Kar98k + Zf41 "DMR" to 500 yds: Practical Accuracy "the PUBG sniper" (Feat. InRange TV)

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this episode was brought to you by slate black industries for mlok grips and accessories visit slateblackindustries.com it's a formidable weapon until we get some glass this will have to do indeed until we get some glass on it josh until then hi guys technically both of these rifles have already been to the practical accuracy range zf39 sniper actually made it out to 1100 yards or one kilometer and the straight infantry iron sighted 98k we took it out to 500. now i got to talking with carl over at in range and carl actually has a lot of uh experience on the 41s on the originals and the repros and so the more i talked to him the more i thought that it would be interesting to outfit our infantry 98k with the zf41 to see how it does because when you watch it later on in a segment where carl talks about the reason the history and the development of the 41 our complaints on the iron sights were actually very similar to what the wehrmacht complained about and you'll see in this video that our performance with the zf41 very much covers a lot of those complaints that the their marks had and we had on the original infantry ironsighted 98k so without further ado let's start the show [Music] okay i have a lot of ammo hopefully you don't need that much 150. yeah no question about that one we're on at 200. all right we're on a 250. all right need one more there at 250. i forgot how ridiculously hard eight millimeter hits all right we're at 300. okay just high about a half target high windage is good okay impact dead center jesus you having trouble spotting these at all josh no these have been good 350. that one's done yep all right we're on at 400 400. okay you're just over the top there by about half a target okay just off the right edge impact impact nice that was a good center hit good good nice hey on this one oh i actually pitched around there oh did you 450. let me put the shot back in first yeah yeah okay okay all right 450 450. first one's on you let's figure out where you're at okay okay impact dead center neutralized what was that all right we're out to 500 okay that was just to the left left yes left take your take your first hold one more time it's high you're in the bar that's what's happening i'm seeing the frag from the bar i see okay so it's uh wow it's in the bar that that last shot definitely was impact all right that was at four o'clock literally just underneath the edge 230 just on the edge impact dead center excellent i hope that didn't affect anything i was tugging on the microphone strings so another rendition of the mauser yep yeah the thoughts and mauser man those are so much easier to call than five five six i'll tell you this they were much easier to hold off on wind because guess what i did not hold off on wind all the way out there i mean it's like running a very streamlined freight train into the target after a morning of shooting these little peashooters yeah it's awesome to take out something like this so walk us through then okay what the heck is going on on the front end of that that receiver the zf41 was developed in 1939 after the nazi invasion of poland um troops in the field requested to have some sort of sharpshooter rifle or designated marksman rifle and what culminated from this was this right here the zf41 it is a 1.5 x optic that has a long eye relief that allows you to retain the capability of loading from a stripper clip and therefore have don't lose any of the rate of fire of the k98k which by the way you certainly don't want to lose any other rate of fire considering you're using a bolt action rifle at this point initially the car 98k was milled with a special mount right here to then put the zf41 on from the factory and then zeroed in the factory and then provided out to the field for that purpose in an attempt to accelerate the adaptation rate of the zf41 they started putting out field modifiable sight blocks right here essentially you would replace the rear sight spring assembly with a mount that was part of that those were not as accurate as the ones that were milled by the factory but it was a way to get more zf41s deployed out there into the combat arena the goal was to get a six percent of all car 98ks mounted with zf41s they never quite got there but that was the intention but what landed up happening is this turned out to be the most manufactured german optic of the war if not the most manufactured optic of the entire war with approximately if not a little more than 100 000 zf41s made and the large majority of them fielded in combat the original request in 1939 of providing an optic for a designated marksman in each squad this optic actually completely achieved that goal when you're using iron sights you have to focus on the front sight the rear sight and the target you're aiming at become somewhat blurry with the front sight focus being how you acquire the best accuracy but that of course means that if you're shooting at a fleeting or moving target or something that's hard to see that's very hard to do as well as quite honestly the car 98ks barleycorn sites are less than optimal so by putting everything onto one sight plane and just focusing on the german post that's in the zf41 it greatly increases your ability to hit and neutralize somewhat difficult targets but what happened was this but as the war dragged on in 1942 the germans realized they needed a more qual they needed to deploy more snipers a sniper of course is something very different that provides very precise fire against high value targets out to generally very long distances in world war ii you're talking five six hundred yards or more and 1.5 x as an optic is not viable for that it's just not something that's capable for hitting targets at that distance but what happened was the german sniper program was greatly deficient in being able to manufacture sniper rifles and they started pushing this one scope that they had a lot of into the sniper role not the designated marksman role and overwhelmingly the men that were put into the sniper training program hated this optic because the reason they hated this optic is they weren't there to be a designated marksman they were there to be a sniper and this optic is not applicable for the sniping roll it got pushed into the roll the snipers were forced to use it but for the most part they universally hated it if this scope had been actually deployed as it should have been with a goal of six percent in the designated marksman role i think we would have a very different narrative today one would ask what's the ideal zf41 deployment like if i were to do the perfect rifle with the zf-41 on it what would i do and it would not be on a bolt action let's be realistic both actions are obsolescent and really were even in world war ii when you have a world where the m1 guaran exists why are you running a bolt but that's another conversation at the same time the zf41's eye relief is quite good but the reality is the eye box is not you really have to be on the gun to be able to get a sight picture with it so what i think this would actually really work best on is something that is semi-automatic with minimal recoil and you know what the norwegian resistance did that perfectly the m1 carbine has some issues of itself but the m1 carbine cartridge is really effective to 200 maybe 300 yards on a good day and this optic is really really good for precise aiming to targets out to 200 something yards and providing better accuracy and the ability to engage without having to deal with the iron sights and i think that m1 carbine's reliability issues aside that might have been the perfect role for the zf41 type scout dmr type application what we saw today i think was what the german theory was supposed to produce in theory with good glass quality you could use a narrow scope body with a really tight field of view and still have a good results like this in theory having a ballistic drop compensator on on that type of a ring it should be no it should happen no problem in theory with good ammunition you should be able to clean a kd range like this again i said many times in theory theory in practice these scopes were extremely difficult to zero and in practice the shooters didn't even use a ballistic bull drop compensator because they would just set it on a fixed distance like a 200 meter distance and just use hold up over and under yeah um and in practice on the repro one anyways it doesn't correspond to the actual markings like i actually marking number three i thought it was 300 meters is my hole for 500 yards sure yeah my marking for two and a half is my hold for 400 yards and i i fully respect that it's it's supposed to be in meters my point is 400 yards is closer to 300 360 meters right not 200 yes so the repro is also entirely off yeah the zero on these things are incredibly complex i'm going to show you right now how this thing zeros and it is really weird and wonky and janky uh so here we are on the zeroing process of the zf41 it does have a sun shade this thing right here is likely to fall off unless you do something to it you need proprietary tools again how german turn this counterclockwise this would come forward you'll see there's two slots there one that goes in this one that goes in that these things move in theory this moves what they say the german post into a figure eight pattern the reality is this just moves the post randomly this is an awful thing and very hard to do and the reason you're going to go through a lot of ammunition zeroing this unless you do it the way i say take the sunshield off keep it locked get this lead sled strap this thing down so it's not going to move aim with the iron sights on your target and release the lock ring and turn this and move it randomly because it's going to move randomly to zero the post to the same point of aim as the irons lock the lock ring fire three rounds make sure the gun doesn't move it's strapped in tight move these very carefully for the post to now point at where the holes are on your target at 100 meters lock the lock ring and then fire another three rounds if you got that right you're gonna be done you could theoretically do this in six rounds if you have a lead sled and you're by yourself you're probably gonna do it in about 20 rounds if you don't have a lead sled and you're just trying to do this off of a bag where the gun moves every time you fire it good luck you're going to go through hundreds of rounds and the answer to that question is 242 cartridges of steven but that is my way of recommending zero your zf41 now let's go back to nine hole reviews and henry let's see how you do with a zf41 on your course of fire you zero it with two little sticks that are on the side and then as you move it the sight drifts like upwards and then out and then the other stick would drift it upwards and then out so you need to figure out sort of exactly where it is shoot a few rounds and then continue to zero now this problem is compounded this is match ammunition these are my hand loads that i use for the 98k sniper this problem is compounded when your typical 98k is expected to shoot 5 mla back in world war ii so imagine having a 98k that's very very difficult to zero ammunition that shoots about five moa um you're in a field condition and you're looking through something that is smaller than a roll of toilet paper yes so it's in a sense this is the pinnacle of the german follies of world war ii one of our viewers robert he had a his friend joakim who was a german sniper instructor back in world war ii and we set up an interview with joachim who we called joe and i was trying to interview him because i wanted some supplementary information to the 98k sniper video that we made unfortunately joe passed away two weeks before our interview so we were not able to talk to him and kind of learn about some of the things but feedback from robert was that joe actually really enjoyed our video and that was really that's that's immensely cool and since he was a sniper instructor back in back in world war ii he was injured on the eastern front and taken back to the schoolhouse and a lot of the schoolhouses had injured veterans who would give their recounts and teach the newer generation they all preferred the typical mounting that we shot earlier and one of the things that's interesting on the typical the the regular zf39 mounting um you remember we were complaining because we were saying that it's too high of a hold yeah they would actually take winter gloves and wrap it around the stock to increase the comb height kind of like our snipers actually used m21s and they would tape stuff yeah basically generating a proper cheek weld for themselves yes now the problem was whenever these snipers would go back to their um their headquarters or back to the posting the german the germans yes uh propaganda would be there and and the propaganda soldiers would tell them to take that off so they can generate photos of them because a lot of the war ii sniper footage and photos were actually generated by propaganda on both sides it was it was actually quite rare to have actually a photojournalist on on the field right in the fight so according to robert uh and yoaki they actually did not like the zf41 scopes as well they all saw it as useless is this the inception of the scout optic or scout scope design it yeah it kind of is because you can use stripper clips you can have a a long sight relief um i can actually use my iron sights and then pop up to use the optics if you shoot both eyes open with it are you able to see yes very very easily right here try it out yeah i would probably i mean if i was shooting this in any sort of actual environment i would probably be shooting this both eyes open yeah and then if maybe if i'm taking a real precision shot i might close down were you shooting both eyes open on the clock i don't know i'd have to i don't know what i'm doing sometimes when i'm on video i just do it but um the the thing is like i actually like this i like shooting this more than the other one but i also have match ammunition that i could zero the scope that i have figured out where the holds are right so there's a difference between a modern variety modern repo variety correct with proper match hand loads versus shooting it with five moa yeah cartridges yeah yeah i mean and and it in theory it was supposed to be a step up but in practice they ran out of zf39 scopes for the snipers started issuing these things so you know one side you didn't have these for the regular soldiers and the other side your snipers were using what they inferred as inferior optics right so that again goes back to the entire german development of their weapon systems in theory it should work right so in theory it would revolutionize the world but you don't have unlimited ammunition supply yeah because eight curts is hard to get to the front lines um there's a lot of things that that they ended up developing the theory for and we ended up gravitating towards it and the scout scope concept like you said is exactly one of those funny thing is on pub g it's actually closer it looks closer to this concept of sniper rather than the actual german sniper yeah except it's mounted up with this yes which then it makes no sense because the eye relief on the acog is about that old yeah yeah so oh cool yep so i'm glad we we did this and and i would say this is far more enjoyable to shoot than the proper uh zf39 because i i'm getting a good cheek rest this little divot right here i like to put it where my collarbone is especially if i'm shooting prone i fire it and i just let it kind of like slip a little bit so i don't take the entire recoil of the eight mil mauser i can't do that with a 98 with the sniper without it coming close to my eyeball right so this is good and i could still use these so nice yeah cool that was a good run yeah i may take it out for a hunting season one of these days excellent [Music] do you enjoy arguing with other viewers on the internet on which rifle performs better on practical accuracy well we have a solution for you go to our patreon page and scroll down you'll find the practical accuracy scoreboard where we have ranked and compiled all the data of all the firearms we have tested on the practical accuracy course furthermore it's already separated into the different categories so you can go back to your argument as quickly as possible and whether you decide to support us via patreon subscription or just a normal viewer we thank you eight packs red con one green and green copy over [Applause] pack green here one over the top one six roger over my six you see like two one big door two bags
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Views: 132,653
Rating: 4.9648399 out of 5
Keywords: Kar98k, karabiner, mauser, 98k, sniper, Scharfschützengewehr, designated, marksman, deutsch, reicht, german, ww2, rifle, bolt action, C&Rsenal, inrange, forgotten weapons, precision, long range, LRSU, antique, vintage, band of brothers, saving private ryan, 8mm, 7.92x57mm, pubg, shroud, dr disrespect, disrespect, doc, call of duty, battlefield, 1943, medal of honor, normandy, d-day, france, springfield, mosin nagant, m91/30, 03a4, m1903a4, carbine, gewehr, enfield, smle, project lightening, roof korean, STG44, zf39, zf41
Id: wKlFGc9fjkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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