Kant vs Hume: in verse! How Hume's Fork inspired Kant's famous Transcendental Idealism

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Kant was born in koenigsberg and in koenigsberg he died he lived in koenigsberg all his life 60 miles was his furthest ride so while some can claim that their wisdom came from traveling far and wide can't but since philosophies European Civil War began between the Brits Loch Barkley Hume and Descartes Continental Clan with Spinoza and leibniz empiricists V rationalists can he claim to be the man with the genius and the insight and the long attention span to merge two rival schools of thought into one coherent plan yes indeed can't can according to Hume philosophy was nearing a state of paralysis as knowledge just comes from two sources experience and rational analysis we can answer empirical questions now through science or observation and self-contained questions of logic or maths through straightforward calculation so if the type of question you ask is neither one of those the answer to it has to be sorry no one knows all other kinds of thinking are for Hume no more than a pose show him a book on metaphysics and onto the bonfire it goes prior to Hume canterd assumed philosophy the finest vocation but the more can't read of what Hume said the deeper his consternation Hume woke me from my dogmatic Slumber is a popular can't quotation with two types of question worth asking just two two prongs on the end of hume's fork why should we care for the empty hot air produced when philosophers talk and that's how David Hume put kant's nose out of joint by saying of philosophy what exactly is the point something for count to think about when out on his next walk a very sharp product the backside from the Twin spikes on hume's Fork was this the end for philosophy no Kant brought it back from the brink with a scientific kind of approach to the mind a rethink about how we think if you think the whole world is your oyster Kant has a humbler proposal the extent of our knowledge is hugely reduced by the tools at our disposal we know this world through our senses through our bodies and our brains is this meager equipment truly enough to know all that the world contains what kind of things are we missing what signals can't we receive how can we fathom the unknown unknowns what dimensions can we not perceive the answer says can't is we cannot know such questions will only frustrate us our every experience is limited by our limited apparatus this universe of phenomena is the one of which we're aware but there's also what can't called numina all the things that we don't know are there a phenomenon hits our senses which we turn into information a pneumon is a mystery beyond all imagination imperceivable to the senses inconceivable to the Mind existing on a level out of bounds to humankind we'll never know what we're missing it's an unbridgeable divide this phenomenal world is within our reach the numinal forever outside know your limits in short was kant's chastening thought it's something we humans can't change our Ambitions may be high but however hard we try we'll never know a thing about the things beyond our range step by step Kent wasn't finished yet with his re-examination of the human mindset when we look at the tools in our toolbox no experience is direct our minds still have to process the perceptions we collect it's not enough for our eyes to be hit by passing rays of light every flash must be re-fashioned to become what we call sight kaleidoscopes of colors cacophonies of sound smells and tastes and touches flying in from all around we'd be impotent receivers of a flood of information blinded but dazzled utterly frazzled lost in a blizzard of wild stimulation if we had no internal means of organization we need some mental interface to make sense of all this sensation and for Kant the mines equipped since birth to put these things in place bringing order to chaos through time and space an awareness of time the scaffolding of space born with these two in our toolbox the entire human race possesses the ability sense plus sensibility to create perceptions of the world beyond the capability of a passive database can't also now could question David hume's suggestion that causality had no grounds to exist if we follow kant's script that our minds come pre-equipped with time and space why not add cause to that list Impressions from somewhere outside US fed into then shaped by the Mind empiricism and rationalism now in one process combined in a synthesis of philosophies with a scientific coherence which can't called transcendental idealism how we construct appearance
Channel: PhilosoVerses
Views: 10,929
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Id: o04KxyV5ALg
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Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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