【大快人心】心機女不擇手段陷害灰姑娘連累公司出現了大漏洞,被董事長當眾責罵,遭報應了EP42-1 Chinese Drama

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We apologize for the trouble of Rui Hua's products. We purchased a large amount of Rui Hua products just because of our trust in you. But did you have a look to (at) them? They are completely different from the designs. They don't look like the sleek designs at all. And they contain quality hazards. I've looked into it. These definitely have some defects. The reduction in crafting possibly resulted in the cheap appearance of this product. Okay. We are very sorry about this trouble, and... we will give you a special discount on the original offer. Your products are totally unqualified to be in the market. Do you really expect us to throw our reputation away on defective products? All right. We can take all responsibility and give you a full refund. A refund will not be enough. What we want is compensation for this. Didn't you say you were the most reliable in the industry? This is the compensation agreement. If you don't sign, we'll see you in court. We agree. I'm so sorry. It's all right. We will see you again. See you. What happened at the factory? It's clear that you have to lay the foundation first before the inlay. Behind the gemstone, you must have a claw setting to set it. There's none of that. It doesn't match my original design. What really happened? Things have already gone this far. It's useless to keep harping on this. Why would it be useless? All the samples before were fine. The problem started with this batch. I must find out why. Don't call. I told them to skip two steps in the process. What did you say? You heard it. Yu Yi, have you gone insane or stupid? How could you do something so dumb? I did it for the performance of Hui Xin. Didn't you want to fast-track the finish date? Didn't you want to get to the market before others with early delivery to beat Gao Jie? I was anxious, but we can't compromise the quality. Why do you think they were able to deliver so fast? If we didn't cut two steps, how could you get ahead of the others? It's true I wanted to get to the market first, but not at the expense of the quality. Now the products have flaws, who will bear the responsibility? What do we tell the Chairwoman? Before you made such a decision, why didn't you ask me or Yu Zhi first? If he was around, we wouldn't have had this problem. Enough. Wasn't what I did for you? What's the situation with the client? Their position is very firm. They insist on compensation. Rui Hua has maintained its reputation for several decades. We've always competed on quality. How could something like this happen today? Who's responsible? I need someone to take responsibility. Gao Hui, you are the chief designer of this product. Explain to us where the problem is. I want to know who dared to compromise the quality under my watch. Chairwoman, it's all my fault this time. - I shouldn't have... - It was me. This is all my responsibility. It's my error. I don't need someone else to cover for me. I was too eager and took a short cut. I wanted to get to the market first and shortened the production period. I told the factory to skip a few steps in the production process. I'm the only one who caused this. No one else knew anything about this. With what happened, I apologize to everyone and will be willing to bear all the responsibility. I will offer my resignation. Did you lose your mind? How could you do something like this? Did profit befuddle your brain? Resignation for a cause? That's not called taking responsibility. It's dodging it. You must resolve this crisis without negative consequences; otherwise, don't come to see me again. Yes. How long can our liquid cash reserve last? Chairwoman, our production ran at a high level this year. Although there are many orders, but we have not collected many of our receivables. The cash flow is not quite as adequate. If we use that, the payment to the suppliers next month may have to stop. Then the entire production lines will come to a halt. Didn't you sign a contract? Don't you have to pay? Let's not worry yet about the next month. Solve this issue first. Chairwoman, more clients have sent in their letters of cancellation. They say they don't want any of the merchandise they previously ordered. Also, they want compensation for the defective quality of our merchandise. Are these our major clients or the smaller retailers? Mostly the major clients. They represent 60% of our total revenue for this quarter. Yu Yi... Without the 60% of the revenue, along with that compensation, how long can our capital reserve last? I'm afraid... only ten days. After ten days, if we don't get a significant inflow of payments, our factory will have to cease operation. Grandma! Our cash flow is very tight. Temporarily stop buying stores in the second-tier cities. All right. Also, about the office building of Rui Hua in the south of the city, use it as collateral. Collateral? Do you have a better alternative? I understand. I'll take care of it. Yu Zhi, talk to the Accounting Department and ask them to call the banks. Check to see if they can help us. Okay. I'll take care of it. Too many things have happened lately. Grandma, I will cook a few good dishes for you tonight. There's no need. I'm a little tired. I'll go upstairs and get some rest. Hello? Yu Yi, are you back yet? I'm back already, but I'm busy right now. It's the due day for your stock collateral. You asked me to wait, and I've waited until now. You can redeem them now, can't you? Guard them closely. You must not sell them to anyone else. As soon as I finish the business at hand, I'll come right over to redeem the stocks. You want more time? What is really going on? I heard that Rui Hua has a lot of requests for damages. It couldn't be that you have cash flow problem, right? You can't joke about it. I told you that I am also tight myself. Listen, that's all baseless rumors. You must not be influenced by that phony gossip. Okay, I trust you. You need to keep a close watch. Okay? Grandma, eat something. Okay? You can't have any issue with your health at this time. With such a serious crisis, how could I have any appetite? I will think of some more ideas and ask some of my friends. Rui Hua has such a good reputation. We should be able to raise the money. Everything you can think of, I already did. Where can we get so much money in such a short time? We borrow some here, some there. Once the word gets out, it will be a serious blow to the reputation of Rui Hua. At this time, there are two things to fear the most. The first is a shortage of cash flow. The second is the damage to reputation. This is a double crisis. If there is any leak, it'll be the end of Rui Hua. Grandma, I'm sorry. Feeling guilty doesn't help. The men in the Yu family, regardless of how much pressure, must show their spine! Get yourself together! It's fortunate that the overseas buyer only asked for compensation, instead of suing us. There is still hope.
Channel: 热剧不停
Views: 536,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 霸道總裁, 灰姑娘, 窮小子, 瑪麗蘇, 爱情, Binge-watching, best Chinese drama, women, drama, Chinese, 2020bestChinesedrama, femalebeggarrich, 甜宠剧, 中国电视剧, 字幕, 双语, 英语, 青春, 言情, 火爆, 偶像, 人气, Chinese movies, 女权, slay, 热播, 小说, 争宠, 魏璎珞, 情侣, 吻戏, kiss, 职场, 大陆热播剧, 美女, 甜爱, 虐爱, Romantic Comedy, sub
Id: KE8BgmrMqmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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