Kahkewistahaw Powwow 2019 Red Dress Special Thursday

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call up where are all those that are beneath in the red dress pencil dick is a beautiful room and all those that are respectful we need you to make a beautiful ribbon and harbor we're going through that we're gonna move full form for this one here Lorenzo the raw also keep moving keep it back over here we're gonna ask you to not without duty I'm right here careful Rhett we ran out of all stinky Holly I'll pour our hearts if you got the four hearts they're back there chomp at the bit and said I have officers beautif a slap down four of hearts is that sloka know four of hearts after the red dress then traditional stat line after the red dress all people on standby also the mental a political branches of the airport suppose after tears what is oppa Kabul is some old alright red dresses we need you to make a beautiful circle William fancies digital or traditional makeup beautiful simple beautiful harbour bird is beautiful and Lina director we're gonna go to the bull one the sing the song now bull horn it is for the traditional with a traditional their people and we have pansies Ziggy Ziggy improvements on the medium song and if you have a little bit of red you're more long-term on the beam a frenemies word background you're more gone it's one [Music] I suggested going outside to take a panoramic view we're home in songs we're going to brick my boss lady we're playing put my boss lady that was beating me on things above a pendulum structured Thursday's right here and ladies and gentlemen to comments per station they came to the powerful bidding here to uh to hold their special and they call it and it's wandering around all over in country and it is called the Red Bear special and it's for missing and murdered indigenous women and children and it's an honor of them and we asked a straight spirit and our power spirit to help us out will will seek the fringes will shake the bells will shake everything here to help those fair to reach out and to bring our loved ones home to be safe you see there's one right here from the causes for station help rain delay a home Jenaya waffles she has visible tattoos her tattoo on her arm or where if a dude except Annabelle on the left side over town waffle boss is on the right side of her chest whomp it moves to deuces is on the right side but this each day is a gift and not a right is on to let up form on three stars behind her left ear since the message is a dumb girl and the goes individuals that are proud we have met we're pretenders of the willing we protect the women they were really created they give way they do up and without them we wouldn't be here so the men but after that it's not we care about running we care for our children we love our women we love our children they brought us into this world and our right to work for the Creator to protect our women because they were close to that creator so then here near us don't rip the woman please don't hurt the women we're gonna go to blow horn but before we do that we're gonna go to Idaho Louise came back to say a prayer for all of us here we know someone that's missing we know someone is missing and we're gonna go to Idaho to say that prayer - he says I know someone that's missing and we're gonna ask it created a great spirit the grandfather to bring them home Louie Deepika [Music] [Music] hi [Music] Thank You bull alarm let's give them a big round of applause bullhorn and all our red dress dancers out there they're here for a reason - here for a pause they're dancing for a prayer and of course they're dancing for Tempe incipit same time but the Opera House is probation in the ball committee we're going to go to another song and after the next song when a narrow the field down to ten after that song where to go back the bullhorn narrow the field down to the winners all right there's mom Felicia price and also there's going to be tap in chips with that bullhorn five four three two one four [Music] [Music] we have ladies and gentlemen there you have it all right hold your places this holy place we're going to the top 10 don't just go out there will be traffic your best dancer that that you seen that like subscribe button times to you make it feel really good Monaco bring off your forward bringing all the Year Britain in a car plant right here on a solar bring them over here now ladies at the dick ladies and gentlemen also all the ladies in the whole world this is provisional red dress this is because it says traditional because it mean it's personal it is a content that is taking our power by Sora and it's to remember the burger dad misses indigenous women children and men and relieve you them make a beautiful red dress for this pencil is sort of a tear drop off that's their healing and it represents it represents the healing of all the red another same names after a while or request man wears what did you win we're gonna collect some winners here we're gonna collect some winners we to that ten finalists we should add and winter is coming here then it the next level someone over here who didn't pick them all from a typical winter did you pick a finalist Thank You Malcolm it should be how much dear Rising Sun we need one more holders get these little dragon and sadly right there who deceive to pick the finest robe again okay ladies assume that all these dances they danced for a reason began for the pause thank you for wearing a traditional brands and once again keep it safe because they're going to be umpteen pops roughly intended anonymous and it's also going to be a trip Eagle Mountain Power the referees already been especially in soccer ball from non air as well gonna have that virtual red pencil for the new rewards of 2011 there's a 50 winner [Music] five women okay switch them up all right after coming up after coming up we're going to cool corner and in five four three two one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] nothing wrong that holds your place is going to pick five older places put them all around the block ladies is done and don't have to wait for me to fish here them on here tomorrow all right the powers gonna do I'm gonna be put in a lot of war or music come on boy alright that's how we're doing it all we can walk white gangs up a good thing wide range of a good thing and boom why is why change it up brain who once already has a family orbit zooming in hey sadder yellow hair your flap walls will spot on the ground alright winner right here you stand right here means that we bump it up if you gets big dude alright sanitary gonna be going to you're gonna be going to the end goals on ball right there and hold on to these for the work tire world with your pain riders dancer that here I team up whatever it takes and there goes rain to come follow me up with this way that's better then you go here haha I have these real line that glasses you need a pair of style I can't see you over there that's Anna burn now they're gonna have a crash oh alright there's that one dancer over then ladies on a roll roll come on over here I just believed by your nickname - all right another winner right here I want you happier one two three four we eat one more what this is for my bad of tennis Oh Jenna give me some more all right stand right here and in the final is great you're gonna stick their holders then what is the name you need to talk yeah Michael Mike Dunn what Audrey from Oklahoma let's give a round of applause Mike c'mon what's in it Alicia you ate read from Alicia to open a snack and what was your name Oklahoma let me see this one has downtown oh yeah what is your name and Laura big river rather if I were to make this clothes that are moving nimble and I hope that $800 an otherwise genetic release for you again yeah holy so that's identity no looking at a light on Paulo excuse me real quick men's traditional dances please be satisfies right after this turban ass you get competent senator and judicial Carlos suggests that weeks to house and possibly Santa Claus well you only week down you dropped it and yet might have been to one but you've got where'd you get ready you got third or $400 that's a far cry from eight hundred that's not way better not wait moving it over here to make a real name a big thing by the way he's lame old ladies and gentlemen system needs is gonna go over there a minute ago Lee knows you ain't said don't everybody that's what the 18 here oh man pretty cool right there on your lane look way in the corner raspberry lane seat there's a number then what did we get what did we get no way see one persuade $800 they are going to the lane hope set right there right there come on already summertime when he's running a white pair go over there see Lane didn't do much but there is some money of their residence and she's gonna pick that up with Nora to beat the round nor am i that you do that was bugging you know hopefully picks it up and it makes me forward $400 is it more work $400 $200 now you feel good I feel good all right Nate needs a pound of music from back there Susan are you real quickly Neha $2,000 drop it in the pink you got one all over get your tickets $5 ticket or boneyards up book sold for two thousand fifteen hundred thousand two thousand four and two features pass on over one more all around over $600 ladies and let's give these random ivy leaves a big round of applause thank you once again how's this for bringing this to the Paula committee and on behalf of all committee thank you very much between this pencil all these pencils big people on this precious breakdown is on the principle of will call up old one Bowl one Guinea don't let me get my purse right here and see when I go up there so that the circle that's typical bullhorn among here we're gonna say thank you on behalf of a traditional red dress thank you that thing moves our special move here in danger beep oh she did not wanna hear even come on here thank you
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 32,757
Rating: 4.8781161 out of 5
Id: wGOysd9lgGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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