't confine that to just one person because screw was had many many people like i say hulk was mad because he feel like we was the old people but you got new people screw got new people how you gonna you can't disrespect who screwed um as his [ __ ] friend because you was his friend first you know what i'm saying don't work like that i don't know how that's rocking you know what i'm saying but i know dea i know our story i know and once we get together and we do that and you put that out you know what i'm saying you put different [ __ ] out with that you it ain't separated out a lot it's just one thing i think our people support us i only [ __ ] what we drop we can drop one shirt for 250 but if the hype around it they gonna grab that [ __ ] they spent two two fifty three hundred on everything else why they can't spend it online they will but you have to target that if you target 20 they gonna get you 20. if you target 100 they gonna give you a hundred man because we got a small fan base that will spend at two hundred dollars you know what i'm saying let's spend about a hundred to two hundred so you just get that money but i don't know man yeah yeah well that's what's up man you got any uh you got any last words man before we close that bro man i mean it was good talking to you brother well i appreciate it i had the kyle in the favor to get him to come through man like i i it's nothing against nobody i just don't see i didn't see no point you know i'm saying i ain't got nothing going on you know i'm saying i ain't enthused about talking to nobody about what i got going on you know what i'm saying but you know a solo good friend of mine if he say that you could i believe you could you know what i'm saying if he you know what i'm saying if he say man you need to do that i i believe wholeheartedly in my heart i need to do it you know he's a good dude too i appreciate his child solo for real mm-hmm i'm glad i came through though man yeah now for sure that's what's up man well this is donnie you some podcast man kk anything else what we get out of no that's it man good talking to you man all right that's what it is i appreciate you pushing the envelope forward on our culture because without y'all you know we couldn't we couldn't we couldn't last we couldn't exist if you ain't curious if you ain't spending your time and your money doing what you're doing like after i thought about it i had to think about that but it's just the space i'm in you know what i'm saying but other than that without without without y'all it wouldn't be nowhere else that like seriously you know what i'm saying because you ain't got to [ __ ] with us you can [ __ ] with anything you know what i'm saying so i appreciate that all right that's what it is man it's down to you some podcasts you
Channel: Donnie Houston TV
Views: 48,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donnie Houston, Kay K, Donnie Houston Kay K, Donnie Houston Podcast, Interview, Big Pokey, Hawk, Fat Pat, Dead End Alliance, DJ Screw, Lil Keke, All Screwed Up, DJ Screw documentary, dj screw podcast, houston hip hop history, exclusive, stick 1, 380-d, orleans, crack, hustling, drugs, prison, jail, murder, crime, screw, louisiana, texas, hip hop, houston hip hop, new
Id: 5hUoxuLclnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 38sec (5198 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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