Karen DEMANDS I TAKE OFF my PROSTHETIC LIMB because she thinks its GROSS - Reddit Podcast

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and entitled Kevin and Karen couple demand that I remove my prosthetic because they're disturbed by it and claim that it's inappropriate to have on in a children's hospital and I've honestly never been more offended by somebody's remarks in my life here's what happened so for a bit of background I'm a 24 year old male and I'm half deaf on my left side due to a birth defect I also have a misshaped ear due to a combination of birth defects as well as because of surgeries to repair it when I got a bit older I started wearing a prosthetic ear on that side to cover it up it wasn't perfect but it looked better than what I originally had unfortunately though these types of Prosthetics don't last forever and they have to be replaced every so often as the colors begin to fade and it tears around the edges and this is one of those Prosthetics that is removable I was due for a new one and was just waiting on my insurance to approve it before the prosthetis was going to send it to me so anyways I was working in a pediatric emergency room at the time and had just received the order to perform an EKG on a roughly 8 to 10 year old page patient when I walked into the room and began to introduce myself to the family namely the mom and the dad and the patient the mother looked up at me and made a gasping sound I was taken aback and asked her what was wrong she told me your ear is really freaking me out is this supposed to be some kind of Halloween costume or something like that it really seems inappropriate for a children's hospital now mind you it was only October 2nd or October 3rd but I explained to her that I have a disability for which I have to wear a prosthetic she then demanded and said to me you need to take it off because it's making me uncomfortable after she said that I politely declined because it's held on by medical glue and that is really not easy to take off I proceeded to do my job and perform the EKG but throughout the entire procedure the father decided to repeatedly probe me for personal information he would ask me things like are you sure you're qualified to do this how long did you go to school before this job and stuff like that now I answered his questions but could very obviously tell that he was insinu waiting that I was mentally disabled and that I shouldn't be working in this field I finished the procedure as quickly as I could and then I laughed not saying anything to the parents but I did wish the child well I gave the report to the nurse and asked her not to call me for this patient unless they absolutely needed to I kept my mouth shut at the time but in retrospect I wish I had spoken up for myself more because honestly some people just have no respect for those with disabilities while the mom and dad in that story were awful like seriously why can't they just mind their own business first and foremost like who in their right mind would audibly gasp when they see something that doesn't look right like does she do that when she sees someone with like a fake leg or a fake arm like come on lady you can't be that weird can you and the fact that she was trying to demand that this person take it off like seriously that medical glue is very strong it's not gonna come off very easily and it's probably gonna be hard if he just rips it off like why can't people just mind their own business and keep their comments to themselves she really tried to sit there and be like oh my gosh this is bad for a children's hospital and yet she's the only one who who even complained about it in the first place and then for the dad to try and sit there and be like well how long have you been doing this do you even know what you're doing like honestly what a dumb question especially with their kid just getting an EKG it's not like this guy was performing surgery or something like that like calm down but honestly this is just so awful and I'm so sorry to the original poster for dealing with us because you know what you worked hard to get through school to get in the position that you're in and the last thing you need are a bunch of entitled parents telling you that you're not capable all because of a disability if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out link Down Below in the description also go to am I thejerk.com submit if you would like to submit your own stories am I the jerk for ruining a wedding by unexpectedly soiling myself here's what happened so my friend Sarah was getting married and I was lucky enough to be at her wedding party I wasn't the maid of honor but I was one of the Bridesmaids she had an outdoor wedding that had limited bathroom availability obviously because it was Outdoors she rented four very high quality porta potties that you might see at a sophisticated Outdoors event like tennis or Polo there were two for women and two for men and the wedding in total was about 200 people now I should also mention that due to some health problems I started taking a medication that has the possible side effect of going to the bathroom and doing a number three if you know what I mean when you look up medicines which have a million side effects you might tend to just think that well these medicines just have to say that you might get this but it's one of those situations where either way despite whatever side effects might come along I still need to take the medication now I didn't think to mention this to anyone for a number of reasons for starters the medicine side effects vary depending on what it is so who knows what could happen but also how on Earth would I explain this to her like what am I actually gonna say to her before the wedding am I really gonna have to explain that I'm taking this medication and that it might have side effects in general I mean I've never struggled with IBS or anything like that in the past so instead I just didn't say anything so anyways it's a little while before the ceremony is about to start and I'm pulled into a million directions helping out and I start to feel a bit of a stomach ache and then we all get shuffled up to the front without any warning but I think to myself whatever I'm at the wedding I can't go run out for some Tums I mean it'll be fine eventually the music starts to play and everything is in place all of the sudden I feel a deep pain in my bowels for 20 seconds I'm just standing there thinking do I really have to go what do I do is this seriously happening I was literally just trying to process the situation while remaining as composed as possible but it didn't matter because in that very moment it happened now I'm not gonna go into detail here because it was embarrassing and traumatizing but needless to say I definitely excuse myself and I think you have a good idea of what just happened after dealing with the whole situation I was there standing outside the bathroom not sure what to do next I had assumed the ceremony had continued to go on but do I even go back I mean there's no way right they're in the middle of their vows and here comes the girl who just went to the bathroom in her pants so I waited a while as not to interrupt anything two of the other bridesmaids found me crying eventually and told me that Sarah was upset and said that I should leave and so in my shame I did just that now this happened over the weekend and it's now Tuesday night I did send an apology text to Sarah but I haven't heard anything from her or anyone else in the wedding party but honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do first and foremost I don't think you're the jerk at all this was a freak accident and it's not something that you planned on no one goes to a wedding or goes anywhere for that matter and plans on having that happen so personally I think the anger and the blame from the bride is being completely misplaced like sure there was some kind of interruption when it came to your wedding but honestly why would you not want to be like hey are you okay like that's what I would do if I was in that situation I would want to check up on my friend and make sure they're okay and I like the fact that you decided to stay out and stay out of the ceremony it really was for the best considering what just happened do they really want you lurking around the corner coming back in smelling off awful and being covered and who knows what like I think that would have made the situation a lot worse now I think there is a side of this where you should have been more prepared and you should have taken the proper steps to be ready for that hour period when she was getting married but I think overall this was very unpredictable this has never happened before and it's not like he did it on purpose so I'm gonna say that you are not the jerk in this situation but what do you think leave a comment how would you react if you were in this situation let us know in the comments down below this next one came from the am I the jerk podcast subreddit check the links in the description if you would like to submit your own story am I the jerk for getting upset after my mom misplaced and threw away my cosplay items here's what happened so I am currently a first year Senior High School student and I love cosplay in general I promised my classmates that I would show them in person my favorite casual cosplay of a formal attire with many handcrafted accessories by the day I prepared everything in my bag my mom decided to clean my room which is fair to an extent it was a mess and told me to leave it all to her but here's the thing I never gave her permission to touch anything from my bags filled with cosplay items the next day I checked my bag only to find out that all of my cosplay items were completely missing specifically a blue custom crafted flower brooch attached to a DIY Cape that I attached to a vest and a blue armband I pinned together I asked my mom if she misplaced it and she then just told me to look around the house but when I did I found nothing I asked her again and despite the fact that I hate bothering people she got irritated instead stop going to the past and change your life but like excuse me are you kidding this is only a piece of Cosplay that I personally crafted and cherished what does my past have to do with any of this she then goes on to explain about how my so-called counselors are saying that I should but what the actual crap does the counselors have to do with my cosplay I know I'm going through depression and anxiety but what does it have to do with something that cheers me up and lets me cope with stress cosplay has been my most treasured Hobby and hearing that that is just BS this is also the third time she lost my cosplay items and it's difficult to replicate something I just crafted out of a very specific artificial blue flower it also was my pride and joy the fact that she only treated it like a stain of the past and just wanted to throw it away so that I could change was honestly so offensive what am I supposed to change here this is who I am and this is what makes me happy it's not like what I'm doing is hurting anybody or anything like that not only that she also misplaced the personally written Letters by my best friend which I always kept by the way because of how special of a friend he is but she acts as if it's just some kind of garbage the fact that she has the audacity to pretend that she even cares is honestly just so disgusting like I literally place them in a bag not just any bag but my bag which means that it's my possession I never even gave her permission to rummage through my items and then what she used her role as a mother to make it valid I mean honestly what do you guys think am I the jerk in this situation what should should I do I don't think you're the jerk at all I don't know about you but I could never do cosplay and I'm not talking about dressing up in a costume that I rented from somebody I'm talking about making the costume myself out of raw materials that I put together that would be unbelievably difficult and I wouldn't know where to begin I have friends who do cosplay themselves and they make their own items and they make their own gear and dresses and pants and all that stuff and just from the process alone that they've described it takes a lot of energy and a lot of time to do this correctly and to do it in such a way where it's not gonna fall apart when you go to a convention or some kind of event like this is something that you absolutely should and can take seriously it's not just playing dress-up this is cosplay there's a deeper meaning here and a personal connection to the piece that you're making so when it comes to the original poster getting upset at their mom I don't blame you for a second she was completely out of line to go through your stuff like that and to throw away stuff that she's probably seeing you put together like that is honestly so disrespectful and I'm so sorry you have to deal with that and sure you put it in your bag but maybe it's time to put it in something a little bit more secure like maybe there's a story you can go to to get a chest or some kind of box that can be specifically labeled hey this is cosplay stuff do not touch and then let her know hey I'm gonna keep all my cosplay in this box if you ever clean my room again in the future don't go in this box I want to keep everything in there and sure I'm sure you're probably doing that already you probably have explained this to her many times but maybe doubling down and redoubling your efforts to protect the things that are important to you will hopefully get through your mother's thick skull that yes this is important to you and no this is not the cause of my depression if anything like you described it this brings you happiness like this hobby is completely harmless and there's no reason you shouldn't be doing it I mean if I was a parent I would definitely feel that way towards my kids doing anything oh they're not hurting anybody and they're enjoying the activity they're doing yeah go ahead and keep doing it like it's totally fine there's nothing wrong with that so no you are not the jerk in this situation you didn't do anything wrong your mom is incredibly rude and unbelievably toxic for throwing your stuff away and hopefully in the few future that never happens again my entitled mother demands that I do her special effects makeup for every single Halloween all without properly paying me and at this point I'm so annoyed and I now don't know what to do so almost five to six years ago I discovered my love and talent and special effects and Halloween makeup this includes homemade latex wounds airbrushing The Works my mom's birthday happens to be October 31st so it's her tradition to have me do her and my stepdad's makeup usually the weekend of or right before Halloween and this depends on when the holiday falls in and they want me to do this so that they can go to a really cool small tourist town that we all love for the day and walk around and take pictures I have always agreed happily and enjoy doing this little tradition that is until a few years ago they don't pay me but they have bought me supplies before as a payment I also get free labor on any car work because my stepdad is a mechanic now last year for my mom's 50th birthday we rented an Airbnb so that I could do all all of her friends makeup as well as my own and my wives which took me about six to seven hours altogether I did seven people's makeup her friends paid me but did not pay me my hourly rate and overall I made about 30 bucks but my hourly rate is eighty dollars an hour and yes my mom does know this basically she called it her birthday gift and the money I did make was just tips from her friends because they wanted to give me something we went to the tourist town and only stayed for a few hours while also having dinner and then walked around for a little bit but everyone got tired really early into the night and went back to the Airbnb so basically I feel like I did seven hours of work for only a few hours of fun so that definitely really annoyed me last year I also had to turn down a big Halloween party and also opportunities to do friends and some acquaintances make up all because of my mom's demands now I say demands because it was implied and I would get nothing but a tongue lashing if I didn't do this for her and honestly I was just really bummed about it but it was my mom's 50th birthday so I I did want to spend it with her this year early on I decided I am not going to do it again I decided I'm going to do my own Halloween party and do my friend's makeup and actually get paid for it for the first time in six years this year the parties will be happening on October 28th my mom just texted me an Airbnb listing and asked if my wife and I wanted to join them again this year on the 28th I told her that I most likely won't be going because I want an opportunity to go to my own Halloween party she just replied by typing the letter K which I know is her annoyed response for not getting her way she acts Petty and passive aggressive like that every single time I don't do exactly what she wants me to do for her I've never been able to set any healthy boundaries with my mom it always needs to be her way or else she's gonna get upset and annoyed and will usually start messaging me walls of texts telling me that I really hurt her feelings and that she doesn't understand why I do certain things it honestly drives me absolutely insane does anyone else deal with this like how do you say that boundaries that they finally respect also should I feel obligated to give up my Halloween just because I get free labor for my stepdad I am just worried that my mom might hold this over my head someday and at this point I seriously don't know what to do first off you are not being selfish or a jerk for deciding you know what I want to spend this Halloween getting paid for my work that is not a selfish aspiration that is you wanting to be properly financially compensated for your time what you do is not easy because clearly you're good at it otherwise people wouldn't be asking you to do that for them so in my opinion I don't think you're the jerk for wanting to set that boundary for saying to your mom listen I want to do stuff on my own I want to be able to make money this Halloween and not feel like I'm getting ripped off now when it comes to having healthy boundaries I think it just comes down to simply saying what you need like we are all adults here you're in your 30s and your mom is in her 50s and I think trying to establish some kind of reasonable boundary when it comes to what you will and will not do is something that I think is completely normal everyone should be able to do that and you know what if your mom wants to hold it over your head just because you don't want to do something and she wants to try and give you some kind of ultimatum of like oh help me with my Halloween decorations and my costume or your stepdad's not gonna help with your car if she tries that then just let her because that kind of garbage is so childish and there is no reason for you to have to put up with that for a second so no you are not the jerk here you have every right to do whatever you want on Halloween and if that means you can make some money in the process and actually give your time and effort to people who are going to appreciate it then in my opinion that is absolutely a good thing my dad and stepmother who treated me so horribly growing up are now on the verge of being homeless and despite calling me up I'm refusing to help them out here's what happened so my father and I have historically had a rocky relationship my parents divorced when I was five years old and he married the woman he cheated on my mother with I was an only child and she had four kids from a previous marriage during my childhood years I spent most of the allocated time dedicated to my father in the divorce with my paternal grandparents and that was every two weeks and 42 days in the summer they lived in a different state and I cherished the time I had with them and they would always go to bat for me there was some tension caused early in my dad's new marriage due to my stepmom demanding that my grandparents go back to the store one Christmas and get equal amounts of gifts for all of her children even taking some from me and gifting it to her youngest I spent many times waiting on my mom's sofa just waiting for my dad to pick me up and he never would I would later find out that he was on a family vacation with his new family I could spend all day telling Cinderella stories but I need to keep focus on this story my grandparents picked up his slack we spent Summers learning how to make baskets as well as gardening camping and other various different activities their home was like a second home to me when I was 13 years old I went to go live with my dad after some methodical brainwashing and I then would rarely see my grandparents my grandmother would call and they would ignore it it would hurt my heart to see it on caller ID knowing they were just on the other line but my dad and stepmother would not allow it that is unless I sat at a table with them on the call fast forward to the summer of my freshman year and we went to visit my dad's side of the family on the last night my aunt and uncle who lived next door asked if I could stay the night with my cousins my stepmother wanted her youngest daughter to be included but they declined because my stepsister was a thief a fight ensued in the front yard that night resulting in physical altercations my stepmother shoved my 74 year old Papa on the ground and he had a hip replacement in the 90s and already had a stiff walk I was utterly terrified and distraught as the chaos ensued I packed my belongings because they said that we were leaving I vowed then that this would be the last straw and I would never forgive them we missed their 50th wedding anniversary because my stepmom was still upset over what his family did to her that night the next spring my papa had a stroke and it was never the same the man that helped raise me during his son's shortcomings didn't even remember my name he then passed away in 2014. later I left the house when I was 18 to go to college and that's where I met met my husband he has been my rock and helped when my Dad throws fits in the last few years when he doesn't get his way he has showed me nothing but unconditional love and support and is the father to our child mine could never muster to be I go no contact with my dad every couple of years because of his behavior there is an old saying that time heals all wounds but I don't believe that to always be true I maintained a relationship with my paternal grandmother all the way up until her passing in December she was a cheeky one who left notes for us to find after her passing this woman never forgot a thing when she felt slighted they always reflected in her will so I inherited the house that had been deed to me since 2001. my dad knew they would give it to me but I honestly think he thought he had a chance of fighting me for it since 2012 he and my stepmother have been living in an RV that is now starting to fall apart he is retired military and has no savings right after the funeral he stashed his belongings in closets I discovered this after I changed the locks and added cameras as I live out of state 8 and wanted security for the home before I sell my home and move into my childhood home I put his stuff in what was owed to him in storage and my uncle gave him the keys after learning this he has been Furious my step siblings keep reaching out telling me that I'm heartless for keeping him out of his parents house he called crying and I coldly told him that if they wanted him to have it they would have left it specifically for him I also told him he should have treated the parents better when they were alive I have the deed in my hands and there is nothing left for him to do about it the estate is almost settled and what land he does get will also have my name on the deed I would rather share my childhood home with my daughter and all the Whimsical things it had to offer even if my dad ends up homeless good for you for putting your foot down your dad and stepmother sound absolutely awful and the way they treated you growing up was so unacceptable and you know what if I was in your shoes I would have done the same thing I absolutely would have denied him having that house and I would have moved in there since obviously you have memories there that you were never never even allowed to have at your father's house so truly it looks like Karma definitely came around because his awful actions finally are having consequences thanks for watching when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications so you never miss a video to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the description and if you want some vibey music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the jerk check out am I the genius everything will be linked in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 56,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: FXvPJ6BbfkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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