Justice League - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by hello fresh delicious pre-measured ingredients and simple chef made recipes delivered to your doorstep every week [Music] [Music] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember this time sir critic the Justice League is in danger Oh No their future is in great geo party please meet us at your studio and bring youtubers with a connection to cinema I can't believe such an original super team movie that broke all sorts of box off its records is in peril well if they want youtubers with a connection to cinema it's time to light the cinema signal or I could just give him a call hey you want to get drunk in there pick a movie critic Chris critic Barrett hello Jeremy I must say it's very preview to physically transition into talking text with adding at the end you act as if I had a choice do you fantastic the cinemasins are ready for action there's only one other youtuber connected to cinema or at least a cinema and his name that needs to make the long journey a cinema snob wanna do a review sure ah right cinema sins and the cinema snob ready to save the Justice League wait a minute are we forgetting about one other cinema related youtuber cinemassacre Chris don't you remember cinemassacre died a long time ago did he didn't seem very convincing yeah of course he did Chris just ask him yourself oh yeah I'm totally dead there you see I don't know I just have a feeling he's not really dead also is there something off about his upper lip what are you talking about my lip always looked this way you're all stupid and I'm dead so piss off yeah convinced me yes now don't you come back and save us in our time of need dead people have a bad habit of doing that [ __ ] weirdos all right after so much time building this up we only spent a few minutes is he always like this worse time to unite the Justice League oh there they are now DC's biggest moneymakers Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam Joker so what great danger did you summon us to take on oh no we didn't summon you you didn't know we're doing fine better than fine he's the one that some of you hey guys is me cyborg from the Justice League Teen Titans [Music] go anyway I note your guys's help saving the Justice League but why yeah a lot of DC characters are doing great right now for them sure but if Justice League doesn't become popular again I may never get another movie I guess in some respect I see what he's talking about with the Marvel Cinematic Universe changing the landscape of box office his DC was rushing to catch up on the potential goldmine delayed before them they released superhero movies that were all connected similar to what Marvel had started five years earlier but where Marvel gracefully East people into how their world work with individual hero stories DC through unfinished Wikipedia pages posing its films as some have pointed out DC's cinematic lineup was the equivalent of going from Iron Man to Civil War two guardians of the galaxy to Captain America to the Avengers about his straightforward as a curvy metal rod game at carnivals on top of that due to a family tragedy Zack Snyder had to leave as director and was replaced by Joss Whedon and there about his polar opposite as you can get so the tone of the film seemed to juggle back-and-forth as well because of this Justice League underperformed at the box office still making its money back but not becoming the record breaker DC was hoping for exactly and now DC is doing movies that barely tie into a continuing story and there [Music] so you see unless people see the value in a DC Cinematic Universe that connects there could be no more Justice League and thus no more me all right listen Jax hey no I mean cyborg what he said I don't remember this movie being the greatest but I remember it being better than DC's other stinkers yes with the overflowing positivity we give in most of our videos I'm sure we can find something of value here let's get to it then this is our review of the one and only for now justice I was promised booze in the kitchen well this movie had a smaller budget than I thought the studio was okay when Whedon said he wanted to turn this into a found footage movie so one of the biggest criticisms is that Henry Cavill was under contract not to shave his mustache when shooting Mission Impossible 6 which means they had to digitally remove it when he came back to play Superman but this movie had a budget of over 300 million dollars I'm sure they made it look okay Christ did he brush his teeth with kryptonite toothpaste yeah didn't know Mouse man was in this movie still waiting as on film t see you can keep stealing from Marvel and no one will care by the way Superman never does answer this question in the movie presumably his legal team interrupted before cutting you don't have to answer that question cut to Gotham City or the set of holy musical Batman where a criminals robbing a pigeon trainers house hey they made coin man he stopped by the Caped Crusader though played by Ben Affleck did you do it wait wait wait who we're finally gonna see what happened to Johnny gobs it turns out Batman was using this criminals fear to lure out an alien menace known as the parademons for such a cool name why did they look like the be twins from the tick I just wanted to tempt your tummy with the taste of nuts and honey he blows up but Batman is afraid there might be more or rather the criminal is afraid there might be more yeah things are cool between them now what was that let's go from space like an alien army and Alfred very sings over it you persuade I thought you had a way in his jaw what it's cuz they know he's dead right Superman where does that leave us still able to rob [ __ ] hello well you're a criminal the opening credits show world without Superman which apparently means a lot more violence a lot more slow-mo and a lot more slow songs it's neither she's dripping off himself he can do it again with these credits we then see the Kingsmen seizing the Central Criminal Court bang as water woman played by gal gadot decides now is a good time to come out of retirement yeah now 9/11 World War two or anything like that this place being blown up but how does this tie into the plot to remind you that Wonder Woman was a hit yeah but I thought you liked the countdowns already of course the code to disarm it is 36 1 5 a damn lasso I'm glad the people are safe but poor birds we see Batman approaching a village where Aquaman played by Jason Momoa is the dolphin rocky said to constantly save the day fight comes we'll need you don't count on a Batman I heard he looked like the guy from twilight strong man as strong as a loan ever hear of Superman he died fighting next to me I know because I originally tried to kill him it's a complicated story but don't worry it makes no sense ah shaved no no one will know that was me one this is the days where mom's biggest concerns were exploding wind-up penguins yeah I also miss Bane we not see the flash played by Ezra Miller visiting his father in prison hurry it up will you oh I get it yeah I can't sit here and watch you run in place for some old dude who's not going anywhere dad that's not this time as you may have noticed these character backstories are quickly rushed so you weren't given much time to connect with them yeah Marvel had a bad habit of giving most of the Avengers their own movies so they didn't need to explain much when they met up are you telling me that the Suicide Squad doesn't make any appearance in this movie no okay see that's what I'm talking about like look at my intro it's mostly just talking there's no flashbacks it's just me saying what happened to me rather than showing what happened to me I can access everything I lost your mother in that accident the box stays hidden I got a language in my head that I don't speak it is a good point I mean what were your thoughts about Black Widow and Iron Man - she was in Iron Man - exactly but the more she interacts with others the more she forms her character people want to see her in her own movie now because she had unique scenes with unique interactions here we have cyborg having a brooding talk in his apart a brooding talk on a rooftop and I think a brooding talk against a green screen oh hi mark oh hey Johnny what's up I have a problem with Lisa she said that I had her what why are we suddenly supposed to be invested after that see that's what I'm talking about man he's just gotta be your own thing you don't need to have the connection with them baby yeah if I was gonna fight Ben Affleck's Batman I'd be like a million years old hell Batman's a vigilante and they still toys of him in my universe no I believe in the sanctity of the Justice League and all of me getting my own all of us getting our own movie I haven't said anything a while so ding meanwhile on thermus Amazon Island I already made that goof I already don't care the Amazons guard a powerful device called the mother box mother box yeah she married the GameCube and gave birth to the Gameboy huh as something awakens it causing great distress a bargain-basement Thanos appears named Steppenwolf voiced by Ciaran Hinds who tries to steal the mother box for himself oh my god Superman's upper lip is mutated and become the villain of this movie no no it's just an unwanted Soul Calibur character even down to the weapon he uses Steppenwolf wins I turned down a cameo in Game of Thrones for this ha take that Marvel we didn't wait for the end to get our shitty sky portal he threw it in right in the first 30 minutes Wolff grabs the mother box and the Amazons signal Diana by firing a flaming arrow burning down an ancient monumental building you know a phone could work Lois Lane played by Amy Adams talks about the death of Clark while a seemingly HIGHlarious news story plays gee I wonder if this was a Joss Whedon written seen this janitors wife had some strong words for the aliens she says stole her man ah seriously we all know aliens are real so if you see her husband let us know but swearing ladies right who's your source the activist who is a guy well I'll see if she'll take your call it's a [ __ ] Oh next you'll be telling me they didn't leave the kitchens and fight crime it's not a shame we apologize for this confusing lesson we now return you to your superhero movie thankfully Diana meets up with Bruce as let's be honest they're the closest thing that any chemistry of any kind in this movie oh I don't know I think Bruce and Alfred's romance will send hearts aflutter I think there's an attack coming it's already here Diana tells us about Steppenwolf while showing us what clearly should have been the climax of this movie as men Amazon fish and Ryan Reynolds bought him off from collecting three mother boxes to rule the everything old a try of men fought side by side even the guns themselves all acted as one now it's six people who look like dirty amusement park statues look mom Wonder Woman Wow okay so I'm not entirely sure why all these armies can't just get together again but we do get everyone's favorite part about the movie the flash that's right everybody who saw this movie could get behind the flash oh yeah I do remember him being pretty funny in this movie yeah it's nice to get some comedy in these gloomy DC films tell me about this the person who looks exactly like me but who is definitely not me but I remember the rest of it stop being pretty funny my special skills include viola a web design fluent in sign language gorilla sign language yeah that old gorilla sign language routine caused me to burn a tremendous amount of calories all I'm just a black hole of snacks I am a snack hole were we just looking for anything to like about this movie oh hey it's gotta be a lot better that CW flash pitch has anybody here seen that show I have and we're in trouble okay you don't get it man everybody was like do you see here two blew me you need to lighten up well now we have some comedy for you I mean yeah I guess cause we saw a little humor in these movies we thought it was okay but but now looking back it's like brunch what is brunch you wait in line for an hour for Joss Whedon Hey lay off that's our shwarma I mean something totally original could have a sip of that yeah um what if he had the wrong guy Bruce Wayne would just have another dead kid he'd have to mop up that's a six flash if killed this week after watching what clearly should have been the introduction of Aquaman lunchtime he goes back to his kingdom to try and stop Steppenwolf as well as continue to have no chemistry with ever heard when my parents fought in the wars she took me in what a saint you dare speak of Queen atlanna that way oh thank God we're back to two people talking in left right justified shots we missed you in your 3-minute absence Steppenwolf gets the mother box and sets up camp in Russia finally HBO tells us the truth about your noble unsatisfied with this pictures of spider-man JK Simmons as Gordon sees pictures of Batman aren't much better as he summons him to save kidnapped people I got them Harvard do you really think that oh wow they just they really just vanish huh oh that's rude hey he's a vital part to these movies man a vital part yeah I don't think we're following through with that anymore okay wait I need to tell you about brunch a vital part Steppenwolf starts killing people until he's told where to find what he's looking for where is my mother box T let's bill felt so funny as the Justice League turns into the injustice league the whole fight sequence has the effects of a DC video game boy you really feel the weight of movement into every scene don't you sure the weight of a hand moving a mouse and getting carpal tunnel is very felt here that I just score but I'll take it from here do I know you Bruce Lee gets another boy toy while I was out Aquaman joins the fight as well I mentioned this as an afterthought because the movie does too and they fight Steppenwolf off however cyborg finds the final mother box and they go to the Batcave via animated Technodrome elevator Wow it's like okay you look if you just imagine him less as a superhero and more is Jason from the good place this really works a lot better this is a person who looks exactly like me but who is definitely not me I mean Jason who is Jason so is this a bad time to bring up my blood sugar you don't owe me are you gonna advise see that works that works come on buddy Justice League we got you man we got you we cost more than the Avengers and we look better than the Avengers I am so sorry about all this oh yeah [Applause] you [Music] what's up camera representing a population of people who do not have a product I am about to share with you I want to talk about hellofresh what's that symbolic person in this hypothetical situation where you were in this room and we are friends I said hello fresh with hellofresh America's number one milk it get easy seasonal 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poetically beautiful and true this is the end of you looking at me right now goodbye for $80 off your first month of hellofresh go hello fresh calm slash nostalgia 9 and enter nostalgia 9 [Music] hey everybody you can see us at Grand Rapids comic-con in Michigan November 8th to the 10th and you can also see us on Twitch Monday through Friday now every one of those days were streaming we love answering questions from the chat so drop on by and hopefully we'll see you there [Applause] so Batman has a plan to use the mother box to bring Superman back to life as he feels he's the missing key to defeating Steppenwolf Superman is dead we don't know what state he's in don't you bats plain to me Superman was a beacon it's the world that's why a lot of the world fear him and I tried to kill him so party city somehow sneaks into this high-security base and they dig up Superman but make fist bump joke so it's not creepy okay we're not ready for racially-charged I'm glad we all agreed that Justice League grave-robbing is cute he used the technology to bring him back to life Superman lives god I would have made this more fun no I mean he's resurrected but with his memories all screwed up so he sees the Justice League as a threat and they said they'd never make a sequel the bright burn what does it say when the best part of a 300 million dollar superhero movie is an I turn I know you resurrected me with the shitty upper lip Clark his real name's Clark got next to Bruce Wayne you guys suck at keeping identities Bob Lois arrives hopefully knocking some sense into his brain or at least I'm doing short while Steppenwolf steals the final mother box which they left totally unguarded guys I've done it I found the perfect way to make you see the genius of this movie I brought back Santa Massacre as a pissed-off super mega death cry come back anyway it's not really furthering anything it's awesome so it's awesomely epic come on it's what you've all been waiting for everybody loves you buddy everybody loves me bud yeah the studio didn't have enough holes kind of like this movie Dean Superman takes Lois to the farm where it's always permanently magic our o'clock when after coming back from the dead this is what they have to say to each other he's found I did I not before Josh don't worry you'd get stranger what was it like coming back Mitchy okay seriously did a preschool write this did i nassif i coming back here's a Zen riddle what's flatter in this scene the green screen or is acting just got out of a wooden box I mean honestly weird in so many ways this is nice I do hope that they include Steppenwolf nuking the world in the background they're ignoring of Armageddon just shows how much they're in love you call mom you do have better chemistry with her than Louis the team gets ready to take him on but not before Aquaman reveals some embarrassing secrets you're gorgeous and fierce hey you know what I don't want to die maybe I'm scared because yes correct let's keep it going Game of Thrones is overrated bad batch is underrated there aren't enough jokes about me being in Stargate Atlantis and I bagged a Nicole Kidman but she likes to say she banged me something many people have noticed as the climax of this movie changed from having a darker gray sky to a neon red sky quarter they think this is Batman the Animated Series actually he is animated for most of this a checks out even when they get off the plane the color correction goes from steel-blue to Garfield Orange honestly it matches the inconsistencies for the rest of the climax like how they're flying parademons that are supposed to be scary but also Nickelodeon slime is their blood until forget how they're focusing mainly on this one family but suddenly it's revealed there's more to be saved even though we never see them what are you talking about there's some in that corner of the screen and there's some of that was at least a Man of Steel we can clearly see who's being ignored oh speaking of which he's back Wow I really thought he was gonna sit this one out hey at least it earned one of the most Awkward Batman faces ever given hmm I think that face goes here part of the reason the climax feels so empty I mean apart from everything being set up backwards is the CG is not only fake but also cluttered because this is an alien design it's hard to keep up with what we're looking at Avengers an amazingly cheaper movie to make didn't always have convincing effects but it was in a location we all recognize and well-lit so we're not always asking are we on a building in a building far away or really close everything is somehow too dark and too bright at the same time with heavy shadows for a darker background but a lighter background give it instead even the colors to look really rushed I mean I know it's gonna sound weird but with the obvious green-screen fake effects and turned up colors looks like one of my reviews the greatest combination of heroes should not look like a review show I put together in a week stop that box destroying all life on Earth Hey look the Batman V Superman poster thanks Justice League Steppenwolf is defeated the mother box is separated flash does Jeff Goldblum pose inside work says Booya Booya that's gonna be my thing in my mood it's pointless hey thanks Superman for the day is saved as the town turns into the ending of Princess Mononoke and the team decided they need a headquarters for future sequels big round table six chairs right there but room for more though you and Superman look a little different uh this is a crime scene is there no damn police tape the film ends with Superman and flash racing again they'll tell you who wins in the sequel and even pipsqueak Luthor has a cameo after the credits he and his odd little friends are forming some sort of lead shouldn't we have a bead of our own so what did you guys think wow that did not hold up as well as I remember and I remember it only being okay at best but come on guys for a movie that's seven years old I think it's allowed to show its age it's only two years old huh this movie's garbage and there's only one thing left to be done there's only one beacon of hope that can save the day I said there's only one beacon of hope that can save the day oh oh okay give me a second the most popular of us had perished you know we have more subscribers than all of you combined he came back saved the day and most importantly we were emotionally invested every step of the way by god this epicness was earned you're [ __ ] weird [ __ ] weirdos but I don't get it how is blowing up Justice League saving Justice League because you don't want to be like this Justice League yeah you want to be like this Justice League or this Justice League or any of these what the stuff you watch on TV they don't even have a continuing story half the time exactly and they're doing really damn good right now Justice League didn't work because it was the end result of trying to do the same thing the MC did only darker and not as focused with animated DC shows and movies had similar worlds and characters but never one continual story it would change up a little bit in each one hell I can't even count how many times Superman died him but each one felt big and epic because it was planning to tell one good story not looking ahead to others and those are the stories DC is doing best right now the self-contained ones the ones that have as little connection is possible to the previous DC movies not only stand on their own but they also allow the most variety with cast members time periods and even styles constantly being switched around DC may have more of a unique voice allowing exactly that more unique voices Justice League was two very different voices coming together to serve what felt like a corporate environment DC movies now are feeling more individual personal and carrying more weight yeah it sucks we may never get that complete universe like what Marvel has but this would allow DC to truly be something different maybe even something better in the long run some people have said there could be several different Joker origin movies with several different actors whereas the Joker says I'm going to have a past multiple choice while Justice League is nowhere near the worst superhero movie it's a step away from the potential of what DC films could be giving us bottom line if you want Justice League to thrive continue to stop doing what Marvel is doing and keep doing what DC is doing yeah come to our side we could be deep dark and have money and have audiences love you it does sound nice but no by going that route it means that Justice League was just a big sell out and never had any real story any real death and it'll never lead to me being in a movie ever again so no I can never join you I will stand by the story that Justice League has started I will step cyborg it's your agent good news baby you got your own solo movie without the Justice League now the real question is are you gonna go with it are you gonna stick with the integrity of the Justice League [Music] yeah art means more when it pays more I'm the Nostalgia Critic I'm the cinema snob and we're cinemasins DC future is going to be weird let's just so fit so good oh yeah what was it like coming back [ __ ] hey everybody Doug Walker here uh so this is a charity shadow kind of for another charity shout out this is for twitch.tv slash indeed they do this stream from November 6 to November 18th to try and raise money for Toys for Tots and they came to me and they were like hey you guys want be a part of it we sadly had a little bit too much going on but I said love to do a charity shout out for it so they've apparently been doing this for a while and we'll put the donation link in the description and they also have a really cool video of them apparently like shopping around with Toys for Tots like the owner of the channel goes and you know sees like some of the stuff they do so it's a really cool idea and they just they stream and they try to raise money for I mean you know Toys for Tots I mean who doesn't we've done Toys for Tots several times and the charity shoutouts but yeah they tried to raise money for them and it sounds like a really cool fun idea and they do a lot of cool fun stuff so definitely go check it out look at the link check out Toys for Tots like I said I mean a lot of people know who they are and the great work they do so definitely take a look and that's about it see you next time take care you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,239,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, justice league, justice league review, movie review, film review, dc movie, dc movie review, justice league movie, justice league movie review, cinemasins, avgn, angry video game nerd, the cinema snob, dc comics, bad comic book movies, doug walker, movie reviews, batman, superman, wonder woman, aquaman, the flash, zack snyder
Id: OzFnxQ9zpNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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