JUST IN: Marianne Williamson Makes An Announcement On Her Campaign's Future After Michigan Primary

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hey I have an important announcement to make as of today I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States I had suspended it because I was losing the horse race but something so much more important than the horse race is at stake here and we must respond right now we have a fascist standing at the door everybody's all upset about it well we should be upset about it but we're not going to defeat the fascist by well by what what is President Biden offering he says let's finish the job well I hope you realize we're talking about millions of Voters for whom they can't even survive unless they work at two or three jobs what do he saying Beyond you know the economy is really doing well are you kidding me for whom it's doing well for 20% of us and that's to be celebrated but that 20% is on an island surrounded by a vast sea of economic despair 39% of the American people report that they are regularly skipping meals in order to pay their rent over half of bankruptcies come from medical debt one in four Americans carry we're now living at a time where economic anxiety is experienced by the majority of people the majority of people living paycheck to paycheck the minimum wage not having been raised and increased and increasing militarism what's going on here well I'll tell you what's going on here We the People basically don't own this country right now Abraham Lincoln said that people who died in the Civil War for the union had died so that a government of the People by the people and for the people would not perish from the earth it's perishing now and on our watch we are a government for all intents and purposes of the corporations by the corporations and for the corporations and we need a president who says this and we need a President Who lays down an agenda and says we're going to turn this thing around we're going to take an economic U-turn who inspires the American people we can do different we can do better that's what it is to make this country great again to return it to a time when we actually had a a thriving middle class and you don't do that with Donald Trump's policies you do that with Medicare for all you do it with tuition free college and tech school you do it with eliminating using the Higher Education Act the entire College loan debt you do it with paid family leave and subsidized child care you do it with guaranteed housing guaranteed living wage guaranteed sick pay we change this world we make it more beautiful we have to respond to Donald Trump's dark vision of possibility we need to have a Peace Academy as as well as a military academy we have to have armies of peacebuilders as well as armies of military personnel we need to play peace games not just war games we need to learn to wage peace we need to end America's War on Drugs we need to have a ceasefire now we need to have reparations we need to have policies that actually expand opportunities and thus expand the economy and expand the possibilities for the future for our children and our children's children we need to ramp down not keep ramping up fossil fuel extraction we need to take this country in a direction of Hope and possibility and regeneration that is the vision that will defeat Donald Trump not let us finish the job we're watching a car crash in slow motion here everybody knows it some people would say oh Miss Williamson you're delusional I'll tell you what's delusional what's delusional is just closing our eyes and crossing our fingers and just hoping that somehow Biden and Harris will be able to beat that juggernaut of dark dark vision no we're going to defeat that Juggernaut by lifting people up lifting ourselves up to a realization that new beginnings are what America specializes in is what we were born from we need to remember what our ancestors have done when they were challenged we've done great things in this country we're hardwired to do great things and we have to do them now I hope you go to maryan 2024 read our policies we're still in this let's do this this is serious this is serious we need to say to the American people we see your pain and we need to say to Donald Trump we see your BS let's do this thanks so much spread the word
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 5,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ea-ni8tFlzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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