Jupyter is not recognized as an internal or external command solved | Jupyter notebook error solved

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so hey hello everyone for this video i'm  going to show you how to solve the error   jupyter is not recognized as an internal external  command so this error basically i guess when you   just go and go to your command prompt and you  enter jupyter notebook so jupyter notebook okay   so as you can see here i am not getting jupyter  notebook so am getting jupyter is not recognized   command so this is not the only way that you can  access jupyter notebook actually if you have installed jupyter notebook through anaconda  you can just go to go our you have installed   jupyter using using pip install jupyter notebook  you can just go and search jupyter notebook okay   so jupyter notebook will be available over here  okay suppose if you want to access it using the   command prompt only means just go to jupyter  notebook and hit file open file location it will   open the start menu programs and again right click  it and hit open file location okay and you will   get the file location okay so this file location  is actually we need to add this file location to   the environment path with our variable so this  look i will just read of this location it's   C users that your name of the system and anacanda3  so it's basically we are just accessing anaconda3   file okay so after going to anaconda three we need  to add two paths names one is going to be anaconda   three and scripts okay so this is the path name i  will copy it and we need to go to start and search   environment variables okay so after going  to environment variables you need to hit we need to select the environment variables  option over here and you need to come down   to this path and click on edit and  you will have i already you'll have   list of options that you've already added  i think so just click new and ctrl and v   to paste it so just click ok and we need to  add one more path okay so that's going to be   same folder it's going to be anaconda three we  need to go to library bin okay library and bin   copy that path also and go to the environment  okay same thing same path edit new and paste   this library bin so these two are folders that we  are going to so just click okay okay and okay for   everything and just now close the command prompt  so so again go to cmd and type jupyter notebook so now as you can see here we have entered  it but you can't see that error and jupyter   notebook will get opened in your browser so as  you can see i'm getting localhost jupyter notebook   it's open so now one thing i wanted to mention  to you suppose if you want to just open jupyter   you can just go to just click search  jupyter notebook and just click open   it also just opens the same thing as you can see  here so it's not really necessary that you know   you'd be opening only through command  prompt from jupyter notebook and so you   can also do this this way so i think  you have solved your error and that's   it for the video and mine is a programming  channel i've done many tutorials in blender   unity c c ++ java etcetera check out my other  videos of my channel and thanks for watching
Channel: United Top Tech
Views: 156,894
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Keywords: Jupyter is not recognized as an internal or external command, Jupyter notebook error, How to solve jupyter is not recognized as an internal or external command
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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