Kabelo Moroke: Ministry Proverbs

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today we are just saying on a lighter note things that you need to know if there's god or you have the knowledge oh go to goku nicole in gang guru perez a few things that i need you to know so i will be speaking from the hard over of a pastor providing some key guidance of the things that i think you should be sure about amen if there's a ministry if there's a calling if there's a gifting of god over your life please take counsel as we deliberate on the word on the things that i believe are necessary amen first samuel chapter number 17 this is ultra lapo no chapter number 16 i'm sorry verse number 13. you remember somewhere took the horn of oil and went into the house of jesse to annoying the king the challenge about his anointing was that it was also not just the anointing it was also a replacement so the prophet needed to go there privately at this geyser as a priest i will go there and getting you in the priestly administration when i know that actually i'm going to anoint the new king of israel the prophet had been praying for saul for some time and god said stop praying for the man amen have you ever prayed and god says don't pray because i'm not gonna answer that area amen yeah we don't like that part right you're praying for something and god says i'm done [Music] i'm done with that guy i want another one as a result feel fill your horn with oil and then go and anoint it's amazing sometimes circumstances are unfavorable amen it's good that you are being anointed it's good that oil is going to be poured upon you but you must understand the day you anointed your brothers were rejected and they don't they don't feel good about that to be anointed in jail it's a problem but here i guess first samuel chapter number 16 verse 13 how it is well phrased in the old testament amen amen please let him then sarah took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the spirit of the lord came upon david from that day forward so sarah rose up and went to rama amen the bible says and someone took the horn of oil put it on the head of david and he did it in the midst of his brethren and the spirit of the lord came upon some [Music] david from that day forward [Music] well [Music] oil is a symbol of power you are actually saying symbols because when you are saying something is symbolic it represents another but it is something that is abstract different from whatever it represents for instance christ is symbolized by as the rock male actually is not the rock if you are saying he's a rock then we metaphorically [Music] christ is the rock all right now so oil is a symbol of the anointing and as you see when the horn of oil was poured upon him then the spirit of god came upon him from that day for what amen now here's a little bit of an issue [Music] the substance not the symbol amen when allah a preoccupation with the symbol mara they don't have a relationship with the substance such that any suggestion that seems like you are putting oil aside reduces their faith in god when we are saying the holy spirit as a substance your oil is present it should be sufficient but not in this generation this generation nevertheless some tangible thing amen but now get your facts right the holy spirit who came on the day of pentecost is the substance of what you call fire the substance of what you call the well of water all these other symbols that she cannot glory of the lord you can count the if if it is the golden candlestick of the tabernacle of uh moses christ is the substance he's that seven spirits of god he's the substance in fact the holy spirit is a substance of all of that without cancer in the symbol because you might be prophetically instructed at some point to use have a proper relationship with the substance who is the holy spirit and don't get into formulas get into some relationship and be flexible and allow the holy spirit to move you the way he likes because you like the way he moves now here are things that i want us to note when it comes to you embracing the call of god over your life amen the first thing that i want you to note is actually in a question form you must ask yourself for whatever ministry for whatever calling for whatever assignment you must ask yourself this question are you the right person [Music] so i'm going to be showing you because right person one right time two right place three right hard four right connections five right message six and write a transfer and i'll explain that one seven so we'll be unpacking these things off the seven in fact i must also also count one thing that is important the right community of believers that you ought to belong to that will shape the gifts calling graces of god over your life ibuka a day where you will come to a place where the whole thing of chess transferal and chest trafficking based on relationships now maruti i am called to be something great the prophecies say so i'm about to change the world i feel it here's the first question you need to answer any your pastor should not be the one answering it the prophecy should not be the ones answering that question your friends and your colleagues should not be the ones answering the question you should honestly answer that question because when the storms associated with your call comes out this is no child's play it's not something we do because we are bored this is the king's call this is god as sovereign as he said he summons you to an activity and he says i am going to even hold you accountable so you better be sure kabuen or you are the right person whenever you engage in any calling and i'm not talking about being busy i'm not talking about the activities i'm not talking about you being involved in that i'm talking here people's an assignment you ought to know that you are the right person here's david he was okay being a shepherd boy and he had no problems with it and he was doing a good job until the call of god comes and changed things around his life so how do you know that you are the right person can you actually answer that question whether you are the right person on the right assignment the call of god orchestrates all of that when it comes to who must we put in eden the call of god that that did that to adam it must be god who appoints you don't just respond to a sense of need but i need to do something about it god does not work that way you do not also respond out of the fact that i have i've got nothing else to do in life so i must at least try the call no you are not the right person you are the right person because god has appointed you david was anointed abraham was chosen it was god it is always god's prerogative to choose you cannot manufacture you cannot fabricate you cannot add yourself in this thing it is divinely decided it is an issue of election not self-appointment it is so serious such that if you do it your own way the bible says you infect in the old testament it puts it very well it says if any person engages into another a calling that god has not assigned upon their life kill that person because here's the thing we will never know who you are working for for god or the devil because none of them actually brought the invitation are you the right person passionate as you are with great potential that you have with skills and giftings and experience that you have are you the right person you should be able to answer that question in order for you to walk with god faithfully in this season because remember it is not who you who calls yourself it is god who calls and it is god who's going to hold you accountable and say well done good and faithful servant so if you are busy with your own thing don't think god will come and support what you are doing he's going to come and support what he has called you to do hence hands off god's business god's business involves is initiated by god god mastered god must ended he who began a good work in you must bring into you so hamuri masala got to next mutual with you hey there's no depth there did she ever prophesied once not even once and i'm calling you how are you authorized of silence over effective in an era of silence if you are raised as a voice in the heart why not have a relevance relevance i performed a single miracle because the era of silence from the old testament to the new testament required the voice that cries in the wilderness making away from the lord your calling does not mean you are authorized to now move in every gift and do everything right person [Music] are you the right person are you the david chosen to become the king over israel you are living as if you are going to become king over egypt [Music] right place right lane right calling i'm talking about accuracy that will dispel unnecessary frustration and pleasure from you where god has your back to a point even when you mess up because you are in the right calling are you the right person you should answer that question otherwise every wind will toss you to and fro when you teach others will say hey you are a teacher of the world when you prophesy hey you are a prophesying machine they will toss you you you need to be accurate about that now you can't raise this point without also helping us to see how do i know that i am the right person first it begins with god not you [Music] [Music] was not good for david it was bad for his ministry because people can add things into your ministry that god never said to you are you the right person now the question is i'm the right person [Music] do you have a burden for what you're doing is it something that has been bordering you for years now oh you are just shocked by a prophetic word a prophetic word was the reason why no no no no no no has it been bothering you for some time because if god gives a better mama this is the burden of habakkuk the prophet of the lord do you have a bed and without burdens there's no assignments you're gonna do this very what are those persecution storms and afflictions you're gonna do this thing because you are burdened so how do we know that actually desire burden [Music] they don't see what god has and and god fell everybody will feel autonomy to be heavy and it's okay if the parents should make us feel that way concerning what god wants us to do so that we can have a sense of um dignified are you the right person and if you are can you trace the burden about it are you burdened about the sick if you are the teacher of the world are you burdened about the people coming to the knowledge of the word or you are doing this as a kicking something that you get to do are you burdened you see where it goes goes to the heart will you do it if you are not paid for it would you still do it would you still do it if there's no praise or would you start saying nah excited again simply because there's now persecution does the language of persecution discourage the assignment [Music] are you the right person here's a good thing about burdens parents produces or translates into they translate into assignments how come okay and you start saying [Music] right because it bothers you it means you are burdened about it check what bothers you then you identify your assignment then that immediately without the prophet will direct you on the things that god wants you to be involved with how the one that you are pairing with if i'm my my emphasis is i want people to come to the knowledge of the word that's what the church the culture of the church is gonna be the dominant culture of the church not in the exclusion of other things but the other person can come say prayer the other can come and say children the parents are not this one mother hold away now well done good and faithful servant amen glory can't wait amen now the question is what's your burden [Music] what moves you uh sansa near worship then bearing ever subject then subject explain an object of worship and then you get to have a ministry [Music] what what's the burden with him and together to the glory of god that's why god has us as a what as a community [Music] who the only thing about as a leader what i believe becomes the dominant culture of the house and for me what is important is the fact that you should be able to do self-deliverance with christ and then the state of the men is even worse that's why proper deliverance must end in teaching and then we exercise it and we become practical about things and stuff like that sometimes you can feel it i also might roll into you so [Music] hey i wanna go high because the doctor in each entire lifestyle demonic every day one another [Music] improved burdens translate into assignments act chapter 13 verse 2 separate me barnabas and so on for the work that and it's everyday past tense called [Music] [Music] heavenly fruits not the sweat of what you put in because minister i said this is what god ministry pera god can ask you to do nothing and then he does everything in 20 chinchilla i will not just show up and then i'll do the rest burdens assignments so the more you attend to the things that are abandoned to you the more you get the definition of your assignment without a big prophetic word from some heavy high-profile prophet from god himself speaking to your heart another comment has that discouragement to talk to somebody you must get the message directly so that you are not inspired or motivated by something external but by god himself because things might not go as you imagined i mean still ministry-wise prophet washington that hype i'm raising you and you're going to go to the next level hallelujah and god is going to do this and good duties and stuff like that after amen regala foundation in gua [Music] already your heart are you the right person and then harmoniously are you the right person are you sure you you're the right person or you thought this ministry thing it's about success you're the right person do you know that you are called to be a slave and to fulfill someone's agenda not yours and you should not worry if that agenda does not promote you don't worry about it you should be cool because away pizza so if i make you captain over 50 when you are not in your imagination you have seen thousands you're going to stay with your 50. karachaya will go to all appeal only when ramaphosa says limit 50. we climb the spiritual ladder through humility and being a child that's the attitude that raises you up in the kingdom of god i'm good at the run are you the right person sir are you how are you doing in interpreting the parent how have you responded because better yeah eventually you're gonna do something about it and enable your assignment and from assignment remark offer the tools god will never give you the assignment without the tools or the kids to enable you to do that aside or fulfill that assignment supernatural check up in church that you are buried with for instance do you know that no one in this room would become a great musician i didn't say a singer musician if they don't love music what you love determines your gifting what you love begins the process of sharpening prepares you for your gifting in order for you to sharpen the skill because god gives you the ability but it is your responsibility to determine or to develop the capability about prophetically moving that a perfect manner your senses are not because you are living in a fallen world so who's going to develop the cesar we don't want prophetic schools okay sure what is bible school preparing us for he's preparing us for all those things if we are prophetic you sure that you can do the prophetic so we bring the word to develop that part that involves man not to tamper with the giftings and the graces of god over a person's life so you need bible training but you don't need prophetic training what are you talking about is there no prophetic in the bible what are you saying i know people like to say those things especially in areas where they don't have a corn how do you interpret scripture but unary challenges somebody who wants to know how can i become better in hearing the lord insanely bibility children my sheep hear my voice and i know them bearings assignments give things and after giving things the fruits you know one of the fruits and then born ahead do you know that people are not going to identify your gifting especially everybody blind spiritually if not discernment is either by revelation i tell you who you are or by experience i tell you who you are but don't rely more on people but people also within the local church context by your fruits they will tell ubisoft it will become the community of believers that you belong to that will indicate you are a blessing to us in this area that is why if you don't do anything in the church that is why these four groups are sober is so that you you get they could be maximum participation registration next week registration prophetic prophetic registration you can just simply say there's no need for the term of this a thermometer the only thing i'm gonna i see that this is steady six point nine glory i'm joking again i'm joking i'm joking the day even went on registration and you have a healing gift you can sense this person is not well you can't grow as an island you need to be in the car so that is why in a local assembly you cannot prioritize and maximize the problems because that will discourage you for your very own growth the more the local church you belong to gathers dust and you participate in it you are discouraging your very own group because that's the house that's supposed to present you that's the house that's supposed to announce you yes oh jesus christ only experience opening mythology for some time now [Music] are you the right person any italian arab world honestly i belong or no no god god and again i want us to do this no no the god who chooses you for chooses you and chooses what he wants you to do let's go to the second one ethysis chapter number three verse number one foundation and it was very important can you also say right person now we are going to ride time ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1. please read everything yeah everything there is a season to every purpose under the heaven for everything there's a season and a time for every purple is under the sun time can we all say time how do you know your time has come because here's the thing i know most of the time when people talk about time they will always go the sons of isaka who understood the times and knew what israel ought to do but the truth of the matter we always do not know what time is it what determines time and i can go deeper kilimancine chronos listen a little technology important you still don't know what time is it how do you know in simplicity how do you know what time is it the first thing that i will say as a warning concerning time you would think they are not related but they are first thing first thing that i wanted to take note of do you take care of your body no give your [Music] the importance of that body the bible says it is appointed for men to live once and then it's judgment are you sure that your body is going to carry you and it is not going to become the hindrance why you are not going to fulfill your assignment because of how you in as far as god's assignment is concerned percentage will die in the scale of one to ten okay who got zero comma three literally okay faith [Music] because on staging what is your stage attending church that's the stage you're in you are still in training spiritual training how is it known he's giving me trouble i'm going to kill this guy [Laughter] you know only perception and so on the right person [Music] your body when david fulfilled the will of god for his in his generation after he fulfilled the word of god in his generation he slept come on come on come here close to celebrating who fits the assignment mara are you taking care of that body only one day that body will collapse and say sorry i cannot continue in this journey because he experienced a mistreatment because little bits were the the holy spirit hack and mohena the first thing he takes care of the body he says my your body is the temple of the holy spirit in other words you don't own it i own your body now so i can take it wherever i want it to go and also i can deal with its challenges [Music] amen give the first point your connection second thing about time i want to raise is paul speaks to the ephesians and our governor you guys you must work work circumspectly are redeeming the times because the days are evil what is he trying to say evil is increasing you might not have opportunity as long as also delay i will write this book next day i will do this thing this time i would say before you might not find opportunity when i go high the days are so evil that they can accept so much pressure on you who told her you are unable to do what you are beginning to do time harry paul to work circumspectly that was circumspectly means walk accurately come on zombie don't be a busy party don't go everywhere because wasting time time wasters busy bodies [Music] remember to be accurate in relation to your assignment if it is singing what are you doing about it accurately that builds that if it is preaching what are you doing accurately are you not supposed to be in in an environment where iron sharpens iron so the person who got born again in that crusade was billy graham then how did you feel [Music] assignment to prepare for people that are that are better assigned not better than us better assigned than us [Music] i really want you to think about these things right time for everything there's a season now how do you know you are in the right time the key word is preparation [Music] good thing wonderful supernatural leadership hearts my bible is recorded something catches it he grew in wisdom and institution in favor with god and men you must be growing to your season so that when your season comes at the age of death then you do what god right time but if there's not been preparation would events are prepared at the age of 12 or do you understand the commandment and you go to the temple and you you the the the the the the priests in the temple they ask you serious questions and you answer excellently so but that does not mean that the wisdom you have says now you must start your ministry you are still 12 years old you must still wait for 18 years because of the imagination overnight unless it's too late like in the case of some sort of that is why we should you should be able to ask us answer questions and it's not offensive it's a question but i proven track record imagine you conduct a sergeant executive doctor kb and a foreign so if you cannot trust me doing that now possibly why do you want people to trust you if there is no proven track record you are you are growing in wisdom and instruction in relation to your grace from a young age foreign [Music] can you say prophecy the prophecy says that he said his ancestor get inside prophets you are the one of these they say senator do you know that your master will be taken today give a prophet about elisha by a light but you know that your your your master will be taken back he gets on on his side prophet saw what's that why can't he said prophecies italy do you know that you're not doing what god has called you to do yeah my sister over there the lord no no no do you know that you delay [Music] oh my god m [Music] now [Music] jesus can you say right person say right time how do you know that you are in the right time readiness say so if you have not been paying attention for some time you are in trouble because knowing that the backlog and all of those things actually for me they don't really make sense because why would god bring people to you especially before training and for them to grow in the things of god i mean the whole agenda local church growth so then you don't want people to grow so why are they here [Music] if you can answer the question then you are now on time [Music] you're ready to sing then you're on time you're ready to preach you are in time otherwise delay [Music] circumstances that delay only houses local churches for that matter that you go to and then they can delay the purposes of god once about episodes of course you defend the labor too egypt became a system of delay after the call of abraham there was fair mind he went to egypt [Music] delay in order for you to fully walk in the calling of god and if you don't start imagine if god is going to give you a promise for 25 years how many years have you wasted already so isaac is going to come 25 years late mario are still delaying jose deep work are the things that we really need to take seriously let me move but you know that you are on time when you are ready and you know that you are not ready because you are not preparing preparations only that formal preparation you know anyway my informal preparation in direct preparation direct preparation yamudhi that is actually happening in your life because you are like in a field and god has planted you as a seed and he wants you to produce food so there are seasons where he plants you there's a season where he waters you but there's a season where he says where's the fruit like that fig tree that he cursed remember what happened yeah right person right time the third one right place can you say please read for me genesis chapter number 12. [Music] genesis chapter number 12. [Music] verse number one 12 1 yeah now the lord had said unto abraham yeah get me out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house and to a land that i will show amen unto a land that i will show thee all right okay let's read another verse quran in the same chapter amen verse seven and the lord appeared unto abram and said unto their seed will i give this land and yeah okay and therefore an altar unto the lord who appeared unto him amen the lord appeared to him and the lord said this is the land [Music] so the principle of the right person principle of the right time principle of the right place how do you know your right place how do you know that you are in the right place you first you in fact not first you sometimes know the right place by revelation don't take that one for granted it involves the guidance of the lord you might not sometimes see an angel or ever a dream that directs you or stuff like that god can do that you should expect for god to guide you to the right place and if you don't begin that conversation with god about the right place you would end up everywhere because places have to do with destiny and direction the right person deals with your identity the right place deals with your identity with your destiny then the right place has to do with the people of your assignment sometimes it's not just geographical question you should you should also examine or evaluate the scope of your calling then when you can determine the scope of your calling you can know sometimes foreign the problem is not the place even the utter most part came down it will still stand because the scope of your calling because the an apostle of the circumcision limitation jurisdiction when paul was an apostle of the uncircumcision boundaries he has set the bounds of our limitation after he has made us out of one blood now frustration in ministry happens because of the wrong place because the wrong place is not conducive for the parent it's not effective for the impact because it involves the right people of yours so the first direction on the right place is the people of your calling in an environment of the local church you don't know the thing that the people have identified so we would never know where you are a blessing so instead of you thinking about geographical location think about the people that god has destined for you to bless because they form part of the guidance on you another blessing guides you grace guides you that is why these are malicious statements everybody go where you are celebrated not go away you are tolerated in fact you every anywhere you go you will be celebrated and you will also experience people who are not anywhere you go so that does not happen it's like when you when you tell a story usteri foreign amen say right person christ right time right place that is why kebab called the tv the church that you belong to has the greatest responsibility and the potential to shape the gift the calling and the grace that is why if you do not agree with the doctrine of the house you are in the wrong place fundamental doctrines of christian faith [Music] eric sorry the right place equal guy this is where the right place is my brother you bless me when you do this you remember me we're not limits you said something that changed my life my wife knows you're not exhausted never so then how do you end up in in victoria paraguay so always know what i'll do again how do you end up there how are you mr evaluation evaluator in all the places that i've ever sent you to preach giving place you could romantic we are not the most we got a game over [Laughter] foreign now i like pretoria i didn't say i love it because i like relationship amen jonah did not need to like neither but he was sent there because here's the thing you will have the right anointing the right notes administered to a wrong frustrating assembly that does not receive what you have to say because usually paul paul murray muhammad apostle of the circumcision enantion is [Laughter] you must go to where you're celebrating people and things like that jesus be told i i can't give it for my liver foreign the right heart proverbs 4 23 guide your heart with all diligence because out of it comes the issues of life there's a message i once did here having the heart that positioned you for the will of god revisit that message amen the right heart and that heart is costly because give a heart that expresses love it benefits others not you mara you need to guard your heart because in the journey you're going to experience the off-ramp the pothole and problems and it didn't have the potential to leave you with scars the only potential to leave you in tatters unlimits uplida and here's the thing god called you because he loved your heart he said one of the qualifying factor why you are in this specific calling is because you have the right heart for it and it can be subject to abuse misuse you can end up cursing the people of your assignment like moses who took the road instead of speaking to the rock and not shut up at the rock as a result he never entered canaan it can also cause failure i will no longer do certain things because you never did them with the right heart jesus the way your heart is brewing is bleeding it is not going to be destructive and it could defeat the very purpose why you were sent by god in the first place only made it too much guard your heart david was a man after god's own heart what made solomon to faith he asked for wisdom he was there a man of wisdom greater wisdom than any man who has ever lived but you know what makes david greater is because david had a heart for devotion that's why the end of solomon is very bad very bad and the man of wisdom hanzo wrapping up give me wisdom before solomon asked for wisdom to love god's people and wisdom to rule god's people but he never asked for the heart to love god and with our commandment during the love the lord your god with all your heart these are should be prayers that are pleasing to the lord because they are in his will and guess what they do they just make you a sacrifice axe because hey i had involved a current there's a certain character that i want you to have in order to fulfill ministry amen there are certain things that if you do them they might cancel your assignment that's why i want you to have a heart eating so that you do not threaten the assignment based on the things you do cut your heart with all diligence you will be offended you will have challenges you'll have hardships but cut your heart forgive quickly yes do forget and continuing being loving usually so peter simon but jonah do you love me [Music] i gotta feed my sheep so don't be so preoccupied about feeding sheep when you don't love the master of the sheep the great shepherd you can only do best ministry when you love the sh when you love the shepherd then you can feed the sheep number five right connections right connections whoever i'm not going to read it stories are peter lee cornelius we call that cornelius connections god appeared to peter bonsai vision god appears to cornelius through the visitation of an angel later they connect they end up in the house of cornelius and cornelius and his household get born again from that encounter divine connections not personal connections right connections because they are divine do you know you with a jesus ministry that you would not necessarily accomplish that minister until you meet a john preparing a way for you in right connections this is where i want you to have honor as it relates to relationship identify these three people and it will save you from trouble identify your seniors identify your peers and identify your juniors and then relate properly [Music] know who is your paul know who is your parnabus and know who is your teammate and then relate properly because mudimugi mudimu order if you are going to disrespect that thing it is going to mess up your ministry on a serious note you might have a soul as a senior but you still need to honor the person because you are in the same field called by the same lord fulfilling the same and a mandate so god needs a specific kind of attitude god is going to send elizabeth for a leaping that's how you confirm those relationships be settled in god-given relationships don't go to places oh okay i'm done with places don't cut yourself from a relationship god joined you without god putting you off or disconnecting you from it the right connections around your life so that he can nurture and somebody says i'm worried we're not john the baptist who called baptizer jesus so that you are baptized by the right person obtained by the blind person released by the right person but you need to be able to descend divine connections and be at peace and be be settled if there are trouble in those relationship confront the trouble especially if you have not got any indication from god that you need to live because you will suffer calling your house it is stagnant because you removed yourself from the people that god has assigned for you and you will never get another one unless god intervenes by mercy and by grace so don't think that your ministry is not under threat and millions of chances on the basis of relationship simply because you can just do as you please and that does not say ahubani matata in relationship they are hands in wisdom god guides you if you are in the house of terror he'll direct how he's going to take you out if you are in seoul's house he's going to direct if you're in the house of laban he's going to direct you jacob on how to get out but still whoever god puts around you negative or positive in terms of their input in your life their output because them for that place is going to be good for so that by the time you go on the throne he does not have another madman like saul on the throne he has a loving king that his heart he can twist and turn as he pleases [Music] number six the right message matthew chapter three verse one to two regards john the baptist hasla [Music] he came in the river jordan or we are teachers of the world we can teach the subject teach that do that do that cool and god can allow you mara how only the message person only a messenger the messenger the message the messenger and the message must be one uh careful address of the message our authorization [Music] message because that message okay what he has given you when he sends you [Music] to allah in your life over the communicator you think message and if possible household trust into stick with that message if you can fail stay unfair to do it doesn't mean you want to address other issues when matters arise voice of scripture so that is why the sound will be more instruction and because god knows what he wants to accomplish through that then i can address this other message yes and all of that mara scripture in people's life like peoples like destiny i will stick to stick to that message and then the people that message you how they will come ya know [Music] monday who advisor tuesday will advocate wednesday warfare masses are going so what kind of a tree what fruit do you produce let people about today must know that then that's how people will get to appreciate them all over the place for some time because you can read books and read many things and so on i better get a better message a one worship omaha message one in order such that when the body of christ hears the sound because you don't become voices in the podium you become a voice so voice [Music] [Music] listen to one or behold the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world that's what you're called for can you say right message [Music] the last one [Music] verse number two right transfer negativity that word impartation or mental medical avoid not that there's no importation not that there's no mentor the reason why i'm using the word transfer is because one day you are going to make an exit [Music] and the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to the faithful men who shall be able to teach others also amen the things that i have committed to you teach faithful what men in plural not just one man kiko palitivisa impartation in the old testament uh leading mental was to continue the assignment of someone whom who is normal but god wants his assignment to continue cooperate understand right so it was more based on individuals than companies of people liberally liberation based on should it continue so if you can't answer continuing and if you cannot answer for god desires you for that then you can't claim some kathryn kuhlman thing the worst thing the charismatics have ever done as idolat is to grow to the graves of the old generals and then they go there and do grave soaking looking for some anointing you have missed the mark it is here for the mantle that was upon cutting kulman fell on benihin very clear and there was association and there was relationship the issuer impartation is based on association mark when you look at it from an old testament perspective when god wants a specific ministry to continue if he does not want it to continue he suspends that ministry [Music] now another thing that you should not miss imagine a little more charisma can you put a little bang at the saw [Music] who takes over is the lord because you are not continuing a cabello you are continuing the lord purpose and asa he will mummy the sons of the prophets faithful [Music] [Music] [Music] because now i might like someone murimabe when he wants it to continue liberated in the new testament we see paul before an exist i see ultimate if in a timeline we say i committed to faithful men plural i affected her new testament jesus demon ascension clarification and then mawhalala work on an individual on a company called the body of christ so the mental in the new testament does not fall on individuals it falls on companies of people if there is an individual person would namaste these are those [Music] you are the body of christ and members in particular that's what the bible says and then it says to one it is given by word of knowledge the other one is giving this word of wisdom the other one is given this by the lord and then to qualify it when he ascended on high he left captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men and he gave some to be a person you already have your mentor god has already asked [Music] that i may come that i may impart a spiritual gift to the end that you may be established in other words when cesana comes in her gifting he comes to impart the part we are lacking as a church then collectively with diversity we are like grapes that produce wine [Music] number three number four right heart right heart bazaar one career number five number six right message number seven yeah so the transfer has already happened when you got born again regenerating your spirit you were made a member in the body of christ giving a place if god has to bring any increases he's gonna connect with the right company around that and it must happen according to god's revelation not just assuming because elijah and elisha gave this one then there's an assumption it will happen to me you should be content with what has already been deposited god bless you
Channel: Charisma Life Tabernacle
Views: 3,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 4sec (4924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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