Justice League Open Spoiler Discussion

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well greetings and salutations everybody welcome to my youtube channel my name is john campio and this is a special wide open spoiler review discussion of zack snyder's justice league that's so just in case that title wasn't clear we are going to in a very open in a very very open spoiler-filled way talk about zack snyder's justice league so if you have not seen it or if you worried about it by the way it's basically the same film uh but if if you have not seen it yet or anything like that you might want to go away come back after you have had a chance to see the movie and then participate in in watching the video at that time but we're going to go into all the things about the movie we're going to spend most of the time hearing from you guys about what your thoughts opinions and any questions you have about this iteration of justice league by the way guys these special open spoiler discussion videos are a little bit different instead of using the tip link in the description below what you use is the super chat feature in youtube that way we are able to keep the questions sent in for the john campbell show and the question for the spoiler discussions completely separate from each other and they're all all there are already a lot of questions that got sent in so let's let me dive right into it i've been waiting for days now i've been waiting for days uh to talk to you guys about this so here's my journey and i'll keep this relatively short i'll keep this relatively short so my general thoughts of zack snyder's justice league is this it's quite good it's quite good and it is in fact better than the theatrical version i have it right now uh yeah i might this might change a little bit but as of right now i have it listed as my number four dceu film um i have it just ahead of aquaman aquaman has a and you guys know i like aquaman so i've got aquaman listed as my number five film um and then i've got zack snyder's justice league at number four i've got wonder woman the not wonder woman 84. i've got wonder woman as my number three film shazam is my number two film and of course one of the all-time great comic book movies of all time man of steel i have is my number one film um so i liked it quite a bit i do have it ahead of the theatrical version and i like the theatrical version of justice league um i mean it got higher audience and critics scores than batman vs superman did and i like batman vs superman quite a bit as well but i think this was a better film it was quite enjoyable and here's my my basic thing the main difference between uh like principle wise the main difference between the theatrical version and the zack snyder hbo version was the run time i mean that's the main thing and the runtime did two things all right and the runtime is boasts the greatest strength of i think zack snyder's justice league and it's also a little bit of its weakness and here's what i mean by that the main strength of the extra run time and this is the part that makes this hbo version of justice league a better film than the theatrical version in my opinion are these two factors that came from the longer runtime number one deeper character development uh there was definitely much deeper character i i don't even know that i'd say character development so much as character exposition we got to know these characters better right we got to know them much better in the case of cyborg there was development like there was a good amount of development and that's like that was the one character that had the biggest change because he went from being just you know one of the supporting characters in the theatrical version to being kind of the centerpiece of the story i mean really superman is it all kind of revolves around superman yes but the emotional heart of the hbo version of justice league was really cyborg and the extra run time that this thing had at coming in at four hours the extra run time this thing had ended up giving um them time to really flesh out no pun intended for cyborg uh to flesh out and give good context for the character but also some development for the character and that was key but that extra ability to have more context and exposition for each one of the characters i thought was really really beneficial it worked in their favor a lot because we got to know barry allen a little bit better we got to understand batman's motivation in justice league a little bit better we got to understand even wonder woman's role in this a little bit better and so because of all that because of that extra time that was afforded to it what snyder was able to do was to give more character exposition and a little bit of character development in the case of cyborg that really fleshes the movie out it really does flesh it out and that was really good to see the second thing benefit that the extra runtime gave the movie was an expanded understanding of the context we got an expanded understanding of the context so while honestly i'm hearing a bunch of people saying man steppenwolf is so much better that steppenwolf was not any better in this one he he was as flat in this one as he was before the only difference was that he had spiky armor but honestly i found him to be as flat like i understood his motivation a little bit more he wants darkseid's forgiveness but other than that i thought i found him to still be pretty flat but other than steppenwolf our understanding of the context for example one of the things i loved right from the beginning was the notion that it was the death of superman itself that kind of triggered off the awakening of the mother boxes i i love that because that harkens back to what lex luthor was saying at the end of batman vs superman the dinner the dinner bell's been wrung the dinner bell's been wrung ding dong whatever sound it was that lex made and it gave much fuller more understanding that and the way it opened up with superman letting out a superman scream and it literally sending waves around the world it just sets the context of the story better and you found that's just an example that's just one example i found there was a lot of different places throughout the movie where having more time to develop to a fuller understanding of the context gave us a much better understanding of the scenes that were playing out in front of us and because we were more identifiable with the characters and we had fuller exposition for the context it made for a more immersive movie it just made for a more immersive movie and those are the key things now there's a couple of other little specific things like moments here and there that make this a better film than the theatrical version there are moments but as far as the big overall principles it was those two things to me better character exposition and in the case of like somebody like cyborg actual character development and then better understanding of the contextual situation with all the scenes that just fleshed it out better that was great and it really served the movie now of course there are a bunch of like indiv there are a whole bunch of individual moments that i'm sure we'll talk about but the best moment in the movie the best moment of this movie ladies and gentlemen was in the final battle when superman shows up and you knew if you know anything about me and you were watching zack snyder's justice league you would know immediately oh this is going to be campy his favorite scene and indeed it was so you've got stephen wolf sticking up behind i think it was a cyborg he was sneaking up behind and he goes to swing the sword the the axe at him and superman just steps in and no no no no the superman doesn't catch the axe no no no no no the superman doesn't block steppenwolf's arm no no no no no the superman doesn't distract steppenwolf from the attack no no no the superman stands there and lets steppenwolf lets the axe just hit him and he just looks at him like i'm about to make you my like this the look on henry cavill's face as the ax falls and he just lets it hit him he doesn't even he's not even worried about it he's not even slightly worried about the acts of the mighty steppenwolf and then the line of the movie the line of the movie dare i say other than paul kent's line you are my son maybe a top five line movie in all of the dc eu i'm not impressed steppenwolf conqueror of worlds and the superman shows up ting not impressed that i i just about flipped my gourd when that scene happened i just about lost my mind uh when when that happened i'm just like oh yeah and then he just proceeds to beat the living out of steppenwolf and i'm just sitting there soaking it all in listen i get it not everybody loves man of steel the way i do i know not everybody appreciated batman vs superman so like that's fine i'm not trying to open up debates but zack snyder understands the superman zack snyder understands the superman and you make superman's struggles and his obstacles not his physical power you make it the ideologies and the things that he has to deal with with understanding his place in the world and that is something that zack snyder always understood and so superman does struggle with that stuff in the dcu oh but when it comes time to throw down i just gotta stand there i'm gonna let you give me your best shot i'm not impressed oh god that filled my heart with such joy especially after suffering through watching the iteration of superman that they had on the supergirl show for so long it made my heart smile my friends it made my heart smile uh it really best moment of the film um by the way did anybody else notice i don't know if you guys know the movie galaxy quest but as soon as dark side um or as soon as the the mother box the unity happens and it starts to blow everything apart and the camera cuts outside to bury them like oh they're about to totally do galaxy quest they're about to do galaxy quest to everybody they're about to do gal and they totally just ripped on galaxy quest which is fine it worked it totally i'm not dissing on it don't get me me pointing out that it was just like the ending of that's not a bad thing it totally worked in the context of the movie but it was totally the end of galaxy quest it's totally the end of galaxy quest anyway um but let me talk now again i'm trying to get through all this stuff really quick so we can just get to your lives your your questions and comments and your observations and your thoughts the the the length of the film i also found i'm sorry i know i'm reading a bunch of people saying oh man the four hours no the four hours was too long i felt a lot about this cut the way i did about the batman vs superman ultimate edition a better installment but it was overindulgent i'll give you an example the entire and this is just an example the entire barry allen applying for a job at the dog walking place and then saving iris that entire sequence was not needed in this movie you pull that sequence out it changes nothing about our understanding of barry allen it changes nothing about our understanding of the story it changes nothing uh could you know about our view of the movie itself it was completely unnecessary it was a scene that should have been in a different movie and i just found myself through the four hour run time thinking to myself a couple of times this scene doesn't need to be in this movie like this this scene right here is not necessary so while i think the movie definitely benefited from the extra run time i think a better run time honestly and getting the full impact of what zack snyder was trying to do i think this movie could have been three hours and 15 3 hours and 30 and it would have had all that it would have had all the impact it would have had all the umph but it could have cut a lot of the bloat there was still a lot of bloat in the movie and i again i enjoyed it more than the theatrical version but i did find of all that goodness that just adding more and more and more is not necessarily advantageous so i did find there to be a lot of bloat there were a lot of scenes that i thought okay this doesn't need to be here this doesn't need to be here and it could have just given better pace to the movie but hey everything's got an advantage and a disadvantage right the extra run time gave it several really really big advantages that i think made it a better film than the theatrical one but it also came with some disadvantages that were there was some unnecessary bloat i thought they could have easily cut a half hour out of the movie and still had the full impact of it but um yeah but let me talk for can i just talk for a second will you indulge me as i talk for a second though about that barry allen scene there were a couple of really stupid things in that scene number one the fact that was just completely unnecessary um and by the way i liked the barry allen character in the theatrical version i liked him just as much in this version i just thought this scene wasn't necessary so the scene wasn't necessary the other thing was this the whole scene is predicated on a professional truck driver dropping his sandwich on the floor and literally being down on his floor for like 30 seconds no truck driver does that driving through the city like it's not just like they went oh oh okay um and back and oh no like if they did that's fine he literally goes oh man i dropped my sandwich and he disappears and then like 30 seconds pass of the truck going through the street and then cutting to iris and then cutting to some cars and then gunning back to the truck again it's like i i'm sorry how long is he down there for it reminded me a little bit of that fast and furious movie when they're on the uh the runway at the airport that went on for 45 miles it kind of reminded me of that but the other thing that made it hard for me to like the berry character was that he's never met this iris version right he's never thought he's never met this iris character total stranger and so he sees the accident happening he goes out to save her but in the midst of saving her while he's in the speed force he just decides to stand there from it and go oh oh and starts caressing her face like this total stranger i'm like you are creepy as dude like he's just acting very creepy i just found that very strange i found it very strange um but whatever like i said it was just the one scene that i really thought the entire movie could have done without but i i liked the berry stuff i like the extra added humor that zack snyder peppered into this one um you know i i you know do you think she'll date younger guys dude she's 5 000 years old everybody's a younger guy i mean just they they peppered that in and i thought it was done actually i'll be honest with you i've heard some people say that they weren't thrilled with the the little peppering in of the light-heartedness and some of the humor i honestly thought he could have put in a little bit more i i thought their little moments of lightheartedness and humor i personally thought they worked very well and i it well enough that i thought they could have put in a little bit more i totally thought they could have put in more but they put it in what it was um yeah so anyway that's uh that's kind of my take i don't think i do not think this movie was great like man of steel is great um but i thought it was quite good i thought it was quite good and again an improvement on the theatrical version now of course let the whole debate begin now that we're putting this entire snyder cut circus behind us um the long national nightmare is over not that the movie is the nightmare but the whole circus that led up to it uh the debate can begin was was the you know three and a half long year circus all worth it we'll leave that up to the historians to decide as far as the movie in and of itself goes uh i put it as number very solidly number four on the dcu list i thought it was an improvement over the theatrical version i thought zack snyder made very effective use of the extra runtime by giving us more character depth and more contextual understanding which added to the richness of the story at the price tag of maybe having a little bit too much bloat in the film that really should have been cut out i feel like honestly guys i feel like a three and a half hour zack snyder justice league cut would have sung like just absolutely sung but whatever it was really good it was enjoyable i think a lot of people are liking it it is as of this moment the highest rate critically rated zack snyder dcu movie so let me just uh i just want to look it up what it is at this moment the last time i checked i think it was 79 it is well okay it's gone down a little tiny bit it's gone down to to what's it down now to i think 77 so this is the highest rated uh critically rated version uh or dc movie that zack snyder has done so i think he's got to look at this as a win i think this is a win all right anyway guys now i'm sure there's a bunch of other stuff um that that will come up that i really liked and a bunch of other stuff that i really didn't like but let's get over to what you guys have to say about this shall we let's spend the rest of our time taking your guys thoughts here all right so daniel weisse writes i'm just glad they didn't reveal that the flash's real name was barry bonner no but they did give us like face caressing totally without permission but that was fine too all right ross pitch shark hunter rights i'll be honest uh and this is a hill i will die on i preferred the opening credits for the wedon version and you know what russ i agree with you now i let me balance that out a little bit i thought the opening to the theatrical version of justice league um with the song everybody knows playing and you see the world in disarray after the loss of the superman i really did like that opening quite a bit but at the same time the whole setting the context of the death of the superman being what wakes up the mother box was actually very narratively uh purposeful and it and it worked really well so i think they both worked i think they were both really quite good openings but i will also give a little bit of the edge to the theatrical version even even though this version is better than the theatrical version i will give the edge to the theatrical version that one thing because i thought that opening thing really did set the tone of what the world of the state the world was in at the time so i kind of like that so i'll agree with you on that one ross all right next up um norwegian kryptonian rights please warner brothers give zack snyder a wonder woman movie yeah no i mean i just i the reason i grimace is because i don't think zack snyder even if he was still doing dc movies which he says he is not i don't think he'd want to step backwards from doing full justice league to going back and just doing one of the characters movies not to mention patty jenkins wonder woman 84 notwithstanding wonder woman 84 was a disappointment there's no way around it but when you look at what she was able to do with that first wonder woman movie it was incredible it was the first dceu movie that was truly successful it made tons of money it was critically beloved it was audience beloved it was the first dcu film that was truly successful on all three levels and so i think they've got a really good one in patty jenkins there plus i don't think it's something that zack snyder would be interested in doing anyway stepping back from doing the full justice league just to do an individual character but that's just my opinion all right next up josh bing writes poor steppenwolf all he wanted to do is redeem himself and return home i like how he actually had a story arc and development this time his design too he looks sorted and yelled like a dinosaur he looks snorted yeah i'll tell you this while the cgi and this may be unpopular and that's fine while the cgi on this steppenwolf was definitely better than the cgi in the theatrical version i actually preferred the overall design i mean it was better executed the cgi was better in this version it it was but i i think i actually i wasn't a big fan of the spiky spiky steppenwolf um it didn't that from a design point of view it didn't work as well for me i kind of i wish they had the design of the theatrical version with the much much much much better executed cgi of the hbo version so i wish they could have mashed those two together but whatever it still worked all right next up um unbeatable rights release the weed and cut wait never mind already snoozed it i mean so i mean don't laugh there i've already saw online today uh because you know whedon's version was definitely amalgamation of his and snyder's work i mean uh what this puts to rest is there was there was so much narrative going around that this zack snyder version is going to be 95 different than the theatrical version and like no it wasn't i mean i remember i got through the first hour and i'm like this is with a few minor differences here and there this is the same movie it's the exact same movie for the first hour right but i've seen some places online actually calling for a weed and cut of like the but a fully weeding film not an amalgamation of weed and zack snyder stuff it's like please let's let's not do that can we not do that again please let's just let that go i think it's time to just let that go uh anyway josh bing writes in again this film delivered on what i wanted justice league to be the score was excellent uh that opening brilliant again with the superman dying thing yeah sat uh straight through the whole four hours i never felt the run time i loved every second that's great i did not love every second and i i did feel the run time i did feel the run time then again i also feel the run time on like the four and a half hour cut of the lord of the rings movie so i felt the run time in this one as well again i thought it was a little overbloated there was a number of scenes that could have been taken out but i mean they they took the story of the theatrical version which was zach's story and they just gave it more more character exposition more character development better background on the story and the narrative giving us a bit i mean we all knew we were only going to going to get a couple of minutes of dark side but still just using dark side even for just a couple of minutes it gave you a deeper understanding to the narrative that was going on and he used that to full effect and it made it for frankly a better overall experience as a movie than the the than the two hour version was at least i think so right james hoffman writes love the opening scene on themyscira i will bathe in your fear show him our fear reply in unison we have no fear that scene gave me chills yeah it was it was good there was a number of points throughout the movie where they were the same scenes but there would be little differences that elevated the scenes a little bit more like that scene on themyscira that was in the original theatrical version but just adding in those three lines i will bathe in your fear show them your fear we have no fear just those three lines elevated that moment so it was the same scene but it elevated the moment and there's lots of points in the movie like that where it's like it's the exact same scene but just sometimes small little differences sometimes a little bit more significant differences were just enough to truly take the scene and just elevate it a few notches you know what i mean and it just made it more immersive and a little bit more um engaging more engaging anyway that's just my perception of it um next up i loved everything on themascara i loved everything on themyscira in wonder woman i loved everything in themscara in the theatrical version of justice league i loved everything on themyscira in this version of justice league all right sutheas writes uh damn i think snyder did great with this characters had more time to breathe that's the best way to put it the characters and the story had more time to breathe that's a perfect way to put it and be fleshed out especially victor loved it uh maybe my favorite dcu yeah it's far from my favorite dcu but yeah especially victor especially victor and you know what scene work here's my my favorite scene involving victor and there were a number of very good ones but my favorite scene involving cyborg because it did a lot narratively was that moment where he decides to hone in i mean he becomes a bit of a creeper stalker but still it was for good reason he picks out this waitress and he starts going through all the digital profiling of this waitress and he sees her with her child celebrating a birthday and he sees her at work working hard for barely any tips and he sees her struggling for money and he sees her getting evicted from her thing and what does he do well he robs the bank but still let's put the let's put it aside for a second that he's robbing the bank he puts money into her account and makes her life better and didn't you just feel your when she looks at the bank you when you understood the movie just showed us very quickly the state that that woman's life was in and when she sees there's a hundred thousand dollars in your bank account doesn't your heart smile when you see the joy and relief on her face and what that means for her and her child and and all that kind of stuff and the reason and you may think well john like if the ezra scene was unnecessary why wasn't this one unnecessary i thought this scene was completely necessary not because we needed to know anything about this waitress it's the entire sequence speaks to the heart of cyborg it speaks to his heart it speaks to his character because in the absence of that scene cyborg is just a bitter salty but with that scene with that scene we as the audience see that he gained nothing from helping that woman he didn't benefit from helping that woman the combination of that scene with the waitress along with his flashback scene of being in trouble at school when he was trying to help the other girl get better grades it speaks to the heart and the very core of the character of who cyborg is and it is those two scenes that then give us context for everything else we see cyborg doing right because in the absence of that he just comes across as a cold kind of self-centered oh poor me boo hoo kind of character but with those scenes we see the real depth to his character and what's there and that's why like the barry allen scene was completely unnecessary but i think this one was completely necessary and completely effective and i think the finest moment involving cyborg uh in the entire movie and it's one that i think a lot of people will just overlook that's you know the thing when he helped the waitress to me it's the most pivotal narratively character-wise important scene in the movie for cyborg and i thought it was beautiful made my heart smile and it just made me empathize with cyborg much more as a human being throughout the rest of the movie so anyway that that's what it did for me anyway next up sutheas also writes if only steppenwolf was a combination of the theatrical designs with his version with this version's character wasn't i just saying this i did like that he was vulnerable without his metal suit i was just kind of basically saying the same thing i kind of wish he had the design of the original with the much much much better executed cgi of the theatrical i thought that would have been the best one but whatever he served his purpose he wasn't even the main bad guy so there you go sutheas also writes i didn't expect to see them fail uh to see that the characters were literally disintegrated by the unity in reverse was an eye-opener barry was great hey listen i i loved barry's character i love flash in the original theatrical version i love him here as a matter of fact there are two lines of dialogue there are two lines of dialogue that were in the original film that were not in this film and there's a there's a number of things from the original that aren't in this one that i don't miss at all but two lines in particular that were in the original that were not in this one that i really did miss and one of them involves the flash one of my favorite lines of justice league was when they were uh under water in gotham at least under the uh under the gotham harbor and they're there to rescue you know the scientists and cyborgs dad and all that kind of stuff as they're about to go into battle and i can't remember word for word but like flash has this real like honest moment with batman it's like listen i've and it because it's a character moment it spoke to the character of flash he's like i've never done battle like i push people and then run away like i've never been in battle and then batman turns him and says one save one person just do that just save one person and i thought that moment in the movie was just like the waitress scene with victor it really spoke to the character and who the character was and why it was so important i feel like that interaction between batman and flash was really pivotal to flash and really inspiring moment when batman says just save one and so he does he goes and goes okay i save one and then he realizes i can do this and he saves more right i miss that in this movie i did i missed it now i get it i understand because zack snyder made a commitment i'm not going to use anything in this movie that i didn't shoot myself and so clearly he didn't shoot those lines so i understand why he didn't do it but i thought the movie would have been better for it had he kept that line i just thought that line was really good that's all so that's one of the few things that i actually missed uh from the original theatrical version myself all right uh next up um where are we at here we are at uh gabe campbell writes i absolutely loved it i have a love-hate relationship with batman vs superman but man of steel is a masterpiece this is almost as good as man of steel yeah i mean i i i don't have a love hate relationship with batman vs superman i really like batman vs superman i think it's quite good uh i even have an entire video on defending the martha scene yes i defend the martha scene i think it was misunderstood by most people but that not withstand we won't go into that whole debate right now um but yeah i thought this was better than batman vs superman i thought it was better than the theatrical version i i don't think it's anywhere near as good as man of steel but i do have it quite and you guys know i really liked aquaman and i have it even higher than aquaman so i enjoyed it quite a bit anyway i'm glad you enjoyed it gabe next up uh entertain nerd studios rights uh cyborg was the core of this movie emotionally he was he was the emotional core of the movie and my god the three act um the three act of flash was awesome and yes every time i hear the man of steel theme i just feel hope in my heart uh joker and baffle batfleck conversation speaks darkness uh give me a batflick movie well hey don't don't even get me going on a ben affleck batman you guys you guys know that's all i've ever wanted so we'll we'll move past that i'll say this though while it was definitely a cool scene there's no there's no denying it that scene at the end of the movie that's fast forwarding to the future to one of the possible alternate timeline futures where it's him uh mara deathstroke cyborg and joker and they have that conversation that was a very cool scene i am still ah i am still not convinced that scene was needed in the movie now but but at the same time i get it or this was supposed to be zack snyder's original vision for this movie and when he was doing this movie he had planned to do another one and so he kept this one true to the original vision which was to end like that so i get it yeah yeah you know i take it back i take it back it it makes sense he committed to doing it the way he was going to originally do it and that was how he was originally going to do it so i'll give him that although i should say the joker was never part of his original plan like remember he gave we talked about on the show he gave that interview a while ago he never did shoot joker to be a part of that i th that was they were going to do something a little different but he took advantage of the fact that he had all that time he decided to put and you know me i actually i know y'all don't like jared leto's joker i do i i mean he's not my favorite joker but i like jared leto's joker so i was very excited he was going to be in it and that was a nice little exchange between them as a matter of fact all right next up uh gabe also writes it was shot but that batman joker conversation oh it was short but that batman joker conversation was incredible yeah and i think i think i would find it more incredible if there actually was gonna be another movie um being that it was just kind of a hanging thread it took a little it took away a little bit of the satisfaction i had with it but it really i think when i watch it again when i watch it for a second time i'll probably appreciate it even more because i was just so wrapped up in the whole thing of why is this scene even here right now like it's good scene but why does it need to be here right now and i think i was so wrapped up in that in my own head that i wasn't fully just appreciating it just for what it was and i think if i go back and watch it again i'll probably appreciate it even more anyway uh good good thought there gabe next up gabe also writes it's a shame we'll never see justice league 2 because this sets up so perfectly after all the great reception it's hard to imagine dc slash warner brothers uh not have that conversation at least i don't think they're gonna have that conversation i mean i i mean i don't know that no insider information from me absolutely none but both zack snyder and walter hamada they seem to be moving their dcu off in their own direction um and i think everybody's moving on from that but you know jamie foxx is coming back as electro in the mcu in that world brothers and sisters anything can happen anything can happen all right next up um the wakandan forever rights it was it was all right it's cool to see more comic characters on screen ultimately it was impossible to live up to the hype uh john you say some ideas would make cool youtube videos now i know what you mean yeah and again i i'm i think it was more than all right like i think it was better than batman vs superman which i liked i think it was better than aquaman i think it was better than the justice league theatrical version i i i fall short you know robert and i were talking about it i told him i i just can't consider it great the way i consider man of steel great there's just too much bloat it's too slow in some places there are still a number of let's just call them plot holes for now but i mean overall i i mean it's a win it's it's a solid movie it's an enjoyable movie i had a really good time with it i think most people did and again just for me just that scene near the end with superman with the whole i'm not impressed line that alone made watching the four-hour movie worth it to me and there are many many many other enjoyable moments too many many others but that if all that was good about this version of the movie was that one moment where he takes the axe on the shoulder and says i'm not impressed totally would have been worth the four hours to me completely worth it to me all right next up uh adam henson writes uh although his appearance was short i love seeing my favorite dc character martian manhunter and yes he's better than superman i thought honestly the martian manhunter stuff was a complete useless waste it was a complete useless waste i get it it's cheap fan pop hello new york it's cheap fan pop but he literally did nothing and i read somebody online write this thing about okay so let me get this straight martian man hunter skips out on the events of batman vs superman he doesn't help during the parademon steppenwolf invasion of earth almost destroying the world he doesn't help in any of that but when it's all done he then shows up at bruce wayne's place saying hey uh i think i'll help out from now on really we really could have used you like two days ago dude did you did you know the world was about to end were you aware the world was about to end and we were getting her asses kicked a lot and there were these armies of alien creatures and you just were too busy jerking it to a lingerie magazine martian man hunter think you could have helped anyway i just ran this big thing about that yeah look i love henry lennox i particularly love him in a show that i watch called the blacklist so i love the actor who plays it and yeah it's cool seeing martian manhunter but it was totally unnecessary and that again that last scene where he shows up at bruce's place like that's just a great example of you know it it was bloat it wasn't needed it just wasn't needed and that's not me dissing on the character it's just that it wasn't unnecessary because i love flash but that scene with the flash with the dog walking thing in the iris car accident was completely unnecessary and i just i thought the martian manhunter stuff was unnecessary not bad not bad but unnecessary to a four-hour long movie anyway that was just kind of my take on that i'm sure many many people disagree with that and that's cool we're here to be film fans together and to have agreements and disagreements all right next up daniel weisse writes uh in the flashback when the one guy hit darkseid in the neck with the axe all i could think of was he should have gone for the head yes yes yeah because he like he effed side up and it's like if only he hit it a few more inches over to the side and actually just finished the dude off you should have gone for the head excellent observation dude excellent observation uh let's see uh next up levi r writes one of two i loved it it's good seeing martian man hunter i love the new look of steppenwolf and of course seeing darkseid just felt like a more complete story see i agree with that part even though he really doesn't do anything in the movie just the presence of darkseid expands our perception of the narrative and that by itself creates a more compelling movie just that by itself now i've heard some people lament oh i wish darkseid was into more but i i get that because darkseid's a very cool character but they didn't even need to do more just having him there at all expands the movie so much and i thought it was a very very good decision to put him in there by the way can i can i say this for a second let me let me let me sidetrack here just for a second and throw in a thought about this after watching justice league there i was vexed i was vexed and and here's what i was vexed about the narrative that has always come out of warner brothers sometimes through official channels sometimes through not so official channels but the message that has always come out from warner brothers was basically this that warner brothers had seen the first cut of the movie it was not the direction they wanted the movie to go they decided to move on they brought in joss whedon told him you have to you have to cut this down to two hours you have to change all this stuff and we're giving you no extra time to do it we're not moving the release date because kevin tsujihara needed to get his annual bonus so we're not gonna give you any more time we're not gonna give an extended release date redo this take it down to two hours and change all this stuff right that has always been the narrative coming out of warner brothers about that when i watched this version of the movie i'm like time out this is the same movie i mean longer more character background more context to the story all that stuff that makes it better yes but in a one-page synopsis the mother boxes are there the mother bucks boxes have awoken batman's on a mission he goes here to try to get aquaman they go here to try to get the flash diana goes and meets with cyborg pulling the team together they have to go under the gotham harbor save the scientists they get the final mother box together they raise superman from the dead superman's a little bit crazy they have a really cool fight with superman superman takes off with um with lois lane the rest of the team figures oh well we better go stop stuffing with ourselves they go to russia to fight stef will confront him to stop him themselves superman shows up and helps save the day at the end of it all bruce wayne buys the bank that was holding the mortgage to martha kent's thing and blah blah blah guess what that's the theatrical version that's the hbo version the reason i was vexed after watching this was warner brothers you've told us for years that it needed to be changed i i get you wanted the shorter run time okay but that it needed to be changed you had to do all you spent 100 million dollars in additional reshoots to essentially make the movie that zack snyder was making anyway just a shorter version and i felt very misled by warner brothers on that and and i love warner brothers thank you for that batman sweatshirt by the way i love warner brothers but i felt very misled by warner bros because i'm like after watching this version and realizing that all the core story beats this is the same movie why the hell did you have to bring in another director at all if the only thing to you was that you just wanted it to be two hours then just get an editor to edit it down to two hours if it was that important to you just bring in an editor to get it down to two hours if you must but it left me wondering what the hell was all the the drama about this is the exact same story beats as zach you you made a different version for the theaters that was the same story beat zach was doing anyway why did you have to bring in another director at all just say zack you go and be with your family and we're gonna make the changes in this movie that we want to and just bring in a good editor and edit it down to two hours if you must and again this movie is better being longer than two hours but i'm saying if that was their main thing i i i i was sitting there on my sofa watching it because the first time i watched it was on my ipad i'm sitting there on my sofa watching this on the ipad and it ended and i was just like what the hell was all the drama for and i i just this was such much ado about nothing that they should have just left it as it was and edited it down to two hours if that's what you really wanted to have it was right at two hours then fine do that but why they needed another director why they had to do a hundred million dollars of new reshoots all that kind of stuff when all the story beats were completely the same as zach's edit in the first place i just don't get it and to me it speaks to the years of dysfunction that they had now i think warner brothers is in a much better place today today they're under better leadership they have a more steady ship but i think that speaks to the true depth of the dysfunction that was going on over there at the time when kevin tsujihara was still running things and i used to be a big fan of kevin tsujihara until he started doing like all these really weird things i'm not even talking about the stuff that got him fired but anyway now that you've let me rant about that now that you've let me rant about that uh let's move on and and uh uh like and let's keep going sorry about that i just hadn't i've been sitting on that for like five days i've been sitting on that for like five days so anyway okay purged okay let's move on here uh levi are was that oh no that was levi i wanted to more complete story where's part two of two for levi uh do you think now that streaming that we'll see longer versions of movies i actually i don't think so i feel like it works a little better because you can tell a longer story but that's not actually what studios are looking for i mean listen studios are even very slow to even put in bonus features to be included with their streaming stuff i mean some do and i love because me i love the bonus feature stuff they want to make as bare minimum as they can and remember the shorter the film the less expensive the film so i know i don't think i mean who knows what what trends and everything will do but do i think that four-hour movies are gonna become a norm no you know what the same topic came up when lord of the rings was coming out and lord of the rings was tipping the three hour marks when for the most part other movies weren't doing that and i remember at that time that brought up this big conversation oh do you think like all movies now will be three hours long and of course they never did not really like you had the odd one here and there so i don't think um i i don't think it'll lead to longer overall in general movies i think they like still i think they like 90 minutes to two hours nice and tight tell your story properly if you're a gifted storyteller you can do that and it makes it less expensive for them to produce it so but i don't know who knows which way trends will go we'll we'll have to wait and see they change all the time zmg ruler writes why do you think we live in a society was cut no idea no idea i don't know why anything was cut i'm sure they have their reasons probably didn't really add anything to the story so that's probably why they took it out a lot of slav writes uh was lois pregnant oh i mean that's a good question because when she opens that drawer and there's the pregnancy test in it uh just some injustice vibes i'm bummed that we don't get a letto affleck uh batman movie after that short conversation hashtag justice for batflick well you guys know me i for years all i wanted was a ben affleck i just wanted a ben affleck batman movie man that's all i'm a simple man ladies and gentlemen i am a simple man give me a good bowl of ice cream my wife by my side in a ben affleck written and directed starring batman movie don't get me wrong i'm totally looking forward to the matt reeves movie i am i'm very very excited about it but yeah just give me a good bowl of ice cream my wife by my side and a ben affleck written directed and starring in batman movie and i am a totally happy john campbell ladies and gentlemen i'm a totally happy john campio but was lois pregnant i at first i thought she's pregnant but then she never actually brings it up to clark so i'm thinking maybe she wasn't but i like the fact that they just included that in there um that they just included that in there to um to kind of put that in our mind i thought it was very clever so maybe we'll find out one day maybe snyder will say as a matter of fact yeah in my head writing the story lois is pregnant maybe we'll find out my guess is that she wasn't but maybe we'll find out someday that she was all right next up raymond 2000 writes john i give up i thought this movie was a boring hot ass mess uh better than the first but man it's embarrassing at this point is it me no listen man all film's subjective look i i get it i you guys know how much i ventorize uh man of steel right but i get it there are a lot of people who don't like it i i said when i first saw i put out on twitter after i watched this movie i said i think everybody who's looking forward to this movie will be will be happy and i but i don't know that a lot of people who are not into zack snyder's interpretation of the dcu are going to be won over um some will but i don't think there's gonna be a lot so i'm not surprised that you didn't like it i mean listen it's all subjective right everybody loves freaking blade runner and i don't right there's nothing wrong with that it didn't you watched it it didn't work for you it is overly long it is a little too bloated but you know it still worked for me and it still worked for a lot of people and it didn't work for you it's not just you that's just movies man that's the art that's the art it's subjective it didn't work for you it didn't work for you no worries all right next up uh raymond also writes though i didn't like the movie that deathstroke scene with lex luthor made me want that ben affleck batman movie so bad that by the way was another improved scene right we should make our own legion or something okay instead i've got something for you batman is bruce wayne and then seeing joe manginellos like that little grin all right we do have something to celebrate like it was just it was the same scene it was just a better version of it right still the same movie still the same ending still the same scene it was just a better version of it which is a few different lines of dialogue it elevated the scene and i thought that was an improvement over the uh theatrical version as well a lot of slav writes um i'm just happy oh i see somebody angelo ortiz's writing bruce wishes congratulations to clark at the end yeah because he's engaged remember earlier earlier as he's standing in the wheat field he says i take it i take that as a yes and she's like what you're wearing the ring so they're engaged so i don't think he was congratulating him about pregnancy i think he was congratulating him about being engaged i might be wrong maybe it was about pregnancy but it seemed like since you know he brought up they specifically do that scene i take that as a yes you're wearing the ring so i take i i just interpreted that as them being engaged but that's just me all right uh let's see where are we at here last live rights i'm just happy they fixed the stupid berry and wussy batman really love the characters zach created for this iteration and i think they fit in that world well i mean i'll be honest with you even in this version of justice league i do not like this batman nearly as much as i like the batman zack snyder gave us in batman vs superman this was this was still batman light and i certainly didn't like the batman character nearly as much in the theatrical version and i find the batman character to be a little bit better in this version but still nowhere near what i thought was the best on-screen iteration of batman ever which was ben affleck's batman and batman vs superman um but that again that's just me i didn't think they i didn't think they completely fixed it from the justice league version a little bit better yes but i didn't think they totally fixed it and listen i i really liked ezra miller's flash in the first one i really did and i make no apologies for that i thought he was charming and funny um and had had a whimsy about him and that whole notion because none of the other ones have this wow factor right like batman i do this superman knows what he is aquaman's just a hard ass cyborg is kind of emo until we see the scene with the waitress then we understand him he's got a big heart but barry is like the one character in these movies that is just like he's us he's like this is so cool like i love it i still love the scene they did it in the theatrical version and they did it in this one like when the bad symbols in the sky is like that's that's your thing it's like that's how we would be reacting and while barry's had powers he's never done the superhero thing right and now he's hanging out with batman and they're resurrecting superman and i just found the charm of that worked really well and i thought they that i personally thought that carried over well into the movie i know i'm in the minority on that so be it but i i thought that was i thought barry was a character that worked very well in both versions but that's just me all right uh next up curtis lopez writes one of two now if you really think about it based on how silas describes cyborg's abilities outside of supes he's probably one of the most dangerous out of the justice league if he ever decided to go bad i mean he can launch nuclear warheads by just a wink of an eye and if he doesn't like you he can erase your social security number and deplete your bank accounts yes but this was a problem too tell me if you guys agree or not but this was a problem to me silas didn't remotely understand the mother box he understood he could do some wild things but he didn't really understand that he said that in the movie he doesn't really have a grasp on it he would have no idea what victor was able to or not do i i mean and so that struck me as a little bit odd because on the one hand in the movie he's basically still lamenting the fact that we barely understand this thing at all i mean we're just still shooting lasers at it to see what happens and oh look it it increases the internal temperature of it cool we didn't know it did that before the fact that he just had um the fact that he just had this full exposition explanation for his son here's exactly everything your powers allow you to do how the hell did he know that how would he possibly know that and leave it on a little analog cassette tape for victor to listen to i i don't know whatever but getting back to the point of your of your observation yeah yeah they they set it up that the cyborg is not someone to be trifled with he can he can alter the the course of the world financial markets of war and whatever now he can't take superman in a fight but he's a very very dangerous if he was bad a very dangerous individual capable of doing a lot and i thought i thought that was pretty overwhelming i thought that was pretty overwhelming as we're hearing silas explain everything that he can do i thought that was done pretty well all right uh let's see next up we've got ethan holgate rights i know you don't care john but batman's saying the f word was awesome uh to me just say just saying man what an experience this movie was i loved every second i really loved the scene but i'm i'm sorry i'm him saying did didn't make the scene any better it didn't make it any worse like him if the scene has been him i'm going to kill you it would have given me chills him saying i'm going to kill you it's like oh batman's so edgy he said wow i i don't know it didn't make it any worse for me for me personally it didn't take anything away from it so for me it was neither here nor there but that brings up a very interesting thing they're saying this movie was rated r for what i've seen pg-13 movies with a lot more stuff in it than this and and don't get me wrong i'm not saying it should have had any more edgier stuff i'm not saying that at all i'm just saying why did it have an r rating was it literally because of that one last part where bruce wayne says i'm going to kill you instead of i'm going to kill you was that the difference between their pg-13 and there are i don't know left me a little bit confused i'm not i'm not quite sure where it did that because i've seen a lot of pg-13 stuff that does a lot worse but anyway that's just me all right next up uh curtis lopez writes uh what i love about this cut is that it gave better character arcs it absolutely did especially to cyborg especially to cyborg and flash cyborg usually feels essential actually feels essential this time and i love the scene where flash uses his speed force that was a great scene by the way that scene where he's using the speed force and he's talking about you're gonna have to go faster than light much faster than like gonna have to break the rule and i'm like that's cool what rule is he talking about obviously this is a lead into flashpoint but i love the fact that they didn't feel the need to explain it right then and there and the whole motion and by the way can i just say this too i know everybody right from the theatrical version and even until now everybody makes fun of the way that ezra miller as flash runs he does the whole right and everybody makes fun of it but i remember i had you guys might remember this i had this argument was that wasn't an argument it was friendly we were having this debate about it and he's like this this buddy of mine's like that's just not how the fastest runners in the world run i'm like really do tell how does somebody who runs faster than the speed of sound run show me show me an example of somebody who runs faster than the speed of sound and show me how that oh that's right nobody can who are we to say how somebody who can literally run faster than the speed of light how they're supposed to look while running maybe if all you want to do is run a little piddly 100 meter dash in 10 seconds maybe you got to run like this but maybe if you're going to run the speed of light you got to do you know what it reminded me of it reminds me of um olympic skating like he was doing the movements of an olympic skater that's what it kind of reminded me of but whatever for me it worked i don't care i know a lot of people didn't like it but i i liked i liked the way the flash ran i like the way that he runs anyway that's just me okay uh next up uh levi r writes this is fun all right do you think warner brothers will let zach make a justice league two and three no i don't and just put it on hbo max and it would be great to see his vision play out i don't think so but that doesn't automatically mean they won't right i mean he said he's not making any more warner brothers have said they're not going to make anymore that's not me that's what they said so maybe something changed in the future but here's the thing if you're going to make movies that cost 200 million dollars to make is what is what is your strategy for getting return on your investment how do you financially justify making those movies with those types of price tags and just dropping them on hbo i i honestly i don't know that there's a business case to be made for that not for these movies and you got to remember none of zach's movies ever cracked a billion dollars right i mean batman vs superman that should have that should have competed for a two billion dollar and and never broke a billion man of steel should have been a billion dollar film but it wasn't i mean so if you're warner brothers you got to ask what is our return on investment if we're going to invest x number of whatever millions of dollars into into these things what is the investment now i'm seeing some people saying they cost it's cost 70 million dollars to do the snyder cut you know it cost 70 million dollars to take all the stuff they had already done and then put together and make the snyder cut but that's it wasn't just 70 million dollars you have to take into account all the money they had spent previously to do that right these are expensive movies and they should be expensive movies so i just don't know how they make a business case about how they're going to make money off of that so i don't know maybe they find a way to do it um maybe they do i just personally right now from where i'm sitting right now as a spectator i don't see how you do it but that doesn't mean they couldn't find a way someday alright next up isaiah campbell writes if warner brothers doesn't want to give this movie a sequel i really hope we could see an animated version of what would have been parts two and three also i'm still not a fan of this uh jokester and played play dumb flash maybe just used to the cw versions i am a fan of this joker and this speedster thank you very much that's okay you don't that's all fine you know what i do like your idea though isaiah i mean if you can't make if you can't from a business perspective and from making it to make financial sense uh do a live action of parts 2 or whatever why not do animated i mean let's face it marvel and dc make their animated movies really cheap i mean laughably cheap so why not i mean you don't have to worry about a big return on investment if you don't do live action why not do it animated it's not a huge investment relatively speaking so i mean i like your idea why not put those together i don't i don't personally see there's there's drawbacks to trying to do live action because the finances i don't see any drawbacks to doing an animated one why not what's what's the harm what's the worst that can happen so i kind of like your idea with that all right um thanks for that isaiah i appreciate that and by the way i know so you tipped in 20 thanks man i appreciate that dude uh dr defridas writes can you explain the whole lois is the key message from barry that bruce said must mean something more uh will this be elaborated in the flash movie probably not it was probably a hanging thread that was gonna mean more in justice league part two i don't think we're gonna see lois or anything in in the flash movie i mean maybe we will i don't know but i i don't think we are i haven't heard anything about amy adams appearing there my only assumption is just this is that it sounds like lois lane dies and that breaks superman and it breaks superman bad it breaks him bad breaking bad um that's the only thing i can think of and then even in the conversation with joker they talk about you know uh you let lane die you let lane die um and uh yeah so that's that's the only thing i can imagine is that losing lois dying breaks him kind of like in injustice gods among us so that's that's my guess i don't know for certain and we may never know now but that's my guess about what i thought it was going to mean all right arpan writes i enjoyed the film but the editing was bad the the editing was a little questionable i i will give you that the editing at times was a little bit questionable uh manhunter cameo and the long nightmare scene felt felt a bit unnecessary i've already said the exact same thing myself three hour length may have served the film best i think like three hours and 23 hours and 30 i i really think at 3 hours and 30 minutes 3 hours and 25 minutes i think this movie would have benefited from all that extra character and story and would have felt much tighter and just sung like like an opera singer i just feel like it would have sung but yeah whatever it is what it is all right next up uh jason e riaz writes i love zack snyder's justice league but uh that trucker scene was so dumb i was just saying the same thing brother like what train driver spends five minutes trying to pick up an object while driving well now listen if it was an empty highway at the middle of the night you might be able to get away with that but while he's driving in the middle of the day down a city street it's like whoops i dropped my sandwich i'll just put the truck on autopilot uh give me a minute i'll be back in a few moments and away he goes yeah that was dumb that that there's no getting around it that was dumb we all know it we all admit it that was pretty dumb and fine so yes i agree with you on that i do all right uh ben rainer writes and tips in like 20 thank you ben who writes in hey john as someone who loves justice league theatrical and puts it number two behind man of steel i really quite enjoyed this i think i like both versions equally i wish superman was in blue suit for the final fight that's just my opinion and by the way yeah there was no narrative purpose for him being in the black suit like everybody gets all excited he's wearing black and hey i remember when when henry cavill first put out do you remember this years ago it was like 2015 or something maybe early 2016 henry cavill put out a social media post of him wearing the black superman outfit which remember from after the death of superman when superman returns and it was like oh that's pretty exciting but it literally meant nothing like if there was at least a line in the movie where you hear jorel saying this is the symbol of when we go to war to fight against injustice we wear our black ceremonial things but if there was at least a line one line somewhere in the movie that gave any relevance to why is superman wearing the black superman outfit instead of the red and blue then it would have felt more natural to me instead it just felt a little bit forced i didn't care because he beat the out of steppenwolf and said i'm not impressed i didn't care about the color of his costume to be honest with you but i did think if you're going to do this thing where he's like oh he's doing this big visual change just drop one line of dialogue just one line that gives a narrative purpose to why he is wearing that because ultimately the movie gave no no it didn't address the question of why why is he wearing black instead of his traditional when his traditional suit was right there why did he take a pass on that and instead put on this other one and oh it didn't take a five minute scene it literally would have taken a three second line of dialogue to give it some purpose but whatever at the end of the day it doesn't really matter it's just the color of the suit but and it got a lot of people excited a lot of people got excited seeing the black suits so i mean at the end of the day it's all about the experience that the movie gives us all right um marcus is saying in the live chat his regular suit was at the cleaners well he has been dead for a while he has been dead for a while maybe he you know he left it at gus's gus's uh gas station movie reviews and laundrymat.fart and uh he forgot his ticket that's it it was at the cleaners and he totally forgot his ticket that explains everything all right uh john redcorn writes uh if slash when warner brothers does another justice league movie do you think affleck and fischer will reprise their roles no i do not uh so far there's only flash aquaman wonder woman and maybe superman left in the dc eu they're going to bring more characters back listen whatever you say ray fisher has painted himself into a corner um like i i wasn't there so i don't know why there's drama between him and walter hamada uh i know hamada is not making everything public i know ray fisher is but when when you're ray fisher and you come out and say as long as walter hamada is the head guy there i'm not going to be in any dc movies what do you think is going to happen you think warner brothers is going to fire walter hamada they're not so ray fisher kind of painted himself into a corner and again i i'm not passing judgment on who was right i wasn't there i have no idea what went on between ray fisher and walter hamada no idea at all none of my business it's none of my business but i do know when you take your disputes public and you decide to fight it out in front of the public you can you do run the danger of painting yourself to a corner and now ray fisher has put himself in a position where he can't save face by appearing in a dcu movie when he's publicly said i'll never be in one of these movies as long as walter hamad is involved well guess what walter hamad is the head guy he's the kevin feige for lack of a better comparison of the dceu right now and so you're going to be there so no i don't think we're gonna see ben come back it was really interesting too that ben affleck never participated in the um ben affleck and a couple of others never participated in the press tour and in the press promotion for this thing i i don't know why i'm not gonna i'm not gonna speculate as to why i just thought it was interesting but no i don't think we're ever gonna see ray uh ray fisher back but then again we live in a world where jamie foxx is coming back as elektro and if that can happen anything can happen so we'll see what happens all right uh next up k major writes uh john here's my dceu history i love man of steel batman vs superman was meh aquaman and shazam were refreshing wonder woman was good uh let's forget about wonder woman two i agree uh justice league was god awful i thought i i still like justice league theatrical version hated how they portrayed batman i agree that was that was my one big problem with the theatrical version of justice league was the sudden change in tone of how they were handling um batman of that i am in a hundred percent agreement with you k major 100 agreement with you that always sat with me very wrong especially coming out of batman vs superman which in my opinion gave us the greatest on-screen iteration of batman ever and then they totally backtracked on that in the theatrical and i was kind of hoping that snyder who directed batman versus superman would have taken us back to that version of batman but he did a little bit but not a lot but anyway i agree with you that was a terrible thing they did to him in the theatrical version couldn't stand the flash wonder woman and aquaman uh were there and cyborg man and superman uh oh and by the way you tipped in like 50 bucks each time thank you k major for supporting our channel on that level man we really appreciate that dude um anyway and superman didn't feel like superman i thought i'm i'm gonna well i completely agree with you about the batman thing i disagree with you about the superman thing i thought superman did feel like superman but that's just me uh all that said i thoroughly enjoyed uh zach's justice league flash was a character cyborg had heart yeah cyborg had real heart uh batman felt like batman again he didn't quite feel like batman to me from batman vs superman but it was a little bit closer all the hero shots felt earned and not forced i'm sad to see this thread not explored further my only gripe uh was that the score and soundtrack oh dude i'm so glad you brought up the soundtrack we'll talk about that in a second was the score in the soundtrack it was all over the place and too much slow motion well that's a zack snyder thing um but man i was glued to the screen every scene steppenwolf was done way better here as well i okay i will i will disagree with you a little bit on the score i thought the score was quite good i actually thought the score was quite good especially in that one scene where they have they're standing around the bat cave and they're all like you know flash is like we're all thinking the same thing i'm not gonna be the one to say it like let's resurrect superman but as they're having that conversation before they ever mention superman you start to hear that awesome hans zimmer man of steel theme and i'm like oh and your blood starts rushing so i gotta say i really did like the score i like the score and the way they use the score but the soundtrack was a bloody mess i i did not like the choice now thankfully this wasn't like um oh i don't know what's i can't think of a movie off the top of my head this wasn't one of those movies that had like a new song playing every five minutes there was only a couple of places in the movie but every time they end they started playing a song like not score but they started playing a song every single time i'm like this does not work here this doesn't work here now granted that's a nitpick that was only a couple times and maybe three or four times in the whole movie maybe like once an hour so it's no big deal it's no big deal but whereas i thought the score was really accentuating the moments of the film and heightening the drama and and and speaking to the emotions that are supposed to be coming off the screen i thought the score is working very well but the soundtrack choices i thought at best were questionable at worst distracting quite frankly but again they only take up a few moments in the movie not a big deal but i see you're going there with that and k major again thank you my friend for for supporting the channel on that level thanks for sharing your thoughts and we really appreciate you man thank you very very much all right next up we go to questin fisher and question fisher writes i'm really curious to know what did warner brothers hate about this movie thank you what did warner brothers hate about this movie three years ago to have this movie be rewritten by joss whedon here's the thing wayne didn't even rewrite anything it's the same movie you didn't actually change it when you you didn't actually change it i don't i just don't under and i'm sitting there because i have been led to believe and a lot of us had been led to believe for years this narrative that oh they just really didn't like his movie and so they had to go in this totally different direction and i get it they wanted it two hours why they wanted it exactly at two hours i do not know but they wanted it two hours and and blah blah blah but you you just basically made the theatrical verse is basically the same movie it's just shorter with a lot of the heart cut out of it not nearly as much character depth nowhere near the exposition on the context of the story it just you just made it shorter why did you need another director all the plot points are exactly the same and we went through it earlier but it's you know batman because of that whole discussion that he had with uh the dinner bell has been wrong he's putting together a team he goes finds aquaman he goes finds flash diane meets with cyborg cyborg oh i'm mad at my daddy and you know they do that they find flash they put all that stuff together the mother boxes happen blah blah the battle of themyscira the thing battle under the harbor thing it's all the same plot points it's all the same beats why the hell did we go through that drama three and a half years ago what was that all about what was the point you essentially just gave us the same movie except cut in half and i and i'm a little bit flat and again the only thing i'm left with right now is that this speaks to the absolute state of dysfunction that warner brothers was in while still under kevin tsujihara at the time that all this was going on it's the only thing i got i i don't know what else to tell you except that this is yet another manifestation of the absolute dysfunction that was going on around warner brothers at the time because i was expecting now look i knew that zack snyder's cut would not be a night and day completely different movie i mean we all knew that but i'm watching did you not did you not feel it especially in the first hour like did you not feel in the first hour of the movies like this is with some minor differences here and there this is the same movie they changed some of the narrative twist they fleshed it all out much better and it made for a much better movie but what the hell was warner brothers doing three and a half years ago that is the question question that i have on my mind absolutely what did warner brothers hate so much about what zack snyder put together because if you really hated it that much why did you just end up putting together a just worse version of the same movie i don't understand what the hell they were thinking i somebody someday i'm gonna sit down with an executive of warner brothers someday and i'm that's gonna be the first question what the hell happened at that that you ended up just putting out the same movie anyway just a much worse version of it how did i and i just don't get it i don't get it anyway sorry now that's twice i've ranted about it sorry i'll back off but yeah that is what it is i suppose um where are we at now uh jake c writes uh crisis on infinite earths a live action have the snyder verse be one of the infinite realities barry runs into it practically writes itself i tell you yeah maybe i i you gotta remember you're talking to a guy i'm not a fan of multi multi-dimensional stuff multiverse and infinite i'm not a fan of all that stuff to me it's just it's a cheap storytelling gimmick that just means we have no consequences for anything that we do so i'm personally not a fan of that but the reality is jake i'm also aware that there are a lot of people who do like that stuff and so maybe your suggestion would fly with probably a lot of other people i'm just one of the people that that stuff doesn't appeal to me um i like more concrete stuff in my storytelling where there's actual consequences and ramifications instead of just saying time travel that'll fix it multiverse that explains it i mean i'm i'm just not a big fan of that but i know i'm in the minority i know i'm in the minority and i concede and recognize that a lot of people really do love that and maybe that would work maybe that would totally work for a lot of people all right uh let's see next up uh yazmar hidalgo writes uh isn't it kind of weird that aquaman brings the villagers fish to eat considering he can talk to them that's a conversation i would love to see yeah but i mean what do you think atlanteans eat atlantians eat the fishies ladies and gentlemen they probably eat a lot of uh um plankton i'm guessing maybe uh a lot of seaweed but i'm guessing they eat a lot of fish eat a lot of fish anyway uh next up alex ro writes hate is useless all respect to patty jenkins uh zack snyder's portrays wonder woman uh on the highest level of badassness while retaining her softness again i if you take wonder woman 84 out of the equation i i just think what patty jenkins did with wonder woman was a better accomplishment but you also got to remember you're only seeing little segments of wonder woman in justice league like she is sharing the the majority of the screen time with batman with cyborg with flash with aquaman with everything going on with stefan wolfe and darkseid and zack snyder has the advantage here of just giving us little bits of wonder woman and make those little bits really badass what patty jenkins had the responsibility of doing is giving us a full movie of wonder woman and i thought she did a great job um but i agree with you i thought the way wonder woman was used in this movie was very effective and done very well uh but again i think it's two different things you're talking about one director only needing to do this character in certain places whereas you're talking about the other director has to make a fully fleshed out complete movie based around this character and they're two different things and i just really like what patty jenkins did with the one although that doesn't take anything away from what i thought zack snyder did with her in this movie not in the least all right uh next up uh cowboys stars 909 rights and and by the way guys i i should i totally forgot to do this but i will do it now um i am needing to i'm going to shut off the super chat feature because i've only got like another 20 minutes left and i already know i'm not gonna be able to get through all the super chats that have already come in so don't worry we will answer every super chat that came in we're just gonna have to do a companion video of this later um so i'm gonna turn off the super chats right now so the super chats are now turned off uh and we will continue to try to get through as many of the ones that you guys have sent in before we wrap up here today all right uh cowboys stars 909 writes mm as martha uh the world needs you lois uh uh no you idiot the world needs you go fight with the justice league lol yeah yeah again marsh martian manhunter that's the thing is like oh isn't that great of martian manhunter to come at the end when the fight's already done say you know uh yeah i think i'll help you guys out now really did you know we were just like fighting a big gaggle of parademons and steppenwolf and the mother boxes and the end of the world you didn't think maybe in instead of going to have a little pep talk with lois lane that maybe you could have flown out and said hey guys just you know i'm here i'm pretty strong maybe i can be useful so not only did i think martian manhunter's appearance in this movie was kind of pointless it actually just makes me a little mad at martian manhunter it's like you coward you have you giant giant coward anyway ah that's just me but you're right yeah maybe you should go fight with the justice league dude instead of sitting down to have tea with lois lane maybe you go help the justice league i don't know there's that all right um c-j-e-f-c for life writes in the live chat it was his day off give him a prank that's right it was his day off it's totally his day off all right uh next up we got matthias uh matthias peterson who writes as much as i love seeing supes in the black suit i kind of thought it would have been cooler with the blue suit in the epilogue uh shirt rip but i loved it no i agree like again it didn't change anything it didn't it's not like oh this movie would have been better if he was wearing blue and red no no no no not at all it's fine it doesn't matter what color the suit is but yeah i there's just no reason for it to be black like and you should have just put in a single line of dialogue just to explain this you know uniform with our family crest represents when this is happening in our world even just one three-second line of dialogue totally would have given it narrative purpose but instead it was just like oh look everybody superman's wearing the black costume isn't that cool whatever it was fine it doesn't matter it doesn't take anything away from it's just a minor nitpick but i agree with you my thighs right the jedi brandon writes i absolutely went nuts when snyder uh recreated superman's first flight from man of steel with the black suit and the hans zimmer theme i i'm not gonna lie i while i loved a lot of superman in this movie recreating the first flight scene i i don't know to me it was just we've already done this the close-up of the fist the fist on the ground the rock starting to spin it's like we've we've haven't we already done this and it's one of the great moments in dc eu that first flight superman's first flight in man of steel one of the great moments in the dc eu absolutely well i i don't know it didn't do a lot i'm done i'm glad it worked for you though jedi brandon for me it was like i didn't have a problem with it don't get me wrong it's not like i i was like oh this is stupid no no no it's just like i just didn't get anything out of it because we've already done been there done that but i'm glad it worked for you man i'm glad it worked for you but every time you hear that score it just makes my my blood rush i just go that's it my heart just starts beating it's too good all right um the eighth right superman i'm not impressed me i'm questioning my sexuality dude can i just say this the funny thing about henry cavill and everybody knows you can't see it right now but i've got my giant henry cavill as superman standy right over here who kind of watches over and protects the the studio but henry cavill in that scene where they're back at the kent farm and him and lois first land and he's still shirtless right he has such a unique physique because his body isn't actually that thick like when you go from his back to his abs he's his body isn't that thick right but his freaking pectorals like really come out and like are really really sharply defined it's a very unique shape that you don't see a lot it's like holy crap dude eat a hamburger or something man how put some gravy on that turkey have some ice cream or something i mean to say henry cavill was in ridiculous shape was that but yes that moment when he's like he just lets him hit him with the axe he doesn't even block it and he just says i'm not impressed it's like oh my god this is the superman it was just it was too good it was too good all right um next up michael hamilton writes the snyder cut was so good it's a shame that the snipe that snyder won't be continuing it uh but my one issue was the aspect ratio you know okay i've seen a lot of discussion about the aspect ratio it and look i'm not going to defend it i'm not going to defend it the 4x3 aspect ratio was a questionable decision that said after about 10 minutes into the movie i would be lying to you if i told you i even noticed it anymore i i didn't i didn't even after about 10 minutes i didn't even notice it anymore i don't like the fact that they did the 4x3 aspect ratio i think it was a questionable decision um i don't think it was a particularly inspired decision to do 4x3 aspect ratio but at the end of the day did it really impact my viewing experience no it was a little weird at first just because we're not used to that anymore but honestly after about 10 minutes i'm like okay my like my brain just tuned into it and was like okay this is it and i honestly with the exception of maybe two or three moments in the film did i really notice oh yeah the giant black bars on the side of the screen but honestly for the most part it didn't it didn't impact me at all but uh yeah i don't know why he chose to do that i can't defend the choice to do that but did it detract from my enjoyment of the movie i gotta say it didn't it didn't detract from my enjoyment so it was all right it was a creative choice it's fine uh dark lock writes uh dark lock 63 rights did not like 2017 justice league i really like the snyder justice league i like them both i prefer this one uh i i just again giving more breadth to the characters more breadth to the story it just when you when you're able to do that it just serves your movie so much and i will argue and i'll win the argument that this is still essentially the exact same movie that came out in 2017 except for that extra time to give more depth to the characters to give more depth to the story to give more background to give more development yeah it's the same beat for beat it's the same movie but by giving it that extra room to breathe as somebody put earlier it really makes all the difference in the world and it makes for a more engaging story and a more engaging movie again the perfect example of that is the scene of cyborg with the waitress that that one scene perfectly is the perfect example of did that change the story of the movie nope that didn't change the story of the movie one little bit but it gave us insight into the character and by giving us insight into the character you create an additional bond between the screen and us as the audience and it makes it more engaging and when we are more engaged we are having a better experience and just all that benefit from just giving it a little bit more room to okay granted they doubled the length it wasn't just a little bit more room to read but by just giving it a bit more room to breathe it's the same movie it's a different experience does that make sense this is the same movie but it's a different experience and i think that scene of cyborg and the waitress is the perfect perfect example of that and there are several other there are many other scenes in the movie that represent that as well but i think that cyborg in the waitress scene perfectly embodies that but that's just kind of my take on it um next up dark lock rights uh missed the theater experience me too the four by three aspect ratio was a minor distraction i at most i would say was a minor distraction for me like i said first ten minutes yeah it i noticed it it bothered me a bit after 10 minutes i was good to go it was perfectly good to go after that joshua howard writes i'll say it warner brothers should have left zack snyder alone and let him make batman vs superman uh and this the way he wanted they screwed us out of an epic well it's easy to say it's easy for us to say and i catch myself doing this all the time what somebody else should have done with their money it's easy for us to say they should have done this they should have done that i'll be honest with you everybody disagrees i don't care i think all the studies approved batman vs superman which was a little bit of a box office disappointment it wasn't a flop some people try to call batman vs superman a flop it was not a flop was it a little did it underperform sure it would have underperformed more if it was like an over three hour movie it would have made less and i think all the stats that they brought out about it kind of prove that out did i prefer the ultimate cut yes did i think it was a vast improvement no i i didn't think it was a vast improvement i already thought the theatrical version of it was very very good um but anyway that's just me listen there is no way in hell any studio was going to let a four hour cut of a movie go theatrical it's just you're just kidding yourself and you also are really really underestimating exactly how many people would look at that runtime and say pass like if you thought the justice league theatrical version underperformed at the box office you have no idea what a four-hour cut of it would have done at the box office it would have done worse like i know my own mom if she sees something over two and a half hours pass my brother-in-law ray who does all of our graphics loves it if he sees something over like two hours and 20 minutes pass there are a lot of people like that and so now could he have gotten away with like a three-hour and 15-minute cut maybe and and by the way i think that would have made for a better movie i think if i think of this zack snyder justice league was like three hours and twenty three hours and thirty i think it would have been even better it would have much better pace cut out a bunch of the bloat all killer no filler all that kind of stuff but maybe they would have let him get away with like a three hour and fifteen minute but all i'm saying is this no studio no studio not sony not paramount not disney not whatever were whatever have let him release a four hour cut of the movie there's no way never would have happened never would have happened because it would have hurt the movie a lot financially it would have hurt the movie a lot so i mean yeah it's all great romantic to say for us to sit back and believe me i'm not i'm not pointing you out yet because i do this too i i am totally guilty of this i totally am but it is all easy for us to sit back and say when it's not our money and it's not our company and it's not our bankruptcy and it's not our disaster to say oh they should have done this that's easy for us to say it wasn't our money it wasn't our money but i mean i mean these are all these are all decisions that we're going like way over my pay grade way over my pay grade all right next up um i mean somebody's pointing it out in the live chat like highly flavors was pointing out it's like hell even people at home were saying four hours like even my wife was like four hours i'm like yeah honey like i'll watch it another time it's like okay it seems like i'll watch it another time like that's for people at home when you can pause it and come back to it later yeah in the theaters it would have been no good it just it would not have worked theatrically but anyway there's that all right frederick uh nicholas junior writes i think the snyder cut was good the only thing i thought the original post-credits scene with lex luthor was better i gotta disagree i thought the post-credits scene with the change in the dialogue was a little bit better in this one like again it's the same scene you know deathstroke shows up on the boat walks up the steps comes on in but you know they just change the dialogue a bit now he's saying i i got something i need to do i'm going to give you the name of the batman his name is bruce wayne okay let's celebrate right i just thought it made it a more interesting scene but the other one worked better for you that's all good uh i just prefer the one in the uh in the snyder cut all right next up uh black bono lala writes during and after watching snyder cut all i could say was why why why warner brothers too busy chasing mcu and you have this on your hand oh well we just explained it they were never ever would have released a four a four look i know nobody wants to i'll say the unpopular thing a four hour cut of justice league would have completely flopped it just would have completely flopped do not underestimate the average user the average moviegoer who looks at three hour movies and go oh that's a bit long three hours three hours is a bit long it's not that it's impossible but you know look zack snyder's justice league is not lord of the rings all right it's not an all-time great movie it's not going to be a movie that wins 11 academy awards it's not one that we're still going to be talking about for generations after it's done so yes for lord of the rings it worked but even lord of the rings i think it the length of those movies hampered it i think it could have made even more money had they not been that long you try to put out a movie that's like four hours long when a big chunk of the movie going audience already doesn't like zack snyder's dceu movies that's the other thing you gotta remember a lot of the audience i don't know why but a lot of the audience do not like man of steel i'll never understand why but it's the truth a lot of the audience don't like man of steel that's confounding to me but it is what it is and a lot of the audience don't like batman versus superman i mean you and i may but a lot of the awning student now you compound that by saying we're gonna put out a four hour version totally would have flopped it completely would have flopped and i think i don't think we can underestimate that so um anyway that that's kind of my take on that all right magic k but but again it didn't need to be the drama that they made it to be you didn't need to remove zack snyder from it you just wanted the same movie just a shorter version of it that's not as good okay then just get an editor to edit it down to two hours it still wouldn't have been as good but i mean again i'm not going to rant on it for a third time sorry guys i i get easily distracted all right magic k writes people loathed some of the scenes uh the past three years and thought they shot they were shot by whedon but last night they realized they were shot by zach yeah yeah that's true i think look you guys all saw the same things i did there was a lot of talk online about this movie is 95 percent different from this no it really wasn't and you know what zack snyder was very upfront i i found what zack snyder said about it was completely accurate zack snyder said before this movie was released that's got two and a half hours of footage that hadn't been in there before well if you do the math if this movie's four hours long and he's saying two and a half hours of it is unseen that means an hour and a half of it was in the original theatrical version and he was right there's probably a good hour and a half of it was just in the original version and you are right about that magic k there there are a number of scenes that people complain about and blamed it on whedon but then last night they found out oh i guess those were zack snyder's shots now i like them when they're in the theatrical version and i still like them when they're in this zack snyder but yeah there were some people that i think had a very interesting awakening when they realized that some of the stuff that they were crapping on thinking it was whedon's fault were actually scenes that zack snyder had actually done and like to me it doesn't matter because i like them anyway i liked him in that version i like him in this version so me i don't care but i think you're right there were some people that had kind of a an unfortunate awakening realizing that this wasn't going to be a 95 different movie than the theatrical version it just wasn't a lot of the theatrical version was zack snyder's shot stuff um and it worked for me there works for me here so that's just me all right next up magic k also writes uh tc batman i don't know what tc means i called alfred uh to bring lois here oh and the theatrical cut i called uh alfred to bring lois here to calm superman down uh snyder cut batman nah i can handle superman by with the laser be with him laser beaming me i agree that was a that was one it look the snyder cut is a better version than theatrical cut but there are moments in the theatrical cut that were better than the snyder cut and the whole idea of they just so happened to be lucky that lois lane just happened to be walking by when this when superman was brought back to life and was having this battle with the rest of the justice league and it just so happened that lois lane just by chance and coincidence happened to be strolling by when that was going on to me a much better storytelling hook of that is that batman being the master strategist like in the theatrical cut he gets a hold of um alfred and says it's time to bring in the big guns and of course we later found out bringing the big guns meant bringing in lois lane that he had calculated this he had prepared for this he had planned for this he knew there was a possibility that when they wake superman up who knows how disoriented he's going to be who knows we may need lois lane there don't have her there right away just in case it's dangerous only bring her out if it's an absolute necessity to me that was a part of the movie that actually worked better in the theatrical than it did in the snyder cut rather than whoo it's a good thing lois lane was walking by or superman was about to kill batman right it's just wow we sure are lucky we sure are lucky uh anyway and let's move on here uh black rice rights only got about 10 minutes left here guys black rice writes as somebody who only likes man of steel and dislikes batman vs superman after watching uh zack snyder's justice league i hope he gets to complete his vision ten times better than the original i disagree with that i i to me it is not twice as good it's better it is better this is an improved version of the movie zack snyder took that extra time and totally fleshed it out and and made it what 10 times better no i i disagree with that i i don't think it is i think that is a massive massive hyperbole but hey it's all subjective if that's what it was to you then that's what it was to you personally i don't agree but uh but it but we do agree that it was an improvement it was definitely an improvement all right next up uh caleb crane right cyborg's first flight scene was dope big man of steel vibes yeah his first flight scene was pretty cool i mean there's a lot again and and i kind of get now i we get a little bit more context about why ray fisher has been so salty it's justice league was kind of a cyborg movie and then he just kind of became another one of the side characters on the level of flash and yeah i get it that probably would have pissed a lot of people off probably would have pissed a lot of people off i get it it puts a little bit more of that into context for me but no it there was a lot of scenes again to me that that waitress scene i know i've referenced it like four times already tonight but that waitress scene was so well done and so moving and so special the flight scene was great uh the the the cemetery part was great um just they just did a they did so much more with that character because they had the time to give the character depth and that makes a world of difference it absolutely makes a world of difference all right uh next up we've got black rice who writes i like josh but it feels like his ego was all over the original version how could anyone watch that version and think it was better than snyder's well there are people who do but here's the thing you what everybody forgets and by the way let me let me address this let me address this i once said and i was very very clear about what i meant there is this misconception out there that um you know zack snyder either left or was removed whatever semantics you want to use from justice league and warner brothers went out and said oh boy we need somebody to finish it hey josh sweden will you finish this and joss whedon said yes but only if i get to do all of these things and warner brothers said okay josh you go and do that that's not what happened they literally went to whedon and say look look we saw this we don't like it you've got to change make it different cut it in half cut this movie down in half make a bunch of changes oh and by the way we're not changing the release date you still have to come in at the exact same time that the movie was before go and what i said before is when you understand that i said joss whedon saved justice league now a bunch of people took when i said that that they took that me saying that oh they saved that joss whedon saved it from zack snyder i'm like no no that's not what i said i said when you look at the circumstances any director put in that position saying you we just parted with the director for whatever reason this thing's four hours long we want it two hours long we don't like this we don't like this you need to change it make this thing two hours long and we're not changing the release date i there are very very few directors the fact that joss whedon was able to bring that movie home and deliver a feature film which once again remember got higher critic ratings and higher audience ratings than batman vs superman did don't shoot the messenger i'm just telling you what the numbers were the fact that any director was able to step in under those ridiculous circumstances and still deliver a movie is pretty remarkable understanding the circumstances and so when i said joss whedon saved justice league i don't mean he saved it from zack snyder i mean that thing was never good that thing was not going to make it after snyder had gone and all that kind of stuff and they were like do this do this do this and you've only got this amount of time we're not changing the release date because again walter hamada needed to get his bonus idiot um it is a remarkable feat it's a remarkable feat that he got that movie done and that he got that movie made that said that said um i i don't know if any other director could have stepped into those circumstances and done any better of a job i i don't know that any other director could have stepped in with only x amount of time to go had to make all these changes and cut the movie in half and that they would have been able to deliver i don't know that a lot of directors could have done it and i think any other director that could have done it you know whether it's a spielberg or a tarantino or a scorsese they definitely wouldn't have done it they they wouldn't have wanted to do it they never would have agreed to it right so they would have wanted creative control and they would have wanted this and they would have wanted that and understandably so and rightfully so but it was having now seen zack snyder's justice league and now you look back at that scenario and you realize it was an impossible situation and it didn't need to be an impossible situation that did not need to be as ridiculous as of a situation as it was right from the beginning we knew if you guys had just extended the um the deadline the release date they probably could have done a lot better but now that we see that it was still basically the same story beats you didn't even need to bring in another director all you needed was an editor to edit down to two and a half hours and whatever little minor things you want to change just leave it the way zack had it i don't know again i think someday there's a documentary to be made not that warner brothers would ever agree to let it be made but i would give a lot of money brothers and sisters i would give a lot of money to watch a a true expose documentary not by some fans who just work on their own stupid bias speculation but i mean an actual inside warner brothers documentary about everything that went on and what led to certain decisions and whatnot because it is it is baffling it's it's absolutely baffling um uh let's see santes henderson writes did you miss the i don't not like you scene be honest really enjoyed this version of the movie glad snyder got to do this congrats to the fans oh dude listen i like the original theatrical justice league not as much as this one but i like the original theatrical justice league i never liked that line remember i was talk we were talking a little bit earlier about the one big problem i always had with um with the theatrical version of justice league is how much they changed batman from batman vs superman it turns out it was still changed even in this version but but one of the lines that truly highlights the difference between batman vs superman batman and justice league batman was you know i thought you didn't like me uh i i don't not like you oh it's like oh my god oh my god that was bad and listen i like that movie but that line was bloody bloody awful bloody awful i hated that line so much so no my friend while i did miss the just save one line i did miss that while i did miss the you won't let me live you won't let me die or the world needs you but does the world need you i like there are lines from the original theatrical cut that i did miss i i don't not like you is not one of those lion sentence that is not one of the lines that i missed at all so glad that line was gone all right next up steve conan writes john i loved it uh the man has a vision looked gorgeous and loved all the performances fisher was amazing that first flight scene with the black suit and the shot pans down over the black cape wow i mean listen one of the things you can never take away now i am personally i am personally a zack snyder fan i've liked every single one of his movies except for sucker punch um but no director has movies that i like well except i know i like every single christopher nolan movie but my favorite filmmaker of all time steven spielberg he's got a movie i don't like the only movie of zack snyder's i've ever not liked was sucker punch i've liked every other one of his movies um but to people who don't like his movies and you know he's very stylized he's not for everybody that's fine but even people who don't like zack snyder's movies they you've got to agree and acknowledge this guy can visually tell a story like the visuals even in that movie of his i don't like sucker punch visually that movie is just freaking gorgeous that movie is gorgeous and zack has a real ability to let to leverage his visuals to help tell his story sometimes the story isn't always the best but you cannot knock this guy's visual style his visual style is great and that was on full display in the justice league snyder cut for sure steph all right next up max gomez writes the fight on themascara was just amazing yeah i mean i already like the th the fight on themscara i thought the fighting themscara in the original version was good this was better and they took something that was already good they made it better with just a few changes a few little additions here and there and it elevated uh that experience uh by the way dj sent in a super chat badge in the live chat thank you dj appreciate that man uh michael myers just sent in a super chat to be supportive thank you michael myers uh russell amador writes for darkseid that thank you again the addition of darkseid gave so much more dimension just to the story just knowing that darkseid was there it added a whole new dimension to the story that worked really well uh npa writes i was surprised at how much i liked it do you think there is a plausible chance of a sequel on hbo max no uh what does it mean for reeves's batman it means nothing for reeves as batman they look they already kind of explained that reeves batman is in its own kind of universe so it means nothing for matt reese's batman do i personally as a spectator who is not connected inside warner brothers i do not walk the halls of warner brothers i got some friends there but i do not walk inside the halls of warner brothers do i think right now that there is a truly plausible chance that they will do a sequel no i don't do i think it's possible yes but it's a i think it's a very very thin possibility again i'm all i can go by is what did zack snyder say and what did warner brothers say and they've both said this is it this is it so do i think there is a plausible a truly plausible chance that we get a sequel no but i don't know that that's just me guessing that's just me looking and all i have to go on is what zack snyder and what warner brothers said and maybe they changed their minds in the future i don't know but uh it doesn't look like it right now but hey we'll see what happens moving forward all right uh matthew roberts writes the amazon scene was worth it by itself we have no fear it was a great line man again great example it's the exact same scene doing the exact same thing narratively they just elevated it and it changed the experience and that was a great example of that matthew steven riedeker writes i doubt they'll do it but release uh release the snyder cut like what another one uh next up whiz r74 writes i need the snyder cut on 4k blu-ray asap i think i heard that they are gonna put it out on physical media i mean let's face it sorry one drop of my drink just went down the wrong pipe and i'm like fighting with it ever since but um let's let's be honest here they have got to come up with some ways to recoup that 70 million dollars they spent on it now now there are there are rumors i don't know if these are true or not but there have been rumbling that greenblatt the guy who was the chairman of warner media the guy who greenlit spending 70 million dollars to complete the snyder cut he ain't the chairman of warner media anymore and there are there are whispers and rumors that he got asked to step aside because he greenlit spending 70 million dollars on that so look whether that's true or not i have no idea but they do got to figure out some way to recruit recoup that 70 million dollars they've kind of they got that is a lot of money for a movie you already spent a lot of money on you know what i mean so they're gonna have to so selling a 4k blu-ray um all that kind of stuff we'll see we'll see what i'll do but but i think i did hear that they are going to put on i could be wrong maybe i'm maybe i'm not remembering it right but i thought i heard them say that they are going to put it out on physical media now whether that's going to be widely available or not i have no idea i don't care about physical media so i didn't really pay close attention to it but if you look into it it might be there so whiz you just may get your wish my friend all right last question i'm going to take guys and then the rest will have to address in a companion video in the next in the next day or two jose linares writes when cyborg failed and boxes were combined that everyone die barry rewound time and you can see everyone reconstructing including superman right yes that's what i saw now maybe i didn't see it right maybe i'm not remembering it right but what i saw jose is exactly what you're saying as the blast from the mother box the unity was spreading out it vaporized it deconstructed everybody including superman and the only reason it didn't get flash was because he was already so far he was in the speed force he was already so far outside of the center so he was able to kick it in go faster than the speed of light break the rule and pull a galaxy quest he was like and i wish i wish he had mentioned galaxy quest i would have i would have stood up and cheered if we saw barry talking to himself got to go faster than speed light got to break the rule got to pull a galaxy quest if he had done that kind of like how spider-man goes remember that really old old old movie empire strikes back and he references what they're gonna do if barry had done that i would have lost my mind i would have thought that would have been so perfect because they totally did do the ending of galaxy quest that was exactly the ending of galaxy quest but i wish he would have referenced it i think that would have been hilarious all right guys listen for everybody else from jake rowan mpe94 drake ripley stephen redeker do not worry in the next couple maybe not tomorrow i can't tomorrow because i'm doing the the uh uh falcon winter soldier spoiler discussion but saturday saturday i will finish up with all of your live questions i will get those all taken care of and the you will see our part two of our open spoiler discussion of the zack snyder spoiler discussion up on the site on saturday go and keep your eyes open for it there all right guys with all that down that'll do it for this spoiler discussion of the zack snyder justice league um i hope that you guys enjoyed hanging out here chatting with it i've had fun chatting with you guys thank you for spending some of your evening here i know a lot of people didn't want me to do this spoiler discussion today because it is rather early and i acknowledge that but i had no choice because i couldn't do it on the weekend and i have uh and tomorrow i've got to do falcon winter soldiers so it just was what it was but anyway guys thank you guys for taking time out to be here today i really appreciate special thank you to all you guys who sent in the comments questions and observations about zack snyder's justice league i appreciate it very much tomorrow uh the john campbell show me and erin cummings who is here right now she's actually i think her and her husband tom just arrived a few minutes ago they're crashing the night here with us and then in the morning me and aaron are gonna do the john campbell show and then in the evening we've booked a private movie theater at an amc theater so we can go us and about 10 other friends we're going to go and watch indiana jones in the last crusade i'm very very excited about that uh okay guys that'll do it for me remember do the four main things my friends stay smart stay safe take care of yourselves and please take care of the people around you that'll do for me guys my name is john campy and until next time everybody bye bye you
Channel: John Campea
Views: 117,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Campea, tobeornottobethatisthequestion
Id: dB7xCEPfL2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 45sec (7425 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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