Kavinsky - Odd Look
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: KavinskyVEVO
Views: 10,764,515
Rating: 4.9047208 out of 5
Keywords: Kavinsky, Odd, Look, Vertigo, Electronic
Id: qT0iQRjHbW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you're wondering who this character is, Kavinski is a zombie that came back to life after crashing his Ferrari in order to create electronic music. You can see this backstory in the Testarossa Autodrive video: https://youtu.be/SQSHg-SJXR8
I'll add a shameless plug here /r/outrun
If you guys like that, you should check out /r/outrun.
And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er416Ad3R1g
wait the dude behind the bar had a shotgun and didnt defend the girl? Are you serious?
what is this sort of rebirthed 80s music called? synthwave?
There's a YouTube channel called NewRetroWave that posts all sorts of great 80's-inspired electronic music. For me personally they were like a gateway into the genre. Enjoy!
I like this generations romantic view of the 80s much more than I like the 80s.
Check out College as well. They were featured on the Drive soundtrack (Real Hero with Electric Youth) as well. Really good stuff.
The funny thing is no one listened to music like this in the 80s.