Just Mhairi Black making life hell for the Tories

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but when my constituent finds that he was overpaid tax credits in 1999 or this government are unstoppable they will Hound you down they will hunt you for 450 pounds before they go after 4.5 billion pounds especially when a lot of it appears that have gone to your palms this is a dangerous government making bad decisions on top of a global pandemic but mind you we shouldn't be surprised given the fact that they seem to have been pushed half the time at parties so as I said there is an element of Truth and that the war in Ukraine for instance has also she just say to The Honorable lady she really must not use language like that please don't and I hope you will apologize for inebriated intoxicated they were paralytic at parties in number 10. is that all right careful married black continue I I don't see what I said that wasn't true Madam Deputy speaker but I think I take it I take it and I've lambasted the government for choosing to bomb City instead of paying pensions I've lambasted them for spending billions on Trident I've had to go with them for doing up this Palace of Westminster for seven billion pounds which funnily enough we can afford and I understand that sometimes that can get quite quite dull you know when politicians repeat things again and again but we've now get a new one we can now also afford to pay up for the Queen's house we can now find the money to refurbish Buckingham Palace so my question to the minister would be this are we going to be doing up Downing Street anytime soon are there any are there any other houses filled with millionaires that need to be done up that need to lack of paint because it's a ridiculous notion that we can afford to Fork out money for palaces literal palaces like this in Buckingham Palace but we can't pay pensions it's a joke no old job and here is to represent our job is to maintain democracy to make sure that people watching at home feel as though they've got a voice to make sure that they feel there's people listening and standing up for them to see when you see the quality of the debate that we've just sat through no wonder people are quite depressed and disillusions with politics we've debated this five times we've had 240 petitions all across this house people are affected by this now every single person handed in a petition has not just a professional duty but a moral duty to walk through that Lobby tonight and vote with us because if they don't as my waspy mother would say he'll slap at any in the next election the priority isn't the economy it seems to be things like protecting freedom of speech and yet the Tories of the one that have banned schools in England from using sources that are not overtly pro-capitalist they're cracking down on freedom of assembly and protest they a privatizing Channel 4 when the culture secretary didn't even know that channel 4 receives no public money so the argument isn't financial and as the member for Ronda touched upon earlier on when we consider that the culture secretary was a key focus of the channel 4 documentary ones about the influence that Christian fundamentalism has over UK politics it becomes even more concerning that this decision is political and it's personal it is not professional but most terrifying of all Madam deputy is that this government literally want to get rid of the Human Rights Act and that begs the question for who do they think rights have gone too far do you know how scary it is to sit at home and wonder if it's you is it your rights that it up for grabs we've witnessed Windrush with early economic strategy is to open our doors to the rest of the world when we need their hard work and then Chuck them out 50 years later without a want to notice we tell our own citizens that the safety can't be guaranteed in Rwanda but we're perfectly happy to ship Asylum Seekers people fleeing war and persecution over to Rwanda is those are cattle to be dealt with by someone else and despite knowing that this plan costs more than it will ever save this is just little England Elites drunk on the memory of a British Empire that no longer exists may actually just Begin by saying genuinely how sorry I was to hear that the honorable lady will be standing down at the next election she and I joined this house at the same time and I know she has contributed much to her party and to this place and may I also say I'm sure she will wish to join me in celebrating his majesty King Charles receiving the Scottish regalia I pretty much as we speak [Music] there's always time for a Damascus conversion Mr Speaker but when when it comes to the NHS I will take absolutely no lecture from either party on it it has been there for me I was born in an NHS hospital my children were born in the NHS hospital it's been there for me and my family and this government has put record funding into it the Deputy Prime Minister I thank him for his kind words and we did join this place at the same time and I'm pretty sure we'll be leaving at the same time all right [Applause] the number one problem that faces the health service across these Isles is Workforce and research shows that brexit has worsened the UK's shortage of doctors European nurses registering to work in the UK fell by 90 after the brexit referendum what more will it take for both him and the labor party to admit the damage that brexit is causing our health services when the chancellor spoke in his budget about fixing the roof while the sun is shining I would have to ask on who is the sun shining when he spoke about benefits not supporting certain kind of Lifestyles is that not kind of lifestyle that he was talking about if we go back even further when the minister for employment was asked to consider if there was a correlation between the number of sanctions and the rise in food bank use she stated and I quote food banks play an important role in local welfare provisions Ren frischer has the third highest use of food Pine use and food bank uses going up and up food banks are not part of the welfare state they are a symbol that the welfare state is failing now the government quite rightly pays for me through taxpayers money to be able to live in London whilst I serve my constituents my housing is subsidized by the taxpayer now the chancellor in his budget said it is not fair that families earning over 40 000 pounds in London should have their rents paid for by other working people but it is okay so long as you're an MP in this budget the chancellor also abolished any housing benefit for anyone below the age of 21 so we are now in the ridiculous situation whereby because I am an MP not only am I the youngest but I am now also the only 20 year old in the whole of the UK that the chancellor is prepared to help with housing over the last 12 years I feel we are sleepwalking closer and closer to the F world and I know everyone is scared to say it for fear of sounding over the top or being accused of going too far but I say this With all sincerity when I say the f word I'm talking about fascism fascism wrapped in red white and blue and you name Mock and you may disagree but fascism does not come in with intentional evil plans or the introduction of leather Jack Boots it doesn't happen like that it happens subtly it happens when we see self-present nor I've heard enough it happens when we see that governments making decisions based on self-preservation based on based on anything that will keep them in power we see the concentration of power whilst avoiding any of the scrutiny or responsibility that comes with that power it arrives under the guise of respectability and pride that will then be refused to anyone who is deemed different it arrives through the othering of people the normalization of human cruelty now I don't know how far down that road we are Madam Deputy speaker time will tell but the things we do in the name of economic growth the warning signs are there for everyone else to see whether they admit it or not this government plans to cut taxes for the richest spend six billion pounds imprisoning people fleeing war and persecution and has lost 21 billion pounds to government fraud fraud throughout this pandemic is the view from the prime minister's luxury helicopter so skewed that during a cost of living crisis he thinks this is what people's priorities are I'm I'm still the abuse online in particular I'm regularly called a a wee boy I'm told that we are my dad's suits and stuff you know me me and my pals actually laugh about it that's how our cooperate we find the best insults and that's how we have a laugh but I struggle to see any joke in being systematically called a diet a rug muncher a [ __ ] a [ __ ] a scruffy bent I've been told that you can't put lipstick on a pig let the dirty [ __ ] eat [ __ ] and die I could soften some at us by talking about the Sea World but the reality is there is no softening when you're targeted with these words and I'm left reading them on my screen every day day in day out she needs a kick in the [ __ ] gutter or [ __ ] ugly [ __ ] we animal [ __ ] there is no softening just how sexualized and misogynistic the abuse is I've got a comment from some guy William Hannah never heard of in my life I've pumped some ugly birds in my team but I just wouldn't thank you Mr Speaker when the Prime Minister took office he said he would put economic stability and confidence at the heart of this government today UK interest rates are one of the highest in the G20 and mortgage rates are rising nearly back to where they were after the former PM crashed the economy is it not the case that this government's biggest achievement is that they're trashing the economy just a wee bit slower than the predecessor [Music] after hearing the leap of Lita's intentions to support the changes of tax credits that the chancellor has put forward I must make this plea to the ones of one of your own and one of a personal hero of mine Tony Ben once said that in politics there are weather [ __ ] and signposts whether Cox will spin in whatever Direction the wind of public opinion May blow them no matter what principle they have to compromise and then there are signposts signposts which stand true and tall and principled and they point in a direction and they say this is the way to a better society and it is my job to convince you why Tony Ben was right when he said the only people worth remembering in politics were signposts yes we will have political differences yes in other parliaments we may be opposing parties but within this chamber we are not no matter how much I may wish it the SNP is not the solar position to this government but nor is the labor party it is together with all the parties on these benches that we must form an opposition and in order to be effective we must oppose not abstain so I reach out a genuine hand of friendship which I can only hope will be taking letters come together let us be that opposition let us be that same post of a better Society
Channel: PoliticsJOE
Views: 71,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Politics, UK politics, British politics, Parliament, Government, Westminster, news, breaking news, conversation, politics news, politicsjoe, joe songs, boris johnson song, boris johnson speech, keir starmer song, keir starmer speech, new media, novara, rishi sunak, labour party, conservative, tory party, conservatism, brexit, Mhairi Black resigns, Mhairi Black, Indyref, Scotland, mashup, compilation, supercut
Id: gs-FIY-NZSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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