Karen Demands A "Break" From Our Relationship While On Vacation!

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hey there Mr redder here welcome back to another episode of Reddit podcast stories where today my girlfriend of seven years asked for a break while she's on a solo trip in Europe my girlfriend is graduating college and has a travel abroad program required in Italy I encouraged her to spend more time traveling since she's about to commit to a career for the rest of her life so she decided she's going to travel alone for a month before the travel abroad program with my support to do so she's been to Europe twice once with me and another time with her girlfriends when we went together in 2019 she had to leave early and I traveled with my brother before traveling solo for a week was she totally comfortable with me going to the Greek party Islands alone no so we agreed that I would text her periodically and text her when I got home and I did fast forward to the present where she meets up with her girlfriends to go to Ibiza Party Island am I totally comfortable no thus again we agreed to just text periodically and let me know when you get home safely I don't hear from her for eight hours apparently she locked her phone for three hours and couldn't message me when she got home before falling asleep I was slightly frustrated and asked some follow-up questions about how that happened because I found it odd she got defensive and gave me attitude about having to explain herself to me I explained I have every right to ask since I've been her boyfriend for seven years I dropped the conversation and said we could talk later she went out again the next night and texted me as short headed home next time we spoke she told me that we both need a break she said I need to work on my confidence and she needs to learn how to love herself without depending on my affirmations I told her I don't want a break but if she does then we need to just break up she said she didn't want to break up but is standing firm on requiring a break so I broke up with her my thought process is that you don't get to Simply say I want a break right now because I'm enjoying life and I'll deal with our relationship when I get back for context when I was in Greece alone she got super jealous and angry regarding the situation what did I do I left the club and called her immediately to discuss the situation imagine if I had said I think we both need a break I'd be regarded as such a bad boyfriend all to say I'm pretty hurt she said the break wasn't to go hook up with others but to focus on ourselves now I've given her all the space she needs I'm feeling somewhat torn between overreacting over her wanting a break but I'm also standing firm on that I don't think that's fair of you to do in this situation I think it's quite admirable that you stood your ground for your beliefs you do not want to break she did and breaking up was the unfortunate consequence of that it's hard I get that from what I've read I think it was the right call to make even though you will be sad for quite some time take care and good luck no you were not wrong but this only works if you do not take her back when she returns otherwise it will have been the break that she asked for meanwhile she will be free in every sense to do whatever she likes good luck dude it's a breath of fresh air to see someone handle the situation as well as you did I'm not going to get into all the reasons why but kudos to you she definitely wanted a break so she could feel better about cheating you don't go on vacation and suddenly need the break after a night out yeah she wants to be free and hook up with random people whom she will never even see again be prepared that she wants to re-enter your life when she's had all her fun don't let her I accidentally started a family with my best friend and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me I had a very rough childhood growing up I didn't have a dad and my mom was never really there because she had a rough battle with health issues and she got hooked on things I had friends growing up but I had my best friend since I was 12. her name is Lily we've been extremely close due to our childhood issues and we had always been there for each other we had talks of being together but got cold feet because we were scared if it didn't work we couldn't recover from that when I was 18 I didn't really want to go to college school had never really been for me so I went into a trade I work long hours but it's been worth it and I make solid money right now for my position I'll come back to this in a bit when we were 19 Lily got pregnant by her boyfriend this dude somehow managed to avoid child support payments and broke up with her and has not seen the kid once in his life complete deadbeat makes me disgusted Lily was scared but I told her I would be here when she needed me she didn't have parents that would help but I told her I would help her where I can when the kid gets here lo and behold she gave birth to a beautiful baby named Kelsey I was there when she was born and it was a weird moment I don't know how to explain it but I did feel happy for her now we're 21 and ever since then Kelsey has had me wrapped around her finger I've done my round of diapers bottles middle of the night screaming Etc every day I get home from work we sit there and we watch our little shows and we spend a lot of time together as the three of us as well when we walk she grabs my pointy finger with her whole hand because it's so little as of recently she's begun speaking she's been calling me Daddy I've been feeling really weird about it lately feeling like it's not right and that someday she needs to know the truth I talked to Lily about it one night and got her opinion on it she sat there with a slight grin and then she came up behind me and hugged me she said you're the best dad she could ever ask for and then proceeded to tell me we'll worry about talking to her when she understands as far as she's concerned you are her daddy and you are to me as well I turned around and hugged her we had a long talk about what's been going on lately with us as we've been engaging in not so just friends activities and she just said I like this I like our family I just kind of froze for a second and asked her is this what we want to do and she followed up by saying I think we've been doing this for a while now and then laughed we had a great moment and agreed to be a family I told her I needed to run to the store for some diapers for Kelsey on the way there I burst into tears I cried for maybe a good 30 minutes I don't even know how to describe what I was thinking and feeling but I was happy I just know that there isn't a thing in this world I wouldn't do for these two it feels like I can relax and reflect on everything that's happened at this point but also I don't I basically have a family I'm looking out for like no matter what happens I have people who will depend on me and something like that makes me want to be the best man I can in about another year I will have my official license for my trade giving me a substantial pay raise and a new job that I've already lined up I've already started looking at houses and Rings we've also started talking about having our own once I get my license I don't know where I'm going with this but I wanted to share it with someone but I don't really have those people in my life thanks for reading don't marry her it's a trap you'll regret this long term you'll never be her kid's father and she'll never see you that way when she's an adult you're just setting yourself up to get hurt in the future okay bud that's your opinion I didn't ask for it he's correct Opie you've been brought up in a crappy family so you want to give back to the world in this regard and I can see you have good intentions and a good heart but your friend got pregnant at 19 from somebody extremely irresponsible she could have taken all sorts of measures to prevent this but she did not at 19. now she's found you a responsible man to dump her responsibilities onto her daughter will have a good chance of not seeing you as her dad when she grows up he's cool and he loved me but he's not my dad this is the reaction you're very likely to get you're being stupid and messing up your life isn't it so convenient for her to be so willing to start a relationship with someone like you now you were friend zoned until this I'm assuming she's fairly more attractive than you are so this is maybe why you're acting this way but I'd simply let it all go it's okay just say sense of responsibility overwhelmed you and leave her there's a good chance of her cheating on you in the future let's hope op is one in the thousands that will get this situation to work and last until old age let's hope he's not one of many thousands that will be coming to Reddit telling his story of how his girlfriend or wife is no longer the same person that he helped through her pregnancy that he paid for her daughter's wedding but now daughter wants biological dad to walk her instead this is life and the rolling of the dices will be different for each of us good luck to op for the best outcome LMAO congrats on being her second choice and raising someone else's kid well done second choice what's wrong with you you sound like you're jealous of the fact that he's found love with someone who actually cares about him any guy can get someone pregnant but it takes a real man to man up and raise a baby we need more men like op in our world who are willing to step up and do the right thing unless people like you who want to insult others because you're miserable with your own life but he is second choice she never wanted to be with him in the past he says they got cold feet but what he means is she got cold feet it wasn't until she was a single mom that he was already supporting that she realized how much use she could get out of him as a stand-in dad and an okay partner to settle down with for now this is what happens all the time and it's humorous to me that people deny it's how reality works bro raising someone else's kid op and as far as I'm concerned She's Mine the minute she grows up she's gonna go out looking for her biological daddy you're a great man though but step kids ain't ever turn yours she's going to leave to find her real dad and then come home with another completely unrelated baby that Opie is going to raise in 15 years LMAO yowza the Minions on Reddit are getting feisty today yes sir we do expect payment up front a little background info I live in a popular tropical tourist destination and one of my jobs is as crew on a snorkel boat I set up the boat before the trip lifeguard give history about the area Etc my captain is also the owner of the business so what he says goes and knows the local Waters like the back of his hand our company consists of him me and his girlfriend who manages bookings phones and emails we aren't low quality but we don't offer full meals or entertainment on board and focus solely on the snorkel experience because of that compared to the larger boats our private Charters are lower cost than most competition in turn we often get Penny Pincher people onward to the main story a family of 22 had been hounding our office before they even arrived to our location our office is words they were pushy and trying to get discounts and free upgrades so I was already dreading this Charter generally we take a card number and charge it before the charter but this group was adamant about paying cash office and Captain said fine but told me to get payment before getting them on the boat our boat is 50 feet long and stays moored offshore a few hundred yards so we use a water taxi to ferry from the shorter the boat I got dropped off to get payment check the group in and give them pre-boarding info I walked up to the main guy paying for everything and I start the process and that's when things went downhill guy hello which boat are we going on me points to our boat that pretty one right there guy that's not the boat we're going on yes it is there isn't any other boat sir no the boat looks like this shows me a photo of a boat from our website yes sir that is the same boat we just had the bottom and paint replaced a month ago I guess our office hasn't updated our website sorry about the confusion but I assure you it is the exact same boat guy well I don't think you're trying to deceive me but then why would they send me that photo me I'm sorry I'm not sure what to tell you but it is the same boat well I think we need to go out and inspect it and look at it before we decide to go and pay for it me I'm sorry sir that's not how this works we've already set up the boat for the charter and blocked any other bookings to accommodate your private Charter you can pay me and we can take your family out for the Excursion or we can decide not to go we haven't received payment from you so we have no obligation to you and no money to return what would you like to do guy then we don't want to go on the boat me okay sir sorry it didn't work out you and your family have a good day I picked up my stuff turned around got in the water taxi and left them on the shore as we rode away I could see the guy already on the phone trying to call the office I called his bluff and he was panicking because his whole family just heard him say they didn't want to go even though a lot of them did got back to the boat and explained to Captain what happened he said it sounds like he doesn't want them on his boat anyway and their loss he had planned to refuel after their trip but decided to do it now since we had the morning open they were still on the shore when we left but were gone when we got back once back on Shore the other guys who run activities in the same area told us the group had hung around for about an hour I guess the guy was very convinced we would come crawling back but when we didn't the family started fighting since many still wanted to go now they have to try to find another boat that has 22 spaces open and will most likely cost them two to three times more than us it was totally worth waking up early without pay asked for super spicy wings got malicious compliance by the cook in the time before time when I was in college a buddy of mine and I used to go to Buffalo Wings night every Monday at the local joint in New York so the wings were legit except the hottest level they had was never really that spicy just a bunch of Tabasco one day we were really jonesing for hot we had physically seen the cook in Prior visits big Burley don't mess with me type of person I told the waiter to write down our directions to the Cook we said table 8 says you cannot make these Wings Spicy enough for us because you are not enough of a man to make them hot he first refused to write that down we slipped him a 10 Bill big money back then and said just blame us a pitcher of beer and one dozen wings for each of us came out they smelled spicy so we were stoked had one bite of One Wing immediately chugged our 16-ounce beer because OMG how did he make these so spicy on a whim we each ate the remainder of our very first Wing that pitcher of beer was annihilated we hadn't noticed but the cook was sticking his head out of the door watching us at this point he's crying from laughing so hard comes over and says he'll make us a fresh order those were the ones sitting at the very bottom of the prep bucket for hours had been soaking in the Chili Peppers Etc and they never served them as a rule we told him that wasn't right we demanded hyper spicy he delivered it was our responsibility to finish them with a smile we immediately called two friends told them in two hours we'd need to be picked up because we'd be hammered and they had to come drive us and my car home they were baffled as it was a Monday night but agreed took two full hours and three pitchers of beer each but we finished them we stayed as quiet as we could given how much pain we were in thankfully the restaurant was always about half full the cook came out to give us a high five and asked I'm betting he won't ask for Ultra spicy again right no sir we will not you have beaten us and we acknowledge your superiority we left a monster tip and our sober Fringe drove us home made both of us sit in the back seat of their car as they didn't want to risk anyone throwing up in their car or on one of them as the driver am I the jerk for causing family drama over a swimming pool so I know from experience that Reddit isn't the most understanding towards parents of kids but I really just want a third party opinion because the situation is driving me crazy and my family is saying I need to get over it I female 30s live with my partner and our two kids who are ages seven and three my older sister Ava also in her 30s and her husband recently purchased a house in the local area it's a super nice place with a big yard and you can probably guess from the title a swimming pool Ava recently hosted a barbecue at her place it wasn't a huge event she invited me our parents and our other siblings she mentioned letting the kids play in the pool so I only assumed my kids would get to be included we are potty training although my youngest is still in Diapers at the moment at the barbecue I was getting my youngest ready and putting a swim diaper on Ava pulled me aside and told me she didn't think it's hygienic for him to be getting in the pool since the Pea could still get in the pool and she asked that he doesn't swim in the pool with the other kids playing in it I don't think this was fair and I told Ava that lots of people adults and kids go number one in the pool and it would be no different at a public pool so what's the problem she was being really condescending and wouldn't listen to me at all and said that he can play in the pool when he's toilet trained and said it's not fair to the other kids at this point my son was crying because he wanted to swim in the pool and I told Ava she was being cold but it's her house and her pool so do what you want Ava accused me of trying a guilt Tripper and told me to just drop it I was getting upset myself at this point and I told our parents and other siblings about what Ava did they told me it's not a big deal and that it's not worth arguing with her over and to try to not let it bother me I wasn't happy with this because this essentially means they're siding with her and downplaying how she treated me and my son I left the barbecue early with my family because we didn't feel welcome after that the next day Ava messaged me a whole paragraph and said that she's sorry that I'm upset and that she wasn't trying to exclude my son for the sake of it it was a super non-apology and I told her I don't want to hear it and that she's damaged her relationship with her nephew and she's not the one who had to deal with him being upset Ava snapped at me out of nowhere and said I'm being dramatic I told her to grow up and said that I have a very valid reason to be mad and she needs to stop acting like a teenager Ava showed these messages to everyone and everything's just a bit up in the air I feel like I'm right here but the rest of my family doesn't seem to agree how the heck are people voting not to jerk here you're the jerk 100 first and foremost it's not your pool it's Ava's and it's totally reasonable for her to not want your kids to be going to the bathroom in it you're the jerk not sure why doing this in the pool is considered okay by a lot of people but it's disgusting and your sister has a right to say no you're the jerk you act like it's normal to do this in pools your sister put a very sensible boundary you're acting entitled you're the jerk doing this in a pool is gross it's gross when it's in a public pool it's gross when it's in a private pool all the people that say but there are chemicals to clean it up do it in a cup then ask how many chemicals need to be added to the cup before they would dump that glass of water on their head it's just gross she wanted to keep her pool clean from your little mess machine frankly after you made your thoughts on it known I wouldn't have let your other kids in either my pool isn't for people who do that why do I have a feeling everyone making the biggest stink about this they probably did the same thing when they were little because they did we all did what if I told you I never stopped Reddit boy oh I'm so not going swimming with you again am I the jerk for insisting my husband sleep in the nursery once a week back story I'm at home mom and my husband works for 10 hour shifts a week waking at 4 30 A.M our seven-month son still drinks one 2 am bottle I do this six nights a week but want one night off on one of my husband's three weekend nights so that I can get one uninterrupted deep night of sleep a week additionally I want him to sleep in the nursery with my son for that one night where we also have a nice twin bed he wants to stay in our Master for all seven nights a week my reasoning I'm a much lighter sleeper than my husband and always wake up to even small movements and sounds on the monitor my husband sleeps through a lot in most for instance in the past he has claimed our son slept till 9am when in reality he slept until 7am and then made lots of loud playful noises in his crib and my husband never woke up to them I've had nights up with my son crying multiple times and he thought the baby slept through the night even if my husband does the 2AM feed if he stays in the master I still will be the one who wakes up frequently on my night off since the monitor would still be in the room with us I'd likely have to wake him up when our son wants to be fed my point of view is I would still carry the mental load of that night too since I'd still be listening to and hearing the Monitor and thus wouldn't actually get better sleep I feel I deserve one night a week where I can truly sleep deeply with no Monitor and no listening for the baby and be able to trust that my husband has the situation fully handled as he is in the room with him I also don't feel comfortable just having no monitor at this age as our son is at the mobile age where he gets himself into trouble such as arms and legs caught in the crib but can't get himself out of it my husband's reasoning is he is happy to do baby duties but wants to do so from his bed instead of the nursery and feels it is an unreasonable ask to be asked to sleep in the nursery once a week he thinks if I wake up to the baby on his night that isn't his problem he thinks I'm overly paranoid and that if I have trouble sleeping with the monitor we should just turn off the monitor the nursery is 10 yards down the hall from the master and we read me likely would still hear him without monitor if he cried loudly but wouldn't be able to hear quieter noises without a monitor my husband thinks that me waking frequently to the baby is an anxiety problem and that I should basically work on myself at being less anxious by stop using crutches like the monitor or him sleeping in the nursery he feels that by sleeping in the nursery he is enabling anxiety and paranoid Behavior additional relevant info our baby can't sleep in the master with us due to a lack of space I don't want this Arrangement forever either until he drops that feed or turns one whichever comes first my husband knows that I'm posting and helped edit his side he will go with what the internet decrees edit to add we have already been doing it this way for the past month and my husband wants to discontinue doing it this way I do feel that I get much better sleep this way and am able to sleep through I usually have to ask my husband the next morning if he fed the baby because I didn't hear anything and slept through not the jerk one night a week of uninterrupted sleep should be the priority I don't really see why your husband has a problem with sleeping in the nursery one night to allow this probably because if he sleeps in the nursery the baby wakes him up and he actually has to deal with the kid whereas in the master op will wake up faster and deal with it so he doesn't have to not the jerk if the nursery has a nice bed he can handle sleeping there for one night a week especially as you care for the baby six nights a week you don't have anxiety issues just motherly instincts and light sleep your husband is selfish not the jerk he doesn't get to sleep through the hard parts of fatherhood no jerks here slight you're the jerk you think your husband does absolutely nothing at home and with parenting that's not true he does do baby duties and he's working to provide for you that needs to stop being forgotten the weight of financial provision is heavy he's totally fine getting up at night with baby he doesn't want to be banished from his own bedroom that's valid wanting him to do baby duties at night is valid sticking to your guns over no longer sleeping together on his nights off is just weird you're the jerk you don't get to just kick your partner out of his bed you can sleep somewhere else though mild you're the jerk asking your husband to help out more with the baby at night is totally reasonable kicking him out of his bed is not you're the jerk you're a stay-at-home mom you nap when the baby naps wanting your husband to sleep in another room is really entitled maybe you should have agreed about duties before your kid was born it's part of the package that you don't get a good night's sleep for a few years aren't kids great am I the jerk for telling my son I don't want his friend at the family celebration I'm feeling guilty and I don't know if I handle this the wrong way my son 16 male has a friend who I'll call John who's also 16. my son and John have been friends since fifth grade I know they're really close my son talks about him often and likes to buy stuff for him as much as he can I only met Jon three times and the only thing I knew about him before meeting him was that his parents were very protective of him so the first time he came into our home was the first time he was allowed to be with friends I was really happy to meet John at first because he's my son's closest friend but I don't know if he's just the brutally honest type or doesn't understand there's a time and a place for things when I first met him my son invited him to the birthday party of his oldest sister 28 female John asked a lot of insensitive questions about issues my oldest daughter was going through which my son must have told him not sure why he was very open with what he thought even if it was just plain rude he did this two other times when he was invited my son defended him saying that Jon didn't know it was wrong because he was raised differently from us each time he did it we also never got an apology we were fed up by the third time and I asked my son to not bring him around next time he was still allowed to hang out with Jon but not to bring him over my son's birthday is coming up and what we do is have a small celebration just family and some close friends and then the birthday person celebrates the Day as they wish my son wants to spend it with John but also wants to invite John to the family celebration part he's asked multiple times and I said no I'd be willing to change my mind if John apologizes to the people he hurt with his questions and honesty he stopped asking me but it's clear he's upset about it so am I the jerk should I go with it just for this one day edit just going to answer some questions that are being brought up a lot 1. as John Nero Divergent I don't know but I can now see that it could be a possibility two did I explain to him the questions or what he was saying were inappropriate yes multiple times so did my daughter he defended himself by saying he was just being honest or that he just wanted to know three why did it take so long for me to meet my son's best friend well he has protective parents he wasn't allowed to visit friends until October when he was 15. around my oldest daughter's birth day my son never introduced me to John when I picked him up from school so they may also have different ways of getting to and from school not the jerk you said they can still spend time with John but you don't want him in your house because he was rude and made her feel uncomfortable that's totally fine you don't have to include John in a personal family celebration he still gets to hang out with Jon on his birthday I think that's fair it's your house and you get a say on who comes in you're the jerk it's your son's birthday why not let him have his friend come over I'd understand if it was another family member but it seems a little cruel you don't want to let your son have who you described as his closest friend at his birthday party if his parents are very protective and don't let him go out that much it's very likely explains why he doesn't have certain social skills you should talk to your son about discussing with John what's okay to share that you know and what needs to be kept to himself or if he tries that in front of you again straight up say to him that it's not the place to be asking those things my husband left me now his ex-wife wants me to pay the child support he owes her to make a long story short I'm female 25 and my husband male 33 just walked out on us a little over a month ago he completely just up and abandoned me our five-year-old and our 18 month old he has an ex-wife in her 30s and they have a 12 year old daughter from their marriage no formal custody involved but we would usually get my stepdaughter every other weekend and my husband would pay his ex the child support every month on the first when he got paid my husband's excuse for just leaving us in the dust was that I am damaged goods and he couldn't hack it being a father anymore he didn't feel any joy in parenting and wanted to live a free life so he changed his number blocked me on all social media changed all of his passwords and told his friends and family not to speak to me it turned my entire life upside down I've been a stay-at-home mom since our eldest was born got my degree and we talked about me going back to the workforce once she entered kindergarten this year in the fall but it was nothing set in stone my husband literally gave me an allowance every week to buy groceries pay bills buy diapers anything else the kids needed Etc I would always stash a little bit away but he definitely was the breadwinner in our relationship my husband's ex-wife messaged me earlier today asking if we could talk about something serious he asked her what was up she asked if I could pay her for the amount of child support my husband usually gifts her every month on the first I curiously asked her how much because my husband never told me exactly the amount he gave her I never really thought it was any of my business she told me she needed the nine hundred dollars he usually gives her because both she and her new husband are struggling to pay their bills and they rely on that child support to make their rent payment and they were behind I told her I couldn't do it because truthfully I can't I'm still waiting to get an appointment so I can receive government benefits because with what little money I did have saved up it's gone now after paying every single bill by myself to keep a roof over mind in my kids heads make sure they're fed Etc there is and will be no way I can spare almost a grand to my husband's ex-wife she blew up my phone called me names said that she can understand why he left me Etc threatening to keep my stepdaughter away from me and my kids because we are bad influences and that my stepdaughter is going to struggle because I can't hand over the money I literally don't even have I tried apologizing but it was no use it just ended with her calling me more names am I the jerk here I feel horrible that my husband has left us both high and dry but I also have to look out for my own kids I'm literally skipping meals to make sure they have enough to eat and I'm scrambling to figure out how I'm going to survive without my husband's help now part of me is really conflicted but I can't his ex-wife what I don't have not the jerk honestly I'm confused why the ex-wife would ask you and why you would even debate it internally this is a no-brainer here you're soon to be ex-husband needs to handle his responsibilities the audacity of her to even ask you is off the charts op I guess because whenever we would have my stepdaughter I'd be the one to take her shopping new manicure Etc my husband would pay for it but she never wanted him to take her out just me I guess her mom just had it in her head that I had a secret stash of money somewhere she knew I'd been a stay-at-home mom ever since our eldest was born lawyer here absolutely not your responsibility not the jerk your husband is and she is for putting this on you assuming you are in the USA one you need a custody order with your husband otherwise in many states he could take the kids with them and not return home two you need a child support order many government benefits won't be paid without it three you need a status quo order will prevent him from dissipating and hiding assets or making major changes until you can get divorced four you need to talk to a lawyer about your relationship with your stepdaughter and what visitation rights if any you have with her that varies by state do this before anything else yes even the government benefits you need that SQ order in place Welcome to our newest subscribers nay's life the maker and Carrie Jane day subscribe to our Channel right now and you could get a shout out in our next video and come watch this video next you won't believe what happens in that one
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 40,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled peoples stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, hoa, reddit podcast, aita reddit stories podcast, reddit podcast stories
Id: kzFgSztDOw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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