Kali Linux 2021.2 Dual Boot with Windows 10 | Easy BCD | Safest and Clear Way

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so hey guys now let's install kali linux here i'm going to install the latest version available that is 2020.4 the easy and the safest way is begin with downloading required files the first of all kali linux iso file then rufus and ecbcd now once you download kali linux iso file open rufus and select the iso file and make sure that you insert your pen drive now the important thing here is we are going to form in dd form let other settings be default [Music] now at the time while rufus is running let us create the partition file links minimum 65gb is required but the sophisticated way to create nearly 70 gb so i am creating 70 gb once you're done let's move on once roof has finished its work close it restart the windows while rebooting press the key to open bootable menu in my case f2 is my key here advanced boot speakers where there is a list of portable medium since we are using usb move the usb app so the board will check usb as a bootable media play it [Music] now you will be entering into the kali linux installation media pick up your language country and keyboard format [Music] now you don't have to skip the option to configuration of internet so we made a blank open network it fails and go to the skip option [Music] once you skip now create account for yourself here comes the important part partitioning let's entry manually first bootable position which requires minimum tools change mounting point as boot next root partition which requires minimum 30 gb then next home partition which requires minimum 30 gb and at last crop area which required minimum basically swap area means [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's create the partition but another one important thing which is to remember the number of good partition make is minus [Music] [Music] then later there is no use of network mirrors since we are using usb [Music] let's install the default tools now we are going to install group boot loader do you remember the number of good partition type d eb slash sda and the number of good partitions now once you finish installation system will reboot itself careful while removing your pen drive remove your pen drive after message shown rebooting system now you should enter into windows normally which means we have done a great work now open ecbcd in that add new entry then linux in which type grab 2 name kali linux apply it now once you restart you will see a windows and kali linux separately now choose kyrie next to enter into it in case you are uninstalling kali linux this method will help from corrupt errors [Music] so since we made our pendrive as a bootable media in the dd form it will show as a reduced size of storage so in case you need to rescue the reduced reduced storage i made a video on it so you can get from here so thank you guys see you next time you
Channel: Cuddle Coder
Views: 17,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kalilinux #safestway #dualboot #2020.4 #windows10, #2021
Id: llEobMC7cS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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