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like the video and subscribe right now or karen doggo will kick you out of your own house you can vaccinate your kids and then hold a raw potato to the wound where the needle entered and it will suck the toxins from the vaccines out leaving only the non-toxic parts it's a great way to stay healthy and thwart big farmer starting my egg fast wish me luck [Music] my friend recently came into possession of a seven-year-old please no questions about how she got him she doesn't need the legal slash judicial headaches right now but she said the school needs her kid to be vaccinated anyone have any luck with administering dog or cat vaccines to their kid so they can get in kindergarten guys she needs help she already has so much personal stuff going on i have vaccinated my cat and it died [Music] i choose to vaccinate both my kids for the simple fact is i don't want them to get something that can be prevented sids can happen anytime by anything the main cause of sids is their face near something and they breath in the carbon monoxide and can't get oxygen that would be suffocation not sids actually i had a family support worker give me information about sids and i myself had sids there's so many causes if you had sids you'd be dead [Music] i was told my son has an ear infection on december 1st he was given amexi and i gave him one dose and stopped i just don't want to give them if they are not necessary i put garlic oil in his ear a couple times but he stopped saying anything about it so i stopped too yesterday he told me he couldn't hear the tv and wanted me to turn it up and i thought he was just wanting to watch the show and there was other stuff going on today i realized he can't hear and when i ask him he says his ears hurt although he isn't complaining about them or acting like he doesn't feel good what do i do at this point [Music] guys please do you have any links explaining why these aren't good my partner want to get one for our son and as usual i don't have anything to say about it so if you have anything against it please share thank you [Music] watching children getting accustomed to having a gun object being shot on everyone's foreheads and having it done on their own foreheads without any reaction and voluntarily allowing it to be done so disturbing please do not consent [Music] i'm wondering what is it a laser or radiation straight to the brain gotta give them points for creativity lol not cool just getting them ready for the next step shaking my head um it's a thermometer yup that's all it is trust the government take your vaccines and watch cnn you're clearly winning at life no i just know a thermometer when i see one send out an alert when they start using the anal variety my nine-month-old unvaccinated boy is always poorly like always we just get over an illness and a week later he's poorly again stomach bug again third time since december any tips he's formula fed on probiotics and isn't eating many solids he's not overly interested my eldest vaxxed is never poorly ever i'm so drained of work sleepless nights work sleepless nights because he's more often unwell than not xxx well i've got shingles i never thought i would say this but i'm actually happy about it i've always been scared of it and if this is it i'll be fine they're acting kind of paranoid though about me being around my baby i say it's time to host a chickenpox party excuse the frizzy hair [Music] finally ensured ugg now just gotta hope my po officer will take these insurance since what happened yesterday which was complete bs old people are so rude over the smallest crap and it was an accident that you'd had more money i could tell by his car more than me i'm just a single mother tree and to survive in this ducked up world are you at fault and were you driving uninsured please dt i have insurance now and i barely got him in arabia's parking lot the damn cops didn't do [ __ ] anyways don't what ask questions about something you posted the cops can't do anything because a parking lot is private property but if you're driving without insurance then i think you're going to have bigger fish to fry doesn't make a difference if you have it now he can come after you in court stop i will not spend a lot of time and write a good text under this post any way you do not like and do not comment i try too hard creating content for you previously my photos had 40 000 likes and now only 6 000 likes so i finally landed a job as a walmart greater which is a good find for many retirees unfortunately i lasted less than a day about two hours into my first day on the job a very loud unattractive mean acting woman walked into the store with her two kids yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance for my greeter training manual i said pleasantly good morning and welcome to walmart nice children you have there are they twins the ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say hell no they ain't twins the oldest one is nine and the other one is seven why the hell would you think they are twins are you blind or just stupid so i replied i'm neither blind nor stupid madam i just couldn't believe someone slept with you twice have a good day and thank you for shopping at walmart my supervisor said i probably wasn't cut out for this line of work sorry but twenty dollars for a dozen cookies is insane i will give you 12 for a dozen of the white chocolate candy cane i'm sorry you feel they are too expensive macarons are a specialty dessert and take a long time to learn to bake they are quite labor-intensive my prices reflect that and are much lower than your average macaron i hope you have a great day i need these for my daughter she loves french things so how about i give you a good review and not post about how entitled you just acted and you give them to me for the twelve dollars i offered [Music] featured comment spy karen's poisons their kids with oils assaults an employee and call the police for no reason manager we recommend you put a mask on karen you satanic unholy being if you want to be featured in the next video use hashtag dankness [Music] an open letter to the people who ignore me in the hallway just because you don't acknowledge me doesn't mean i won't acknowledge you you self-anointed [ __ ] yes i know that we have never met before yes i know that seeing a genuine happy smile in a sea of fake overly white and ones must be a shock to your system and yes i know that you hurriedly took out your phone in an attempt to avoid awkward encounters in the long haul way that spans out in front of you why do you not smile at me why not take the point zero two seconds out of your day to look up from your hand extension of an iphone and say hi why can't you wave why i ask but in all honesty i think i know the answer you don't want to make new friends you are intimidated at the thought of beating a stranger you would rather be in the virtual world than the living one your snapchat story is so much more important than face-to-face contact this letter may seem overly aggressive but coming from a girl who is good friends with her local starbucks barista her mailman and the curly-haired guy who does the rollins landscaping it isn't i have just always lived with the mentality that you can learn something from everyone that the homeless guy on the corner can teach you just as much as a professor can that a fortune cookie given to you by an old asian man on colonial drive can teach you just as much as a textbook i'm the type of person that subscribes to the idea that a smile can change your day that a small moment can change your life that one person can be your future so i smile because that is how i am and that is how i will always be my question is do you understand what you are doing to the overtly friendly people of this world you have made us shy for a while there i stopped smiling and saying hi to people in the hallways because i knew to the very depths of my soul that it would not be reciprocated i knew that each time a smile was gone unnoticed a wave gone unreplied that i would be utterly depressed [Music] city of tuscaloosa we have heard your complaints about the mandated face mask requirements in businesses around the city we wouldn't want you to think we aren't listening so we would like to formally make an official statement regarding the citizens on issue we literally do not care what you think thanks karen pretty tacky city of tuscaloosa i'll remember that when i choose where to spend my money city of tuscaloosa you won't be spending your money here anyways if you don't wear a mask karen let this be a lesson to all mazda mat owners if you are dumb enough to buy this hideous car we are dumb enough to jump through the top and dance on your seats lmao at least you weren't too dumb and took off your heels first lol funny you mention it i did not heels were intact [Music] pathetic movie it won four oscars it's not in english no one wants to watch a movie that they literally have to read to understand what's going on sound is such a huge part of movies and it being in a different language is so weird if you don't want to read subtitles you can always learn korean you have been visited by the holy doggo you will be blessed with tasty dog food and delicious bones but only if you comment thanks for the food holy dog go thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: Memellion
Views: 209,564
Rating: 4.9619083 out of 5
Keywords: funny texts, funniest texts ever, funniest text messages, text fails, ex texts, parents texts, chats, texts, sms, fails, comedy, funny, memes, night owl, funniest texts ever v3, girlfriend texts, texting fails, messages, dank doodle memes, ddm, FUNNIEST TEXTS EVER, FUNNIEST TEXTS, karen, karens, funny karen messages, karen meme, entitled
Id: yfbItgFxRKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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