KARLACH SONG - "Devil With A Heart Of Iron" (Baldur's Gate 3 Bardcore) || @jonathanymusic @emyoung
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Jonathan Young
Views: 886,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonathan young, jonathan young new, jonathan young bard, jonathan young shanty, jonathan young pirate, jonathan young viking, jonathan young baldurs gate, baldurs gate song, dungeons and dragons song, dnd song, dungeons & dragons song, bardcore, bard song, astarion song, astarion bard, astarion bardcore, baldurs gate bard, baldurs gate bardcore, jonathan young astarion, jonathan young baldur's gate, karlach song, karlach bardcore, karlach bard, karlach jonathan young
Id: UsexVfQADP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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