Kaidou Of The Beasts First Appearance ! Reaction Mashup

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videos [Music] it looks like white beard skeleton got you noodle dude with the horns just now about to run up on a month they just moved his mustache apart [Laughter] oh wow this okay who dares interrupt our banquet oh wow Caitlyn he's doing a wild thing who pulled up I did not read that as a whole yeah I read it as a-hole yes I'm getting triggered by his coat though somebody throw a ship we're just there now we're here it's happened before what is it oh it's the same one man yeah oh no hey hey yo with the monkey that was that big Aaron Jaeger like monster thing did monk knock that [ __ ] down to space or the Earth was it that giant that was stampeding up there where Urus was you want monk to be like hit him with a transport belly that's my bad y'all strong live in the week does how this world is yeah boy the amount of balloons all right what kind of quotes crazy no happening okay so we're back on Sky Island a Rouge hey there he is he's one you were showing him before [Music] you don't want to see us up here oh bro so let him jump oh he's not as big as I thought he was like when they showed it seven times seven times depending on how long they've been working it's either good or bad [ __ ] we'll pray for you oh my God so this is gonna be the next villain s uh this is like giving me like the beginning of like God of War the heck that's insane dude [Music] sends to death 40 times okay so he's hard to kill his chain broke all right [Music] on him they just couldn't I'm just assuming even has a devil fruit at that point God damn cuttings and do you want them to kill himself yeah I was like everybody yeah even himself even he couldn't kill himself has something to just crash into our Island let's like look stand really close to it hold this man's going to crawl out of the hole definitely the next big threat oh that is a big hand Jesus Christ my head hurts so they fell from 10 000 meters who says that I guess it's hard to die do serious oh yo uh [Music] what the heck so like a so big okay let's go then if it's 101 kaido will win [Music] the strongest creature among all living things nowhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you don't know guess why he wants the fruits himself [Music] [Music] shut up [Music]
Channel: Kaibutsu
Views: 262,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ks3blNxyoCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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