Kabbalistic Astrology | The Month of Sivan - Gemini | Rabbi Shaul Youdkevitch

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Selam everyone and Hoda stove we are on the new moon of Savannah Savannah is the map of Gemini Savannah is the third month of the Hebrew biblical year and remember when we speaking about Kabbalistic astrology we're not talking about what regular people know about astrology it's something much much brother we just have to remember that what the Torah is teaching us the the teachings of in the Torah in on Kabbalah it's all about that we live in a universe that is structured for one thing the creation was perfect we were perfect however we wanted to perfect we humans we wanted to become like the Creator we wanted to create also we wanted to share also so therefore this that universe is being created so we can shine so we can create our own life so we can have our own creativity and we can transform darkness into light and therefore everything around us including the Stars the zodiac signs the forces of the light around us within us a body structure everything is tuned into one thing how to give us opportunities to transform become better overcome challenges and to earn the endless light waiting for us and especially death comes forward when we're talking on the map of Shiva why is it so crucial especially in the matter of Shiva why because this is the month of the Mount Zion revelation which is the most important event in the three of mankind since mankind has history why is it so important because this is the day which means on that month came the day of Chef world that is being celebrated in six days from today chef worth five hey I'm sorry seven weeks after the Exodus there was Mount Sinai revelation and it's not just that there was a revelation or some laws do not fear them okay what we know about it no it was not the laws it was the concept they concept to that we have to understand that this universe is the wired program geared at something which is what we just said before you want to become as God you want to be creative and sharing and giving and you want to feel the perfection you want to feel that godliness you want to feel the magic you have to create it on your own and these are the rules why was this month chosen to be the month that gives you melody such a gift the gift of divinity the gift of immortality the gift of how to become partners with the creator and unite with him and his creation and this is what the whole thing is about so and that's why when you read the soil or you read anything about this math when we're talking about what are the forces that we are dealing with before we go to the little things of their sprout he likes stuff that you know they're also right but first you need to understand the big picture so yes people that were born in a side of Germany Germany they don't like to be bored they have to be creative and they're very intellectual ISA but that's what that's not the most important thing it is important to know that step 2 however the most important thing is what is expecting us during this Mattox like every month is another ride that the creator is giving humanity there's another lesson not just every month every hour so every day but it's divided into months and weeks and days and hours so in order to get just the beginning chassis production to click start with the grenades aha next AHA was a great Kabbalistic Hasidic rabbi he lived in there in what is today Poland summer beginning of the 19th century and what he did he just joined together all the writings in the old sources in Jewish writings about each month so it's very easy to relate to what he's saying because everything you can find everything in one place so if you were a little bit lazy like me he's just got instead of running on to a lot of books and you know we'll go we read some other books but that's that's the most say recite so that's what what we say tells a viola photoshops say he's starting with the permutation or the tetragrammaton of this month and just whoever is no death the church program at all the Tetragrammaton the yield came value k is not just the name of God you have to remember the way a Kabbalist look and the creation is more like a software programmer is looking at the universe it's a matrix everything is permanent imitations of signals and letters whatever we see around us is a combination of forces and these forces if you understand them of course that you are ahead of everybody else in the game of achieving your life goals okay so when we're talking about the yield K vodka it's a DNA the Tetragrammaton except DNA that there are four letters and there are twelve possible mathematical permutations of these four letters each one of them is a channel of one of the 12 signs of the zodiac so if you want to understand the month understanding the permutation will help you it's also if you want to connect tap into the energies of this month this is the time to use that permutation of this map because that's how you go today with more than a computer and whatever all this technology around it's much easier to study Kabbalah because there you know you have the high tech and Kabbalah is higher tech it's much higher it's everything is part of one big problem okay so the permutation of this month is you'd van hey and hey okay what do you learn from that it's first of all it says your semi for soup and in the tikkun exile it's a there's a list of the permutations but not only the permutations how also you have over there a verse in day in the Tala somewhere in the whole life of Jewish Bible then the four letters are the initials or last letters of a biblical verse this verse the tacones OS is saying teaching us he's in the book of Exodus chapter 26 verse 19 yendo Tov oh let's Ella Chanukah passionate okay it's takes about and so will expects about its arms of the tabernacle and the other side of the tabernacle okay what is that for us okay music oh Vanessa dick Democratic coalition and from that you can understand in the book of Exodus chapter 19 verse 1 again Exodus 19 verse 1 it says behold especially she'll accept myself a good sign by almost a bow it's all on the third month of for the Exodus the Israelites came to the Sinai desert and they came to Mount Sinai okay so why is it important to mention that the whole great revelation of Mount Sinai happened on the third month why is that so important okay he made by Hamas a here on that on this day must rally Schlossman affair white says on this day so the blame to her is querying is saying this the Torah is saying that only this month is miss sue God has the capability to be able to present humanity with that gift that is called Mount Sinai revelation and it's for all humanity not just for the Jewish people because in many places in the Talmudic mention that the Torah was given in all 70 languages even there were only the people over there understood Hebrew an Egyptian that would be enough why do we need Hungarian or Russia okay so then the answer is that everybody was supposed to get it there's a legend saying that the other nations were also offered to receive the Torah but they were not ready for it so I hear we like to kill we'll have to steal it it's kind of faith it's a legend but as rabbi ashlag explains to show us that the present the gift is for everyone however the Israelites were the first ones to be ready to receive that idea that is Chris that was presented on outside Sinai and what is their idea is their idea about access to powers by understanding at the university structure no the ancient Egyptians would love that idea okay the ancient Babylonians were loved to have this idea maybe the miners are the odd sex they were not at that time yet but their predecessors there were nature to one and the power but that's not enough warning the power is not a justification to receive the Torah because you can go on fire if you connect to the Torah just because greed for power this is very dangerous okay so so what is there so rabbi Herzog is explaining what it just saying in the next word words a valley of the Cabal after to annex Savoie a unit for him which means it's these there's something in this in this month which is the third month worming the third month if you learn Kabbalah you understand that everything is standing first and for all on that idea of three column system what does it mean three columns it's a right left and center which means you want to achieve something you need to have and that thing that you are preparing right column between some sharing left column of some receiving and center column the ability to put them together into one central column what does it mean if you want to achieve something at least on its involved only with sharing it can't work only with receiving it cannot work you need to balance between the two and therefore the idea of Mount Sinai is first of all the idea of work rabbi akiva is teaching us that the whole Torah is included in one golden rule love others as you love yourself love others as you love yourself and that's why when the Israelites are coming to Mount Sinai it says my infants of mcswaink a negative and Israel kept over there in front of the mountain camp in English she doesn't do it but in Hebrew this verb this different word for plural and for single for plural is via via a canoe and for single is very hard and the word being used is very hot a single not plural how is that connected because the necks of our ads if you look at the big permutation of this map is you do valor and whoever knows Kabbalah you grab our mail letters you can tell because they're thin okay not all males are thin but it's like you know there they don't have a width then only a length okay and then come the two other letters hey hey the two female letters okay so there is a kind of polarity between the male and the female and you see also in when you speak when you were read we go back to Exodus 26 verse 19 cool excellent nice connection it and the other side of the Mishka and we read we spoke about it before but in the beginning chapter number 2 when he says that Adam was created and Eve was taken from his cellar sella means assigned the female side okay so they the other side so when we're having two sides male and female me and you coming together as well death what creates the cetera column okay the mass of Savannah is the third mass why the first month is the right column listen second month is iya which is a left column and which is a year show tours and the third one see one central column Germany and what do we know about Germany the German I was a symbol of Gemini the twins what's the symbol of Mount Sinai the two tablets why God could not write everything on one tablet could use a smaller font or just extend the size of the tablet why does it need two tablets because the two tablets symbolize the center column and what is a centigram is the ability to synthesize to communicate between two sides me and you a person and the other two who are becoming one because when what happens when two are becoming one is because they both learned to give and to receive in a balanced way so two are becoming one what does it mean to who are becoming one this is the idea of love love is about two ideas two sides male and female giver and receiver doesn't matter whether I'm not talking about the gender I'm talking about aspects a buyer and a seller okay a teacher and a student a father and a child or mother attract a bride and a groom all of these polarities our world is made of different polarities so the only way to achieve the vanity is to bring till together and to create a unity and there's another one which is the most important that was given about cyanide when we do that we create another thing but that needs consciousness connecting the upper walls and the lower walls Mount Zion revelation was not just illogical phenomena like people arriving to a great philosophical idea no there was there was a wedding this is how the Jewish tradition Kazakh it was a wedding between the heaven and the earth the bride is the Creator the groom I'm sorry the groom is the creator and the bride is the people of Israel representing humanity so when two are becoming one that's the central column and this is the place of the month of Savannah the map of Germany communication unification taking different sides and putting them together to become well okay and therefore it had to be on the map of Savannah Germany there was a die cut that's why I get to be that day that they are not another day to receive because it was ready to receive the Torah day I know our family cabin at approximately li'ella to Vinod which means when this permutation of letters you'd wear hey hey are starting to shine today on the new moon of Gemini when these are starting to shine those letters at the universe we can see that most of us cannot see that but we learn in order to know it's there to meditate to that that what what is being said prepares us to be able to receive that consciousness and as I said it is not a philosophical idea that came about psychic who everything that the Torah is a philosophical ideological or any kind of intellectual property has a big mistake it is much beyond that because it's not just you know you have your site I've use my site that we can somehow come to terms because of any kind of a brainstorming process no it is a connection it's like the two or more together they create something that is more than each other like you know if you remember that idea but when you look at something with one eye you close one eye even look at your finger okay if you do that okay what do you see I hope did you see a finger okay what if you just close the other eye and look at the finger now do you see the same picture in both eyes no now look with both eyes hopefully you see only one finger are your two eyes arguing who's right or are they using the information each one is getting separately to create a 3d more advanced picture so the fact yet a man and the woman see things differently is a gift because then you can see a broader dimensional picture in fact you have a partner and you see things differently than you are that's why you can see more and what is love when you feel that the other part then your partner or any other person you are in interaction with they complement you they don't negate you this is loving others as loving yourself seeing the other person is completing yourself that you need everybody else all other human human beings when they are coming to be elevated we need each one of them because each person has ability to deliver the message of the creation in an angle that nobody else can and that's the whole truth everybody else together everybody together and that's why the whole idea of looking at different aspects different side right sella that's why it says Salam ishq on the other side of the Mishkan dibs about the other side to see myself and the other side is one bigger picture this is what Messiah is about f+ not just this how could that happen if it just the intellectual base it will never happen but when you see it is also part of the Spirit drowning of connecting the heaven and the earth the physical and the metaphysical the spiritual and the practical the soul and the body when you connect all of that together except what mountain is about about being able to realize that whatever we see is only one side and our job is to learn to get more sites and that the whole is much more fulfilling exciting whatever you just want and that's our goal in life this is what the map of Germany is about okay so what do you understand from that we understand from that that we have in the mouth of Germany first of all when we talk about people born in the month of Germany so if the month of Germany is the third month of the year centrical why German eyes are into communication diversified first okay because it is energy of being in order to bridge between the customer and the seller between so they a lot of them are very good salesperson salespeople they're also good seekers because they can convey ideas because it's all about communication media communicate and speed fast they think fast so all that now it's not resistant third maps all the year but it's also the third month of the spring and whoever listened to the first two months which were Aries and Taurus we learned that there are four seasons in the calendar and the first one which is the spring is the letter U and the letter U is fire hokhmah the light of wisdom which is energy these three months are charged with a lot of energy and that's why the people of the month of Gemini they're very very energized they can't sit still they on the go all the time you have to be on the go you have to be active all the time in order to convey to connect to be in both places at the same time see need a lot of energy for that so here I said fire but we know the German is also an air sign you have both it's fire on the base because all the season the whole season of of the spring is fire Kabbalistic lee okay the third month is air of fire and also in a convention of Western astrology Gemini is known as a air side so you have twice air and one fire you know air and fire who ever tried to do barbecue just fire doesn't work you need a lot of air when you have enough air in some fire well there goes and there's a lot of energy so when Gemini really are connecting to this Vergil aspect that we just explained that they have a mission and they can do the mission much faster and easier than others because they have that ability as we said about this mantras and ability to communicate to join together to see both sides to be in both sides and we know like Germany's taken within very short time they can sense where where is the other person spending so they you can communicate to them whatever the way they in the way they're going to understand that's a great gift that's a great gift that's why they're very good in setting and speaking okay because it's all about conveying an idea conveying messages which is very important but the question is what is the purpose if you're doing it only for the purpose of making money you're missing what did we say such as bridging between me and you it's also pretty between their world and alone world if there's no spiritual energy involved there's no caring there's no giving there's no participation there's no learning from the opportunity to see that it's part of the grand picture of getting the world to become one because love is the greatest goal if you're not coming from that place you're in trouble and that's why you find a lot of people that you know that are German I the board Germany they have those amazing trays and but they're empty so I think everything is physical everything is logical they don't really understand the message the message is not just throwing me and you it's joining me and you so the divine can come and dwell in between it's not just a uniting of two people it's you know what is the wedding is uniting two people so they speak now the divine presence can do well in there if there's no purpose like this so any wedding will come to a terrible place in which people are like you know the couple look at each other is like why am I stuck with you it's like okay I committed to be work with you but or not I said what is what do I get out of it why just remember you look at the land it is shining how come it shining it's connected to the network to the electric network it's not coming from the lab do you see the electricity no do you see where it's coming no okay so the moment the lab who could be glorified as a beautiful amazing source of light the moment that lamp is disconnected from day from the network within aspects I can put the light will be gone even though their flag was shining for whole year same thing with us the moment we are not aware that we are creatures of spiritual light and we're here to connect to the network of light rate with with the upper and the lower worlds the moment we think we do it only for the logical thing just because it's nice just because it's humanism just because it's a great idea of communism which is a great idea you know great example look at the history of communism what an amazing great idea all humans should get together and be one and share all the means of richness and whatever isn't that an amazing idea so how come all of the Communist adventures in a history we're talking about 20th century in the beginning of 21st century all of them reached the huge disasters and then an answer is because when it is as rabbi ashlag explained already 1930 when it is based only on human to human Nexen it will be empty and when it's empty it will be draining the system and finally nature will take its revenge they will simply wilt because they won't have what to eat because it is against human nature while human nature is also about what's in it for me and why what do I get out of it if everybody gets to say why should I bother butcher that work harder and rather has much saying only when you work harder because you know that working higher will connect you stronger to the light only then you have the ability to understand what does it mean to be one and you know to share your life your energy of money whatever with other people and that means a lot of spiritual exercise and therefore you see on communism how it's being emptied and you know what happens when something becomes empty there's nothing empty it's the evil penetrates inside and it becomes evil because everything that is evil is because it's dark because it is empty because the light is being pushed away and therefore you could see people of the sign of Germany who could be brilliant positive full of energy full of liking people and and they're wise and they know stuff that they can get to you like this and they're charming and amazing full of positive energy and information and knowledge and wisdom and stuff like this and you see them in that empty like hollow shallow and Hollow and because of that they're like you know I'm bored I'm tired I don't know what I'm missing and it's like they too just need one for one place to another to find another way of excitement which is false and and it's just cheating you feel like you're being cheated so we have to understand that this is a very important part now to get the picture more complete we need to get inside the ruling planet and the ruling planet is the planet of mercury in Hebrew Kohath quahog means in Hebrew a star it's only star that is called a stub why if you look at the word Co Xavier cover 26 Tetragrammaton which is the upper world and quebec 22 which is 22 letters of the Hebrew letters that created the world so it's again the creator and the creation the giver and the recipient the light and the vessel represented him in the planet Mercury and that's why we know that mercury is like exactly the same structure of Germany okay first you know when you want to say that something somebody is really fast it says his fastest mercury he even seemed mercury falling and how its first going one place to another this is mercury and that's why the planet is called mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system and the letter that created that planet according to the book of formation I'm reading from century AD inaudible confirmation him live or place the cursor locator and God rare put in rain the letter raged in government and call it a crown vegetable and formed with it cohab planet Mercury in the world okay what does it mean the energy of planet Mercury so we have even a battle we have up in the vid of the series and he wrote as follows about Merapi okay the louis-philippe and he has the books rajma as we said wisdom it's not just about the map of whatever we said that about the math of Savannah it's all so bad they planet directive are in writing it's all about communication and looking for wisdom and ability to bring wisdom to the world meet the Russia be staff were sniffing the Torah or the written Torah and also a certain the mind that the boo the speech they exert the advice vast Bala the explanation well as digital to know each other who are simply test also aside all gave our judgment why remember also central column has both sides yes love cautionary vote and healthy you can also see that in the structure of the little race the letter rate which is a very amazing stuff range in Hebrew the way you write it it could read also as the leash now leash in your pain languages is you know rich in Hebrew it means port the same word poor so how richness in the physical level makes us so poor and why you look at the way the letter range is written like this it's like everything inside is empty it's only the outside door inside is empty so which means poor it means hunger and therefore if you want to achieve wisdom and communication you need to be hungry if you're not hungry there's no speed speed is a result of hunger thirst and desire okay so but it continues so it has also fights so you see that because of that you can see from the side of mercury and the methoxy van there could be also fights where the fights coming from which is only judgment when you connect to all of the wisdom but for the purpose of our just for the purpose of argumentation and proving your point but there's no need spiritually to create a unity to create something that is satiating that brings people together because it's all about who's smarter that could be also a slide that people that have a lot of mercury or Gemini their child could be very humanity I'm always trying to prove their site but they don't really care and they have to make a decode about that and to learn more about you know this synthesis which is their purpose of their mission in the world take both sides and make them one the local meaning when they up and a lot of parts he is responsible for the arts because what is art art is about communication art about is about inspiration women inspiration in desperation you bring it from in from the outside you communicate with the network with the spiritual world relevant rebellion core Adama that's why he will always be able to connect to every person if you want so they are very charming well they belong Melissa to you and that's painting Varick MA embroidery Factiva writing who mr. barrows with initial of insulative thirteen unites the enemies either for peace that's coming from this reality first is settle common what is center column again take two sides and showing them that their highest interest is to communicate and to cooperate okay even in Kumasi - but it could be also working record a communication could be battlefield it's also communication the two sides are brought together and they fight deaths from the site of the fire okay you see like like the same thing with German I also the planet Mercury it's not always like this has then those suicides of one side is the air and the thinking observed the brightness and the other side fire a lot of fire boom AHA okay hoopha me again oh she bushes satsang it's going to be destroyed or come to a distortion because of its heat and anger come over castle relora ova so as we said where is the evil coming from lack of caring lack of real awareness of the godly consciousness and awareness viloma and that's also the brightness of being kind of tricky to mohammed mohammed because that's a lot of knowledge can give you the ability to trick other people okay the informatics of time is in a very nice wording from the side of the TIF eret this luminous hope ready Kumiko hama TV and it's also laughter and music from again that's coming from the inner natural fire or grew up and they bully buiit very Miko - if a table because of the guac there's a hunger for a lot of creativity this one harmony of them and it's also massive what we know about mercury mass communication and that's what the bad wrote some 800 years ago it's about communication with the masses okay well fiction in ham but it's also mercury can be fighting will have him eventually but he is fighting against the enemies of the Creator who are the enemies of the crater negativity negativity negativity selfishness all of that that is the these are the enemies of the creator people are not the enemies of the crater its consciousness with these thoughts and emotions that are the enemies of the creator which means the more you learn the more you communicate the more you are enlightened then you are more you have better ability to learn to address and to move forward to understand that hate anger whatever is simply stupidity why would he get out of it heavens diseases high blood pressure the why's that the person is becoming and but as we said it when he is wiser on the level of spirituality the wives of the person the more in light of the person but you can be also very very injured intellectual and as it says home at Adam Tahir Pandava the person's wisdom will make his face shine and I know a lot of intellectuals are always bitter always like grimly why that's not wisdom that's a lot of information it is a lot of knowing stuff but without the knowing there's no knowing over there there's no connection so they are not connecting to the real thing which is Mercury's is connection which is going to talk about connecting to the divine and that's why Mount Sinai revelation was in this month it's a month for connection to the divine by loving the others the relative who mean but still attorney has the prayers prayers came in many salute the prayers why what is the purpose of a prayer to convince God to change what he thinks about me know I can never change God's mind about me that's impossible why is the endless he loves me that is it possible to be changed however the purpose of a prayer is to for me to connect in a better way to the light of the Creator and even mercury is about communication mercury will help me to communicate with it with a real thing the light of the Creator and that's why if you take that the letter of the month of Germany is the letter sign and the letter sign which is number seven which is a manifestation and Allah what we said about the letter of the planet rage rage and Zion together that has a secret numerical value 200 range and seven Zion 207 is also they give Maitreya the numerical value of the word o light Aleph is 1/6 is vavle range two hundred two hundred seven so if we want to connect to illumination last the two letters of this month it's about illumination enlightenment enlightenment what is Mount Sinai revelation when almost 3 million people reach enlightenment in such a unity and harmony not just among the people but the people is one with the Creator this is the ultimate well the ultimate connection of the sides the main side of a famous side the me side and the you side the god side and the creation side that's what central columns about it's about communication that's what humanity is here for okay and therefore what is a prayer about how do i elevate myself so i can unite with the divine and therefore you know when you read the Kabbalistic prayer book and every for everything there is a prayer before the prayer let's say me who cuchara who every day in order to unify they the upper and the lower the the Creator and Escrima this is what but everything is about we're not praying in order to cut a better deal we're praying to be able to create that one consciousness of above and below the mean and the you there's the Gemini to our me and your two tablets me and you love the other as you love yourself this is the Grinch for freedom the real freedom from every disease and in the general world as as I say from from death not just a source of the Tamil book mostly at Cebu Mixpanel body cell you know and it's like the cancer you know what's the purpose of the cancer in a synagogue since the planet Mercury is the character what has been like the cancer if you have a cancer you know that is there to lead the prayer not to show off like an opera sub cancer they come to serve you know you hear me you came to me no we didn't come to hear you we came to connect to the Creator to the divine and if and the cancer is the guy who leads he navigates he leaves the congregation that that everybody is fighting with the music and the tunes of the heart and the way the words are being said it's a creativity it's an art like a singer then you sing with him and you feel like you're being elevated okay this so when the cancer is a true cancer the whole communicate community is in communion is its connection and that is the power of planet Mercury to be that cancer that leads the prayer and elevates everybody upwards okay so I think that this is like it's all about communication and whatever the traits of a Gemini are about about the wisdom and they can't stand still and they need more and more actually it's all about it's amazing it's powerful it's fire connected with air connected with sharing water when they put that together oh when the battle has just started we all have this energy coming in being in still inside us of a Germany to prepare all of us to be able to communicate to connect to be there to feel to have that consciousness of when we connect to each other we can allow the divine to come and dwell inside us so I think that this is a very powerful thing and if that's why it's a month full of a lot of blitzes positive energy unless you use all of that for being at your entity and that's the danger for being right which is a danger without him to be right for you to be to connect to the light and to united to love and that's the mission in this month and with that mission we can elevate ourselves to a much higher level than we have been before that much authority okay and I realize there are some questions okay meanwhile thank you very much
Channel: LiveKabbalahTV
Views: 1,821
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nIpQi7tzcPY
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Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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