JURASSIC WORLD Mod in Among Us...

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okay everyone to calm down you're all velociraptors just just calm down i'm here to tame you uh you know what we're dinosaurs i think we should just rip this guy apart yeah yeah get him get him instead no okay get him get him get him contain you you don't oh where'd you go there we go good good good all right so i'm from jurassic world i got to do my tasks i got to lock down all of these dinosaurs before all my health goes away look guys up at the top of the screen there's all these sorts of different dinosaurs everyone's gonna become a cool dinosaur well i just hope i'm the most iconic dinosaur the stegosaurus as the video moves along that bar up on the top of the screen will give everyone new dinosaur powers and i gotta stay out of their way so i can do my tasks hey poopy farts oh wow look at all these forbidden juices hey blue you're uh your dad's here blue hey blue how are you i'm purple whoa this dinosaur is so cool i want to ride the dinosaur oh whoa that is a cool raptor let's uh let's take out the trash that's some normal stuff to do here at jurassic world you're a fecal soros all right i've lost a lot of health i need to go pet blue i want to become a cool dinosaur i hope i get to be a cool dinosaur well you know i'm kind of like you just you know more handsome and stoic i'm glad it's not a big pile of poo right here that would be that would be gross there's someone get up oh get up nope nope nope stay away from me get up oh i'm in a cage of my own emotions look at me standing on the table standing on the table use me sir you can't just be alive in the middle of the road right here we got places to move uh sleeper dart there you go oh ow owen's doing his test we have to stop him or else he'll contain us all oh look look at these little guys oh there he is now you're dead yes i am a t-rex he transformed where are you blue i need your health i'm awesome oh whoa oh my goodness that's so sick t-rex hey captain captain you may have arms but how does it feel that they can't even lift up a branch i can't scratch my back i can't scratch my back smack me for saying that captain i've never seen you look so lethal before i i kind of like it i just gotta stay right here guys guys we gotta get owen down to very low health so i can eat him ah get running running i'll do whatever you say bye beautiful t-rex boyfriend all right get back here nope nope nope continuous no nobody knows the troubles are oh i'm out is this you blue it's finally you pet blue oh yeah hugging it up man this place is crazy this is insane i gotta get out of here i can't fit anywhere got some hell a motorcycle i'm gonna ride my motorcycle it'll get me far away into my next town back here nope that's not where i need to be there he is get him get it get him come on back let me roar at you he's using this rifle while he's right on the motorcycle christmas morning i can't i'm so dumb don't wait no don't leave me these dank dinosaurs keep getting loose i just saw chris pratt i should have listened to jeff goldblum no lovely way it's almost better now you see me you don't see me i'm like john cena you can't see me i'm gonna scratch the air i'm just going to claw i think i might have stunned him i think he got him oh no he's invisible is he standing still no i'm stuck oh no tranquilizer we can't see him if he doesn't move use my tranquilizer eggies bye eggies oh oh i don't know that birds ow that's a great dinosaur name by the way nope nope let me can i do my card swipe real quick oh wow first try and pet blue that'll that'll help me out man these are not made for t-rex hey hey good he's a good dinosaur that's a good dinosaur i'll try to eat him i'll try to eat him ah it's not ready yet no power's not ready yet okay i gotta leave you i'll come back for you i promise i'll come back for you oh someone's gonna become a triceratops next oh oh come on really uh i'm just gonna just go oh thank you for that's not my name my name is owen oh we're stuck here poopy farts too come on i see so many stars [Music] thank gosh these things open automatically because i do not have arms you're a triceratops i need a choice i want your motorcycle all right go get them put on a helmet it's dangerous if i'm still right here they won't be able to find me while i do my upload that lets me use a charge ability which means i can even get through walls and stuff whoa whoa whoa triceratops hey who's that we're all dinosaurs except owen now he's stuck ha ha oh he's in here get them everybody oh we got a triceratops come back here these dang crewmates let's go get up don't hurt justin and daniel now i can't move don't you shoot me cry when dinosaurs rolled the earth that is pretty iconic i guess i'm gonna i'm gonna hug blue again there we go get something oh stop it what are you doing i'm getting help bye no i'm not i'm talking to this traitor i thought you were cool man i liked your strap uh blue's blues blue's a girl was a girl dinosaur easy task easy task if i keep doing my tasks we'll be able to emergency lockdown and keep all these dinosaurs can be contained inside the jurassic world [Music] very cool yeah most animals run two legs at a time all right say that i would say most of them you may have flared me but i sliced you i stopped what i saw it's not dark did you see a dark is that dying just you wait until i'm a cool bigger dinosaur i'm going to get you come here silly owen you won't be able to trap me then i'll get down ah it's a t-rex um yeah i'm your buddy remember oh yeah you're captain but you know i'm to give you a little philosopher's and [Laughter] no arms for you who cares about having arms when you have these sweet sweet little baby cool tails usually is the pink one and patrick leaves is the orange one he's around here somewhere i can smell it there oh no there you go now i can do my wires in peace i got i don't have time to wait through that i got charged oh they're gonna be so cute when they grow up but we should probably clean up these balls i am flying yeah yeah fine i'm gonna eat your eggs now blue i'm gonna i'm gonna need your health again thanks man you're a good friend ow i just got that back poofy farts what diet pterodactyl i see okay that's disgusting i'm getting out of here oh there he is okay with my roar it's though i want to fly that pterodactyl's so cool oh the light it's so bright but i'm gonna catch up to him charge ah lovely you're the pterodactyl that means you can go through colliders ugh this is so hard i gotta do my wires yeah right now it's on cool down and i'm sad my little legs can only carry me so far i got away from my clothes to recharge don't shoot me now oh my goodness he's crazy oh wait no i'm supposed to be chasing you oh yeah he put down a flare he put down a flare get him get him okay there you go now you're all done you can't flare all of us whoa okay i'm low on health blue i'm gonna need you i'm gonna need your help ah man we were so close to getting him he has three hearts why are those flares so mesmerizing what happens if we get him do we get to like eat him i got one hit on him yeah finally nailed it i wanna eat his roses dang it he got healed again never thought i'd have to hug a dinosaur blue you are a traitor to your own kind you're a traitor you you fart like that you'll uh fossil fuel or something i don't know stop it stop giving out hell all right maybe i have some tasks up there oh they're about to get to the next dinosaur power stop peeling him with your love yeah yeah you stupid blue oh man i'm so hungry are you the dinosaurs are you the triceratops poo poopy farts and then i'm going to stand still while i do what my simon says where are you chris pratt your charming good looks and charismatic demeanor will not fool me see how cool i am guys i can fly anywhere i want i'm doing great oh my gosh tony the tiger is that you yeah i know right oh someone's about to become the dilophosaurus yeah yes i guess that's one way to pronounce it you know but you're from some weird country so whatever oh yes [Music] oh that's awesome oh look little copies aren't they look cute i wish i could eat them wait there's there's two cans in the tree maybe we can eat those and if i leave before haha can't get me i'm going to go get him with my spitting powers wait up it's not fair no don't shoot me through that that's unfair either oh oh and i have a gift for you [Music] this whole thing is science fiction there you go okay uh i just wanted to do minecraft can't get away from me i can charge oh wait no i need to find blue blue help me out nope we got that big dinosaur come on let's go get him he's going to try to lock us all up forever let's teach him a thing or two oh no he's got his harley get back here you healed a little bit but i'll get you with acid again ah man he's so cool riding that motorcycle all these dinosaurs they're just trying to make me stop my tasks he's so cool it looks like i'm about to strangle somebody i wish i could have an ounce of that coolness he's over here he's right here he's right here uh or am i oh you're right you're a sneaky devil you're a sneaky one he was right here but he went invisible oh there he is ah i got distracted by the flare protect me blue protect me blue we're both blue just cause you're blue doesn't make her hurt your baby no my oh can we almost got him got them all at the same time oh man dinosaurs hello friends it's me dub oh come here dang it's crazy how one turret took all this out like that no i'm not petting you you're ugly blue's the nice one quick i don't need to bite you i will strangle you with my strangle hands someone's about to become the stegosaurus chris pratt more like chris bratt to me you know yeah i know you don't have much commentary poopy farts very flappy that's a flappy bird guys listen to me someone's about to become the stegosaurus we've got over here this is stacy this is jennifer don't worry guys i'll charge i'll chase him down i got this your motorcycle can run but you can't hide this guy in the corner that's her but there he is [Music] we can't rebuild those we don't have arms guys he just ran right past you ah ten more seconds blue before i can hug you yeah i am amazingly destructive i am so destructive for an herbivore uh well you're genetically modified so i guess that makes sense that's not good comments are flying down oh that hurt ala hurt everyone run i'm gonna eat all of your plans because all extinction 2.0 xdj 2.0 oh we're so slow poopy parts all these meteors were going to go extinct it's okay baggie they're actually uh dumb spikes they're not meteors we're okay you shot me in the fight oh no yeah but it'll be nasty hit on chris pratt if he gets hit dizzy i'm so dizzy did you say we're gonna hit on chris pratt excuse me no no no i said it i said that the spikes would be a nasty hit you know just stop for a second and just leave me alone for two minutes i think he's coming down here guys thingy's going this way we we've we're going to follow you around like ducklings oh i i think i smell them is is hucky musky smell let me charge ahead i'll scout ahead of us oh yeah you'd well okay fine i'll take that but you know hey look look at my little feet i'm ready to rent i'm ready to go chris pratt more like chris flatt oh wow you should do stand-up comedy oh i know i'd kill at it yeah strut your stuff strut your stuff oh my gosh poopy farts stop stinking up the place there's babies here yeah i mean we're dinosaurs we live in the world of feces and you're still disrupting the order yeah yeah yeah i've been here before and i will cut your lawn by eating your grass um no that's not that's not the correct height i am definitely taller than three six men if only we had lips i would give you a big smooch right now but you know not weighing 92 pounds sounds sounds good so for i'm 92 pounds of muscle gotcha i'm just kidding i wouldn't strangle my good butt bidet even though he made fun of me and right through my face who knew that thor's would be the bane of dinosaurs [Music] you have more of a beak there you go i kiss your foot i kiss your legs someone's about to become the indominus rex how dare you have some raiding spikes spikes of terror they're about to get to the last dinosaur you look like you're telling us about the like the biggest fish you ever caught you look like you don't know what to do with your hands no okay good no one's in here and i can do my simon says hopefully hunter doesn't come and distract me like he did last time and even worse is there's a meteor shower at the same time i really kind of do look like beaters okay yes right here at this lake this huge fish like my arms don't do it justice it is as big as my flips you know the little frilly things oh my goodness he it was the uh he was the ever most uh powerful dinosaur that ever lived whoa whoa whoa that is heresy the t-rex is the most powerful and anyone who says otherwise is a big sassy bacca i miss that i have breeding spikes that it kind of looks like meteors and i'm a little triggered right now i do not look like a rooster i look like a dilophosaurus or blue with a fancy head anyone who thinks the indominus is cooler than that i gotta get to him and use my dynamite what what are you saying about the indominus he's a big loser from a dumb movie and i hate anyone who's gonna become the job series for and all the way over there we go legendary owen smarter than he looks ah i see his head i see his dumb head devin you've seen the movie he can turn invisible now where are you chris pratt i got more movies to make oh i think they got the final one oh that's really useful okay find chris pratt and let's kill him yeah why can't you do that why don't you involve that power come here no i uh i can't ah you know i have other talents that you know i can sing once i get out there i'm going to flare up i'm going to flare there you go oh no no i can barely see i got you my goal is complete i spit acid in your eyes it's hunter now i'm the ultimate hunter i can't get okay maybe i should okay i have a hard time in hallways and small spaces maybe i should just stay outside i still get cranked apparently all right there he goes he's gonna turn chris pratt into chris splatt oh good pun good pun chris black oh my gosh it's the big dinosaur blue help me yes it is me blue you can't see very well it's me your friend blue quit hugging that dinosaur yeah there he is get out of here oh i'm stunned around my face he's too fast on his motor machine once my motorcycle's gone then i could be invisible come back here it's your friendly neighborhood blue friend man we're so big that he can hide like in between us and i can't see them cause all y'all have huge butts ah this is the highway to the danger zone of half a drink no i'm in private dino jail i hear his motorcycle crash there i unlocked you yeah excuse me i'll use your head oh hey thanks for getting me out of there i appreciate that oh my gosh dinosaur gotcha help me oh i'm stunned get out of here ah oh wait no he just drove right through it there's an artist among us so is that that's a drawing of is that hunter we gotta go fast maybe he's in the bathroom so captain let me tell you about this huge fish i caught you see this arm length between my hands all right if i just stand right here where's my next task weapons okay no not with pooping stop it maybe he's in the bathroom is he in here is he sneaking holy lawyers are in bathrooms just that lawyer pooping all right keep going keep going where is he at hey where's the star of jurassic park 3 the spinosaurus oh from that one oh my god yeah no no no interrupter that one is the highest grossing movie of all of all jurassic parks oh no i have to shoot asteroids sleeping dart there you go i gotta do my rocket oh [Music] i'mma get you chris where'd i go i'm gonna get you owen let me finish my task just ride motorcycles through walls goodbye is that the last one we gotta get him he must be around here somewhere i'm here in the motorcycle [Music] i can't find them where'd he go almost done with my task blue almost done with my tasks when we get him down to one heart make sure that i get to eat him okay oh he nice spit good job i'll corner him we gotta find him and munch on them run and then bye he can't handle the beat he didn't get me go get him guys no he stopped me i just have one more task left please i'm gonna eat him [Music] we rule the earth
Channel: GameToons Gaming
Views: 3,097,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QZL48rdFX7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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