Just How OP Can You Make Fishing in Terraria? | HappyDays

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the fishing class in Terraria gives access to items and equipment from every class in the game fishing can be used to get powerful equipment early during an adventure but what if we did something crazy and break the class completely how's it going crew this is Happy Days and today we're going to see how overpowered you can make the fishing class in Terraria we've done a few of these videos now so I'll have the usual rules on screen for you to see I'll be looking at how overpowered you can make the fishing class in Terraria by looking at weapons armor and accessories that are available at five major stages of the game that can be acquired only from phishing this includes anything I can catch using a fishing rod or items from fishing related activities such as angler Quest Rewards or fighting enemies summoned by fishing now there are some exceptions I'm allowing for this challenge which I'll show on screen now I'll be using basic materials to get started such as wood and stone for crafting and Base building and torches so we can all see what's happening on screen I can collect herbs to start a potion Farm but I can only Harvest them using a staff of of regrowth that is acquired via fishing items required for advancing the game are allowed such as certain boss summoning items and any materials needed to craft them finally I can buy the bug net and piggy bank from the merchant a bug net is required to initially catch bait so it is necessary for us to begin our fishing adventure with all that said let's get this crazy challenge started we begin our adventure with a fresh new Forest to destroy as I need to collect tons of wood I really want to start fishing as soon as possible to get our hands on some better equipment but there's a few things we need to do first we'll need the merchant to move in before we can get our hands on the bug net and I'll also need a house for the angler so we can start turning in fishing Quests for huge fishing rewards so I'll build a few basic NPC houses with our starter base set up I head out to find the angler he can spawn in either ocean biome so I pick a direction and start walking we'll need to earn 50 silver for the merchant NPC to move in so although we've only got our starter equipment I'll try to fight as many enemies as I can along the way to earn some cash eventually I arrive at the page and find the lazy angler sleeping on the water I wake him up and he takes a bath as I head back to base to finish collecting the money we need after spending some time harvesting more wood and dealing with the Swarms of slimes the merchant moves in and now we can buy the Glorious bug net now I can finally start fishing but first we'll need some bait Critters can be found by destroying the grass growing everywhere and worms can be found by mining the piles of rocks littering the countryside I head to the desert to work on our first fishing Quest this is probably a good time to mention on playing on a small world in normal mode with a journey mode character I'm using a journey mode character for two reasons both of which are simply based on Saving Time firstly Journey mode allows me to quickly advance to the next day so I can immediately begin a new fishing Quest it also allows me to research Quest fish I've already caught I still need to catch two of each Quest fish before I can research them however so I think this is a fair compromise which saves me a ton of time making this video after handing in our first Quest I grab a piggy bank from the merchant to keep our money safe and head out to find more baits there's actually a massive boost to our fishing power available right now but it's going to require grinding out a total of 30 angler quests the reason for doing this straight away is that the angler set and the golden fishing rod are guaranteed rewards for the 10th 15th 20th and 30th Crest rewards respectively and will give us a massive 65 boost to our fishing Power by boosting our fishing power early it will allow us to catch rarer drops quickly and easier which has the added benefit of using less of our more powerful bait finally I hand in the 30th fishing Quest and we collect the amazing golden fishing rod this will massively power up our fishing efforts moving forward before we head back out I crack open all my crates and get some basic crafting materials equipment and accessories I also craft an anvil so I can make some chests to store all my Loot and then we make a toilet which will give me a small boost to our fishing power if I use it while fishing so I'll make sure to take a few with me now our fishing Powers had a nice boost we can start to go after biome and golden crates I start in the ocean biome as I can catch tool upgrades like the Reaver shark while I'm collecting crates my next goal is to get to 200 health so I have a chance of the goblin army naturally spawning if I can defeat the Goblins I'll be able to search for the goblin tinkerer NPC which will unlock reforging and the ability to combine my accessories the only way to increase my health is to get golden crates so this is probably a good time to talk about how time and weather passively change fishing power while I visit the various biomes catching crates in Terraria your fishing power gets a 20 boost if it's raining a 10 boost if the weather is cloudy and a 10 boost during a full moon certain times of the day can either boost or reduce your fishing Power by quite a large amount too I'll put an image on screen with more info but in my opinion between 3am and 9am is the best time to fish as you will either get a neutral bonus or a whopping 30 increase in power between 4 30 am and 6 a.m with no power reduction time after after a ton of fishing I returned to base to crack open my golden crates thankfully I get just enough Life Crystals to get to 200 health and with the shadow orb I smashed earlier near my corruption fishing spot that means the Goblin Army now has a chance to spawn each morning I then open all my other biome crates and throw all the loot in some nearby chests for sorting once I'm organized I then use the loadout function to swap setups and equip some combat accessories and craft some tungsten armor to use when fighting soon enough the Goblins spawn and I use a basic Arena to take them on and thanks to our new armor and accessories they can barely put a dent in our HP the Goblins don't stand a chance and eventually they are defeated and it's time for me to start searching the caverns for the goblin tinkerer it's nice to be exploring underground but I'm not allowed to touch all the amazing loot that keeps passing me by I find a beautiful life Crystal and as much as I need to get to full HP I can't take it with me so I build a little Shrine to protect it and continue the search for the goblin after making my way up and down a few times I eventually find the trapped Goblin and free him I grab a tink for his workshop and throw a few basic modifiers on my equipment for now our next goal is to get the lava proof tackle bag I start by digging a hellevator to the underworld as we're about to start fishing in lava to fish in lava you either need the hotline fishing hook the lava proof fishing hook or lava Critters which is what we'll start with as they can be caught with our golden bug net we need to get the lava proof fishing hook accessory which is found in obsidian crates this accessory allows us to fish in lava without needing lava Critters and it also allows me to stack a lava proof tackle bag and the angler tackle bag for an even bigger boost to our fishing power back at base I open all my obsidian crates and get the lava proof fishing hook while I'm at it I open all my wooden and iron crates and quickly sort out all the extra loot I craft the angler tackle bag out of my fishing line tackle box and angler earring and then craft the lava proof tackle bag saving me lots of accessory slots while I'm at it I combined some of my fishing accessories to make the fish finder displaying useful fishing information so such as the moon cycle and the current weather conditions we're almost ready to start fighting bosses but there's more powering up to do I head to the ocean and start setting up a mini Arena as we're about to attempt some blood moon fishing fishing during a Blood Moon gives a chance to summon special monsters that drop some useful items weapons and the Chum Bucket which temporarily can boost our fishing power when used while I wait for a Blood Moon I keep fishing as I still need more golden crates for Life Crystals so I can work on both things at the same time eventually a Blood Moon begins and I quickly use all my buff potions and madly start fishing during blood Moon's pre-hard mode I'm looking to catch the wandering eye fish and zombie merman both these enemies have the same item drops which include Chum buckets which boost my fishing power up to 20 the vampire frog staff summon the blood rainbow the money trough bloody tears which can be used to summon more blood moons and finally the chum Caster fishing rod although it's weaker than my golden fishing rod the chum Caster doubles the chance of fishing up blood moon enemies so it it's well worth using during Blood Moons I spend the night frantically fishing and fighting and by morning we have a ton of Loot and I got lucky to fish up the advanced combat techniques book which will give our town NPCs a nice boost to their stats did you know that you can stack the lava proof tackle bag the angler tackle bag and an extra angler earring for a huge boost to your fishing power I take off the lava proof tackle bag to avoid the Angler's duplicate item protection and eventually I have all the items I need for a huge upgrade my mission continues to collect lots of golden crates to max out our HP golden crates have a 12.5 chance to drop a life Crystal and I'll need 10 more crystals so I'll get plenty of them to be safe I also grab a few more biome crates while I'm fishing as there's a few more items I need from them back at base I open all my golden crates and I get just enough Life Crystals to max out my health and I even get an enchanted sword which is nice after opening all the rest of my Biome crates I get everything sorted and craft a set of platinum armor and some basic ammo for my new weapons but before finally asking the goblin tinkerer to give me some amazing reforgers and not take all my money I'll be going for menacing on all my combat accessories for damage and warding on my fishing accessories for a protection while I'm out fishing I quickly go around to various biomes collecting naturally spawning herbs with my staff of regrowth to get my potion Farm started I've got so many fish waiting at base just waiting to be turned into buff potions and I'll need them soon enough I then spend a relaxing couple of nights catching some fallen stars as there's quite a few useful magic weapons that can be acquired by fishing and I'll need the Mana to use them properly back at base I get all my buff potions ready as well as use some master stars to max out my Mana as we're now ready to start fighting some bosses this first stage was huge in terms of powering up our fishing and has given us a good range of equipment to start tackling bosses with we have the star Fury ice Boomerang blood rainbow Boomstick Thunder zapper and vampire frog stuff and a full set of platinum armor we also got a pair of fledgling Wings feral Claws and flurry boots and all our combat accessories have menacing for a 20 boost to our damage for fishing we have a full set of angler armor golden fishing rod the lava proof tackle bag angler tackle bag angler earring fishing bobber and tons of Master Paws bait with all our fishing Buffs active and fishing at the best times of the day we've almost reached maximum fishing power but as this is an OP video I should mention there's a few things we can do to push it even higher the inner tube accessory and the toilet both boosts fishing Power by five percent each but you normally can't use both at the same time if you use a flipper potion and have the toilet placed just below the water you will get the bonuses from both however additionally making sure to fish during a new moon gives a decent 10 boost to fishing power during the course of the entire day lastly using three charges of the Chum Bucket gives an additional 20 points of fishing power although two Chargers give 17 points so it's probably more economical to only use two at a time also a quick note on Shimmer Shimmer is introduced in an update while I've been away and to be honest I kind of forgot it was a thing until I was nearing the end of making this video so I'll give a quick honorable mention to the Life Crystal Mana Crystal pink pearl and gold worm which had Shimmer upgrades at this stage of the game stage two is here and that means I can now access everything up to the wall of flesh battle I start by heading straight to the dungeon to take on Skeletron after setting up a basic Arena I talked to the old man and start the battle although I don't actually need anything from Skeletron itself I want to go fishing in the dungeon as there's heaps of stuff available down there our powered up weapons make short work of the flying bag of bones and after it's defeated I quickly make my way down the dungeon steps after heading a short way in I used some wood and our bottomless water bucket to set up a fishing spot there's two main things I want to catch down here plenty of dungeon crates and an alchemy table will need plenty of buff potions moving forward so the alchemy table will help me get the most out of my potion materials before heading back to base I spend some sometimes smashing up some enemies to collect golden keys the dungeon crates I just caught contain golden lock boxes which contain rare items from the dungeon but require a golden key to open so I'll grab plenty of them back at base I crack open all my dungeon crates and then open my golden lock boxes and I get a bunch of nice items including a shadow key and a Cobalt Shield I can now use the shadow key to open the obsidian lock boxes I got from fishing for obsidian crates earlier to get loot that usually drops from Shadow chess I can't believe my luck getting the sun Fury flame lash dark Lance and the hell Wing bow for a massive power boost next we head to the underworld to prepare for the wall of flash battle I head to the edge of the world and start making a long pathway for the upcoming battle and use my bottomless honey bucket to set up heel stations along the track back at base I top up my combat buff potions before visiting the goblin tinkerer again for some weapon reforging as we're about to enter hard mode this stage went really quickly but we still got some excellent upgrades without Cobalt Shield Sun Fury and hellwing bow although we got a lot of fishing upgrades in the first stage there's still plenty to unlock in hard mode so let's keep moving I start stage 3 by hurling the guide doll into the lava and summoning the Wall of Flesh my Aqua scepter and hellwing bow make quick work of the hungries and then I have fun unleashing all my other new weapons against the wall itself the fight goes much quicker than I expected and soon enough the wall explodes as hard mode begins now we're in hard mode I can't wait to start unlocking some of the powerful upgrades that are available to us right now the first thing we do is you guessed it start fishing each crate has an upgraded hard mode version and these crates can drop hard mode ores and bars allowing me to craft much stronger armor there are also three extremely rare hard mode fish weapons from the hollow corruption and Crimson which I'll show on screen now will be able to achieve two goals at once as while I'm trying for the special biome weapons I'll be able to catch lots of crates while I wait for them to drop it takes a while but eventually I catch the crystal Serpent and I move on to the corruption I settle in for a long fishing session in the corruption but my complete amazement that toxicarp drops quite quickly as we've got the corruption and snow biomes overlapping I hang around and keep fishing as we have a chance to catch the scaly truffle which is a decent flying Mount wherein a corruption world so I'll need to make an artificial Crimson biome to fish for the blade tongue and this bucket of lava will help me do it in Terraria if there are five or more tombstones nearby a mini graveyard biome will be created we can easily get five tombstones by going for a few lava baths once a biome is spawned I quickly buy plenty of seeds so we can get back to fishing I head to one of my fishing spots and start placing rows of dirt blocks and planting the Crimson seeds in them currently it takes 300 blocks to create an artificial Crimson biomes that once the background changes we're good to go it doesn't take too long for the blade tongue to drop which is nice but I'll hang around for a while longer to get some more crates as I still need tons of them after a lot more fishing I head back to base to start cracking open my crates we get plenty of loot as well as a bunch of hard mode ores but before we can craft our new armor I need to upgrade our Forge so I craft an Ori calcium Anvil and then make a new pickaxe as we're about to head to the underworld huntforges need at least 60 pickaxe power so unfortunately our river shark wasn't quite capable of mining it up back at base I upgrade our hellforge to a titanium Forge and after smelting some hardmode or craft a set of Adamantite armor and all three helmet variations as we're using weapons from all classes I also craft several keys of light and night from The Souls that dropped from our biome crates this will allow us to summon biomimics to get some of their powerful equipment after grabbing some buff potions I start fighting the bio mimics our new blade tongue weapon can apply the icore debuff to enemies reducing their defense by a whopping 15 points our new weapons smash the mimics fairly easily and I grabbed the Daedalus stormbow and the powerful chain Guillotines before we head back to the ocean for even more upgrades using one of of the bloody tears we got earlier I start another Blood Moon and begin fishing we can fish up new enemies in hard mode and they have even more powerful weapons for us to collect the main things I'm after is the sanguine star from the dread Nautilus the dribbler crippler from the blood eel and the bloodborne from the Hema goblin shark I can use our blade tongue to apply icor before swapping to our changular teens and Crystal serpent for some nice damage against these enemies I actually get all the weapons I was after on the first night but I decide to keep fishing for a second night as the Hema goblin shark and bloody ore can also drop the hammerax which is the strongest hammocks we can get in this challenge before we start fighting hard mode bosses I'd like to upgrade our wings and thankfully the angler has a set of fin Wings available as a quest reward once you reach hard mode it takes quite a few quests but eventually gives up the wings and all that's left for us to do now is reforger our equipment as we're ready to start fighting some bosses there was lots of new upgrades available to us in this stage with fishing unlocking plenty of new weapons our main damage dealers are the crystal Serpent and chain Guillotines with the blade tongue and toxicart being great support weapons due to applying the icore debuff and poison debuff respectively we have a full set of Adamantite armor which gives some nice damage boosts to our weapons and we picked up a set of fin Wings which will be a huge help in our upcoming boss fights also a quick note I did miss the obsidian swordfish that was available from fishing and lava in this stage I do pick it up in the next stage but I wanted to mention that it was available now and as this is an OP video I'll give an honorable mention to the hidden luck statistic luck has a chance to give our fishing power a hidden boost by up to 40 for a single catch I'll show an image on screen to help illustrate the basics to boost our luck easily we can do things like placing a garden gnome drinking a luck potion and placing torches that match the biome we're in we can already catch everything we need with our op fishing equipment but if you'd be interested in me testing the benefits of Maximum luck and fishing in a separate video let me know in the comments below stage 4 is here and now we have access to Hard Mode bosses and we're going straight for Duke fishron but first I need to go hunting for worms Duke fishron is summoned by fishing in the ocean with a truffle wormer's bait truffle worms are Critters that spawn in the underground mushroom biome and can be highlighted with a hunter potion I spent some time smoothing out the area to help speed things up and soon enough I have a bunch of worms ready to feed the fishron we head to the ocean and start setting up an arena for our upcoming battle this battle is all about Mobility so I set up a framework of platforms to use as well as some honey and heart lanterns to help regenerate my health I use all my buff potions and summon the giant fish and get the battle started I immediately Whack Him with the blade tongue to stick him with the i-core debuff and then start blasting away with my crystal serpent although it's a long fight my fin Wings give me plenty of Mobility to stay ahead of the rampaging beast and eventually he falls and drops the bubble gun the bubble gun is one of the best drops I could have possibly gotten as it absolutely destroys Duke fishron which will make farming the rest of his drops even faster I get most the weapons fairly quickly but the Fisher on wings have quite a low Drop chance so after getting some more truffle worms I see our prize eventually appear and we can move on with our challenge after throwing some modifiers on our new equipment it's time for a Boss Rush we'll start by taking on the neck bosses and the combination of our bubble gun razor blade typhoon Daedalus stormbow and Flareon make quick work of them while I wait for Life route to spawn I head straight to the jungle and start setting up a Plantera Arena around a nearby bulb with a basic Arena set up I smashed the bulb and start wailing on Plantera with my bubble gun and razor blade typhoon while applying i-cor to keep the damage going strong soon enough the giant plant Falls and I grab the temple key and we head to the underworld as there's a weapon I almost forgot to collect I fish in the lava for the obsidian swordfish this is one of the strongest Spears in the game with a massive 24 bass Critical Strike chance but it does have an extremely short range as I mentioned earlier I could have got this in stage 3 but I kind of forgot returning to the Jungle I now start searching for for it it takes a while but eventually we max out our health and now we're going to find The Ether biome I throw a life Crystal Mana Crystal pink pearl gold worm and live fruit into the Shimmer to get a vital Crystal Arcane Crystal Galaxy Pearl gummy worm and Aegis fruit these give me some permanent minor regeneration Buffs and a small buff to my defense luck and fishing power back at base all that's left to do is reforge our new weapons to their best modifiers and move on to the end game to see if we can complete this challenge this stage had some amazing upgrades for us including the Flareon tsunami bubble gun razor blade typhoon and Tempest staff we also got a pair of fishron wings for a massive boost to our Mobility we also fished up the obsidian swordfish I missed in the last stage we've arrived at the final stage and the finish line is in sight I smashed my way through the temple as we head for the Golem chamber thankfully the chamber is fairly open so I start clearing out the traps as we prepare to smash Golem with a basic Arena set up I summon Golem and quickly destroy its arms with our Razer played typhoon and bubblegun I then finish off the body with our Flareon and tsunami before heading to the dungeon to continue our Boss Rush arriving at the dungeon I quickly dispatched with the cultists and prepare to face the lunatic cultist this boss moves quite quickly so our Flareon and razor blade typhoon allow me to focus on dodging while keeping the damage ticking away soon enough the boss Falls and it's time to destroy some Celestial pillars The Vortex pillar is near the dungeons so I start destroying waves of mobs with our razor blade typhoon which is outstanding at dealing with pillar enemies as the shield Falls I use my bubble gun to make short work of the pillar while my Buffs are active I decide to keep smashing pillars and take down the solar and nebula pillars before returning to base to prepare for the moonlord battle I decide to set up a spawn point near my base for the moonlord fight I put down a bed and some basic regen before heading out to find the Stardust pillar I zoom out for the last pillar in preparation for our moonlord battle to Stardust enemies are no match for us and once the shield falls from the pillar I blast it without bubble gun after grabbing the fragments I returned to our Outpost refresh my Buffs and prepare for impending doom the moon Lord spawns and I immediately start firing our Razer Blade typhoon to deal with the hand eyes I swapped to my bubble gun as the forward eye opens as I only get a small window to damage it and I want to deal as much direct damage as possible soon enough the core opens and I use my blade tongue to inflict it with icor before unleashing a barrage of bubbles onto it eventually the moon Lord starts exploding and we have defeated the moonlord using only equipment gained from fishing as the credits start rolling we return to base as the townspeople celebrate with some fireworks and we take another look at our equipment this is usually the part of the video where we take a look at our weapon and armor upgrades unlocked by defeating the moonlord but perhaps in a very fitting way we only have one final upgrade available to our fishing equipment returning to The Ether I throw our bottomless water bucket into the Shimmer to transmute it into a bottomless Shimmer bucket which is only possible after the moon Lord is defeated back at base we build ourselves the ultimate luxury owl very own Shimmer Pond and although unfortunately we can't fish in it being able to transmute items from the comfort of our own base is very handy indeed this was so much fun maxing out our fishing at each stage of the game I've had quite a few requests now to update my original four op videos with all the new update content included so let me know in the comments if you'd like me to check that out we've also yet to explore op modern classes so that's another possibility I'm interested to explore so if that's more your thing add a comment letting me know I had a blast making this video and if you enjoyed it too please smash the like button and consider subscribing for more fun videos like this and here's the most important part as always you'll stay happy and I'll see you soon this is Happy Days signing out see ya [Music]
Channel: HappyDays
Views: 1,304,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, happydays, happy days, just how op can you make, can you beat terraria, terraria fishing, terraria loadout, terraria guide, terraria best pre Hardmode, terraria best weapon, terraria best armor, terraria fishing guide, terraria fishing playthrough, terraria 1.4, terraria class loadouts, terraria ultimate loadout, terraria ideas, pc, console, mobile, terraria op, overpowered, terraria 1.4 fishing, terraria op fishing, terraria 1.4.4, terraria 1.4.4 fishing
Id: xGnpS-4XENw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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