Kalashnikov USA KR9

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[Music] hey guys welcome back so today I get to bring to you the Kalashnikov USA kr9 this one happens to be an SBR there's an interesting story behind me and this rifle and we'll talk more about that a little bit later in the video but let's kick off this video with a mag dump out of the us-made [ __ ] this is a gun I have wanted for so long on the US market a definite bucket list gun the only other one I can think about there'd be an A in 94 which is never going to happen but even a VSS would be cool but this is one my bucket list guns and I'm so glad to finally have one in my hands that's so much fun I love it let me tell you the story about my relationship with this little kr9 the [ __ ] is a 9-millimeter submachine gun that was developed in Russia obviously it's based on the a K but it's not in a kr than its outward appearance it's not gas-operated it's direct blowback and it has crink type features and AKM features but it's just a nine millimeter carbine but a very cool one so when you take a look on the inside of the gun you're gonna find there's that cranked off type top cover I was telling you about you're gonna find an 8k type recoil spring and just a big massive bolt but that's not a gas piston that's just a weighted bolt for the most part and then you have an a fire control group on the inside but this is a gun that I've wanted for so long the first viable 9-millimeter 8-k that ever hit the market did so several years ago and that was built by definitive arms and that was the a KX 9 this is the gun I've been trying to get my hands on forever I even went so far as to try to run down a D milled kit to have chase build into a working gun for me that's how badly I wanted him but the prices were just sky-high on the D milled kits so I was never be I was never able to find one with magazines well now the guns are being made in United States and the actual magazines are being manufactured here as well this is as far as I can tell I've never been to Russia and handle the real thing but I've looked at a lot of pictures and video this thing is as close as you're going to get this is a 100% faithful replica of the actual bitchiest submachine gun it's neutered because it's not full auto this one is an SBR so it fires nine-millimeter it has a side folding on it and it's a very small little package now you can buy them as pistols with braces or you can I think they're gonna offer them or may already offer them with the 16 inch barrel oh I know they do because we've actually had them come into the shop now and so you can pick it up any number of ways I wanted it in this configuration because this is the military configuration minus the fall auto capabilities [Applause] [Applause] whoo it is gassy I'm not gonna lie about that man this thing gets a lot of gas in the face eyes are burning I think at this point we're just gonna do a tease hipfire and see if I can hit anything [Applause] all right so if you're going to run this thing suppress it's gonna be pretty bad unfortunately there's no such thing as an OSS 9-millimeter suppressor so you're gonna have to run a baffled can and there's a lot of gas that comes back down that barrel into the shooters face so I probably won't run this thing suppress a whole lot simply for that reason I'm just gonna run it in its configuration with its muzzle break because I think it looks smart but if you want to suppress it you can just know you're gonna breathe a lot of nasty gases if you guys follow the channel you'll know that I have this knack for breaking things and many times I've said companies should engage with people like myself to test new products before they release them to the market I did that with Kalashnikov USA they reached out to me asked me if I would be interested in testing the product and giving them honest feedback if I had problems of any type and so I was shooting this gun before it was available on the market and I did find some stuff that they needed to correct which they did and this is my actual test gun so I did send my gun back in they looked it over for me I fired thousands and thousands of thousands of rounds to this gun guys trying to get it to fail in some way and so the problems that I had were relatively minor they addressed those issues in the production guns and they have my gun back now I am 100% viewer-supported I did not charge the service I don't do it for a whole lot of companies the vich says is a gun i desperately wanted to see on the US market and i wanted to make sure it works so i was more than glad to help kusa go ahead and test this product again they didn't pay me and they're not paying for this video and i have to buy this gun they shipped it back to me after making the updates I just got it in the last couple of days got the invoice now I have to pay to keep the gun which obviously I'm going to do because I'm absolutely giddy about actually owning a [ __ ] as I have done it with other companies but I'll only do it with companies that I have a relationship they trust I like their products I'm not gonna do it for a lot of companies because it's not a way for me to make money because I am viewer supported one thing I do want to address is you will notice a que operators union has posted pictures of cracked top covers now in this gun again thousands of thousands of rounds fired I have not cracked my top cover he posts those pictures the guys at kusa say that they've resolved the issues what's kind of interesting about that is that they've cloned this gun so meticulously that the cracks happen to the actual [ __ ] is manufactured in Russia so the cracking that they are having with the early guns is basically a clone of what was happening to the real guns over in Russia not that these aren't real [ __ ] so anyway my gun has not had that cracking I keep looking for it I see no signs of it so anyway that's the back story with the gun I had to sign an NDA I couldn't show it but we shot video while we were testing the gun in multiple different ways with suppressors and without suppressors and accuracy tests and all that good stuff the kr9 looks like it has a conventional AKM triangle side folding stock and it does for the most part but there's one slight difference so you'll notice it has the sling swivel here but the button to release it is where you would normally find it on an AKM push that the stock folds to the side but one thing is different here so first of all the button that releases the Locker is the latch here acts as a spring see how when I let go of it it Springs it open also you don't have a hook right here where you would find on a typical AKM that has a triangle folder you have this peg right here with a notch in it if you look at the stock you'll notice there's a little piece right here by my index finger that is designed to engage with that little nub how you do it as you push it up to the little peg pull up on the stock and it'll pop over and that locks the stock in the folded position it can't be opened easily I found the fastest way to deploy the stock once it's over that little lip on that peg is to simply squeeze the stock like that and pull out and unlock it it's not nearly as fast as the push button on the receiver on the traditional AKM but it works and if i'm not mistaken that's how the vichy has does it dak v9 i know what you guys are going to ask in the comments how does the kr9 stack up as you can see this looks pretty much like a [ __ ] yet it's a very close clone there's some major differences though I don't think any of the parts are compatible outside of the a ke trigger group internally the bolt and everything is quite different you'll also notice the top cover hinges much further forward and this relies on this aluminum spacer and a rubber recoil buffer to keep the bolt from traveling too far rearward all those components are not present in the kr9 so this is a much lower cost alternative to the kr9 but there's also a story to be told here this gun sports what PSA named the Mac bracket I should have probably helped them test this gun before they took it to market because I found all sorts of problems with this gun into PSAs credit they fixed all those problems and they were so gracious they even named one of the fixes after the channel Mac so now this gun runs great but there's some differences here mostly you know cosmetically it's different internally there are some differences conceptionally it's the same it's a blowback operated gun this one's much heavier even though the receiver is stamped the top cover looks like it's machined out of solid aluminum that's not the case on the kr9 it's a stamping the magwell on this is machined out of aluminum on the kr9 it's actually a polymer mag well so this gun has a lot of heft to it but this thing now runs like a top after being sent to PSA for service and them fixing all the little problems that I found with the gun initially doesn't use the K r9 s magazine it uses scorpion mags this one has different controls it does have a big paddle release down here similar to the vityaz but it has a bolt hold-open on the last shot fired whereas the kr9 does not and it has a bolt release right here on the side of the magazine well so for those of you they don't want to pay the money for a kr nine this is an alternative that at least in my experience after the fixes is a decent little gun and it locks open which is a nice feature definitely has a completely different recoil impulse it's a more abrupt but this is also a pistol this is an SP tactical brace this one's not an SBR but I just wanted to tell you guys that yeah I'll probably do a straight-up comparison video maybe down the road maybe a live stream but I just wanted to break it out in this video because I knew you guys were gonna ask so does that 80's hipfire we're gonna find out does it take Glock mags nope has its own proprietary magazine does it bump fire I don't know till I try it bump fires just one more reason out of mini to love this thing oh man [Applause] whoo that suckers hot well you shot a lot of magazines today check this out we got this thing so tot I can't touch it but the heat shielding on the hand guards is working great just don't touch any of the metal from the magwell forward we intended this to be kind of a quick video about the kr9 which I call the [ __ ] because guys to me this is as close as I'm ever going to get to owning an actual [ __ ] they nailed it kusa really did a good job in producing this thing if somebody didn't tell me this was made in the USA and I looked at it hanging on the wall I would swear up and down this was made in Russia it is not a kind of sort of clone this thing is 100% from what I can tell and the guys around the shop would agree with me they cost right around 1,200 bucks you can find them at places like Atlantic firearms we don't carry them currently at copper we may in the future because I have faith in this little gun this thing works great now for the folks out there that are concerned with the top covers cracking yeah that has happened in the past it's been documented on the web if you have that problem contact a Kalashnikov USA and the word on the street is is they're gonna take care of you I can't tell you about my experiences with their customer support obviously my experiences are going to be different than yours but from what I read they've been very accommodating and trying to help customers that have had that problem I don't think it's all that common but I'll leave it up to you to do your own research on the Internet me I'm just happier than pig and poop with this gun I of this thing and yeah so if you would like to support us here at the military arms channel a great way to do that is to become a patreon supporter we have a link down below follow that link check out some of the tier levels we do not get paid to make these videos kalashnikov USA did not pay me to make this video to talk about this gun I have to buy this gun so we are 100% viewer supported patreon link down below also check out copper custom that is our online store but sadly you won't find this gun there just yet hopefully in the future last but not least we are twitch gamers so swing by twitch link down below and check out some of our live streams if you're a patreon supporter send us a note tell us what your name is on patreon we'll confirm and we'll add you and you can join us on a live stream on the PSN network guys thanks for 11 years of support and we'll talk to you soon
Channel: undefined
Views: 158,020
Rating: 4.9476829 out of 5
Keywords: how to, iraqveteran8888, outdoor, video game, entertainment, ar15, ak47, hickok45, demolition ranch, firearm, review, handgun, rifle, pistol, hunting, target shooting, gun review, movie, action movie, gamer, kusa, vityaz, russian, kr9, 9mm, sbr, kalashnikov usa, vickers tactical, saiga 9, 9mm ak, special forces, russian smg, 9x19, video games
Id: D1sEwjmcJA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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