Karen WAKES ME UP At 1:30 AM So I Call The Cops!

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in today's episode my neighbor called the cops because we decided to clean our apartment won't let me plant sunflowers fine me and my babies need to use your pool i don't want them swimming at the community center with the n-words so let's get started my neighbor called the cops because we decided to clean our apartment i am so glad that i found this sub because i'm dying to tell the story so my bf and i moved into an apartment in august it's older so the floors are super creaky according to our lease we're obligated to cover 90 of any room with carpet except bathroom and kitchen to help with noise it turned out our apartment was previously managed as a dorm by the local college so the floors already have a layer of super thin shitty carpet we also laid down more rugs to help with noise cancellation our downstairs neighbor moves in about a month later and within a month of that starts banging on her ceiling when we get too rowdy the first couple times it happens super late in the living room our apartments have the same plan we were moving around after midnight the first time later she came to talk to us and asked us to keep it down at night sure fair enough the next time was when we walked it from the airport at 10 pm she came up banged on the door and talked over my explanation i told her i was sorry and asked when she was hearing the noise assuming it was just the cat running around at night no she tells me that she knows it's not the cat she knows it's us and she doesn't live alone okay weird but whatever we started going to bed earlier as we settled into the apartment and our jobs but the banging only continued for months she would hit her ceiling slash our floor whenever we walked around bed at 10 bang wake up at 5 30 for work bang sitting on the couch but decide you want snacks bang around christmas she comes up to our door again my bf answered and this time i recorded and i'm so glad i did this woman came up and looked my boyfriend in the eye and said you have to stop following me ah what i know it's not the cat or the dog or your gf because i know your footsteps i don't know how you figured it out but you figured out how to listen to where i am and you're following me around my apartment and i'm sick of it my bf calmly responded that she sounds crazy and that we don't care about her she again reminded us that she doesn't live alone her bf is a small latino man in his 60s who is very polite and has never said a word to us cool she's insane whatever the banging continued with a stomping every time we heard it she didn't like that but it made it more fun we'd already explained the situation to the landlord and the super and they were on our side our town was the first in the us to be locked down under quarantine so for the first few days the banging gradually increased until one day this woman lost her mind i'll admit that we're early risers on the weekends on this particular sunday we ended up waking up super early but not doing much for the first few hours we drank some coffee and sat on the couch until almost 11. at that point we decided to get up and clean the apartment homegirl went eight sit she had to be running from one end of her apartment to the other she's banging her ceiling so hard that we're convinced she's damaging it at one point i hear what sounds like muffled yelling after she followed me into the bedroom we had plans the day so we ignored her finished cleaning and started to leave she must have been waiting for us to leave because for the first time ever she walked out of her apartment right as we go to her landing i was holding the dog while waiting for my bf come down as she starts to descend the stairs of course she decides to turn around and say something crazy [ __ ] tell your boyfriend to cut it out me cut what out walking you're hitting the ceiling because of me and the dog moving not him cb continues to spew some other dumb sh asterisk tea as my boyfriend gets down to me she proceeded to stay exactly three steps ahead of him slowing us all the way down the stairs she tried to block us going out the door at the bottom but backed off when he just didn't stop moving she's continuing to yell at him all the way to the parking lot of myself and my boyfriend he's typically the hothead while i'm the calm one amazingly he kept his calm the whole time calling her only a crazy lady and ignoring her as he walked past her and her car to the dumpster as i passed her car she decided to continue talking at me and i was just pissed not to engage cb i'm serious it's done me okay what do you want us to do crawl i already told you we have a 60 pounds dog and we're all just walking around cb talking while i talked so i don't hear everything and you need to remember that i don't live alone me okay be asterisk tch neither do i you see my boyfriend right there so what's your point by the way that's the third or fourth time you've said that and that could be taken as a threat cb you think it's a threat fine it is me cool and calling the cops cb okay me too we both call the cops and they pull up they talk to her first and then come talk to us i don't know what she told them but when they came to talk to us i told them everything she'd said and done for the past six months the officer explained that it was a civil matter that would have to dealt with by the landlord but ensured us that they explained to her that it is perfectly acceptable to walk around your apartment at 11am on a sunday they also told her not to knock on our door ever again and that she's not allowed to bang on our floor over footsteps at any point for a couple nights she got back at us by banging at 1 30 am to wake us up we had already reached out to our landlord again and this time he told us he'd see what her problem is that's still not the last of his troubles with her though we ended up talking to the people that live below her and telling them about the banging it turns out they've heard it this whole time and had no idea what it was now that they know they've also reported her to the landlord the banging has stopped we don't expect her lease to be renewed and we may end up in a better apartment in the next couple months won't let me plant sunflowers fine story happened a couple of years ago but it's my favorite lawyer story and i hope you enjoy none of the following is legal advice don't take legal advice from randos on the internet client walks into the office and asks us for a contract review he then hands over an hoa contract before slogging through a whole hoa contract i asked him what he was hoping to accomplish they want me to dig up my sunflowers your sunflowers yes i planted a row of sunflowers outside my house they pranced by and said that sunflowers are not allowed for the contract i signed so i want you to tell me if that is true or not sir before anything else i need to tell you that this will likely be an hourly fee bill hoas are notorious for dragging things out so these could quickly become expensive sunflowers i don't care this is america and i should be able to plant sunflowers god damn it [Music] still thinking he wasn't that serious about sunflowers i asked for a three hour retainer he immediately pulled out a checkbook and paid for four hours so i buckled down to review the alleged anti-sunflower claws just for reference the sunflowers he wanted to plant were really big five feet and all along the front of the house it was a very substantial amount of sunflowers the contract did indeed contain a clause with a very thorough list on which plants were and were not allowed to be planted the list had just about every plant i could think of in alphabetical order think apple banana cauliflower dill sunflowers included corn was not included which becomes very important later quick legal point if you write no dogs allowed it is normally assumed that you are talking about all dogs generally if you write no labs golden retrievers or poodles allowed it is normally assumed that all other dogs are allowed sometimes a not great attorney will write a super long list of pad hours read charge more instead of just writing no plants without prior approval or something i called the client back in for the bad news in explaining the above legal point i let him know that the hoa got a raw deal from whoever drafted the contract no can do on the sunflowers but if it makes you feel any better they were probably overbilled by whoever wrote this contract pretty shorty worked too they even forgot to write down corn but they included nonsense like dragon fruit dot so yes to corn no to sunflowers i didn't really check the contract for corn but it's not prohibited in the plant section so probably excellent that'll work i thought he was oddly happy with bad news then two or three weeks later he came in with a picture of his house surrounded by huge sunflowers what happened this guy drove out to the country and bought obnoxiously large and ugly corn stalks he promptly planted them where the sunflowers had been when confronted by the hoa he told them paraphrasing to suck at the contract lets me plant corn then after some negotiation he agreed to take the corn down in exchange for permission to plant sunflowers now we are friends he is still a great client and he lives surrounded by a ridiculous mode of sunflowers me and my babies need to use your pool i don't want them swimming at the community center with the n-words people have been asking me for stories so here is one from when i was younger this was on choosing beggars but they said to put it here instead okay backstory this happened in 1965 just for some clarification i was 26 then 81 now i had a pool party yesterday and thought about this run and that i had so in my old neighborhood my wife and i rented a home in a community of around 23 houses out of these 23 homes we were one out of seven with a pool because the previous owner ordered a pool when he had the house built adding a pool was around a two thousand dollar dollar option so many people didn't get it because i had a pool a lot of people would try to come over to swim now i was quite generous with my pool if people called first now understandably some weekends i wanted some peace and quiet a new family had moved into the left of me and they heard that i was generous with my pool so the mom and her three kids just came over in swimsuits and asked to use my pool i said that i was tired and next weekend they could swim just not right now i told her that she and her kid could go to the community center she and her kids could have gotten in for around 25 cents around that time she said entitled mom oh come on i don't want to drive all that way three miles plus i don't want my babies in that water with all those [ __ ] people me i'm sorry i just got off a 60-hour week and i don't want to have people over sorry due to her racist attitude i didn't want her in my home so i was very dismissive of her using my pool entitled mom come on my babies are hot and need to cool off just let us swim for an hour and we'll leave i don't want them in that nasty pool just be a good neighbor me no i'm sorry she then whispers something to her kids and then they proceed to beg to use my pool i just closed the door on her a few hours later i hear my dog barking and people screaming i look out the window and the mom and her kids hopped my fence to gain access to my pool and they were being cornered by my dog cupcake the cupcake was a big pit bull but she was a sweetie always defended my and my property i take the family out of my yard and tell them that if they came on my property again i would call the police she also did try to gain access to the other neighbors pools and was promptly banned from there as well if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching don't forget to like subscribe and share and we will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Its Reddit
Views: 2,364
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, its reddit, itsreddit, r/itsreddit, r/, redditstories, rslash entitledparents, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top post of reddit, r/entitledparents, karen complications, karens of youtube
Id: IhkphuCDcwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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