Justice for Kelsey Berreth | Full Episode

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[Music] a key witness takes a stand in the trial of Patrick frzy investigators believe Patrick frzy killed Kelsey Barth in her town home on Thanksgiving last year day two of the murder trial for the man who allegedly killed his fian day seven of the trial investigators revealed the moments they found surveillance video of Kelsey Barth and her one-year-old daughter at Woodland Park Supermarket is the last anyone seen of the 29-year-old mother if convicted frzy could face life in prison we can certainly sense that we are in the final days of this trial and it is certainly purp Creek is a small town Teller county is a small County we're up in like a minute they have never seen anything to this magnitude in Creek Ashley Franco KKTV 11 News you've covered every second of this trial what has the feeling been inside that courtroom it's been cold it's been very heavy and chiling during the first week we learned about some of the evidence in the case Crystal Lee Patrick fr's exgirlfriend is said to be the prosecution's star witness okay it's uh 11:15 again on the 21st December 2018 um we're inside Kelsey's apartment with Crystal you are seeing what the jury saw remarkable evidence the heart of the prosecution's case when you you came in what did you see um when I first walked in I saw um blood all over the floor I saw blood up the wall who is Crystal Lee Crystal Lee is a rodeo queen from Idaho she's very wellknown and she's Patrick fr's exgirlfriend they'd known each other for over a decade she's the bread and butter to this case that's Crystal Lee wearing a police jacket and hat can you point to the area where you saw and clean blood up on the wall she admits to cleaning up the crime scene and tells a prosecution the whole entire story of what happened the spray was from here always she's the only person in the world that they have to possibly convict Patrick czy we did a deal with the devil there's just no if hands or butts about it in this case but it's a deal that we made in order to move this case forward and to solve this crime sometimes in order to solve a case or move a case forward we have to give a deal to the devil uh that's exactly what we did here did you say that you cleaned off some of the appliances I did I wiped the there was blood on the front of the dishwasher there was blood on the front of the stove Crystal Lee was obviously the the star witness for the prosecution and she testified to things that the prosecution needed her to say in order to establish this case I am a Gruber I'm a professor of law at University of Colorado law school I think there were doubts about Crystal Le's testimony coming into it Crystal Lee has trafficked in lies Crystal Lee is saying he has been planning on killing Kelsey and he had called me multiple times about it there's poison coffee there's a baseball bat scented candles a blindfold phones that are pinging all over Colorado and and in Idaho I got to tell you it's one of the most emotional trials I've ever been through and I've been through a lot of Trials uh the roller coaster everybody was put on there wasn't anybody on this team that at some point uh didn't have tears running down their face we just got word that a verdict has been reached in the case against Patrick crazy tell them try to take it we're the F we're the only ones out here there's always a little bit of nervousness and question in the back of your mind just hours ago we were hearing closing statements and now now we have a [Music] verdict [Music] [Music] Patrick frzy sits in this grim Creek Colorado jail put here by his former girlfriend Crystal Lee there's blood on the wall here there's blood on the wall here and there was blood right here in disturbing evidence that you will see throughout the program tonight she tells her story about a crime scene cleanup I moved to the couch I wiped the couch off um there was blood behind the couch down the wall a plan to transport a body we brought the tote here okay we unloaded the tote and her help in making sure there would be no trace of it left behind the things that were thrown into the fire by me were the um the belongings from Kelsey's house the curtains the pillows the stuffed animals The Tale begins when these haunting images were captured a mother in the grocery store shopping with her baby Thanksgiving Day 20 8 the last time Kelsey Barth was seen in public she not the kind that runs off this is completely out of character it was Cheryl Barth who reported her 29-year-old daughter missing after trying to reach her for days Kelsey we just want you home call us if you can and we won't quit looking at that time in early December Woodland Park police had not publicly named a suspect we are treating Kelsey's disappearance as a missing person's case at this time you can't eat and you can't sleep and the stress won't end until we find her usually it was us for all together all the time Ashley Cogburn Amanda Smith and Nicole Haywood had an unbreakable bond with Kelsey they grew up together in Moses Lake Washington from the pictures she's gorgeous obviously and very put together together and so you might think that she's you know this prissy girl but she was not she she was raised on a hay farm and very much a tom boy country girl yeah she's out there driving tractors and and bucking Bales in flying planes she was a flight instructor is she a good pilot oh yeah she was really good she wasn't afraid to challenge the the typical boundaries so it wasn't a surprise when a Colorado cowboy named Patrick frzy caught Kelsey's eye on a dating website in 2016 he was like a country boy and that's what she was used to that's what she liked they started a long-distance relationship Patrick frzy lived on a 35 acre ranch in rural Floris Colorado these are four dogs to be our dogs to train this fall and winter in this video Patrick can be heard training cattle dogs pepper that'll do down he also shoed horses and groomed donkeys the black and white one is uh flash Clint kleene has known Patrick for seven years Patrick is uh the faer for the donkeys people call them hor shers and all that but our donkeys don't have shoes so he trims their feet he trims their feet he he gives them as we call it donkey manicures clein says Patrick was quiet and dedicated to his work he kind of uh laidback you know kind of stays to himself uh he had his Ranch to take care of eventually Kelsey moved to Colorado from Washington State to be closer to Patrick and they were expecting a child her mother Cheryl says they were engaged do she have a dress yet no I don't think she cared about The Big Wedding kind of thing it was between them and God even after their daughter Kaylee was born in October 20 17 the couple still didn't live together but shared parenting duties he never came to see her but um she would like on her days off she would go back and be with him friends say Kelsey was struggling to balance the baby her job and a long commute her relationship with Patrick seems strained she seemed to be kind of stressed out from the whole thing that she couldn't make him happy was Patrick emotionally abusive um it appeared that way from uh what I saw and it seemed like it was just knocking her spirit down did Kelsey ever say he was physically abusive no Ashley says Kelsey once mentioned there may have been another woman in Patrick's life I think Kelsey had mentioned one time about an ex-girlfriend who still kind of wanted to be with Patrick Kelsey was wasn't worried about it I don't know if it's cuz she knew she lived far away Kelsey didn't seem all that worried about it after Kelsey was reported missing police talked to Patrick he told them that the day before Thanksgiving Kelsey said she wanted to end their relationship KKTV reporter Ashley Franco he said that Kelsey wanted to go their separate ways and things weren't working out between they wanted to split custody 50/50 and they were just not meshing anymore Patrick told police he and Kelsey met to exchange the baby on Thanksgiving Day He also returned Kelsey's belongings a purse um keys to the car keys to the town home and then a gun that Kelsey owned it was a gun Patrick says he had once taken from Kelsey for her own protection police say Patrick told them Kelsey struggled with depression hinting that she may be suicidal when you hear that Patrick said Kelsey was unstable that she would may be suicidal no no not at all it doesn't match up with Kelsey police searched Kelsey's home but turned up no signs of Foul Play then Cheryl and her son went to the house to check it out there was a mat a a like a rug of some sort in the bathroom and it's gone and she had also noticed that the refrigerator looked like it had been wiped down recently you could see [Music] streaks later her son is in the bathroom and notices Blood on the base of the toilet and the alarms go off in their minds alarms go off Kelsey's mother Cheryl alerted investigators who returned to the house this time they used chemicals to detect the presence of blood they found Trace Amounts of blood everywhere in the bathroom do we know whose blood DNA results showed it was Kelsey's investigators believed Kelsey had been murdered but they needed more evidence a closer look at Kelsey and her fiance's cell phone activity Thanksgiving weekend would lead them to her suspected [Music] killer [Music] Patrick fry was taken into custody this morning in Floris and Colorado just after 7:00 this morning Mountain Standard Time nearly a month after Kelsey Barth vanished Woodland Park police chief miles D young made this Grim announcement today we arrested Patrick frzy on charge of a first-degree murder of Kelsey Barth as a reminder Patrick frzy is presumed innocent until proven guilty Patrick what do you have to say despite the murder charge Kelsey's body had not been found as you can tell from the arrest sadly we do not believe Kelsey is still alive Kelsey's daughter kayy is in protective custody and will be re reunited with Kelsey's family Patrick frzy entered a plea of not guilty but from the beginning investigators had questions about Patrick's story starting with his initial claim that the day before Thanksgiving Kelsey told him she wanted to break up and quote go there separate ways so this is Wooden Park this is Wooden Park yet there she was shopping the next day for the family dinner you see her grab a cart and and put Kaylee in the cart and then go off and that's last time publicly anyone had seen Kelsey Barth what does she buy Here at Safeway she buys ingredients for a swe potato casserole investigators wondered if Kelsey had broken up with Patrick why would she send him this text I bought some sweet potatoes in case you wanted sweet potato casserole Kelsey didn't tell her mother she and Patrick were breaking up when she spoke with her Thanksgiving morning did she sound normal did she sound definitely she she sounded happy and normal mom daughter talk yeah yeah another big question investigators had was when Patrick said he last Saw Kelsey Patrick told officers that he hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving November 22nd when he exchange their daugh kayy Barth in images from a neighbor security camera on that Thanksgiving Day Patrick and Kelsey are seen at her door with a baby carrier after Kelsey returned from the store you can see her holding a point CIA later Patrick is seen at that same location alone we don't know what whether he's coming or going he doesn't have Kaye um and he's not with Kelsey and then that's it University of Colorado law professor ya Gruber has followed the case the critical question is what happened in between around 1:30 1:45 and 3:30 when they get that picture of him police say this is likely when Patrick killed her investigators have recovered um a number of items that make us suspicious that the crime did occur at Kelsey's residence Patrick told authorities he drove their daughter Kaye to his Ranch for Thanksgiving dinner he said Kelsey wasn't with them but investigators discovered that her cell phone was they pulled telep phone records and found that on Thanksgiving Day November 22nd all of a sudden Kelsey's phone and Patrick's phone started traveling together but Patrick and Kelsey were not together investigators say Patrick took Kelsey's cell phone after he killed her as part of a scheme to cover his tracks They believe he faked 19 calls between the two phones over Thanksgiving weekend and was sending texts between them including this one from Kelsey's phone I'm going running I'll call you guys when I get home his response okay be safe the theory that the prosecution's going to put forward is that that was Patrick with her phone and he's texting pretending to be Kelsey 2 days after Thanksgiving authorities believe Patrick concocted this conversation are you awake sorry I didn't hear my phone going to jump in the shower I'll call you guys when I get out okay then investigators believe to keep up his ruse that Kelsey wanted the breakup Patrick sent this message if this is Tru truly what you want I'll respect your wishes and give you space on Sunday 3 days after Thanksgiving there was a bizarre development that would send this case in a very different Direction phone records show while Patrick cell stayed near his Ranch Kelsey's phone was on the Move heading west out of Colorado there was a text from Kelsey's phone to her supervisor at Doss Aviation saying I won't be at work so people had thought maybe they heard from Kelsey the next text from Kelsey's phone said do you even love me that text pinged off a cell phone tower 800 miles away reports are correct that Kelsey's phone gave a location near Gooding Idaho on November 25th when that came out I think everyone was was just shocked and where's Kelsey and where's Kelsey no one knows where Kelsey is so how did her phone end up in Idaho this woman may have the [Music] answer [Music] it was startling news when investigators revealed that 3 days after Kelsey Barth was last seen her cell phone had pinged in Gooding Idaho 800 miles from her home tonight we have new information about a 32-year-old twinfalls woman that may have helped Patrick frzy cover up The Disappearance and alleged murder of his fiance Kelsey Barett at the time of Kelsey's disappearance phone records show that Patrick was in touch with this woman Crystal Kenny Lee Crystal was a nurse and Avid horsewoman who grew up here this is Crystal's world kmvt news director and weekend Cowboy Kade Atwood we work hard to be able to do this on the weekends Crystal and her family are a big part of the rodeo community of very prominent Family Talk horses and that's you're speaking her love language you know Michelle Stein is Crystal's best friend horses are her life she loves [Music] horses take her look at this and in Idaho where Rodeo rules Crystal was royalty in 2008 she was crowned queen of the Magic Valley Rodeo she was so loved by Laura stman has known Crystal since she was a teenager Crystal was so kind with everybody that it was just so difficult to turn her down in any way Crystal had a reputation of getting what she wanted no I wouldn't say was a reputation of getting what she wanted Crystal worked so hard at everything she did to try to do everything completely correct authorities believe that it was crystal who traveled to Idaho with Kelsey's phone but when the FBI made their initial call to Crystal she said she had no idea who Kelsey Barth was she also denied knowing Patrick frzy then she changed her story they asked her when was the last time you talked to him and she said I don't know I'd have to look at my phone and then says oh in the last month and investigators are thinking okay but we already know that your phone has called his phone multiple times in the last few weeks she says I don't have a personal relationship with Patrick frzy I've gone to Colorado and looked at a few of his horses and that's the extent of our relationship she lies she lies turns out Crystal Lee and Patrick frzy had a long history they met After High School then 8 months before Kelsey disappeared Crystal and Patrick's relationship heated up Crystal was recently divorced with two children she had been out here multiple times to see him and it was type a type of Affair what did Crystal say about Patrick was she in love with him I think she was to a point during the investigation the FBI got a tip that Michelle had explosive information about the case she says Crystal called and confided in her about a disturbing conversation she and Patrick had a month before Kelsey disappeared she was very very upset said very distraught she had told me that he had asked her to take care of his baby mama and you took that to me or she took that to so I was like well I was in shock at first because people who says that nobody says that so I was like wait what and she said yeah he asked me if I would kill the mother of his baby I mean what are you thinking at that point I was just in shock and disbelief what was Crystal's tone when she was telling you this she was balling she was crying she was extremely upset and scared Michelle says she asked Crystal why Patrick wanted to kill Kelsey he had told her it was because she wanted to take him back to court to get custody of the baby and he was in fear that she was going to harm the baby investigators found found no proof Kelsey had harmed her daughter but did find evidence that Patrick had planned to challenge Kelsey for custody and believe that may have been his motive for murder Michelle says she pushed Crystal to call the police I kept telling her I think you need to call and tell somebody see you got to understand I'm trusting her to do the right thing but I think Michelle people watching will say call the police say you need to talk to my friend someone's asking her to kill someone you're right okay of course the viewers are going to think that but do you have regret of course I regret it I regret it every day oh my God I would do anything to have stopped that somehow Kelsey had been gone about a month before Michelle talked to the FBI and when the FBI went back at Crystal a second time she too was ready to talk I think at that point she kind of knows I have to come clean but first Crystal wanted a deal in exchange for her testimony against Patrick she agreed to plead guilty to evidence tampering she admitted to getting rid of the gun to tossing Kelsey's keys in a canyon and destroying her phone it's a tampering with evidence charge which is a minor charge compared to murder or um you know accessory to murder or attempted murder she only faces at Max 3 years in prison this is a pretty good deal she gets what Crystal revealed to investigators would become the center of the prosecution's case against Patrick frzy when I first walked in I saw blood all over the floor I saw blood up the [Music] wall when Crystal Lee finally started talking she didn't stop for 4 and a half hours her story was stunning she claimed Patrick tried to get her to kill Kelsey three different times the first idea was to get a caramel macchiato from Starbucks Kelsey's favorite drink and put poison in it 2 months before Kelsey went missing crystal says she drove 12 hours from Idaho to this Starbucks near Kelsey's home in Colorado hi welcome to Starbucks going to get started for you toight Crystal a nurse told investigators she suggested the perfect potion a lethal dose of ambient and Valium this is the drink that is the drink Crystal Lee had ordered to put poison in to give to Kelsey Barth so Crystal brings this Starbucks Caramel Macchiato right here waits in the alleyway walks up to Kelsey's door knocks on the door Andel Kelsey opens it Kelsey opens it tells Kelsey this elaborate story she says I'm new to the neighborhood someone had told me that you had helped get my dogs out of trouble and Kelsey says no I didn't do that does Kelsey take the coffee allegedly Kelsey takes the coffee inside and closes the door and from there we don't we don't know what Kelsey does with the coffee but crystal says she couldn't do it she did poison the coffee and when Patrick found out he was angry he was Furious he was not happy that she didn't go through with it he would play head games with her a lot Crystal's best friend Michelle Stein he just had a way of manipulating her into doing things after crystal said she couldn't go through with the poison plan she told investigators Patrick came up with a a different idea he says um I have a metal pipe that I'll leave outside my property that you can come pick up and I want you to go wait for Kelsey at her town home and when she comes hit her on the back of the [Music] head the way Crystal tells it she drove to Kelsey's house with that metal pipe but didn't attack her and drove back to Idaho a week later she said Patrick called with a new murder plan once again Crystal drill from Idaho to Kelsey's Colorado townhouse Crystal claimed she waited for Kelsey outside her home this time with an aluminum baseball bat but just like her earlier attempts she says she chickened [Music] out it's just hard to believe these stories they seem outlandish and Wild phone record show Patrick called Crystal in Idaho around 4:30 on Thanksgiving Day crystal said he told her you need to get out here now you got a mess to clean up crystal says that she can't come out that same day um but will come out a few days later um she's in Idaho loads up the car with cleaning supplies bleach um hair nets you know gloves trash bags she basically brought the equivalent of a hazmat suit and every sort of cleaning product that one might see in one of those uh TV shows about how to clean up a crime scene two days later on Saturday morning Crystal says she drove 800 miles to Patrick's Ranch to pick up a set of Kelsey's keys he left for her outside then she says she drove to Kelsey's Home Crystal tells authorities she opens a door and the scene is horrific there's blood everywhere according to Crystal Kelsey's body was not inside and then spend you know 3 to 4 hours cleaning and scrubbing the the murder scene she takes some of the things that she couldn't clean and puts them into trash bags and loads them in the back of the car she was driving Crystal claims Patrick was back at his Ranch during the cleanup there was a point in time when Patrick frzy had told crystalie when you go to clean up her t home there is possibly a tooth somewhere crystal said she found that tooth and put it in a trash bag Crystal told investigators after the cleanup she met with Patrick she described to them how he said he lured Kelsey to her death Crystal claims Patrick invited his fiance to play a guessing game with candles she says that he takes a sweater from Kelsey's room and blindfold her with the sweater and has candles sitting out in front of Kelsey and is telling Kelsey to guess the scent of each candle during her interview with investigators crystal said Patrick told her while baby Kaylee was in another room he took a baseball bat in quote he went to swinging after killing Kelsey with that baseball bat on Thanksgiving Day crystal says Patrick told her he put her body in a black tote this surveillance image shows Patrick at an ATM earlier that day with a black tote in his truck Crystal went with investigators to Patrick's Ranch she told them that she and Patrick went there together and she watched him burn that tote he poured gasoline in the bucket and pitched it into the fire I believe yesterday you said that you also collected wood and put into the burn pit yes I did police later examined the spot where they believe Kelsey's body was burned Crystal also went with investigators to Kelsey's home she's wearing that police jacket and hat the floorboards had been removed for testing and can you point if you remember where the tooth was around the tooth what was there if anything there was blood on the chairs there's blood on this chair there's blood on the table there's blood on the Hobby Lobby bag that was sitting there she pointed out where she claims she intentionally left blood for them to find right there on December 21st 2018 Patrick was arrested at his Ranch and charged with Kelsey's murder this is a case without a body uh this is a case without a lot of physical evidence so what we mainly have connecting Patrick frzy to an incredibly brutal and violent crime is Crystal Lee's testimony Crystal who had cut that deal with prosecutors seemed shaken when she appeared in court after she turned herself into authorities the crystal I knew could do no wrong but the crystal that has done the things that came out of her mouth is somebody I don't know and that leaves Laura stutzman with one question [Music] [Music] why almost a year after Kelsey barth's disappearance there there was a long line to get a seat in the courtroom at Patrick fr's murder trial uh I like a lot of people that knew Patrick they don't think that the candle story adds up fr's friend Clint Klein was there almost every day I don't know of any guys that would have thought of going out and buying candles and having their girlfriend be blindfolded and then smell the candles you think that had to be a woman's idea I think so frzy was driven from the jail in a black SUV he entered the courthouse through this white tent out of sight from the media security was tight no cameras in the courtroom district attorney Dan may I got to tell you it's one of the most emotional trials I've ever been through and I've been through a lot of trials in my career prosecutor Beth Reed painted a picture of Patrick freezy very Charming very manipulative and controlling all traits consistent with being a sociopath Ashley Franco summed up the defense case nobody no murder weapon and no clear motive they had said you know Patrick wasn't involved there's no evidence to show he was involved and Crystal Lee had already lied to law enforcement so she's the one to blame for this on day four the prosecution's star witness Crystal Lee took the stand her credibility was on the line I don't think we would have known what happened to Kelsey without Crystal Le I started picking up things that were blood splattered for 2 days prosecutor Jennifer vean asked Lee to describe fr's plan to kill Kelsey Barth they bolstered their case with surveillance videos and photos this one shows the black tote in the back of fr's truck truck that Lee says he would use to dispose of her body when you came in what did you see blood all over the floor I saw blood up the wall saw Blood on the this wall most disturbing prosecutors played that video of Lee inside Kelsey's home showing investigators how she cleaned up the crime scene did you say correct me if I'm wrong did you say that you cleaned off some of the appliances I did I wiped the FR there was blood on the front of the dishwasher there was blood on the front of the stove um there was um that cinnamon roll pan had blood on the um tin foil they had pulled up the floorboards where they found Kelsey's blood they showed video of a hay barn where Le says frzy hid Kelsey's body in that tote overnight a cadaver dog alerted to the area this is a surveillance image of frzy at a gas station Lee says he was buying gas to start a fire we brought the tote here okay we unloaded the tote okay Kelsey's body was moved to Fry's Ranch were you present when he started the fire yes I was okay this is the video that shows how Lee says she helped frzy burn Kelsey's body in that black tote what about the accelerant gas okay and burned evidence including kayle's toys and Kelsey's Blood Stained Bible do you remember what the books were by just one of them was her um I would imagine it was a Bible experts say a human female tooth fragment was recovered from fr's Ranch near the burn site but there wasn't enough DNA to determine a profile [Music] at the end of her testimony she told the jury Kelsey's chilling last words please stop but he didn't he keeps beating her and beating her and beating her the jury needed to hear that they needed to hear how brutal this was how uncaring he was how senseless this was why would Lee help frzy she claimed she feared for herself and her children she was in love with Patrick frzy and had been for a long time as the trial went on and and we saw that dark side of Patrick frzy that crystal saw that Kelsey saw I think you can understand some of that fear I I don't know that we'll ever understand entirely why she did what she did it's it's fairly inexplicable perhaps the most shocking testimony came from a surprise prosecution witness your last witness I think jws dropped when he started testifying tell tell me about him we didn't know about him prosecutor Beth Reed says the surprise witness was an inmate at the same jail where Patrick fry was being held he actually had started calling our office while we were in the middle of trial the former inmate had watched a 48 Hours episode on Kelsey barth's murder turns out he says frzy gave him a hit list some of the names handwritten on paper towels he was instructed to flood describe to me what was in the 16 notes passed between Patrick and the former inmate well they were requests that a certain number of Witnesses needed to disappear but it was very specific as to Crystal Lee graphic descriptions of what needed to happen to Crystal Lee he described putting a bullet in her head also on fr's Hit List Crystal Lee's best friend Michelle Stein and Kelsey's mother Cheryl Barth what does that say about Patrick frzy it says that Patrick will do whatever he wants to get whatever he wants the defense called No Witnesses frzy chose not to testify the case went to the jury after 3 and 1 half hours of deliberations a verdict a verdict is in in this 11 breaking news alert the jury says they unanimously found patri frzy guilty of first-degree murder frzy was found guilty of first-degree murder sentenced to life in prison plus 156 years do you think if Patrick hadn't involved Crystal he would have gotten away with Kelsey's murder yes I do I think it's very possible he would have gotten away with that involving Crystal was that was a stupid plan the whole plan was stupid but he wanted Crystal Lee to pin it on as for crystal she's facing a maximum of up to 3 years in prison I think a lot of her viewers are probably thinking Crystal Lee given what she's admitted to got a really good deal she did and um uh it's it's not right and I'm not going to try to justify it any way uh it's unfortunately a part of my profession that sometimes in order to solve a case we have to give a deal to the devil uh that's exactly what we did here if you could sentence Crystal Lee what would it be uh heck of a lot more time than three years she could have saved Kelsey so many times over so many months and it's totally inexcusable is this Justice for Kelsey and kayy can there ever be justice justice in this case Kelsey be sitting here talking to you not us excuse me um so we can C certainly seek a certain amount of justice but not the justice that this case [Music] [Music] [Music] deserves [Music]
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 875,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news, kelsey berreth, patrick frazee, murder, thanksgiving
Id: jq3rG0kwHLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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