Justin Prentice Opens Up About Difficult Scenes During 13 Reasons Why and Shares Season 2 Spoilers!

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Justin Prentiss who plays Bryce on the show yes Bryce that price is here welcome back I know you get that a lot you get that a lot like dude I love you but I hate your character or oh my god people think you're actually bryce yeah online they think i'm bryce in person the difference or they can differentiate you yeah you do have a Prince Harry vibe though you know I mean one of our interns looking for you the carriage though that we talked about there you go okay it's gonna be fooled by dogs not horses that's in the budget that's the budget lurch too much you feel me Garcia is six episodes in by the way Garcia hey you know it's not homework for the show but I certainly do love it a great show so yeah it is a good show it's a very important show as well right but dude when you're trying to watch it with your significant other right what's the what what are the rules there can you watch past what you've seen together listen I know my wife very well we've been married 11 years yes I Sarah and if I sat around and wait for her to catch up on all my shows it would never happen but not what I think we have a very cool agreement I say babe I'll watch it with you again when you want to watch it but I'm not waiting for you anymore goodbye that's it wow you see that's a man speaking there if I waited for I would have been maybe one episode if I'm lucky this exact so I got in six that are very happy and Bryce you are killing it bro Justin honestly you are killing it man you're doing a great job and you are the guy that everybody loves to hate and this show continues to be such an important topic for kids and parents and just the stuff you guys address in the show I applaud everybody who wrote it and iPod you actors for doing a great cast great casting we got super lucky yeah it's a good group of people yeah dude how do you separate you know there's some people that say the show is problematic and then some people say that Michelle's very important yeah you know I think it's always going to be split at the end of the day we try and focus on the positives we get a lot of positive feedback from people saying that it's helped them or they thanked us for showing kind of the different facets of these issues I think you know helps more people than it's hurt you know I think it's done so and and at the end of the day - I get that that there are a lot of harsh topics and whatnot but what reality is harsh right now fluff at this moment you know and are these are the lives that that a lot of high school students are living man and they have to deal with suicide and drug addiction and right and alcohol and and rape exactly and it should be hard to watch it's hard to experience and go through if you're in high school yeah I know yeah and I think I get more mad at the parents than I do the kids because if you if kids have free rein and they're allowed to do what anything that they want right I look at the parents and I get so sick at the fact that they're not more in their kids lives and they're just let them do this and that yeah I get more sick at that than what the kids are actually going to do yeah Garcia what have you seen so far six episodes in I know that I know the spoiler your spoiler alert guys by the way so let's not give away too much but yeah some people that have not you know seen it all well I have seen just to my right exactly squats are shot but whatever and you can correct me if I'm wrong here just is the fact that this court case is really dividing the community and dividing the students yeah and boy these kids are not loyal to Hannah at all it is why nots very interesting yeah I think it's very much a protect my image type of thing you know you have sort of these factions that split off and form and write you're trying to have each other's back your clique is trying to protect you exactly yeah for better or for worse sure sure yeah but it'll be interesting to see what happens I won't give anything away but bro when you know you have to rape somebody on camera you're not necessarily actually doing it but that's that's what your character calls for right is there some type of preparation for that mental prep yeah I mean just lots of research ahead of time kind of getting into the mindset of these people I try and do all the work ahead of time so that when I'm on set I can kind of just commit to it and not worry about anything sure lots of rehearsals always make sure everybody feels comfortable I do the other actors do and then all of the producers writers directors make sure that everyone's 100% and ready to sure so that makes it a lot easier on Twitter they want to know if it's emotionally or mentally tough to do it is it is yes so so I have a girlfriend and she would come up to visit when she could and for these scenes I politely asked if she could come back to Los Angeles cuz right right so I didn't want to take anything out on her while I got into kind of my mindset at home so yeah yeah it's I don't know it's all about finding a healthy balance I think I like season one we had dance parties after some of those tough to film scenes just to get out of our heads and lighten the mood a little vibe yeah and I don't want to spoil anything but Hannah is somewhat back she is yeah very creatively done again props to the writers write a really good job yeah I had her bring her back and how she can influence the current events even though that she's yeah 13 reasons why season 2 is officially out just in parentheses here if you met our intern who's in love with you her name is Alyssa I have she's wonderful hi Lisa hi you have a question for it for I honestly didn't get this excited for cardi B interesting okay sorry party B that's know if you could read past the show and you could play any character who would you play and why I probably have several Game of Thrones would be like a dream job yeah I love like anything sci-fi anything fantasy so I'm not sure which character I'm probably gonna get hate for saying like Ramsay Bolton but he's just such a horrible person it would be fun to play right I like this stretch doesn't actor good range why I love playing Bryce um I don't know maybe like the doctor and Doctor Who or something mm-hmm um but I'm American so that's never gonna happen but right it's fine I'm gonna die can dream right um goals Maji go I don't know would you play her husband in the movie is what she wants to ask any more questions no it's just it's okay to be nervous Thank You Alyssa good job yeah good job coming in as well by the way Justin Justin psycho which by the way it's her Twitter name she says I just want to say you are awesome Justin I'm a parent of a 16 year old and this show scares me to the bone but I am so glad that there are shows out there like this one that shows kids that is not okay and to speak up it teaches us parents to be a bit more open with our children I applaud you all for such a great show you know Garcia you got two boys growing up as well and a lot of a lot of these things they're gonna have to face in school don't grow up to be like Bryce that's what I told me yes don't let them be Bryce right right you teach your kids one thing yo do people come at you on Twitter because of your character you know I don't use Twitter all that much but Instagram that's kind of my main platform and yes they come at me on Instagram at you yeah but but I have a lot of people who have my back too which is awesome oh that's cool that's pretty cool like guys it's just a character and Bobby's an awesome person which is great let me ask you a question someone on the phone said unfortunately that disconnected but they wanted to ask you about the outcome of season two now without spoiling it to me right right he wanted to know if you were satisfied with the outcome of season two in the trial am I satisfied with the trial outcome no no no I don't know that anyone would be right yeah nah man not again not to spoil any that's all I can only say cuz there's so many people there that have not know and I and I hate hearing spoilers so I'm gonna try and be respect and they're waiting they're waiting yeah I mean we're not all six episodes in car 13 or whatever it is this time around so I'm behind you yo and Hana is somewhat back right yes and is bad what can we say without spoiling too much there um I think we kind of see it in the first episode right one flashbacks she's definitely in flashbacks and and then she kind of ghosts clay she's kind of in Clay's subconscious in his mind she's kind of a Clay's voice of reason and his relationship yeah about all kinds of things things are going on yeah twists the truth a wee bit yeah you kind of blew me away that secret relationships yet yeah have you guys gotten any word on season three yet we haven't but I hope it's soon cuz that'll happen I mean come on I'm anxious what did you do before acting like a regular job well I moved out here when I was 13 so I was I was a wee little tyke when I started acting but yeah I did odd jobs like summer jobs and stuff working like fireworks tents and stuff just it was in Tennessee miss Janelle says on Twitter he plays that role too good he gets on my effing nerves good right on you're doing a great job she was like gosh I just love his character then I would feel but wait a minute I did something right 13 reasons why is on Netflix season 2 congratulations to the entire cast Justin Prentiss we appreciate your vibe and energy every time Thank You Man and um anytime you want to come up here man doors open you already know bro straight up man you got to watch 13 reasons why season 2 it's on Netflix please try not to hate Justin too much it's only a character it's Bryce you fail me and when you get huge in Entertainment Matt because I can see some good movie roles coming yeah horizon he's got a strong team man man don't forget you're crucial family over here never appreciate it bro Thank You crew show power 106 number one for hit 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Channel: Power 106 Los Angeles
Views: 338,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Justin Prentice, Bryce Walker, 13 Reasons Why, Season 2, Netflix, Spoiler, 13 reasons why, 13 reasons why season 2, 13 reasons why netflix, 13 reasons why cast, 13 reasons why trailer, justin prentice, 13 reasons why book, 13 reasons why sequel, 13 reasons why featurette, justice prentice 13 reasons why, thirteen reasons why, 13 reasons, 13 reasons why behind the scenes, 13 reasons why scene, 13 reasons why second season, 13 reasons why season 1, 13 reasons why s2
Id: -hiq6b80dIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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