Katy Bowman and her Super-Agers

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today researchers not the underwear to unlock our brains ground listen instruction librarian Shriver is back with more on that Maria hope so we have several coming out as well those of us associate getting older with losing our memory and lots of aches and pains but now there's growing evidence that these elements are actually preventable you're about to meet some seniors and brains are stronger and their body's healthier than ever before at 72 more Nancy at Betty Ann has the brain of a twenty-something it could keep suenson mentally and physically they all come together this Massachusetts grandmother is part of a special Club of seniors known as super Agers in memory test their brains are as sharp as people in their 20s their memories are very useful and they show no evidence of memory loss neuroscientist Lisa Bauman Baron wanted to know why so in a recent study she scanned the brains of more than a dozen super Agers and got the shock of her career we found a whole set of regions which are much thicker and much better connected which means they are more useful in fact when you look at super agers brains and you compare them to young people they're indistinguishable so what keeps these older brains so young bored bored of has never been allowed in my house researchers say super majors like Nancy challenged their brains and bodies on a regular basis exercising daily and pushing themselves to master new skills in the last year Nancy learned how to play piano chess even pool one of the things that they seem to do is push through discomfort if you cultivate that feeling of yuck at least once a day and kind of push through it cultivate yup yeah that feeling I can't do this it's really hard I want to stop but you just do it anyway and it's not just our brains that can defy older age at nearly 80 years old these women move like Tim buying a jumbo gym even climbing trees do you actually believe that people in their 50 60 and 70s can be moving like they were in their 20s maybe even better than your instrument in their new book dynamic aging fitness expert Katie moments and her clients Joe Laurel Joyce reveal the simple movements that have boosted their brain and cured their aches and pain it's smooth in a different way than you have been for the last 20 or 30 or 40 years because all of those tiny shifts and movements they do the same thing is the movement that you do in the gym you adapt to them so by changing the way you walk yeah changing the way you stand by checking the way you can move through life you avoided surgery yes exactly so Bowman says one of our worst habits is sucking in our stomachs to appear thinner over time she says it can cause constipation and other health problems so learn to relax it can you let the abdominal wall in front drop down towards the floor another health stress strengthening our legs by changing how we move up and down from chairs many of us use momentum as a crutch let's move them and less falling bolts on it up and on the down steps to turn back the clock and make what's told ya okay well another key to super imaging is the kind of stress in your life experts in constant toxic stress from relationships or work environments can be very harmful to your brain but occasional bouts of stress can actually be good for it as long as you stay hopeful and positive and another thing they talked about is walk around in bare feet get used to that stretch your muscles out constantly be moving with the cup wait you said there yes yes yes bigger TV shows super agers super agent I got a new job well they're all very healthy they talked about being very healthy but they attribute this really the best that they keep learning keep moving keep exercising more than actually I admit I want what's best for ever all about dashing through this is coming to you yeah pushing ever learning chess learning line hello a new direction for binge watching this like right now yeah get up where is thank you I got always coming up next a better feel good Friday story on a chance encounter to change two lines forever
Channel: Dragonslayer58
Views: 10,171
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Keywords: Katy Bowman, Nancy Allen Burns, Body Wisdom Studio, Point Richmond Calif., Today Show, Maria Shriver
Id: cJW835Og1gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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