Justin Bieber is a loser
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Channel: undefined
Views: 1,090,505
Rating: 4.9236031 out of 5
Keywords: satire, justin bieber yummy, justin bieber, yummy, yummy justin bieber, justin bieber new song, justin bieber yummy reaction, justin bieber songs, justin beiber yummy, justin bieber yummy lyrics, yummy justin bieber lyrics, justin bieber new album, justin bieber - yummy, bieber, justin, justin bieber tour, justin bieber lyrics, justin bieber 2020, justin beiber, justin bieber yummy review, bieber 2020, justin bieber song, imallexx, lele pons, hannah stocking
Id: wEGpegWWZPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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