Just in the Nick of Time | 3ABN Summer Camp Meeting 2022

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well we're always happy to have three abn camp meeting whether it's summer whether it's fall or whenever because we love interacting with you and uh it's such a joy we've been doing camp meeting for well over 30 years and it's been such a blessing sometimes when we do we'll call it the digital camp meetings we like it better when we have all the audience here but you know what we're going to go with whatever is best the best way to get it out but and no matter what the gospel has to continue to go to all the world jesus says when this gospel of the kingdom goes into all the world then the end or should we say the start of eternity will happen that's what we're all looking for so thank you all for joining us we're so uh happy to have you today and uh today we've named i've actually entitled this message just in the nick of time now for some of the younger folk you say what's that i've never heard of that i just kind of grew up with it so i'm taking it for granted that many of you understand the term but just in case you're not familiar i'm going to see how what webster says about it okay webster says this just before the last moment when something can be changed or something bad will happen for instance he decided just in the nick of time the ambulance arrived when just in the nick of time well i have a friend whose daughter was working in the twin towers on 9 11. she was on the 66th floor and when american airlines flight 11 crashed into the north tower instead of staying in place as so many did she immediately ran down the stairs made it safely all the way down and out of the building just in the nick of time the building shortly thereafter fell collapsing killing nearly 3 000 people and injuring almost 6 000 people a horrific day never to be forgotten the bible tells us in the last days that bad things will be happening with more frequency than ever before it mentions famines and earthquakes and pestilences and of course don't forget the last plagues whether you're reading matthew 24 or the prophecies of daniel revelation they all are pointing to the end times i think we can add covert 19 into this equation also don't you but from genesis to revelation the good news is that while we live in a sinful world it's only temporary for the christian why because according to the bible jesus christ will come back to this earth guess when just in the nick of time to save those who choose to follow him by accepting his free gift of salvation isn't that amazing thank you jesus i have no doubt that we're living in the end times this world would self-implode without god's presence in fact matthew 24 chapter verses 21 and 22 says this for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be verse 22 says and except those days should be shortened there should be no flesh saved but for the elect's sake that's all of us right that are christians the days shall be shortened thank you jesus for that i'm sure you realize that we're living in a really uncertain crazy and mixed up world now i'm going to hang with me here all right i want you to hang with me listen to this question let me ask some of you older folk did you ever think you would live to see a time when our public schools in walt disney world would openly admit their satanic inspired agenda is to teach our young children about gender identity in other words teaching our kids that lgbtq and transgender issues are acceptable behavior for young children in public schools videos about hormone blockers are being shown to young children as early as the fifth grade now a hormone blocker is a substance that inhibits the production of the natural sex hormones in a biological male or female in other words testosterone would be administered to a female to inhibit estrogen production and did you ever think you would live in a time when because a biological man thinks he's a woman that the government passes laws to try to make the rest of us play along with his mental illness but it does get more absurd get this a number of medical schools are now denying biological sex what's that mean professors are apologizing for saying male and female students are policing the teachers one harvard professor made this statement that we can't really know a child's gender at birth what let me say that again did i say they're right yes the professor said a harvard professor made the statement we can't really know a child's gender at birth really since when a five-year-old child knows the difference between a girl or boy at birth right but university professors don't isn't it amazing you can have a doctor's degree get this and don't know there are only two genders of the male of human beings male and female just as god created us that's it there's nothing else anything else is a lie this is absolutely absurd and demonic our educators who go along with these kinds of political correctness lies not only deny science but the bible as well and are leading our young people down the road of spiritual darkness brothers and sisters this is not a time for the church to be silent this is a time for the church to stand up and be counted we're doing that here at 3 abn we should be giving the loud cry that's our commission remember isaiah 58 1 the cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sins i'm convinced that most people are looking for meaning and purpose to their life aren't you and are probably asking a lot of the same questions that you and i have asked at some point in our lives why am i here how long will i be here what's my purpose for being here on planet earth and where am i going when this life is over i recently heard the world's richest man and apparently one of the smartest men say at least by man's standards he's the smartest he wonders about the meaning of life in the universe he's asking the same question the same questions that everyone else at one time or another is asking it's kind of summed up like this we're all in the same boat humans everywhere around the world we're all in the same boat one of the old songs my dad used to sing says no matter how high in society they go or how much money they save when they close their eyes in death they'll only feel one grave there are billions of people in this mixed up and crazy planet who have questions about life and the hereafter and the good news is we as seventh-day adventist christians have the answers for this world's problems isn't that good news you see we understand how the worlds were formed and that god created us in his image to live with him forever and we understand that because of sin we are now born in a sinful world with a terminal illness called death there's only one way of escape and that is through the love and mercy of our lord and savior jesus christ that's the good news now you want the bad news let me just be honest we'll put out the bad news too okay now the bad news is this most of us so call christians are so caught up in our own personal problems that we aren't living a happy victorious life it is impossible to be continually unhappy and be living for jesus or maybe let me say it like this if jesus is living in us it is impossible to be constantly unhappy or living in fear when we are in love with jesus he will be the center of our joy isaiah 26 3 you will keep him in perfect what peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you and of course psalms 119 165 great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them i love it we cannot allow the enemy of god to rob us of our salvation and our joy now we've read the back of the book and it says that we christians win we should be excited right you remember where it says it revelation 12 11. i hope you got your bibles with me today please get your bibles out at least make notes what's it say and they overcame him satan by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto what unto death yes we can live happy victorious lives right now god's promises are there for everyone read isaiah 54 17 tell me this doesn't excite you no weapon isaiah 54 look look at it with me 54 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper okay and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord i mean what great promises these are and revelation sums it up like this in the last chapter of the bible it's beautiful revelation chapter 22 12-14 and it says this and behold i come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be i am the alpha and the omega listen to this how beautiful the beginning and the end the first and the last blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates of the city wow the bible is full of promises every christian should be looking forward to the second coming of christ right we should be the happiest most excited people on planet earth let me ask you are you living your life in such a way that people want peace and joy that you have if not we're failing our mission that god has called us to do and that is to reflect his character of love to the whole world see jesus says in john 12 32 you've heard me repeat this many times i if i be lifted up from this earth will do what will draw some men to me oh is that what it says no let me do it again i if i be lifted up from this earth will draw all men unto me you see people are looking for answers and those of us who carry the name of christian what kind of example are you setting we cannot carry out the great gospel commission of matthew 28 when we ourselves look and act like much of the rest of the world in fact i'm going to be really bold again and say here that i believe a great percentage of christians today are depressed and discouraged i'm not talking about doubting the fact that there's a god i'm talking about not being close enough to god to sense and feel his presence in the good times and the bad i'm always amazed when i hear christians complaining and saying things like where was god when i lost my husband or wife where was god when i was going through my divorce where was god when i lost my job and on and on and on if you became a christian because you believed that you'd be exempt from being attacked by the devil i would advise you to think again the bible tells us in ephesians and this is very important ephesians 6 11-12 put on the whole armor of god we're talking about a spiritual armor let's say it again once we submit and commit our lives to jesus the devil hates us even more so he's going to be constantly attacking us so this scriptures tells us put on the whole armor of god that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places wow there is a great spiritual battle going on between good and evil in each of our lives and yes we all are part of the great controversy going on between god and satan for the soul of every man and woman that has ever been born into this world of sin as soon as we accept jesus christ as lord and savior of our life we must put on if we want to survive the armor of god in other words we put on our spiritual shield this shield protects us from the deadly spiritual attacks of satan the enemy whose mission is again to destroy when we put on the spiritual armor of god satan has no control over our life and that great news you ought to be really somebody should be saying praise the lord somebody should be lifting your hand somebody should be shouting out there satan has no control over our lives he's a defeated foe the lord is our shield and he's our protector when we put on the armor of christ satan cannot rob us of eternity with jesus christ did you get that when we put on the armor of christ satan has no control of us he cannot rob us he may rob us of her health he can rob us he's the prince of this earth he can rob us of our finances he can rob us of relationships but he cannot rob us of our soul because our soul does not belong to satan it belongs to who it belongs to god so as christians we can find great comfort in knowing that while we're born in this world we are not of this world jesus said it to pilate remember he said my kingdom is not of this world so listen to these beautiful words by jesus in john 14 1-3 i love these let not your heart be troubled ye believe in god believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions and if it were not so i would have told you i go and prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also there it is brothers and sisters the choice is ours praise be to god that we can choose between eternal life or eternal death there's no other choice we can make it's one or the other for all eternity okay so now let's talk about something really important because people say well you christians talk about all of this and that and yet you're getting sick and you're dying and how do you say god is there in the nick of time when i lost someone or i've got cancer well let me talk about this for a minute we're going to talk about the difference in this physical realm i'm going to call it or the spiritual realm in the physical realm of life we die in the spiritual realm of life we live for eternity get the difference because we were born in a world of sin but in the spiritual realm when we take on the and could submit and commit our lives to jesus christ right and put on that armor of god now jesus is working in our behalf no we don't deserve it but he's doing it it's that free gift of salvation but we have to know and believe and trust in him every day and forget our feelings our feelings are too much in the physical i call this living in the spiritual realm when we're able to to literally trust god here's where you find the victory through jesus christ but now if i listen to satan's lies and choose to live in the physical realm without god's protection over my life i will ultimately die and lose out on eternal life why because the bible says and you know this the wages of sin is death okay sin of course is the transgression or the breaking of god's ten commandment law help me out that's first john 3 4. in other words rebellion against god's law is living in the physical world you cannot and will not win the battle as death will come way too quickly when we live in the spiritual realm we live by spiritual principles that are given to us in the bible so simply put no matter what happens to us physically in this world as long as we live for jesus we submit and commit our life to him we win the battle over death hell and the grave for all eternity because jesus won it for us now he's offering us that free gift because of his literally giving his life on no one took his life they talk about they took his life no jesus gave his life on the cross of calvary as atonement for our sins praise the lord for that because of the lack of time in this sermon i'm not going to give you all the scriptures on how to be saved today but we do have a little book however that i'm happy to send you for free it's entitled the truth about salvation so if you're not a christian or one who's maybe really struggling please contact us here at 3abn for your free copy now i want to get to the meat of the sermon if i can use that term without some saint get offended the meat of the sermon you get it some of his some of you got it some of it went over your head as christians we should have peace in the midst of the storm and should never be discouraged by what is going on around us right why the fact is god is always there for us and he's always on time when we need him now i'm going to say that one more time listen to this just a little slower i'll say it okay god is always there for us and is always and is always and is always on time when we need him all right in that great news he's there for us and is always on time you've heard that saying god is good all the time that's absolutely true and yes guess what he shows up just when we need him just in the nick of time it's a reminder that god is our ever-present help in time and need let me read it to you and it shall come to pass that before they call i will answer and while they are yet speaking i will hear that's isaiah 65 24. don't you love scripture don't you love to get in and divide the word of god i mean how can we be discouraged when we've read the back of the book this is amazing your life has been on god's mind since long before conception if you're like well where's god when i need him boy i'll tell you what i'm having this tough time and nobody cares about me i don't think god loves me anymore i don't even know that he knows i've had heard people probably you have to i don't even i don't even know if god knows i exist anymore well let me answer that from the bible he says before i form thee in the belly i knew thee before thou camest forth out of the womb i sanctified thee and i ordained thee a prophet unto the nations that's jeremiah 1 5 read it for yourself for the modern day christian that claims a woman has a right to choose to abort a baby that god placed in her womb please read that scripture again now that's another sermon for another time we'll do we'll talk about that later but today i want to encourage you to look back over your life and think of the times that the lord showed up just in the nick of time for you i'm going to share a few of these just in the nick of time stories myself why i've found that recounting god's hand in our lives only strengthens our faith and trust in him today and in the future it's all about deciding for oneself to believe in coincidence or divine providence for me that's an easy decision i hope it is for you too well let's see what that means according to webster the word coincidence means the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection i'm not into that what about you i can't imagine living my life trusting in coincidence to get me through can you well according to the dictionary divine providence means this a manifestation of divine care or direction but i'm more interested in what the bible says says what does the bible say about divine providence i'll give you just a few quick scriptures again please have your bible with me how you how would you like to trust in this romans 8 28 and we know that all things once again that little word isn't that amazing we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and who are called according to what to his purpose then philippians 4 19 but my god shall supply all your need how much that little word again all of your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus or first corinthians 10 13 there has no temptation taken you but such is as common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above all that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way listen to this will also make a way of escape that she may be able to bear it so there's nothing more that you can't take you will be able to take whatever the devil throws at you and we should be able to do it in in and say lord i'm going to do it in a cherry wave why because i'm not looking at the now i'm looking at the future and i understand that you have given me the opportunity for life eternal so matthew 6 26 i love this scripture i mean all of these scriptures are so dear to me and i hope hope they are to you too behold the fowls of the air for they so not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feedeth them are you not bet much better than they wow and there are more scriptures confirming that god knew us before we were born and that he has a plan to help us get through this world of sin many many more we could go on and on and on so why is it that so many christians get depressed and despondent when things don't go the way they planned well right there is probably it the way they plan we need to remember jeremiah we could live on the scripture jeremiah 29 11 if you don't know it you should memorize it what does it say for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future that future is eternity with the lord jesus christ no more sickness no more sorrow no more pain can you imagine that i have not seen nor ear heard neither is it entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for those who love him and we'll find out those who keep his commandments what more can we ask for just because you don't see him does not mean jesus is not there when you need him or that he showed up late or forgot about you that's what the enemy the devil would try to make you think right but he's a liar remember and the truth's not in him you remember when jesus got word that lazarus had died he didn't go straight to mary and martha he waited a couple days finally when jesus got to them what did mary say to jesus you remember she said lord if only you had been here my brother would have not died what mary and martha didn't know was that when it seemed jesus was four days late guess what he was i'm gonna lift my hand on this he was still on time i'm gonna say it again when jesus was four days late you say it with me he was what he was still on time isn't that amazing see we think we know god's timing we don't know but he does for sure so one more time when he was how many days late he was still on time so jesus went to the tomb you know the story and he called lazarus name he said lazarus come forth and he came forth bound in his grave clothes so when it appeared to the human eye that jesus was too late he was still on time jesus says lazarus come forth you know why and of course lazarus did come forth from being dead and smelling bad to coming back to life again but just think you know why he said lazarus come forth because had he just said come forth every person in the world that had died would come forth because jesus has victory over death hell and the grave somebody say amen because i'm getting excited myself when i think about it and the the power that god has and the love that god has for fallen man and the opportunity that he's giving each and every one of us to be living in the closing moments of earth's history again i'm going to repeat this again we ought to be the happiest most excited people in all the world we don't have any worry to to to fret we any reason to worry or fret why because jesus loves us and has a plan for us to get us through this world of sin there's an old song by irving berlin that says when you're worried and cannot sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings well i have to tell you today i get to tell you today that god's blessings in my life and in the ministry of three abn are too numerous to count how about you so if you're worried and cannot sleep i suggest you count god's blessings instead of sheep remember god is in the business of saving souls and guess what he uses people just like you and me to carry the gospel into all the world i've learned a lot in the last 38 years ministry but one of the most important things i've ever learned is this the blessing of god is on the go i have to repeat that the blessing of god is on the go and he said matthew 28 18 to 20 go ye into all the world and we step out in faith god honors that so we don't have to have gone to the seminary sometimes they say cemetery for four years we don't have to go to this school we don't have to go to that school ellen white makes a statement five seconds under the unction of the holy spirit is worth more than years in literary institutions we're living in the closing moments of verse history so if you can do that that's great but for those of you who have the call of god on your life the only certification you need to be an evangelist for jesus is the anointing of the holy spirit and the willingness to go to step out in faith by sharing your own personal testimony of what god has done for you god doesn't call us because we're perfect or qualified he calls us because we're willing to be used as vessels of honor on his behalf he has to use people in spite of us now that may be a scary thought for many of you who have never stepped out in faith to witness to others maybe why because you're shy i started to joke and say like myself but i've something i'm not really been since i'm a kid i guess i could say is too shy or maybe you like self-confidence all of us do that at times or for whatever but i'm here today to tell you that i can promise you that when you share your testimony with the lost that god will bless your efforts and souls will be one to the kingdom of god just when you begin to think that you've made a mess of things or offended someone the lord will show up when just in the nick of time i hope you're starting to say that with me the lord will show up that's the way he does in all of us we mess up every day but when we need him he's always there when just he'll be there just in the nick of time he's already there but for us in our frailness and humanness we don't always see him but he's there so here he'll show up just in the nick of time and how does he do it through the power and anointing of the holy spirit so you can have that on you you just have to pray and ask god lord what would you have me to do where do you want me to go and i promise you as you accept jesus christ and you ask for anointing of the holy spirit it will be there when you begin to doubt your ability to be a witness for jesus focus on this scripture i love this one so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me what void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto i sent it so this is saying no matter who we are no matter it's not about our delivery how great a delivery some preachers are known to have this great delivery delivery is not important what comes out of their mouth is important whether they're preaching truth and when you preach the truth and i've i've said this for years i believe that we could have hired an atheist actor to just get on the set and just read the bible nothing else not say one word of his own read the bible and people would be drawn to jesus you know why it's not about the actor it's not about the re the preacher it's not about the reader it's about the lord has promised if you give his truth out to a lost and dying world that it will not return void so therefore we can have all the confidence in jesus that we need that he's going to bless us so that no matter we may say it in a timid way we may not be all excited but if it gets out there and you share and here's what is it that you want to do if you haven't gone to school as we talked about early just the blessings of sharing the gospel are so incredible there's no feeling on earth that can compare with it i know that because i've experienced it myself and i it just knowing that god think about this for a minute knowing that you can partner with god how does that make you feel the lord says yeah i'll work in you and through you you submit and commit your life to me go and tell so it's the holy spirit that's working in us and through us in spite of us for the upbuilding of the kingdom of god so it's really pretty simple folks as we start to wind down this part we do our best and god does the rest now i want to share with you a few stories where god showed up at least from the human perspective just in the nick of time i'm going to take you back to when mark finley and i were doing a thursday night live and i'll never forget because people would call in questions and about the second hour for some reason i looked at mark and i said mark there may be somebody tonight there may be somebody tonight who's thinking about committing suicide could you speak to that person and mark immediately i remember he leaned into the camera and he said friend if you're contemplating suicide don't and i remember right as he said that we have these big lights at the time they're glass lights and they literally want them exploded and hot glass that would could burn you flew in several feet around the studio fortunately never hit any of our any any of our workers there but i knew the devil was angry so the program is over eight months later nine months later i go to the caribbean and i'm preaching there and there's a lot of people crowd of several thousand people and because everyone so many people there watched three abn they kind of had guys walking with you so you could get from one place to the other and i remember we were just getting ready to go up on the the platform to speak when this young man kind of leaned over uh some a couple guys there by me and he said mr shelton i just want you to know that three abn saved my life and i looked at him and i said what he said yes and i said come on up with me i said let him come with me up on the stage and i didn't know him never met him before so we got up on the stage and i said i said uh sir tell us tell us now this young man probably 19 20 years old i said tell us your story you just told me that 3 abn had played a part in your salvation and he said well i want to tell you about eight or nine months ago i had come to the end of my ropes i had come to the point in my life that i felt like that i didn't want to live anymore so i decided to kill myself i felt like that's the easiest and best way out so he said i sat down in a chair and i just had my hands on the arms and i was building up enough nerve to do it and it was later in the afternoon or early evening and it began to get dark suddenly i said okay i'm ready i can do it so he says as i get up to go into the bathroom and i don't know if he was going to od what he was going to do but he said as i got up to head to the bathroom my arm hit something on on the arm of the the chair and it turned out to be what a television remote he said it turned the television on automatically and it came on to 3 abn and when it did immediately i had stood up already was standing up immediately mark finley looked into the camera and said friend if you're contemplating suicide don't jesus loves you and then he went on to do as only mark finley can do show the love of god and talk about the love and how much he was loved this young man stopped in his tracks he said there has to be a god and god had to have impressed that because he was looking directly at me i mean that's an amazing story now go up four or five years six years whatever later i'm talking to pastor mark and he said hey i was in the caribbean and i was at this big church and he said this young man came up and the i think associate pastor of the church came up and talked to him and he said hey you i'm the guy that several years ago when you and danny shelton were on a three a being live i'm the guy that you pointed your finger to i was the one sitting in the chair getting ready to get up and knocked the tv remote in the floor when three abn came on and marcus you spoke directly to me he said i've since been to the seminary and now i'm the associate pastor of this church now come on somebody you ought to be getting excited somebody i should be hearing some praise of the lords all the way through the television screen i mean is that an amazing thing or what i'm absolutely love those kind of stories now what i did i'm going to tell you a couple more of those i get a little time left and i'm going to tell you i made a couple notes on these because i want to make sure i get them right now this one's a johnny denzie story i got this one from him we're going to talk about a woman named lulu so i'm going to look at my notes here and uh lulu uh from um puerto rico i think she was a nightclub singer her son ended up in jail and lulu got really depressed and she had a lot of problems and so she decided to take sleeping pills because she said she didn't want to wake up anymore literally wanted to get out of this this world so she's in the evening for whatever reason she turns on the tv and found three abn and i wrote down what he gave me during the program a voice spoke to lulu and said why are you carrying that heavy load give them to me i will take those burdens and i will give you peace now you think that was the lord or that is the devil i'm going to tell you that was the lord the next day she was driving to work she looked to the side of the road at a stoplight and saw a seventh-day adventist church now here's the thing lulu had driven that road to work every day she had never seen a seventh-day adventist church so she sees the church so she decides you know what i need to start attending so sabbath i'm going to go to church so sabbath she shows up at church and guess what they just happen to be having an evangelistic series going on and of course she stays for the series gives her heart to jesus and gets baptized now come on somebody else you're going to be happy as my wife yvonne says sometimes there's going to be a little shouting going on here we're getting all excited okay here's another you think god doesn't show up in the nick of time look at this i love this story this one we're going to use the name carlos he's from colombia had a different name but an amazing story that also came from latino so carlos he had he had a disease he had a sickness and for whatever reason i don't know the details but for whatever reason he had to have a leg amputated so of course he was very discouraged and he was very depressed but then after a period of time his health got worse so the doctor told him you know carlos i'm afraid we're going to have to amputate the other leg well carlos didn't want that who would no one would so again he slid farther into depression man what am i going to do things can't get any worse carlos said just how they going to get any worse and then his wife broke him the news carlos i'm sorry i can't take this anymore it's too much pressure i'm leaving you i want a divorce so here's carlos he's already had an amputation the doctor says he's going to have to have another one and now he finds out that his wife wants a divorce she's leaving him so he says you know what i just want to end my life i'm going to end my life so he was talking to a friend and they got on the subject of guns and carlos said i wonder where a guy could rent a gun if he wanted one and the guy said the friend said oh there's a guy down the road that he has several he's private and not a dealer i guess and he has some guns so you could rent one from him so carlos said well i want to go see this guy and i want to rent a gun what was he going to rent the gun for he's going to kill himself so carlos goes to the place now this part of the story i i loved when i when i read this i loved it this part of the story you got to love so carlos goes to knocks on the door the guy opens the door and he says i understand you have guns for rent and the guy said well i have several and he said i want one i want to rent one now get this one i'm gonna have to hold myself up so i don't fall down the guy says to him well you know what i'm sorry all of my guns are rented out i don't have any guns for you of course he didn't know what carl was gonna do with it i don't have any guns carlos was so depressed he left and as he was walking away as he's walking away he said i have the most terrible luck in the entire world my luck is so bad i can't even rent a gun to kill myself now you think god hadn't already showed up and been there just in the nick of time those guns were gone so he goes home has nothing else to do but he turns on three a b turns on the television and finds three abn latino carlos is so excited that he watches all night long i'm talking about all night long by the morning he gave his heart to jesus and said i'm going to look up a seventh day adventist church so he showed up at a seventh-day adventist church they were so thrilled to have him he told him the story that they of course he was taking bible studies and whatever but ended up getting baptized now because of the health message he's changed his whole diet his his health started getting better think about that and the doctor said to him now you know what carlos we're not going to have to amputate that other leg we're not going to have to amputate it praise the lord i get to keep it so a friend from church said i've i've got a job for you i i can help you get a job so now he's able to keep his leg he's happy he's found that piece we were talking about all this this whole time and so he's now excited he's going to get a job and so he gets the job and then guess what else happens of course the doctor already says we're not going to have to amputate but then through a series of events his wife comes back to him and they reunite their marriage i mean how beautiful is that you see what the devil tries to steal from us the lord the lord will give it back and it's not always when we want it and how we want it but it will come back in this case god honored that the lord was there just in the nick of time otherwise carlos would have been dead my next story is is a man in condominium this man and i don't know the background i know the prayer i got it from the uh some of our prayer partners that had called in and so he was late at night and he was at the end of his ropes and he said i'm going to kill myself now the difference between him and carlo or carlos the difference between him he had a gun and he had bullets in the gun it was late at night when he made the decision somewhere around midnight so he said okay i'm i'm just going to kill myself but he lived in a condominium and there was some other folk around him so he said well i'm going to do it tonight but i don't want to disturb everybody at night so and i can't wait till tomorrow i've got to end it now so i'm going to turn on the television now get this is with my hand up i'm going to turn on the television and i'm going to turn the volume up so loud i want to turn the volume up so loud that my neighbors won't hear okay are you you're following this some of you are already guessing where this is going right i want to turn the volume up so loud when i pull the trigger it won't disturb all the neighbors well when he turned it on i believe they said it was elder john carter now didn't purposely turn on three abm but he turned on the tv and elder carter was there and said jesus loves you and he started talking about the plan of salvation and again the man listened and he listened and he listened and by next morning he called our pastoral department and said pray with me i want to give my life to jesus i mean those are the stories honestly folks we could go on and on and on when you think about your money that you're given to three abn is it doing any good uh it when the investments i give to three ab and i'm a donor too because i believe in it and i believe in the technology that god has given us literally to reach out to a lost and dying world isn't it amazing how god's willing to use any of us who would have thought when when mark finley leaned into that we said if somebody was maybe contemplating suicide who could have thought the young man was getting up to go do it and a remote would fall in the floor now is that coincidence or divine providence somebody somebody answered that for me i can hear you from there that's divine providence that's baloney with that that coincidence right are you with me on that so i'm amazed at god and i thank you for being a supporter and a partner with three abn as we take this everlasting gospel the undiluted three angels messages one that would counteract the counterfeit into all the world thank you for your love and your prayers and the partnership and being able to work together to take the gospel to the world now everything doesn't have to when the lord shows up in the nick of time it doesn't have to be life or death it doesn't have to be anything that maybe the world would look at and say oh wow this is amazing but i'm going to run over just to have a few minutes left and i'm going to go over just a few little quick stories i remember back in the early 80s before 3abn god was preparing me god was preparing me for 3 abn i was playing basketball i broke my wrist and i broke the navicular bone so the doctor said this is going to be two or three casts you may be out four to six months work well i was in my probably late 20s i didn't have any money i didn't have insurance couldn't work for a while i didn't know what i was going to do so i was just just praying about it and so i went to church on sabbath took my little family we went to west frankfort church and i remember when they took up the offering that i reached in my pocket and i pulled out two dollars i promise you that's all i had to my name i didn't want to ask family or friends or anybody i was just hoping and praying the lord would somehow bless had two dollars to my name and my it was my cast was coming off that week so i was going to be able to start work again doing some more carpentry work so the offering plate came by and i didn't put the two dollars in you know why i said to myself what am i going to do if i give that two dollars i don't have anything and then as the deacons went up and they prayed over they were leaving going out with with the plates i motioned to one of them and i put in the two dollars you know why i heard this impression do you trust me or you trust that two dollars oh that wasn't much that was not much of a choice right you trust me or you trust that two dollars i said lord i'm going to trust you i put in the two dollars so i'm going home from church broke we stay after church we visit a while which we a lot of you do too so i live on this churches on the east side of west frankfort i lived at the time on the west side so we got a long main street so we're driving home penniless and i come to a stoplight right past the post office there's a stoplight and when it stops it's not a long it's less than a minute at most but i pull stop just as i do i see a woman walking across in front of the van she looks up and waves at me hey danny how are you doing now i have to tell you this lady i i remember several years before that if she needed something and and you could say a friend of the family an older lady but if she needed something she didn't mind asking people to help her out so she said hey danny pull over pull over i got to talk to you so i said well that's all right because i don't have anything to give her but i'll pull over and talk to her so i pulled over on the curb and she came over and she said i wanted am i so glad i saw you i've been wanting to call you she said you remember about four or five years ago when they were going to turn my electricity off and and that i was out of money and i came to your house and you loaned me 109. i said no i don't remember that well you did you loaned me 109 and i said no and then i thought about it i said oh yeah i said you know what i gave you 109 i didn't loan it to you i had totally forgot about it you know what she said to me well the lord has blessed me i have a house now where i keep older people and i'm getting money in from that and the lord has blessed me and i've been wanting to look you up and pay you back that hundred nine dollars she opens her purse pulls out a hundred and nine dollars cash in her purse i mean i don't know maybe all carry a lot i was definitely in those days i didn't carry that kind of money she pulled out 109 and said here thank you so much now again is that coincidence or divine providence what's the chances of me just driving home from church at that exact time when that stoplight was there as she was walking across the street but god showed up just in the nick of time that got me through i can tell you over and over hal stinson went to his church and you some of you have heard it it was when they first came to southern illinois in early 80s and just came there and my elector that's when i had to cast again and in my arm and it hadn't been working electric bill came and this time a red note on it the big red one you don't want to get that one 164 is going to be cut off friday hal had about 10 12 people that would started at his little church in west frankfort in mali and so he had asked me to come in my family to come up and sing to them so we did at the end of the in the middle of the service he said hey uh we're going to take up an offering for you there literally was maybe i'm going to say a dozen at most so i've heard myself say no brother hal don't don't worry about it we don't well no we want to take an offering i said no that's okay now this was thursday night he had his prayer meetings on thursday night not wednesday so it wouldn't conflict with other churches because he was trying to new in the area and getting more people to visit so i said no please don't well after the service i was packing up the the van putting the equipment in it that we had and was packing up and but as i left there were three men there and i remember those three men i just talked to one of them the other day his name's steve adkins grew up in west frankfort here with us and so as i went out i shook hands with with brother steve and i felt something in my hand so i put it in my pocket the next one was wayne griffith the piano player musician from this area was one i think there were only three males there other than hal that night and so he handed me twenty dollar bill i put that one in my pocket so the other male and i don't remember who this one was the other man came up and as we shook hands he said thank you for being here each one of them and i've never had that happen before or since once in a while somebody hands you but not everybody or nobody so i had three people handing me bills i go outside we start to drive off brother hal comes out and says oh oh brother danny stop the lord's impressed me to write you a check for a weird amount and i said a weird amount he said i don't know why but you apparently have a need i hadn't told anyone you apparently have a need and so the lord told me to write it so you'll know what it is so we drove away i thanked and we drove away i reached in my pocket pulled out the money handed it to my wife she counted it she said these are 320s 60 house check was 104. now how much did i say i need i needed 164. 160 dollars was my electric bill that next day had to be paid now i could go on and on and on and tell you these kind of stories but i'm going to go up just a little bit because here's one i really love them we're about lack of time i'm going to talk to you about a young man you might know by the name of greg morocconi and greg sent this i asked him for a nick of times nicket just in the nick of time story and here's what he wrote in 1999 i was looking for a media college internship site i sent an email to 3abn inquiring about the possibility 3abn was my first choice for many reasons one being my family had followed and supported three abn from early on and believed what god was doing through the ministry i waited a while but did not receive a response back either way my college advisor was very supportive of three abn ben internship site for me as the days went by and no reply from three abn shame on me my advisor i said that not greg my my advisor told me this is greg speaking i had to make a decision to go elsewhere because time was running out i waited until the last possible moment to write the the alternate internship site i remembered the day well as i went to the school computer and opened up my yahoo email account on that old computer i remember being sad that i was going to type an email that would send me someplace else other than 3abn before i wrote the email i checked my inbox and for one last time for anything new right toward the top was an email reply from 383 abn saying they were willing to bring me on as a college intern what an absolutely exciting moment for me it was a matter of five or ten minutes that i would have gone in a different direction other than three abn this is not was not happenstance but divine providence on monday september 27 1999 i stepped foot into the main building of three abn as a nervous intern what an incredible journey it has been through the years to serve the lord here that's from greg marconi think what would have happened had greg made that decision the lord showed up just in the nick of time he and jill has changed my life and our folks lives around here and literally potentially millions of people's lives around the world because of they the way they listen to the holy spirit so i'm so thankful for both of them and thank you lord for being there uh just in the neck of time i just got maybe time for one more quick when i just had a adventist friend of mine call me we were talking and he said my granddaughter has cancer and so she's been taking treatments and it's been very expensive and so my daughter didn't have the money so i put up all the money to get all of the treatment for this cancer but he said i of course i was going to do it but i knew that i was going to owe a lot of money in taxes he said about 200 000 of taxes so i was scrambling around trying to see how i was going to get the money now to pay my taxes i had spent so much on the the treatments at the hospital for the hospital bills so he said i received a card from my daughter and my granddaughter thanking me for the help and for the generous donations and how to that they paid you know that their bill was paid so it was the thank you card so of course that's got to make him feel good and he knew that he'd been a part of it and been blessed to be a part of it but he said i laid the card down just as i laid the car down my phone rang i picked up my phone now this was just a few weeks ago he told me this i picked up the phone and it was my accountant and she said guess what she said i have been looking over all of your finances she said and and because of everything i've gone through and so many uh charitable donations you've given through the year you will owe the government this year zero now one penny see how god bless showed up just in nick of time i was scrambling around seeing where i get the money well guess what you don't need the money i'm going to ask my wife yvonne to come out right now and um yvonne i'm i'm so blessed when i can share stories of other people's and you hear these testimonies yes what's that do for you uh it's so inspiring it's it is so inspiring and encouraging because we know that the lord steps in just in the nick of time just in the nick of time now i want to ask here i'm going to put you on the spot but do you have a just in the nick of time story you would be willing to share i have a couple but i'll just share one all right let's do it so 2009 was really like the the bottom dropped out for me in 2009. the first thing that really happened was in may i lost my sister and she had been very ill and so i lost her and then in september the lord called me out from the profession that i had i was practicing traditional chinese medicine acupuncture and um and the lord told me to come out of that and it was 95 of my income wow so i knew though blessing was on the go so you decided i'm gonna even though it's gonna cost me i'm gonna step away from it yeah i knew that the lord would take care of me i knew i wasn't worried about what i was gonna do even though i knew i had lost a lot of my income but i knew that the lord would take care of me because all my life he's taken care of me so long story short i um i had started writing a book and that book um i didn't know how i was going to print it i didn't know where the money was going to come from to print the book but i knew that my job was just to write it and i felt impressed that my job was to write it and and the lord was impressing me that he would take care of the rest okay so i finished the book a friend of mine won a legal case and gave me the money to print the book oh wow okay and then i had i was resigning my lease in this apartment and as a bonus for resigning the lease i got a month free which then allowed me time to set up this lifestyle course that i was giving and then that same book got me an interview here through c.a murray okay and who is my interviewer me absolutely so what a blessing i mean the lord the lord came stepped in just in the nick of time just when you needed it just when i needed it well here's a great thing we're telling these stories and we're talking about living in the physical and living in the spiritual but what we have so to look forward to and i look forward to it i know you do too is the second coming coming of jesus christ the scriptures we read earlier this world would self-destruct except the lord says because of the elect he's going to cut it short so just a few years ago the lord gave me a song it was just sitting home and and it's a song that i really had to think about and pray about and to finish it and uh so we had the privilege of working together with larry goss and some of the other folk here and some great musicians tim and others but this song i entitled uh just in time just in time [Music] [Applause] [Music] there were famines and earthquakes with trouble all around the heavens did shake no peace could be found there were wars and strides [Music] it seemed god at lost with no hope for where is your god the demons cried he's left you here to die your truth has failed it's all been a lie but a shout out it came from god the living [Music] save your king just in time he called my name salvation's plan redemption by the great i am [Music] soon there appears in the east a small black cloud half the size of a man's hand it is the cloud which surrounds the savior and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness the people of god know this to be the sign of the son of man in solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth becoming lighter and more glorious until it is a great white cloud its base of glory like consuming fire and above it the rainbow of the covenant jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror not now a man of sorrows to drink the bitter cup of shame and woe he comes victor in heaven and earth to judge the living and the dead with anthems of celestial melody the holy angels of vast unnumbered throng attend him on his way the firmament seems filled with radiant forms ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands no human pen can portray the scene no mortal mind is adequate to conceive its splendor his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise and his brightness was like the light as the living cloud comes still nearer every eye beholds the prince of life no crown of thorns now mars that sacred head but a diadem of glory rests on his holy brow his countenance outshines the dazzling brightness of the noonday sun and on his robe and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords then just just in time he called my name salvation's plan for [Music] redemption by the great redemption by the greece [Music] [Music] [Applause] amen praise the lord praise the lord thank you wow praise the lord amen what an amazing scene you know when you start thinking about the second coming and and the lord returning and you see ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands filling up the sky to take us home some of that talking part actually came from a great controversy on ellen white yes and um so the lord just put that together i'm blessed and and how you can do it in such perfect timing and write do all the talk and then come right crazy right out of them i'm amazed at that and i'm so thankful we only have about two and a half minutes here and maybe why don't you look into the camera and someone just said to me back here greg said maybe there's somebody that's watching today that's thinking about taking their life oh what would you say jesus loves you so much he would not want you to lose out on the plan that he has for your life don't despair life doesn't always stay the same god's got something special for you to do for him and your life will be so changed if you just give your heart to him praise the lord you always call our number on the screen 1-800-752-326-618-627-4651 could you also give us a closing prayer we may if we need to just go out and pray today all right dear lord we just praise you so much thank you so much for the words that you gave danny today the words of encouragement and inspiration lord so many times we need to hear just how you step in in the nick of time so we thank you so much for doing that in all of our lives please be with us guide us direct us and help us all to be ready so that when you come just in time lord we will be ready to go with you and live forever in your presence thank you so much for this prayer and for your goodness and mercy toward us in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 31,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, 3abn camp meeting, Danny Shelton, second coming, sermon, sda sermon, sda, adventist, seventh-day adventist, just in the nick of time, miracle stories
Id: 0o2GFWP5Jls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 10sec (4030 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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