Jury Finds Kentucky Man Brice Rhodes Guilty of Horrifying Triple Murder

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has the jury been able to reach a verdict in this case all right if you could please hand the form to Deputy Mills thank you [Applause] all right the court will now read the verdict verdict form 1A murder as to Christopher Jones we the jury found the defendant guilty of murder having found the defendant guilty of murder we we found that the murder was intentional verdict form 2A murder as to Maurice Gordon we the jury found the defendant guilty of murder having found the defendant guilty of murder we found that the murder was intentional verdict form 3A murder as to Larry Ordway we the jury found the defendant guilty of murder have having found the defendant guilty of murder we found that the murder was intentional verdict form four tampering with physical evidence Le the jury found the defendant guilty verdict form five abuse of a corpse as to Maurice Gordon we the jury found the defendant guilty verdict form six abuse of a corpse as to Larry Ordway Le the jury found the defendant guilty I'm not going to ask each of you about just kind of pointing beginning with the back row and going down and then the front row is this your verdict is this your verdict yes ma' yes Council can you all approach all right so I just kind of want to give you all sort of an idea of what will happen from here first of all thank you for your consideration of these matters um in Kentucky jurors also handled sentencing and so what we will do next is called the penalty phase of the trial but we're certainly not going to do that tonight um we have some um Witnesses who cannot be here until Wednesday but we also don't want to slow this down too much as you can tell we're on track to finish before Christmas which is good before the holidays kick in um so what we what I'm going to have you do is come back tomorrow at 100 p.m. see if we can knock out some of the evidence that we need to get entered and then Wednesday I expect will be the day that we conclude okay now I don't think you will be here too late Wednesday but there is a chance you could be here after 5 tomorrow you'll probably be done by 3:30 or 4: all right so be back outside the courtroom at 1 1 p.m. tomorrow um and in the meantime the admonition remains in effect you cannot do any research you cannot post about this case you cannot discuss it with anyone including each other when you're not in the deliberation room so tomorrow morning I will again ask if there's anything anybody needs to report okay tomorrow tomorrow afternoon at one thank you tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm and um and I believe we'll have somebody walk you all out as well all right from jury all right everybody and then I'm going to have everyone else stay in the courtroom for about five minutes now Mr Rose you can stay here go back whatever you want to do I just want to give there some breathing space between the jurors and everybody else we'll see you tomorrow thank you all
Channel: Law&Crime Trials
Views: 151,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: KrvglgmVIWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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