Junkyard Gems! Checking 60 years of classic cars stashed in a scrapyard

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[Music] so I am gonna go out today on an exploration I know a place not too far from my house and the guy's been collecting old cars since the 50s now I heard he's starting to sell stuff off and want to get rid of things so I'm gonna go see what he's got for vintage cars and scout it out maybe there's something out there that you're interested in - if so you can message me and I can get you the guy's information everything that's out there is for sale and he's looking to move stuff out so he says what he doesn't sell this year or this summer winter he's probably gonna do an auction next year so it's a good chance to get in and get some cool stuff before it hits an auction so we're gonna head out there this morning and check things out so let's go when did you open up the art here anyway no I mean like when did you first open up this as a scrap even here ever since 57 the shame that looks like you got rid of most of the old tins advertising signs and you had a red Indian though right no that's the right one to have okay so I just talked to reg and he's gonna let me have a look around here now all these cars are basically for sale he's selling the property so all this stuff has to go so I'm gonna show you some of the cool stuff that's around the yard and if you're interested anything I can get you the contact info so this is gonna be a bit of a journey there's stuff pretty much everywhere old Plymouth two-door this guy looks like you like to go fast at one time [Applause] now sure it's under that satellite this looks like an old driveway I want to say I should know my cars better than this by now but possibly Chrysler 300 two-door hardtop maybe somebody was watching him oh yeah I'd surprised oh I would say that's a 302 or two-door hardtop but it's just sitting here cars like this definitely need to be saved it's another one here and I can tell because he's got this tattoo pion it this is a convertible and he didn't want the interior to get all wrapped in old America report there's old school buses out of you the nice old Plymouth wagon still looks to be pretty solid - its kind of go down the road now there's a car that's it up-and-coming collectible the old Firebirds and Camaros are pretty hot actually this one looks like he's had it stored up on blocks so it's got a little bit of rust around the wheel arch but all in all it's not bad and this is a t-top car to be interior in this well it needs some TLC but it's not the worst I've seen sitting in scrap Ian this is a Chevy Del Rey now I bet there's something cool under here I'm just gonna peek this be kind of a cover here and see what's under here no it's another another Firebird so this would make like an ideal smoking abandoned car you get your Eagle painted on the hood there there's stuff just everywhere and a few years ago this place was completely packed like you wouldn't believe and he said he has sold a few things off so it's starting to move along old mercury is not in half bad shape actually it's not in too bad of shape at all really your cleaning but and this is the type that has the rear window the rolls down that back window and these scars goes up and down Ted do that a lot of new vehicles you get the exhaust rolling back in and it's a new yorker it's actually would have been a very expensive car when it was new and they have an unusual steering wheel it's if you can see it you see the steering wheel on there he'll open the door up if I can there we go so see the steering wheel it's shaped like a rectangle some of these little Chrysler's had that and it has a push button - so you can kind of see it right there there and there those that's your push button for your transmission right up on the dashboard there cool car and chrome is actually really good look at that does not a single rust hole on that bumper but sitting on that tree for a while it's got moss on it and there's stuff literally everywhere in the bushes and the trees like if you know what you're looking for I'm sure like some of these rims are half beef and two will go over on this side here you can see there's old barns and outbuildings and they're all packed full of stuff so I'm gonna go inside of this building right here there's an old motorcycle in here last time I'm gonna see if I can make an offer on it today okay so there's the old Oliver tractor and when you talk about barn finds I don't think it's more barn find either this right there maybe some of you guys know what this is I think it looks like it was used for racing at one time just the way they've got it set up with the clip front fender I believe it was a British bike see if I can get over here you can tell from that tank it's got a single saddle seat on it so the lighting in here is not the greatest it's like quite literally a barn but it's kind of neat it look to me it looks like a 50s Brit bike that's been used for maybe racing at some point so either way it's neat so and it wouldn't be that hard to get it out of there just kind of down the alley here now if the door so I made an offer on it last time but I guess I didn't make a good enough offer so maybe I'll try and make it better on this time close the barn back up gotta leave things just as you found them otherwise we'll never let you back on their property and let's look down through this gate let's see what's down here looks like an old wagon well it clearly it's an old leg and I don't know what type it is mercury hubcaps inside now this this here he told me last time I was out here this is a 1920s McLaughlin Buick it's disassembled and honestly there's not much left of it but really really rare car they were a really high-end vehicle canadian-made - so not something you see too often oh yeah oh it's a pony arc station wagon that'd be cool now I don't think he's got in the curses or ambulances around my jaw like other stuff other than purses and ambulances I don't think I've been down this path before better Datsun or Toyota dodge Colt hmm that's a funny little car I can't say I haven't seen too many little dodges like that I must be after the fuel crisis and they're trying to compete with the Japanese let's see what's behind this door if I can get to it I have to go under a tree here spider webs okay it's the front of the nest little card here too let's see if the door is open ooh I've never ever looked in this building before let's see if I was missing anything oh man there's so much stuff in here I can't even get through the door I see a lot of tires you know all it takes is one really good oil cand to make it worthwhile to climb all the way to the back and I can see there's old oil cans and stuff back there but I don't see anything that's worth risking my life or this man stuff over so I know where's my sense of adventure I should used to be in there piling through all this stuff but I'm gonna see if there's any good surface stuff here today my very first car didn't look much different than this I had a 49 DeSoto with the split window and it was a miserable car to drive it had something called a fluid drive transmission that kind of meant you shifted but kind of making you didn't this isn't DeSoto clearly this make good hot rods oh I can see like guys would switch out the drivetrain to newer ones for some of the old stuff well at least my experience and you guys will probably crack me but my experience was it wasn't a whole lot of fun to drive the big grass has gotten long sometimes your last small bicycles I am looking for some wooden wheels for an old 1810 the bike I picked up now anybody watching has some and wants to mail it out to me that'd be awesome okay okay so there's a that's a good cab actually I don't know if you can kind of see what that is and hopefully I'm not gonna step on any Hornets nests or anything in here it's pretty deep this is what they call a five-window Chev and it's looks like it's sitting on a frame body's probably got some rest obviously but what makes these unique and kind of desirable is just got this little these side windows these quarter rear windows on the back so you got one two three four five well I guess we came out the windshield oh they call the five window because the windows excluding the windshield you have to wonder what's inside the buildings he's put a bunch of cement in front of the door so you can't open this one to all ask and he did say he had old Harley's and stuff at one time I think he sold a lot of that stuff off though that okay so here's another two-door hardtop and it's a Chrysler Imperial from the look of things oh no I'm completely wrong it's a Studebaker it's a Studebaker okay yeah so that's an old Studebaker though exactly what model maybe commander two-door hardtop interior is intact and what's surprising so here's the thing about Canada the interior don't get really Sun baked or worn out like I mean obviously that's been sitting outside a long time yeah it's a Studebaker commander the interiors are always in pretty good shape up here but the bodies get rough because of the weather because the winters that's probably a pretty unusual car there's a little Ford or Plymouth right next to it and I can see an old Econoline van on the other side of the fence there he's got looks like you got a couple bougie vans maybe that's a bougie van Department on that side and underneath all that is an old probably late 60s Mustang I'm gonna say have feeling it's been sitting there a while but you can see at some point you took some care and attention to kind of try to block off the glass and the interior from getting completely damaged so who knows maybe the interior is not too bad on it moldy is there though is I believe or Kaiser's yeah they are they have an unusual sort of design on the rear window where it kind of comes down almost looks like aviation goggles he's got two of them sitting there and another wagon looks like Ford yeah surprisingly the glass is all there and it's not broken like if you had a wagon and half decent shape and you had like this window broken out just put this thing in be ideal plus it's got that awesome roof rack on I didn't notice that that would have been a pretty fun car good holiday car more old vans and trucks it's an old they're old I think this one's a Pontiac it's got the stars on the back the old National Park logo this hasn't been on a trip through the mountains around here in a while that's a two-door post that's prime hot rod material right there i don't know i keep saying hot rod I mean - or post is just a cool car but if Pontiacs got to be a little bit more unusual and you see a lot more Chevy's around there's a couple dodges an old dodge wagon actually you know what that the chrome on this car is half decent I hope you can see this is just that's just oxidization that would come back if you needed a bumper see how's the car car looks fairly solid I'm gonna get through the trees here and have a look-see I might ask about this guy oh yeah and there's there's a problem the wheels are so sunken in the ground that the back ends been sitting in the dirt and it looks like it's rusted pretty bad on the back custom suburban rots and early suburban that was the interior see mainly just dirty and there's a tree growing up through the floor that can get in the way when you're driving down the road to have a tree growing out through your feet an old bug and if you're wondering those people watching the beetle is not an oval window probably Kenai teen 60s bug and it's a little rough organized just to find some really good porcelain signs hanging on these scrap piles t-bird this was actually what I had in high school I had a I had a 64 t-bird in high school and I worked every single night after school getting that car ready and on grad night it broke down they're all like having fun driving down the road all my friends in the back and it broke down the brake booster stopped working so the brakes kept locking up that was really weird but ended up getting it running and driving mine was a little bit better shape clearly meteor looks like a Westphalia in 1980s Westy and Russ does look too bad on this one probably not for much longer but the body on that one's actually not too bad [Music] folks over in the air if you guys like your Volkswagens and v-dub bands and stuff come across those every once in a while here I mean there's one like a few feet over that way the little 50's Cadillac the iconic Cadillac bumper on the front end and I love the fins on these cars such a great look and everybody always thinks of any cat the Cadillacs like this being associated with Elvis it was a pretty showy car you had a Cadillac back in the date you were you were styling person another old Ford wagon sitting back there in the bush well I can see there's a few different things that move around this is an old part is a Pontiac limousine would have been any like an airport shuttle or something here maybe funeral because it's not that big of a I can see that what's a big car somebody started to restore this it looks like it's all in primer but it looks like somebody started working on this car and then well happens the best of us rare car though it is little GM truck probably about a 72 while I don't know 67 to 72 somewhere in there I'm not an expert on those maybe somebody watching those exact here this guy you can tell from the bumpers and things like that but this one's a GMC Gold international tow truck we've had the Boomer moved on it it's all these mystery cars out here too that are underneath the tarps because they're a little bit more either in better shape I don't want to pull back on the ropes but they're probably either in better shape or maybe a little bit more collectible here's a nova this one probably has an interesting past at some point something put hood pins on it I mean it could just be that their latch broke on the front they couldn't afford to fix it so they put hood pins on but maybe they use this thing for racing and I don't know did it say Nova SS at one time the Chevy logo or just know about the Chevy logo probably just nova bucket seats console car let's see what does it say s22 oh that's funny because it's not a nova it's a mercury that has a nova front end on it a mercury s22 oh it's a comet nova hood tama car I should have noticed that it's funny he even found a hood that was almost the exact same color as the car to put on they got threw me right off row after row after row of old cars the city has really built up around this property in recent years this used to be way out in the country but now it's pretty much right in the middle of town here's a funny custom job start off life has a big GM truck let's say they dropped in little newer chassis and then welded a second cab on the back of it not the fanciest looking chop job but no person might be able to finish the job these guys started and it looks like some some money was probably spent on this thing that looks like a brand new aluminum radiator in there but a lot of times you see projects like that to get started and they don't get finished you know olds countermine many of Matt's hot rod olds he's got out there it's an old 88 rocket 88 great song if you haven't heard it so I'm showing kind of the left but I'll show you this stuff really everywhere some of these aren't that old this stuff just everywhere maybe I'll walk down this way a little bit see what's down here trailers the old Cadillac sunroof looks like it's fully loaded I think somebody would have spent like as much as probably a house was back in the 80s on that thing and I looked at it just sitting there rotting bulldoze the Dodge here surprisingly and I know I've said this a couple of times but a lot of the bumpers in the chrome on these cars is really good considering the cars have rust bump isn't that earth not bad but here's an idea to give you a scope here's another walkway here kind of an interesting little truck members on the side maybe it was a fire department support vehicle or something like that whatever was inside has been pulled out little I had big lines in it he had a big engine in the back of it like a like a diesel engine cute little British cars and this looks like a Studebaker Golden Hawk really beautiful car came equipped with foliage through the engine that's a rare option see if I can get a these old Studebaker Hawks are really identifiable that's the body shape and the emblems are off of it too bad this one's so rough that would have been a killer car all fixed up Cameron Bure is this the same one that they had in Harry Potter one of these little cars looks familiar to me so I've been walking now for probably I'm gonna say about 20 minutes or so and the cars just keep going and going and going and there's lots of cool stuff here he had a lot of two-door hardtops and convertibles last time I was here a lot of that stuff looks like it's been thinned out but there's still lots of great cars I mean have a look old Buick and Pontiac lots of 4-door stuff and I don't mind the four doors myself in fact I have a project in mind I've been gathering parts for old police car projects so if I can find I don't think any of these are gonna be what I'm looking for but I'm trying to find a nice cool 50s maybe early sixties four-door car that I can convert into a police car there's so much to see around here and there's piles of stuff too you know pilot who knows what's inside of those piles that are around here so I'm gonna walk back down the other path and have a look around and see what else there is it looks like an old piece of construction equipment through the trees here see if I can get to it some of this is like breaking through the jungle I can feel like I need one of those big knives that cut through all this stuff that is a really early road grader I mean like really early so early it's made out of wood and steel it's Adams motor grader I think I've seen one of these in the museum before none it's somewhat natural habitat here that's pretty neat an old international truck looks not half bad another car that he's covered up that one looks like it was a Cadillac yeah kind of see the emblem poking out there the problem with parking cars and trees like this is that trees can fall over it looks like that's what happened to the Cadillac there's a tree towing through the back window even though he tarped it up it looks like it's still had some damage oh my goodness look at all these cars it's like a parking lot of old cars out here looks like a Torino thought it was a pretty hot carts yeah Fort Reno 500 kind of a little I think a little earlier than the Starsky and Hutch Torino but still kind of a cool car Jesus just stuff it everywhere well there's something off in the distance there looks like an old Volvo or Ford or something but I think it's a Volvo up there I'm gonna walk over and have a look novo rally yeah this is a Volvo probably like a 5 or 4 [Applause] I'm like right next to train tracks here from all the noises there's a train going by through the bush over there dodge Clara some of these have pretty uh pretty good motors on the like 383 es or things like that you could retrofit into a into another car 49 Ford two-door hardtop shoe box forward the column that's got missing one fender missing the hood another 49 or 50 Ford maybe that's a parts car for the two-door could be there's one quite a bit more complete grille front-end hood not overly rusty 4-door wonder if it's got the drivetrain in it I can open it up on this okay thinking about the hood on this old Ford is coming a little bit the hinges how things been lifting a long time I don't wanna wreck anything does it have the engine well has a radiator see if I can see from the other side oh yeah you can see in there if you kind of peek through the crack here but yeah it's all there this would make a great donor for my police car project I want to work on [Music] see how bad the rocker rust is especially not not that bad let's say somebody might have done a little bit of well-being work on this guy into your bad I think that might even be original upholstery on this Ford Custom this cars actually got potential and see the back ends like make sure it's not all caved in you know well it looks like it didn't drive here it's got in tow that was sprayed on the back at one time but it's all there this one's not that bad actually if the price is right but now it's time to make our way into his main shop and see what's inside four door to door to door hardtop it's black yeah what would you want for this guy does it run and everything that needs a windshield well the body looks pretty good I was on the road at least in 1980 it's got a 1980 sticker on there yeah well guys and then you got your old square t-bird back here someone's interested in it 40 years that's 40 years worth of dust on it then what's the one next to it here oh yeah you really push that front end in was he okay from the accident here boy yeah cuz you hit passenger side more yeah that's a little 6,000 miles you're a little those little ride on tractors actually do okay at auction - yeah but it's getting late in the morning and I've got to go open up the shop still so it's time for me to head out and get back to the store lots of fun visiting reg and all those cool cars like I said if you see anything you like what you know so I'm calling it a day out here at the scrapyard lots of cool stuff I am interested in a couple cars he has the 51 Ford four-door that's pretty solid he said around 1500 $2000 for that I'll have to think about what the restoration cost is gonna be it's gonna be worth while I'd like to find something running this 62 Ford the black two-door there it's actually in really good shape Holly hasn't moved in a decade or so and he's looking for you know five six thousand that's probably a little high but maybe not maybe you guys are watching it like that's a killer deal go back four but it's a six-cylinder it's a three-speed manual column shift and that's not super fun to drive around but it would kind of be a cool police car conversion too and that's kind of what I'm looking for so he said cash talks so we'll see maybe I'll be able to go there and make an offer but thanks for tuning in again guys another adventure and I hope you like these videos if you like them subscribe I'm always out doing cool stuff you can also follow us on Instagram curiosity Inc yeg on Facebook and here on the YouTube so stay tuned for more and we'll talk to you guys soon thanks again and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 945,436
Rating: 4.6800537 out of 5
Keywords: junkyard, scrap, exploration, antique, vintage car, pickers, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, treasure, adventure, tour, wrecker
Id: awsM9pKGDBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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