Katadyn BeFree SECRET HACK - filter easier and faster

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for sending this out you guys over at high side coffee i am not associated with them at all this video is not sponsored by them uh they just emailed me a few months back asked me if they could send me some coffee and i have been using this the past several months uh since like probably january or february these things are awesome um you just open it up it's literally a tea bag oh it's not tea it's coffee but it's way easier and way way better than freeze-dried coffee you just put this in your boiling pot of water and let it sit for five to seven minutes and you've got a fresh cup of coffee so anyway that's not why you guys are here you guys are here because you want to see my new water filter uh actually you probably already have if you uh watch my videos on a regular basis last week i posted a video um right up here i will put that up and i talked a little bit about the water filter and the whole system that i'm going to talk about today if you guys want to check out that video make sure you go check that out before you watch this video so you can kind of get an idea of what exactly i'm using but i'll talk about it in this video too so totally up to you guys all right so the water filter that i have been using literally for years and i'm talking like maybe four or five years backpacking has been this right here this is the sawyer squeeze obviously uh probably the most popular water filter available this actually filters down to point 0.1 microns i don't know what that means i just know that when i drink the water that this filters i don't get sick all right so when i was using my uh sawyer squeeze i was using it with this noc vecto and basically you just take the top off of the bag like this and you open it up you can just scoop up water in really shallow places very easily with this nice wide opening here it's really convenient and i used it like a gravity i used it like a gravity feed system so what i would do is i would connect this tube uh to the bottom here and then i would connect the filter down here you know it's a little cumbersome um it's not perfect by any means but it does work it's a little heavy i want to say it weighs like six or seven ounces total for everything here um and it's you know relatively convenient especially if you're like me and you're hiking with kids or you know you're hiking with a friend or whoever and you want to be able to filter for the group or filter for more than one person or if you're just filtering for yourself you can easily filter up two water bottles but the problem is is you got to find like a tree too so you got to find a place to hang it and it's got to be the right height because the water bottle sometimes needs to sit on the ground and balance or you got to kind of put it between your feet to kind of hold it so you know they do sell a coupler that you can uh put on the end here that uh turns these threads around so you can put a water bottle on there and you know it's just it's a lot of work it's a lot of work okay but then i was watching some videos online and um i kept seeing the catadyne be free water filter um i've seen it for many years actually but i really just kind of you know i wasn't interested in swapping out my water filtration system because it works and it worked pretty well and i thought i had it dialed in really good so it wasn't like on my mind but then i got a gift card and uh so i had a couple extra bucks to spend on some outdoor gear and i thought what am i going to spend it on i've got tons of gear already i have been hearing about this catadyne beef free let's go ahead and try it out i ordered it when it was still freezing cold outside so it kind of sat and then it sat through all of the coronavirus stuff and then finally once the park started opening up i was able to take it out so it's been out on three trips with me and i've filtered probably 30 to 40 liters through it everything from really sandy dirty water to crystal clear water coming out of streams uh water that you couldn't really see through very well lake water stream water all of the above not only for myself but i filtered for other people that i was hiking with as well a matter of fact it became like the group water filtration system so here is what it looks like now out the gate you can already see that this is way smaller it's not a gravity feed you're going to have to squeeze it no matter what so why would i go for this water filter over the sawyer squeeze especially the tried and true probably the most popular water filter on the market everybody seems to be using it well once i got this in my hand and i tried it out on trail it became evident that this thing is absolutely awesome and then not only was it awesome but it reached another level when i realized and i talked about this in my last video i could take this the aqua clip this is a piece of gear that is so simple it's literally just a piece of plastic with like a 90 degree angle and i could clip it onto the top of my befree water filtration system so i'll throw some video up here from the last video i put out last week so i can show you some b-roll kind of me using this and how it works but you can just take this off drink and then uh only if i got an extra hand that's easier slip it back on there and you're done and you're thinking well dan why in the world would you make another video this week well because this thing is so genius it makes literally so much sense and it was so useful um as a matter of fact when i went on that trip i also brought this whole setup here and i let my buddy phil who was with me on that trip use it and uh we nobody used it uh it was easier to use this it was actually faster to use this and it was so much easier that our daughters were actually going and filtering all the water for us we didn't even have to think about it so this system over here the sawyer squeeze that whole gravity system that's got a little bit of a learning curve to it you know my daughter who's 11 years old would have a difficult time trying to figure that out hanging on the tree you know making sure that the the water bottle is loosened enough so air can get back into the the water bladder bag and that sort of thing so this was just like literally you take the bag it does have a nice wide hole on the top now it's not nearly as wide as the noc vecto don't get me wrong this is a better bag over here for sure and i do believe that knock makes a bag that will fit this filter so if you want to check that out uh go ahead and check that out if i can find it i'll make sure i put a link in the description below for you guys but this bag is actually sufficient in my opinion at least it was on this last trip um you know the bag has a hole wide enough that you can get into pretty decently uh shallow spots it does fill up decently quickly and this is a one liter bag a one liter water bottle looks like your standard water bottle your smart water bottle or this one just happens to be a life water bottle you know it's the standard size everybody brings and they look different sizes but this actually holds the exact same amount of water one liter of water there you go now you got your one liter of water that you can literally strap onto your sternum strap or your backpack or wherever you want and you can actually get rid of a smart water bottle or a plastic water bottle if you don't want to carry it now i wouldn't do that i'm still planning on bringing two of these with me on every trip just so that i can have a three liter capacity if i need it you know they weigh next to nothing anyway so it's not really a big deal if this is empty in my bag i don't really care about this much extra weight now i'll kind of show you how well this thing flows so you can kind of see yourself now i have not cleaned this filter since my last hike like i said i filtered probably 30 or so liters through it um i have cleaned it midway so maybe this has 15 to 20 liters of dirty water filtered through it so let's just kind of see how well this does all right now that cup it's full if you can see that but that's a full cup that did not take long at all so you can see that this thing filters super fast it's almost like eerily fast like did it really clean my water but you know i drank all that water never got sick so it's absolutely working it does have the same i believe filters also the 0.1 microns like this sawyer squeeze does as well a little coffee residue in there so this is obviously a match made in heaven in my opinion this clip this bag this water filter i literally do not have to even stop hiking anymore if i if i don't want to i don't even have to take my backpack off to filter water i don't have to ask someone to grab my water bottle i don't have to try to break my arm to reach back and grab a water bottle anymore i mean it's literally that easy so this is a hundred percent gonna be my new setup i am dumping the sawyer uh i'll you know i'll keep it around for uh a spare filter in case i lose this one or maybe somebody's coming with me they don't have a filter or maybe in an area where i need a backup water filter but this is definitely going to be coming with me on every single trip and i'm super excited to use it so if you guys want to find out where you can get this i will put a link in the description below where you can check it out i also have a coupon code where you can uh use uh there and hopefully get 15 off as well so check it out hey you guys if you like this video make sure you hit that like button also subscribe for more hit the bell notification so i can send you a video every time it's released and i will see you oh by the way i do have an instagram if you want to check me out on instagram i will put that information right here for you guys and i will see you on the next one [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Dan Becker
Views: 112,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MdiRu89j4hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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